Sunday, June 30, 2019

A Message from Earth-Keepers Posted by Suzanne Lie


Dear Readers, Sue Lie here, 
You know that I seldom post other people's articles, but I just HAD to share the below with you from:

July  2019 Issue

There have been some very interesting messages on the Net about UFO sightings!

Do you think humanity is mature enough to accept 
that there are beings of a much higher frequency than ours?

Senators receive a classified briefing on UFO sightings

A group of US senators, including the vice chair of the Senate Intelligence committee, received a classified briefing Wednesday about a series of reported encounters by the US Navy with unidentified aircraft, according to a congressional aide.

Read in CNN Politics:
Shared from Apple News

Total Solar Eclipse July 2019 Times and Dates
  • Pacific Time USA ~ Los Angeles - July 2 at 12:16 pm
  • Mountain Time ~ Denver - July 2 @ 1:16 pm
  • Central Time ~ Little Rock - July 2 @ 2:16 pm
  • Eastern Time! Virginia Beach - July 2 at 3:16 pm
  • London - July 2 at 8:16 pm
  • Delhi - July 3 at 1:46 am
The New Moon on Tuesday, July 2, 2019, at 10° Cancer is a total solar eclipse. The Total Solar Eclipse July 2019 astrology is refreshingly optimistic. Positive influences from Uranus and a star in Gemini Constellation make this an excellent eclipse for enjoying good times with friends and especially your family.

The July 2019 Solar Eclipse brings good health, honor, and riches. It brings people together and is a good omen for ending the conflict through peace negotiations. Total Solar eclipse July 2019 can make your dreams come true through patience, open-mindedness, and hard work.

Solar Eclipse Meaning
A solar eclipse is just like a regular new moon where the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun. However, a solar eclipse is more powerful because the Moon darkens the Sun. Solar Eclipse July 2019 is a total solar eclipse so none of the Sun will be visible. The new moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new cycle. A new moon influence lasts for four weeks but a solar eclipse lasts about six months.

The strongest and most important aspect of astrology is Sun conjunct Moon. It means all possibilities are on the table and you can rightly put yourself at the forefront of new plans for the future. It is time to question your old habits and behaviors as you search for new and inventive ways to make progress.

This is the ideal time to make a fresh start, so write your new goals on paper. The Solar Eclipse July 2019 astrology will compliment themes found in the July 16 Lunar Eclipse. Together, they make up an eclipse phase which lasts until the solar eclipse on December 26, 2019.

Solar Eclipse Aspects

Solar Eclipse sextile Uranus brings pleasant surprises and stimulating encounters. This is a good solar eclipse to try something new and exciting and you should have enough freedom to do so. Increased self-awareness can come through flashes of insight or through feedback from personal interactions. Creativity is stimulated and you should feel comfortable expressing the more flamboyant, or kinky side of your personality.

Socializing, group activities and chance encounters should be more frequent and enlightening. You are more likely to meet unorthodox types or people from different cultural or ethnic backgrounds than your own. It may be difficult to stick to routine because of a tendency to be easily distracted. However, it is this tendency to skip from one thing to another that leads to the extra insight and discoveries.

Saturn sextile Neptune is the strongest aspect in the solar eclipse chart beside the Sun conjunct Moon. It is also the major planetary aspect of 2019 and brings material gain from spiritual pursuits. This aspect helps you make your dreams come true with hard work and a sensible, realistic approach. You will understand your own limitations but will be optimistic at the same time. You will be patience and self-disciplined without denying yourself or making sacrifices.

The July 2019 solar eclipse is refreshingly positive. It joins a star in Gemini Constellation called Alhena that brings good health, honor, and riches. This is an excellent eclipse for enjoying good times with friends and especially your family. This star is good for artists and scientists. The spiritual nature of this star brings people together so it is a good omen for ending the conflict through peace negotiations.

A gentle but positive influence from Uranus adds to the creative and scientific influence of Alhena. Exciting breakthroughs and new developments will foster technological innovation and greater personal freedom. The long-term influence of Saturn sextile Neptune increases the likelihood of permanent settlements to international and personal disputes. Solar eclipse July 2019 can make your dreams come true through patience, open-mindedness, and hard work.

