Monday, April 30, 2018

Nine Important Questions

The Arcturians Through Suzanne Lie

1) What does a “New Era of Power Within for humans mean?”

Humanity is beginning to remember what they have forgotten, which is that they are not just humans. Humanity, slowly, but surely, are beginning to remember that Earth is NOT the only inhabited planet in the Galaxy, nor are humans the most evolved being in the Galaxy.

2)  What does planetary ascension mean?

Planetary ascension means that the Gaia is preparing to release the 3D Matrix that has restricted Her to resonate ONLY from the first through the fourth dimensions. Gaia is NOW preparing to transition into the next octave of reality, which is the fifth dimension.

However, in order for planet Earth—Gaia—to resonate to the fifth dimension of reality she will need to release the persons, places and situations that are NOT aligned with Her the “fifth dimensional operating system,” which she is NOW uploading into Her planetary form. 

Gaia has been ready to upload this higher frequency of operation for much what of what humanity thinks of as “time.” However, because she serves as “Mother Earth” to the planet known as Earth to it’s inhabitants, she does not want to abandon any of Her children/living beings.

A “living being” encompasses every component of Her planetary body, including rocks, mountains, atmosphere and other components of Earth that humanity may no consider to be alive. To Gaia, EVERY part of Her is fully alive. In fact, all the components of Gaia, except for far too many human ones, are ready to ascend into the fifth dimension NOW.

Since Earth’s FIRST through THIRD dimensional Operating System is too limited to achieve planetary ascension, Gaia will need to expand her Operating System to include the FOURTH dimension and FIFTH dimensional operating system. 

Gaia has been waiting for humanity to expand their consciousness into the fourth through fifth dimensional operating system, but not even 51% of her human population is ready for that transition. 

ALL of Gaia’s Elements and Elementals are ready, but too many humans still live via the operating system of “power over others,” especially those that rule on Her planet, or are totally unaware of anything that is occurring beyond their third dimensional state of consciousness.

For this reason, Gaia has accepted the visitations of Venusians, Pleiadians, Antarians, and Arcturians, as well as some Martians and awakened beings throughout the Milky Way Galaxy, which has been Gaia’s primary residence. 

However, too many humans, who were meant to be highest frequency of beingsholding a form, are not able to perceive Earth as a living being who of a much higher state of evolution then themselves.

This problem is do to a portion of Gaia’s Operating System that has proven too difficult for the beings who chose to incarnate on that planet. Of course, there are many humans who are ready for the ascension to begin, but the percentage of “power within humans ready for ascension” is still below 51%, and the “power over others” percentage is too high.

In order to assist Gaia wit Her Planetary Ascension, humanity will need to release the external indoctrinations and brain washings that has been limiting their consciousness and perceptions of reality. 

It is the NOW that humanity must expand their consciousness into the higher fourth and fifth dimensions so that they can remember their true, Galactic SELF and that they chose to take a third dimensional earth vessel in order to assist Planet Gaia with Her Planetary Ascension. 

In other words, it is the NOW for humanity to remember that it is up to them to find their “answers within.” When humanity can remember how to look inside their own heart, mind and soul, they will be able to remember that they are higher dimensional beings who came to Earth to assist with planetary ascension.

3)  How does humanity remember how to find their answers within?

Before humanity can find their answers, they must remember how to look within their self and listen to their own heart and mind.

4)  How do we “heal our own mind?”

            We Listen to it!

5)  Where is Gaia most needing our assistance?

            Each of us ask need to ask Gaia that question, and then LISTEN to Her answer.

6)  How do we visit 5D Gaia?

            With OUR Heart!

7)  How do we return to, and/or maintain our 5D consciousness?
            By remembering and living our Service to Others and to Gaia!

8)  How do we accept Gaia’s Call?

            By listening to what she says to us!

9)  How does one listen to a planet?

            By hearing Gaia all around you and within us.

Do you see how the answers get shorter and more concise when we choose to ask these inner questions?

Therefore, we will now invite you to ask your questions to yourself, your friends, and/or family.  It does not matter whether or not someone answers the questions. What matters is that we, as OUR SELF, write down the answers. 

We CAN talk to our self, and hopefully to our Higher SELF, all day long and dream about it in your sleep. We are entering a huge transition into a higher frequency of consciousness. 

This “frequency of consciousness” is the result of our growing ability to use greater and greater percentages of our brain, as well as using “both hemispheres of our brain” 

We like to think that it is our reality, our home, our relationships, and/or our jobs that are changing. However, in reality, it is humanity that is changing. Humanity is changing more and more because the frequency rate of Gaia is rising.

Gaia is ready to resonate to the frequency of the fifth dimension.
Are you?