If the Solar Eclipse July 2019 astrology chart directly affects your Sign you can read about it in your free Weekly Horoscope and Monthly Horoscope. For more details about how it affects your natal chart see Sun Transits.

Next Moon Phase: Lunar Eclipse 16 July 2019

Total Solar Eclipse July 2, 2019

Totality will be visible from the southern Pacific Ocean east of New Zealand 

to the Coquimbo Region in Chile and Argentina at sunset.

Total Solar Eclipse July 2019 Times and Dates

Excerpted From: www.Astrology

Pacific Time USA ~ Los Angeles - July 2 at 12:16 pm

Mountain Time ~ Denver - July 2 @ 1:16 pm

Central Time ~ Little Rock - July 2 @ 2:16 pm

Eastern Time! Virginia Beach - July 2 at 3:16 pm

London - July 2 at 8:16 pm

Delhi - July 3 at 1:46 am

Sydney - July 3 at 5:16 am

Excerpted From: www.Astrology

Friday, June 28, 2019

Rebirth of Earth--The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie
Release your thoughts of time and space and drift into the now. 
Then the you that is confused, will suddenly know how. 

How to do what once was hard, but suddenly seems simple, 
Will come into the NOW of ONE and settle into “HERE.” 

Then HERE within the NOW, is where you’ll find the ONE. 
The ONE of NOW in which your life is suddenly quite clear.

Clear to know the reason why, you somehow have forgot, 
That all you want is deep inside the Center of your Heart.

And then that which was far too hard, will suddenly be simple, 
As what you’ve learned inside yourself becomes your Golden Temple.

The Golden Temple’s high above, the You that has forgotten, 
That you are ONE with “all that is” and beyond what you remember.

All that is in “here and now,” as well as in your heart
Comes from the depths that you will find inside the Golden Temple

This Golden Temple reminds your heart to listen to your mind
And deep within, you just may find that ALL of life is Simple

It is  simple to remember how that you can be YOU
As deep within your Temple’s Core, you’ll know what you must do

“Must” because you told your SELF to know and please remember
The ONE you are within the LOVE, of the Core within your Temple

This Temple holds the key, so that you will all remember
You are Light, you are the love, the receiver and the sender 

You came to NOW to share the light of your beloved “Temple”
You are the Light, you are the Love—if you live within your Center

You came into the NOW, to share all you can be
To show the others there is hope, and that they can be free

When you come into the ONE, you suddenly remember
That you are one within the all of life in Gaia’s Inner Temple

From the Core within Her being, you remember you are here 
to share what you have learned, from your knowing and your seeing

The one that you can truly be, down deep within your Center
Is the ONE that you have always been, but forgotten you could enter

Enter the Light and Share the Love, that flows from Gaia’s core
And tell them all that it is now, to openly want more.

You are the Light, You are the Love
From Gaia’s Heart and high above

The “you” you are within the ONE, in center of your Temple
Reminds you now to “just let go” for life is really simple

This Inner Temple holds the key, so you will still remember
You are the light, you are love who is ready to surrender

When you surrender to the Now of living from your center
Your Opened Mind and Healing Heart, will allow your LIGHT to enter

Entering the Now of ONE, that merges with life
Allows your Love to grow beyond, all your fear and strife

It is within the Now of One, that you will find your Center
That guides you to the NOW, that you’ll know you can enter

When you came into your world, you suddenly forget
But soon you will remember, if you look into your Center

You are Light and you are love, who came to share your knowing
The world within and high above that, somehow, is still is glowing

This Inner Temple holds the key, so that you can remember 
How to love, and how to be, the “you” forget just how to see  

And then, you can remember, all that you can truly be
For when you know your Inner SELF, all knowledge will be free

It is then you will remember, you have come to heal dear Gaia
Her Earth, Her sky, Her core, Her sea back to what it used to be

Within the Temple of your SELF, you’ll see how Gaia needs you
Within that NOW, you will recall, what you have said you would do. 

As you release the strife within, your heart will soon recall
The reason why you came to know, how to be your temple

Within the Temple of your SELF, you know, and soon will give
The service you have come to know, and” the reason why you live.