If you have a question, or a question with your answer, please feel free to put it in the comments section.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Fifth Message Earth from Zarton Through Sue Lie

              Fifth Message to Earth from Zarton
Through Suzanne Lie


Dear Humans who are currently visiting Gaia. We say “humans” as that is what you call yourselves. However, I Zarton, am inclined to call you “Inter Galactics” who are currently inhabiting a human, earth vessel so that you can better “fit in” with the humans on what you have entitled Earth.

I, Zarton, call your planet Gaia because I have been visiting Her since the times of early Greece. In early Greece, Gaia was the Mother Goddess who presided over Earth. She was the mate of Uranus and the mother of the Titans and the Cyclopes. Gaia was also known as the ancestral mother of all life, as well as the primal Mother Earth Goddess.

When I came to Gaia within that NOW, which is very long ago to time-bound humanity, life on Earth/Gaia was very different. Fortunately, I can, and often have, visited Gaia’s Earth during most of her “times of great transition.”

Because I am a fifth dimensional being, I am not bound by your human concepts of time and space. Therefore, I am can easily “log into” or “visit” you any "time" I wish. It is my honor, and my duty, to observe Gaia’s long transition from the third/fourth dimensions into the fifth dimension.

However, too many humans have taken the credit for being the most evolved beings on Earth. They are actually working against Gaia’s natural evolution, and Gaia has been having a very difficult time with her planetary ascension. Also, many of the "lost ones" have shown themselves to be very violent and destructive.

In fact, we Galactics often wonder how these lost human ones could be called “the most evolved species on the planet.” In reality, humanity has been directly responsible for most of the destruction of the many species on planet Earth. 

Plants and animals do not destroy large areas of Earth because people were “fighting to own that area.” First off, no matter what humans think, no one can own any part of a planetary being.

Furthermore, no one has been given permission to destroy any part of the planetary being known as Earth. We fifth dimensional beings are greatly disturbed by these events. 

However, Gaia has chosen to be a planet on which Her members could  learn about "The Law of Cause and Effect." It seems that most of the plant and animal kingdoms have learned and live by the Law of Cause and Effect in that they innately know how to live in harmony with their environment. 

However, humans, who think of themselves as the “most evolved” beings on Earth, seem to have forgotten the “Law of Cause and Effect.” In fact, when one area of their planet is destroyed, they just move on to another area of the planet, which they will also destroy. 

I have visited Gaia through many of Her cycles, but in none of them has there ever been so much destruction over such a short time. I am aware that many humans are guardians of Earth, but they are NOT the majority. 

In fact, many humans are constantly having to combat, or hide from, the “leaders of their planet” who are unable to consider anything except their own personal needs.

However, we, your fifth dimensional Higher Selves and Guardians, see that many humans are NOW seeking to solve this situation. It is for this reason that I have been sent to enter your consciousness to assist you to enter the consciousness of Gaia.

Yes, Gaia does have a consciousness, which is FAR more evolved than even the sum-total of all her humans. In fact, many humans are not even aware that Earth/Gaia is a living being with Her own needs and even desires. Yes, all living beings have desires. 

Humans were meant to be the most evolved members of the planet. Therefore, they would protect the planet, but instead, many humans became lost in the greed for more money and more power over others.

Fortunately, we, the members of your Galactic Family, can see that many of you are now connecting with your fifth dimensional Galactic Family. In fact, that is why more and more of our Starships are becoming available to your vision.

We are happy to report that there have been very few attacks on our Ships from your fear-based, “power over others” groups. These groups seem to be slowly, far too slowly, losing their control. The United States, which has some of the best educational options, is undergoing a huge initiation.

Selfish wealth and lack of concern for the people that are meant to be educated, cared for and protected, has entered the higher places in your government. However, this is the “dark night” that is necessary to bring in a light-filled “New Dawn.”

We, your Galactic Family, will be visiting you more often and in a much more visible manner. We are also talking with the many humans who are following the light to assist them to move into the possible era of “Interdimensional Light.”

This era of Interdimensional Light will allow more and more of our Galactic Family to take a human earth vessel and join the battle, or hopefully the campaign, to recognize that humans are actually Galactics who have chosen to take a human form during this important time for Gaia.

We say, “important time for Gaia” because it is the NOW for humanity to release their old indoctrinations that humans are the most evolved beings on the Earth. Yes, there are many very evolved humans, many of whom who have been murdered by the dark ones, but the percentage of light and dark needs to tip much more deeply into the light if Gaia is to be healed.

However, we, your Galactic Family, will NOT allow the many dark ones wearing a human body to destroy the beloved planet Gaia. It appears that more and more humans are beginning to realize that Gaia is a living being, but the forces of darkness that secretly rule far too many people MUST be taken from the planet.

We, your Galactic Family, are ready to assist you. However, Gaia is a “free will planet,” which means that the humans, who are currently the most evolved beings, must ask us for our assistance. 

Too many humans are still focused on Service to SELF rather than Service to OTHERS, and too many humans treasure money and power OVER others, rather than power WITHIN and Unconditional Love.

It is for this reason, that I, Zarton, as well as many other Galactic Beings, are coming into your consciousness to assist you to remember your true, Galactic SELF, as well as to remember that YOU chose to take a third dimensional earth vessel to assist dear planet Gaia during Her time of need.

We, the members of our Galactic Family, wish you to remember your true Multidimensional SELF, as well as the reason why you took this incarnation on Gaia

We are aware that many of our brave volunteers to Earth have been trapped in the same brainwashing as the humans they have come to assist. However, we also wish to say that MORE and MORE humans are beginning to “wake up to the dawn of a higher dimensional world.”

As usual, the darkest night is just before dawn. Therefore, things may seem worse than ever. However, once you move through your personal “darkest night,” you will personally awaken to the Dawn of Gaia’s return to Her true, fifth dimensional SELF.

As Gaia’s Elementals of earth, air, fire, water and ether continue their ongoing transmutation from the third/fourth dimension Operating System into the Fifth Dimensional Operating System, they will  begin their transmutation into the Fifth Dimension version of reality.

Then, the limitations of third dimensional fear, power over, time and space, will begin to transmute into Fifth Dimensional Unconditional Love, Power Within and the NOW of the ONE.

Those of you who are wearing an earth vessel that may be too old, injured or sick, to experience that day, will have the great honor of being among the members of the Galactics who are over-lighting and/or landing on Earth. 

We, your Galactic Family wish to commend you for your great bravery and tenacity to “remember your True SELF” despite all that you hear or see within your still troubled world.

I, Zarton, hope to be among the first landing teams. However, I, too, must be patient. 

It is up the humanity at large to Release the old belief that Starships are an illusion or a delusion!
To Release the belief that money and "power over others" are more important than "love and power within!"

To Release the belief that you must follow a leader who is not equipped to be a leader and still operates under the rules of:
            “Me first” 
            “Power Over” 
            “Power Within is foolish"
            “Love is a feeling that one only has for money and possessions.”

We see our “brave Galactic Volunteers to take an earth vessel on wounded Gaia” are constantly working FOR Gaia, and living under the banner of:


Therefore, it is humanity's right and duty to protect their planet
from rulers who have NO respect for, or dedication to, Beloved Planet Earth.

You are NOW, and have ALWAYS BEEN
able to connect with your own Galactic Family.

Give us a call! We WILL Answer!
Blessings from your Galactic Family

You may think, 'What can I do? What do I need to learn?" 
To answer those questions is that you are NOW,
and have ALWAYS BEEN able to connect with your own Galactic Family.

Give us a call! We WILL Answer!
Blessings to your all from your Galactic Family


Co-Create Our Empowered Reality

We continue our emphasis on building power within to
co-create an expanded reality as we prepare to actively
step into 5D awareness. Empower yourself to consciously and actively create the reality you wish to bring about.

Obtain direct guidance from the Arcturians and
align with others to connect with and ground
higher awareness in the world.

Change begins within!


LIVE Webinar with Dr. Suzanne Lie & the Arcturians

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

11:00 AM – 12:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time

Event Fee: $44.00


Unable to attend live? No problem! Go ahead and register,
and we will be pleased to share the recording with you.

Monday, April 23, 2018

The Matrix--Chapter 13--What do you mean by "My Earth Life?" Through Sue Lie




What do you mean by “My Earth life?”

I now realized that my desperate need to have Shalone in my life was why she had to leave me. I was using my need to be with Shalone as an excuse for remaining a dependent child. Now it was my time to grow up, whether I thought I was ready or not.

It is difficult for me to understand, much less describe, how I was feeling. But now I realize that I was frightened. How did I end up in this strange world? Would I ever see my family and friends again? And the most disconcerting question was, “Was I awake or asleep?”

Instantly, I heard Shalone inside my heart/mind saying, “Enjoy your adventure. You will look back at this NOW with love and happiness for the rest of your life. However, dear, I am being sent off on an assignment, and I will not be in your Earth life at all for many of your years.”

“What do you mean by, ‘my Earth life’ and why can’t I be with you for many years?”

I waited for an answer from Shalone. In fact, I waited and waited and waited. I am not sure how long I waited. But I do remember that one day I woke up, and I forgot to think about her at all for an entire day. That was a record. 