And why you left the Higher Worlds to assist a suffering planet,
So that Gaia can ascend, and take her planet with her,

The reason why you’ve come to Earth, is to enter Gaia’s heart 
And heal her wounded being, so a new world can NOW start

The humans are the ones, who’ve harmed their own sweet land 
So the humans must now live in LOVE so they can heal the planet 

But love of SELF is needed, in order to love Gaia
And love of Gaia is needed, for you to love your self

Who are YOU, why did you come to enter EARTH?
By answering that question, you just may find REBIRTH!

Saturday, June 22, 2019

A quick message from Sue and a long message from the Arcturians

Accepting Higher Light 

The Arcturians through Sue Lie

When we perceive the energy 
We can flow with the energy 
Which allows us to read the energy so 
We can follow the instructions embedded in the energy.

As we become increasingly fifth-dimensional, we will begin to have sensations of our Lightbody and of Light Language. These sensations often begin at the base of our spine or sometimes just behind our heart.  These sensations arise from the Kundalini energy, which is our personal, formless, inner-Lightbody.

Wisely enough, a lot of us who came down into our third-dimensional vessel slightly remembered what it was like in our other third-dimensional incarnations.  So we were able to remember that when we came to Earth, we did not arrive via a ship or a boat or a spacecraft, but we came to Earth on our essence.  

In other words, we allowed our essence to flow into a physical Earth vessel.  Simultaneously, we left a greater percentage of our lifestream in our multidimensional bodies and on the higher dimensions. Hence, that higher component of our self can send down messages and communications to assist us as we move through our daily life in which we are wearing a 3D earth vessel.

We came into this third-dimensional vessel when a portal opened into our form.  Hence, we can in at birth, when there was a near-death experience, a high fever, an accident, or an extreme illness.  All of these experiences allowed our third-dimensional Earth vessel to open up to higher frequencies of our self.

Once the higher frequencies entered our third-dimensional vessel from our higher dimensional SELF they blended with our third-dimensional consciousness. In this manner, we humans are multidimensional beings, right here in the third dimension.

Also, because of these sparks of our own higher essence that we have allowed to enter us through our opened portal, we connected to the higher light of the NOW of the ONE. We truly came from the ONE, and within the ONE there is only NOW. 

As we fully embrace our higher light we can remember our purest essence, we remember that separation is an illusion of the third-dimensional reality. We, our essence, remember that it is the NOW of returning.  

However, many have become so attached to our human self, and our physical Earth, that we do not want to leave this planet until we can experience Gaia in the grand, royalty of Her fifth-dimensional planetary self.  

This fifth dimension of Gaia is to be filled by the ascending ones who have created a “peak of society” in which great souls, artists and higher-dimensional, multidimensional beings are able to locate their own energy field in that fifth-dimensional essence. 

That fifth-dimensional frequency of Gaia is what we would call New Earth.  It is fifth-dimensional Earth. We have lived on third-dimensional Earth and we have gone through the wheel of life and death from third to fourth to third to fourth. Now we are ready to graduate into fifth-dimensional Earth and can choose to be amongst those who are beginning to inhabit and enliven that frequency of Gaia.  

Only fifth-dimensional beings can inhabit a fifth-dimensional reality. Thus, in order for us to inhabit fifth-dimensional Gaia, we must transmute into our own fifth-dimensional Earth vessel.  Many of us have taken incarnations in other times on Gaia, or on other planets, which were similar to what is occurring on Earth now.

Whenever a reality is on the up-cycle into a peak societies or a down-cycle out of a peak societies there is an opportunity for immense soul growth. Once we return to our fifth, sixth, seventh and higher dimension self we forget about the time in between the up and the down because we are no longer resonating to the frequency that holds time.  

Therefore we can remember the NOW in which a new society is booming simultaneously with the Now in which a society is falling into its own decline. In this manner, have an intimate experience of the cycle of birth and the cycle of death.

We took these Earth vessels because from the perspective of the higher self we cannot understand an immensely polarized society.  Most of us come from Galactic societies in which there has been no conflict since the end of the great galactic war. Therefore, when we come down into a third-dimensional society it is quite shocking to realize that there is so much conflict and fear without enough Love and Light to balance that darkness.  

Another very difficulty is that societies, such as the one that Gaia is moving out of, the beings are often so deeply involved in the act of being human that they don’t realize that other species are sentient. They don’t see the sentience in animals. They don’t see the sentience in plants. 

Most important they don’t see the Life Stream of their planet.  They know that they are a sentient being but somehow they don’t realize that the huge globe that they are inhabiting is also sentient. Fortunately, that old illusion is ending as the higher Light is becoming stronger and stronger.  

You may ask, “How much higher Light do we need, and what frequency must it be?”
Our answer is that the higher Light is infinite.  Also, the higher light has no limit and no time or space.  

We speak of the multidimensional Light that was always there but just beyond your perception because your consciousness could not attend to a frequency of reality that was so much higher than the frequency of your consciousness.

Before you began to accept the higher light, you only lived in the frequency of third dimensional, physical, illusions.  We wish to remind you that every reality is, and always was, within the Now of the One. 

And it is through the process of: 
perceiving the higher energy fields of reality, 
merging with those energy fields,
flowing with those energy fields, 
and listening to the messages in those energy fields, 

that YOU, the ascending ones of Gaia, are able to shift into the higher frequency of Earth that you are NOW inhabiting. 

You inhabited the third-dimension when you were alive on Earth, then:
You “died” in that life and 
You inhabited the fourth-dimension frequency ring around Gaia.  

Now you are preparing to resonate to the fifth-dimensional frequency ring around Gaia, 
which is the fifth-dimensional version of Earth.

We tell all this our beloved ones that you are amazingly opened Portals who are able to daily accept the higher and higher Light into the crown of your head and pull it down through all of your seven chakras to ground this energy in the core of Gaia. 

You also volunteered to keep your Portal opened. Hence, your physical earth vessel is serving as an open Portal through which the fifth-dimensional energy can flow through you to be grounded in the core of Gaia. Being an opened portal is no easy task and we don’t expect that all of you will be able to give that service for all of your 3D “time.”

In fact, when you are in time it’s because your consciousness has dropped, and you are busily engaged in the experience of being a human.  Then when you have “time” to meditate you can go into the NOW of the ONE and open your Portal.

When you open your portal, the higher Light comes all the way down through your body and down into the Core of Gaia, anything less than the resonance of your fifth-dimensional self becomes loosened from the illusion of your physical body that you are wearing.

At that point, you may experience intense emotions, illness or injury. What is actually occurring is that when that Higher Light comes in, it loosens up any blockages that you have inside of your body that is limiting your ability to fully expand your consciousness into the fifth dimension and beyond.

Please remember these are not feeling to be had but feelings to be released.  We remind you all, our dear Ascending Ones that: 

"Letting go of that which is over 
allows you to deeply embrace that which is beginning."

Blessings from the Arcturians

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Perceptions of the Fifth Dimensions by Transmuting All Your Expectations--Arcturians through Sue Lie

June 20, 2019
Perceptions of the Fifth Dimension 
Your Expectations

Dear Arcturians,
Do you have a message for me today?

Yes, we the Arcturians, have messages for everyone on every day. However, dear grounded ones, Earth is a “free will planet.” Therefore, if you want something for Gaia, or from Gaia, you will need to ask. 

We see that more and more of our “volunteers to take an earth vessel on Gaia” are beginning to remember more and more. Of course, the memory of a fifth-dimensional message will swiftly disappear from your third-dimensional awareness. 

Therefore, we remind you within this NOW to please remember to document any messages that you receive from the higher dimensions. We hear you ask, “How do I know that I have received a higher dimensional message?” 

The answer to that question is that you allow your Heart to be drawn into the message, and you will free your mind from trying to interpret the fifth-dimensional message. Your third-dimensional mind cannot conceive or, or understand the fifth dimension without the assistance of the fifth-dimensional energy fields.

“Why is it difficult to interpret a fifth-dimensional message?” we hear you ask. The answer to your question about interpreting a fifth-dimensional message is, “Instead of hearing that message from you “head” or “ears,” will “hear’ that message via your heart. 