I then knew that I couldlive without her. I also realized that if I loved her as much as I thought, why would I want to be sad about loosing her, when she was going to be happy in a wonderful place. I am not sure howI knew she had gone to a wonderful place, but I just knew.

That was the day that I decided it was time for me to make another journey into the woods, but this time it would be to search for the Matrix. I don’t know why I suddenly felt a need to “find the Matrix.” In fact, I was not even sure what a Matrix was. But, I knew that it was my mission to find it, and that when I found the Matrix, I would find something out about my SELF.

I had never totally felt like I fit in, and I always felt on the outside, and looking into a world that was not quite mine. My Grandmother raised me, but my Mother had always been a mystery to me. When I grew older, especially just before this adventure, I found my self asking people about my Mother. 

At first I didn’t notice it, but over time I realized that everyone told me almost the exact story. It was as if the whole Village had made some kind of pact that they would not really tell me about my Mother. 

I would ask people about her and they all said the same thing, like it was a script. Finally, I gave up. I would just have to be patient. Eventually, I would find out for myself.

Of course, everyone’s odd behavior when I asked about my Mother made me even more curious. Also, when my “Grandmother passed over to the other side, I was very lonely. Would I need to find a way to be friends with other human children?

Wait, wait! Why did I say “human children?” Does that mean that on some level I know that I am NOT a human child?

“You are NOT a child at all any more!” my Higher SELF said into my consciousness. In fact, my Higher SELF had been talking to me more and more after I returned from my adventure while I was in the woods.

There, I finally said it! Some unseen Higher Being had been talking to me. I was so concerned that others would find out, that I tried to even hide that fact from myself. Does that mean that I have finally accepted that that was why I seemed to be so different from everyone I know? 

In fact, I have been having this very strange feeling about “time” and “sequences.” I guess because “time” seems to be something different to me than it does to others. But then again, I feel different from everyone in the Village. 

Maybe I was “running away” when I first went into the woods. However, now that I have been in the woods so many times, and had so many conversation with Nature Beings, the woods feel more like my real home. In fact, when I left my village to run into the woods, I was NOT running away from home, but running to my realhome.

Now, nothing is the same. The woods are my only family. My real family is the trees, ponds, flowers, birds, deer and all the Nature Beings. Why do I feel more like a Nature Being than a Human Being?

With that thought, I suddenly felt very tired, so I decided to go to my spot between the tree and the big, warm rock. To my surprise I saw many bits of food. Somehow I just knew that the birds had gotten the food from the village and had left it here for me.

Just as I was thinking I was crazy I saw two Blue Jays bringing me a sandwich, that had obviously been taken from a human who had not been watching.

“Thank you dear Jay!” I cried up into the nearby tree where it was perching. I ate the sandwich quickly, as I was as tired as I was hungry. As soon as I finished the sandwich, I pulled the leaved over me and snuggled against the warm rock. It felt as if the great tree beside me was glad to see me back. But, I am sure if that is just my imagination.

I woke up the next morning, stretched out my body and thought, “I will need to finish this adventure before the cold comes, but for now, the tree offers a wonderful bed. Then I was sure I hears someone say “Thank You.” I looked all around, but found NO humans were around. But who said Thank You? 

Of course, it was the friendly tree. I stood up again to give the tree a big hug to thank it for my shelter. I was just wondering where a, hopefully, warmer stream was when a lovely Fawn walked right up to me and licked my face. It then turned and walked slowly deeper into the woods. 

Of course I followed. It was while the Fawn and I were walking through the woods that I realized that I was NOT alone. All the nature beings were taking care of me, and everything I needed seemed to appear at the exact moment that I thought of it. 

It was then that I hear Shalone’s voice saying again, “Enjoy your adventure.”

“Yes, dear Shalone,” I spoke up to the Sun. “I will. In fact, I amenjoying my adventure very much!”

Friday, April 20, 2018

Being Master of Your Mind & Guardian of your Heart--Arcturians through Sue Lie

Being the Master of your Mind and the Guardian of your Heart
The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

In order to be the MASTER of your Mind
you must also be the GUARDIAN of your Heart

In other words, once your consciousness expands enough to sense the Fifth Dimensional energy fields, you will begin to leave the “time and space” of the third and fourth dimensions. Fortunately, the more you are the master of your mind, the more you are the guardian of your heart. 

Your HEART may wish to stay on Earth and assist dear Gaia, and your MIND remembers the promise you made before you took this incarnation to assist Gaia with Her planetary ascension.

We Arcturians realize that you may need some definitions in order to understand this message. However, the meanings of: “Master, Mind, Guardian, and Heart” change with each incarnation, reality, and dimension. 

You see, dear grounded ones, YOU are greatly changing, as is your entire planet.

Please remember that just as “the darkest night is just before dawn,” there is a “dark night” between each frequency of  your consciousness. This “darkest night” is your personal initiation that your Higher SELF prepared for your physical and astral self so that you would continue to grow and change as you moved along your earthly incarnation. 

Within your “Dark Night of the Soul,” you will be called on to confront ALL of the many incarnations you have taken on Earth. You do not need to remember them all because you can unconditionally love and unconditionally forgive ALL the incarnations that you have ever taken on ascending Gaia - without remembering each individual life. 

We say “ascending Gaia” because YOU came to Gaia to assist Her with Her Planetary Ascension. In order for you to assist Gaia with Her transmutation into Fifth Dimensional Earth, you will need to confront and live the great challenge of your personal transition from your Third Dimensional, physical self and your Fourth Dimensional, astral self into your Fifth Dimensional, Lightbody SELF. 

This process begins, and continues, as you remember how to “BE the Master of your Mind,”so that you can “BE the Guardian of your Heart.” Conversely, in order to BE the Guardian of your Heart, you must also be the Master of your Mind. 

This situation is an ongoing circle from your physical self to your Higher Self, then back to another incarnation of your physical self,  and then back to your Higher Self. In some incarnations, your “Higher SELF” is your Fourth Dimensional Astral Self. 

In fact, you will likely move back and forth from your physical self to your astral self. As you take an earth vessel, the earth vessel “dies,” you move into the Fourth Dimension to “debrief that life,” and then take another earth vessel on the Third Dimension. 

However, in some of your incarnations, you begin to remember that there is more than the Fourth Dimensional Astral Plane. It is in these incarnations that your challenge is to remember that there is a world beyond your physical reality. This “world beyond the Third Dimensional physical world is the Fourth Dimensional Astral Plane.” 

Eventually, as your consciousness expands closer and closer to the “Threshold of the Fifth Dimensional frequency of reality,” you will know that you are becoming the Master of your Mind and the Guardian of your Heart.

Fortunately for Gaia, humanity is becoming more and more able to communicate with higher and higher frequencies of reality. However, to continue with this journey into ascension, you will need to focus your mind so that you can better LISTEN to the language of YOUR hearts.”

It is in that NOW that you will begin to expand your consciousness beyond the Third/Fourth Dimensional limitations of “time and space,” “cause and effect,” and “sequences of changes.” 

However, if you make this choice to expand your consciousness, and it is a choice, you will be called on to learn/remember that in order to accelerate the frequency of your consciousness into your Fifth Dimensional expression of SELF, your Third and Fourth dimensional consciousness must be trained to function within the HERE and the NOW. 

Eventually, if you deeply focus your Mind and listen to your Heart, you will learn/remember “The Language of your Heart.” The language of your heart is based on your emotions, primarily the emotion of love. 

However, there are many versions of love, which are based on the frequency of your consciousness, as well as the true intention of the love that you are holding within your aura and/or sharing with others.

At a Third Dimensional Physical level- LOVE is an emotion. 
At a Fourth Dimensional Astral level- LOVE is a feeling that engulfs your entire being.
At a Fifth Dimensional Lightbody levelLOVE is All That IS! 
To begin your journey up the spectrum of love, you will need to remember:

How you summon your Higher SELF

How you communicate with your Higher SELF 

How you can communicate with your Higher SELF, so that you can remember the    “service to others” that you chose to give before you took this embodiment

How you can center yourself so that you can channel your Higher SELF 

How you communicate with your Higher SELF to remember the “service to others” that you chose to give before you took this embodiment

How you channel your Higher SELF to assist others

How your Higher SELF reminds you to send your Unconditional Love into the Heart of Gaia, as well as into Gaia’s Earth, Air, Fire, Water and ALL the beings that live on or in Her Planetary Body.

As you give these services to Gaia and Her humanity, you will “remember/learn” more and more about your Multidimensional SELF. Within this process of remembering your Multidimensional SELF, you will also remember more and more about the reason why you took this specific incarnation. 

This information is best received from your own Higher SELF. Please remember that when you communicate with, and/or listen to, your Higher SELF, there is a certain feeling that reminds you of the familiar relationship that you have always felt for, and received from, your Higher SELF. 

In your Earth incarnations, as you have had many incarnations that were NOT on Gaia, there is a familiarity that goes back to the moment when your energy field entered your infant body. Then, as you “grew up” and moved through your life, this familiarity returned whenever the portal between your physical self and your multidimensional self opened

Whenever this invisible portal opened, your Higher Dimensional SELF could more easily communicate with your physical self. When these communications occur, you may not see or hear your Higher SELF, but you will be able to ‘feel’ your Higher SELF. 