As many of you are aware, the Heart does NOT communicate via words that are said or written. Your Heart is the Core of your life force. Therefore when you “believe,” or “think” that you have received a message from a higher dimensional being, you will suddenly find yourself calling deep inside and high above to connect with these Higher Beings.

How do you experience these Higher Beings? Our answer would be different for different humans, as well as different for the different Galactic Beings. However, before we continue, we would like to introduce you to the most commonly perceived Galactics who are wearing an earth vessel.

We will not give names, as they would only by human names.  Therefore, we will remind you to allow your SELF to perceive your own personal fifth-dimensional frequencies of your own innate Galactic SELF. 

Your Galactic SELF may primarily reside on Arcturus, The Pleiades, Venus, Antares, as the many other fifth dimensional realities on which the Ascended Masters and the members of Angelic Kingdom dwell. 

We Arcturians wish to remind you that many of you who found, and who have taken the time, to read our messages, are members of these higher dimensional realities. We say “realities” because when you perceive any of these Higher Beings you will likely experience a sudden NOW which appears to stop all third-dimensional “time.”

This NOW of the Higher Beings is difficult to describe too many of our Earth friends because these beings resonate beyond what humans would consider to be “time,” “space,” and most of all, beyond your third-dimensional ideas and perceptions about “reality.”

Humans on Earth who have not yet fully awakened, are still bound to the concept of time and space as it is experienced via their physical self. Your third-dimensional experience of a higher dimensional being is much that same as one who is deep in the water, and may only be able to perceive a human swimming high above them as a wavering form infused with different lights and reflections.

The brighter the light shining on the “swimmer in the water” the more that person will be only a shimmering light that seems to be disturbing the natural flow of the water around them. This type of perception is quite similar to how our grounded ones on Earth perceive the Higher Dimensional Beings—that is if the grounded one can see the Higher Beings at all. 

It is in a similar manner that your physical consciousness can perceive the higher dimensional realities.  We say physical “consciousness” rather than physical “form,” as the third-dimensional human is not able to perceive any components of the fifth dimension because the fifth dimension is “beyond time” and “beyond space.”

Humanity has been trained, and/or has experienced, from life after life, that their physical world is real, and that the perceptions of their “imagination” are NOT real. This false “truth” was created by the higher dimensional beings, such as the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, The Venusian, and the Antarians.

Your perspective of your third-dimensional reality is bound by the “illusion of time and space.” This illusion of time and space would vastly change if you would go onto a fifth-dimensional Starship. A fifth-dimensional Starship no longer resonates to the illusions of the third and fourth dimensions.

Unfortunately, many humans have not treated their planet well. Therefore, dear Gaia is in great need of assistance from fifth-dimensional beings who “clean up” the mess that humans are creating on Gaia. Of course, the Galactics cannot interfere too much with Gaia’s planet yet, as Earth is a free will planet. Gaia chose to be a planet on which Her most evolved beings could be aware that the planet on which they lived was a living being.

Fortunately, more and more humans are beginning to awaken to their innate “higher thoughts and feelings” that have been latent within their personal earth vessel for many incarnations.  The reason why the truth about Gaia has not been openly shared is, again, because the “power over others” humans only care about their own physical self.

Fortunately, more and more humans are beginning to have, and hopefully share with others, their “Inter-Dimensional Experience.  We, the Arcturians are now speaking through many different human “channels.” These “channels” are awakening and have awakened humans who have are in the process of remembering their own Higher Dimensional SELF.

In fact, many humans often have many Higher Dimensional expressions of their Multidimensional SELF and more and more humans, are beginning to have higher dimensional experiences. At first, they may seem almost embarrassed and/or afraid of judgment from others who are not yet able to awaken to the higher frequencies of reality.

But now, we, the members of Gaia’s Galactic Family, are observing that more and more grounded ones are sharing their Interdimensional experiences.  “Why is that?” you may ask. The answer is quite simple. More and more of our brave Galactic Family members are choosing to take on the great challenge of wearing a third-dimensional body to take another incarnation on Earth to assist Gaia.

Most humans could not begin to understand what a huge sacrifice it is for fifth dimensionals, or even higher fourth dimensional being to take an incarnation on Gaia’s deeply wounded planet. You may wonder why the higher dimensional beings are taking third-dimensional earth vessels.

The answer is: IT IS THE NOW! It is the NOW of the “awakening” for our brave Arcturian, Antarian, Venusian and Pleiadian volunteers who took a human, third-dimensional earth vessel in order to assist dear Gaia with her Planetary Ascension.  

“When does “Planetary Ascension” begin?” we hear you ask.

Planetary Ascension begins when 51%, or more, of the Beings on Earth, begins to perceive the increasingly opening Portals through which fifth-dimensional energy fields can flow. The fifth dimension is free of the “time and space”and has an Operating System of Here and NOW.

With Gaia’s incoming, new “Fifth Dimensional Operating System,” Gaia is no longer limited by the third/fourth dimensional Operating System of “time” and “space.” In Fact, the “time/space” Third dimensional reality is expanding more and more into a Fifth Dimensional Operating System of “HERE” and “NOW!” 

When this new Operating System “comes online” your physical, third-dimensional world and reality will experience more and more changes. This “changes” are actually “transmutations.” A change is something that often remains in the third and lower fourth-dimensional operating system, but there is an AWAKENING that is beginning to begin!

Within the Third/Fourth Dimensional Operating System, everything is ruled by “time and space.” Of course, since one can only perceive the reality that matches their frequency of consciousness, only those who are expanding their consciousness into the higher dimensions will be able to embrace the higher fourth and fifth-dimensional frequencies.

It is those who are willing and able to consciously expand their consciousness in order to perceive the higher dimensional reality that will be able to perceive and connect with their own higher dimensional frequency of SELF who resonate to the higher dimensional realities.

How do you resonate to the frequency of your Higher Dimensional SELF? The answer is that you already resonate to your own Higher SELF, but you cannot perceive these higher components of your own Multidimensional SELF.

Why can’t you perceive your Multidimensional SELF? The answer is, YOU DO perceive that SELF, mostly because you do not believe you have a Higher SELF. Your beliefs have great power. Ask any artist, performer, teacher, coach, etc. who is familiar with the constant challenge to allow yourself to recognize, accept, embrace, and follow the unconditionally loving messages that are sent to you every day, in every way!

Humanity has been “brainwashed” to look at what is wrong with them. Then they need to “get better,” “learn more,” “be a better person,” or “make or money and have more success.” This brainwashing has occurred for many millennia by the “power over others” rulers. 

Yes, many of our grounded ones need to “get better” about releasing fear and remembering love. Yes, some, in fact many, grounded ones have forgotten to look inside for the many innate skills and knowledge that they have hidden from—mostly due to poor self-esteem.

However, within this NOW, the Galactics, who are actually YOU within your own higher dimensional SELF, live within the NOW of your OWN higher dimensional love, light, duty, honor and service.

The beloved members of Gaia’s Earth within this difficult time of great transmutation are beginning to be able to perceive the beauty, love, light, kindness and service that they are beginning to wish to give to others.

It is the  process of raising the frequency field of your thoughts, emotions, dreams and service, that  you are able to expand your consciousness from the third/fourth dimensional energy fields into the higher frequencies of the fifth dimensional energy fields.

We, your Galactic Family, want you to know and remember that YOU are a Multidimensional Being who has taken a third-dimensional earth vessel to be able to give your ultimate service to the healing and transmuting of Gaia into Her innate fifth-dimensional Planetary SELF!

Blessing from the Arcturians and ALL your Galactic Family
Through Suzanne Lie

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Discount for PERSONAL READINGS From THE GALACTICS Through Suzanne Lie




Personal Readings are NOW available for $150.00 
for a 50 minute reading, which is a $100 discount.


To sign up for this discounted reading, make your payment through PayPal 
by clicking the Yellow Donate Button to the lower right of my blog.

HAVE A QUESTION?    Please, email me at:
To ask any questions and/or to schedule your session

Have a great day, and I look forward to our personal session!

Blessings from
Sue Lie and from your Galactic Family