Then, as you move through life, any time you begin to “leave your physical body” due to illness, injury, accident, a near death experience, or a deep meditation, there is a NOW in which you may remember something, anything, about the moment in which you entered your body at the moment of your first breath.

It is your first breath that connects your Higher SELF with your physical body. Then, as your Third Dimensional physical consciousness, and your Fourth Dimensional astral consciousness, fully accepts and integrates your expanded Fourth Dimensional consciousness, you will, suddenly or slowly, begin to remember your Fifth Dimensional consciousness.

It is these higher frequencies of consciousness that give you the desire, the need, the urgency, to remember more about the different expressions of your Multidimensional SELF that you have experienced during your many incarnations on Earth. 

Your first breath marks your desire to wear, yet another, earth vessel. Of course, once you are wearing that Third Dimensional form, you often forget who you really are and where you came from.

As a child, your “imagination,” which is actually your “memory,” is forefront in your mind and alive within your emotions. Unfortunately, as you “mature,” many of you release “your childish imagination” and accept the “fact” that YOU are just your physical body. 

It is then that you BECOME your body, and far too often, you forget your higher dimensional SELF who entered that 3D form in order to assist Gaia with Her planetary ascension. 

Before you decided to have that “first breath” within your physical body, you were still in the process of remembering the other human first breaths you had taken. All these incarnations flashed past your awareness during that moment of decision to take another 3D embodiment.

You also remembered that, most likely, you will forget your Multidimensional SELF, your Galactic SELF, as well as all the memories of the other third, fourth, and fifth  dimensional lives of your Multidimensional SELF. 

It is the ensuing forgetfulness of your true Multidimensional SELF that makes some of you pause before you take that first, third dimensional, breath. 

Some of you have asked to be over-lighted by your Higher SELF for as long as, and as often as, it was possible in that particular incarnation. What we mean by this statement is that you ALL are ALWAYS over-lighted by your Higher SELF, but far too many of you will forget!

Some of you have requested that your Higher SELF assist you to remember that you ARE your Higher SELF. These are the ones who are more likely to remember that you are in Constant Connection with your Higher SELF throughout your entire physical incarnation. 

This seems like a wise request while wearing your Fifth Dimensional Lightbody in the higher dimensions. However, most of you who made that request have forgotten what a “high price” you might have to pay to be so very different from all, or most of  the humans around you.” 

In Gaia’s earlier times, as well as within this NOW in some societies, those who remembered their Higher Self and KNEW that they WERE their Higher Selves were imprisoned, tortured and killed for daring to think they were “better than” the third dimensional humans of that era.

Therefore, some of you chose to forget your Higher Self so that you could focus on whatever Earth karma, or Earth life that you would have in order to assist the evolution of humanity. This evolution was very slow and riddled with many wars and “power over other beings” who came to Earth to “take over.” 

Fortunately, more and more humans are choosing to take a body in order to assist Gaia with Her process of Planetary Ascension. These are the humans who are NOW awakening enough that they can perceive and accept the higher dimensional realities, as well as higher dimensional expressions of their own Multidimensional SELF. 

It is in that manner that they can fulfill the mission that they took for this incarnation. Once they realize that they have made a deep connection with their Higher SELF and the Higher Dimensions, they are able to receive important information from their Higher SELF. 

With the dedication to assist others, as well as to assist Gaia, more and more of humanity are clearing their old karma at a young age. In this manner, they can remember and engage in their chosen Mission while they are still quite young. 

In fact, whether they realize it or not, more and more humans of all ages are suddenly, or slowly, beginning and/or continuing their ongoing communication with their Higher SELF. 

Of course, ALL of you ARE your Higher SELF, and this Fifth Dimensional frequency of your earth vessel rests inside the base of your spine awaiting the Awakening and Rising of your Kundalini.  

When the Kundalini awakens, it courses up your spine to activate ALL your chakras. Then, your Heart, your High Heart, and your Mind can gradually, or quickly, activate the 98% of your higher states of consciousness that have been awaiting your full awakening to your true Multidimensional SELF. 

It is then that YOU ARE your Higher SELF.

It is then that you become the Master of your Mind, and the Guardian of your Heart!

We are the Arcturians and ALL your Galactic Family.
If you wish to communicate with us, just “call us.” We WILL answer!

Empower Yourself to Step onto the 5D Path
Gather with awakened ones to co-create an expanded reality of power within as we prepare ourselves to actively step into 5D awareness. Gain additional wisdom as we discuss the current escalated energy fields and align with others to connect with and ground our higher awareness.

LIVE Webinar with Dr. Suzanne Lie and the Arcturians

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

11:00 AM – 12:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Event Fee: $44.00

 Unable to attend live? No problem!
Go ahead and register, and we will be pleased to share the recording with you. 
See you soon!

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Is It Real or a Dream--Chapter 12 of Through The Matrix



Is it Real or Just a Dream

Suddenly I woke up with the thought in my mind of, “Is there a difference? Is there a difference between what, I asked myself. Or, maybe I was asking the tree that I dreamed of, or met, in my dream state. 

“Maybe you are asleep now, and you were awake when you had what you call a “dream?” spoke a voice that was far away, but also deep inside me. 

In the past, I would have called out to Shalone for assistance, but, she was no longer in my life. Was I having dreams to replace her? Or, maybe these “dreams” are real, and what I thought of as my life is a dream? 

“In a way, you are correct.” I heard a deep inner voice. 

“Who is speaking to me?” I asked. 

“It is I. I am you. In fact, I am your Higher SELF.” 

“Are you telling me that I, Shara Lynn, actually have a Higher SELF?” I asked.

“Of course, everyone has a Higher SELF,” said my Higher SELF. It is just a matter of whether or not that person is aware of that fact.”

“Dear Higher SELF,” I stammered, as now I was shy, “Was Shalone my Higher Self too?” I asked, trying to understand what this voice was telling me. I had decided that my experiences were from some inner being, but now I could clearly hear a voice that was also “outside of me.” 

I didn’t know what this inner, or outer, voice was going to say until it said, “I am high above you, but I am also deep inside your heart/mind.” 

I wondered what a heart/mind was, and why this voice came into my mind, and yes, the voice came into my heart as well.

“Very goodShara Lynn,” spoke my higher/inner voice. “You realize that this message, like all higher dimensional messages, are “heard” by your heart andyour mind. Actually, your mind receives our message, but the message must be shared with your heart before you can understand it.

“You see dear,” continued the inner voice, “it is my duty as your Higher SELF to remind you that you are a multidimensional being. Yes, yes, we see that we will need to tell you a bit about what “multidimensional” means. Are you ready to listen?”

I was a bit challenged by that question, as I did not know whether or not I was ready to talk to, or listen to, my Higher SELF. Why was it easy for me to talk to a tree, but so challenging to talk with my own Higher SELF?

“Are you talking to me?” I heard yet another voice inside of me. 

“Who are you? How can I possibly keep track of all these versions of my self?” I asked in a very frustrated manner. Then, I started to feel badly for talking, or thinking, that way to a Higher Being.

“Please don’t feel like you should monitor your thinking with me,” said the Higher Being. “Remember, I am yet another version of YOU, but I resonate to a higher frequency than the earth vessel that you are currently wearing.”

OK, Now I was really confused! “Earth vessel that I am currently wearing??” what does that mean?” 

I braced myself for another “inner answer,” but this time, there was no response. I waited for a bit until I could stand it no longer. 

“OK, Inner Voice, Higher Being, or whoever you are, you have my full attention. Are you the one who told me to come out into the woods so I could have these conversations with the “Nature Beings?” 

When I heard a hardy chuckle, I asked, “Do Higher Beings laugh?”

“Why of course,” answered the Higher Being, “Laughter is an important part of being a Higher Being. It took a great deal of studies, meditations, initiations and personal decisions to expand my consciousness down into your lower frequency of reality.”

“Lower frequency of reality?” I asked. “Is there more than one frequency of reality? And, are we in a lower frequency?”

“Yes, my child,” spoke the Higher Being. “there is definitely more than one frequency of reality. In fact, when you stepped through the portal, you entered into this “higher frequency of reality.”

“Dear Higher Being,” I said. “when did I step through a portal? I don’t remember doing that. In fact, there is a great deal that I don’t remember. I know I was talking with a tree, which for some reason, was much easier than talking to you, a Higher Being.

“I am not just aHigher Being. I am yourHigher Being, and you seem to be talking to me in a very natural and honest manner,” responded my Higher Being.

“But, I am just a young girl. How could I deserve to talk with my Higher Being?” I said. I hope I was respectful.

“Yes, dear Ascending One. You are very respectful,” spoke my Higher Being in response to my unspoken question. Also, the Higher Being seemed to change somehow and began to speak to me in a very sweet and kind voice, which instantly comforted me.

Now, I felt more relaxed, but could I dare to ask my Higher Being what an “Ascending One” meant?

“Yes dear, we are happy to answer all your questions.”

“But I did now ask it. Can you read my mind?”

“Of course Dear, we are YOU in a higher dimension of reality. Therefore, we can read your mind, as we are ONE with YOU. Soon, you will remember how to allow yourself to commune and communicate with us via your Higher Mind. 

“We came to tell you that we would like to communicate with you on a regular basis. In fact, we have already begun our ongoing communications, as we are currently sharing a conversation,” spoke my Higher Being.

But what is a “Higher Being?” I pondered in my mind.

“Try pondering that important question in your heart,” spoke my Higher Being.

Thinking with my heart? I was wondering how that could be possible when my Higher Being said, “Dear Shara Lynn, you just thought with you heart. Do you realize how you did that?”

I shook my head “NO.” I was so confused about how to talk with my Higher Being. NO, that is not what was confusing me. Then, I realized that I could not accept that if I could have a “Higher Being.” I mean, I am just a teen, barely just a teenager, and far from being an adult.

“Dear Shara Lynn,” spoke the voice. Did it speak more lovingly, or was I becoming able to accept the flow of love coming from this being’s every word. With that thought I felt a tear run down my cheek. Then, there were several tears, and before I knew it, I was sobbing into my hands, as if I was ashamed to cry.

“Oh, dear Shara Lynn, it is quite common for someone to cry for happiness.”

“Do you think that I am happy?” I asked, wiping my tears.

“Of course, dear child, soon to be an adult. Despite all that you have missed, including your beloved Shalone, you are quite happy.”

“Oh Shalone, Shalone, are you there within the Being that I am speaking with?”

“No darling,” I heard Shalone’s loving voice. “I am here within YOU?”

“Ignoring the tears running down my face, I said, “Please, please Shalone, if you are here show yourself to me. I miss you so much.”

“My dear Shara Lynn, this is not a situation over which you, or I, have any control. I no longer wear a body, and soon your form will change as well.”

“Oh Shalone, you are not wearing a body! Are you dead?” I asked holding back my sobs.

“Dear Shara Lynn, I no longer need to wear a physical body because I have ascended back to my Lightbody. NO,” Shalone said as she held up her hand to stop me from rushing towards her. “Dear Shara Lynn, I am no longer wearing a physical body. Therefore, you will not be able to feel me, much less hug me.”

“Oh Shalone,” I said trying to hold back my tears. “You are dead? But if you are dead, how can I see you?”

I started to walk towards her to see if she was indeed Shalone, but she put up her hand and said, “This is the only time that you will be able to see me. Even now, it takes great concentration for me to hold a physical energy field while my true essence is in the higher dimensions.”

I so wanted to touch the Shalone. I needed to get a warm hug from her, but as she spoke to me, I saw that I could see through her. It was not my beloved physical friend with whom I was speaking, but hopefully some higher version of her that no longer needed to wear a body.

“You are very wise, dear Shara Lynn, I am indeed wearing a higher version of what was once my third dimensional physical body. What you are seeing now is my fourth dimensional Astral Body, which I will soon transmute into my fifth dimensional Light Body.

“Dear Shara Lynn, I can see from the look on your face that you do not understand what I just told you. However, you will be happy to know that I have been given the loving assignment of teaching you about the different dimensions of reality.”

I was slightly aware that I was standing before my oh, so beloved, Shalone with my eyes as big as saucers and my mouth wide open. I had no idea what Shalone was talking about, or how I could be talking with her when she had a “fourth dimensional Astral Body,” whatever that meant. 

It was then that Shalone engulfed me within her essence. I did not know what dimension we were in, but I could feel the deep love from her that I had been missing since her disappearance. 

“I did not disappear, as I was always there,” I heard Shalone saying, but I still couldn’t see her.

“You can’t see the wind?” said Shalone, “But you can feel it. That is how you will perceive me. AND, that is how you will find the Matrix. You will FEEL me, and you will feel the Matrix. 

Also, before I leave for now,” she said putting up her hand to stop me from protesting. “Just as you can’t see the wind, but you can see how it influences your physical world, you will ‘feel the Matrix,’ which will remind you that it is the NOW for another of our communications.”

I wanted to walk towards her in hopes that I could feel her, or perhaps go with her. But, she was gone. 

“I will return!” I heard her voice and felt her love inside my heart. “Shara Lynn, remember that you are meant to find the Matrix.”

“How can find this Matrix, when I don’t even know what it is?” I cried.

 “Listen with your heart and mind, and you will be guided to the Matrix.”

Then, she was gone. First I wanted to default to self-pity and cry, while I tried to find her. But, that would be a childish way to respond to the gift of her presence and the great mystery that she had left for me to solve. 

I knew within that moment of decision that I truly was no longer a child. However, I was not yet an adult, so who was I?

“You are becoming your SELF and preparing for your destiny!” answered a voice from deep within and high above.