I strongly encourage ALL of your to follow my recent blog and any other blogs that I post before next Monday, as they are meant to assist you with your process of unconditionally loving your self.
FREE Meditation Download
First Chakra
Listen to your 7-minute meditation
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Listen to your 7-minute meditation
To download your 7-minute meditation,
please click
Love Chakra - 1
I Love myself unconditionally.
I Love myself unconditionally.
I unconditionally love myself.
I begin this process of unconditionally loving myself with my first chakra
and I focus my energy field at the base of my spine.
I feel the Kundalini applauding. It is so happy to know that I am ready to
begin my transmutation into my true Light Body Self. I also hear my inner child and all the
experiences that I had.
Therefore I take a long slow deep breath and breathe in
unconditional love for myself, and I exhale and send that unconditional love to
my child, to whatever traumas, experiences or happy times that he/she has been
having difficulty replicating within this “now”.
As I unconditionally love myself - from my root chakra then
down my legs and out my feet - I send that energy down into the core of
Gaia. I ground the unconditional love
that I have for myself into the body of Gaia. Therefore I am now one
with the body of Gaia. My roots from my
physical form run all the way down into the core of Gaia.
As I feel the core of Gaia I find that core of myself, that
core that begins with my birth and I follow that core up from the core of Gaia,
up into my physical body and find the “me” – the “me” that perhaps I have
lost. I love that “me”. I love the “me” that I know I AM.
And I unconditionally forgive myself for ever losing touch with
that “me” and I unconditionally accept that I put that in my birth plan because
I needed to lose myself in order to more deeply find my core self - the one who
I have been through myriad incarnations - the one that I am in my
third-dimensional form, my fourth-dimensional form, my fifth-dimensional form
and on and on.
I feel this core beingness of myself and I love my core being
unconditionally. And marvelously enough I can feel my core inner-self
unconditionally loving me in return. What a joyous moment when I circulate the unconditional love of
myself for myself and myself sends that unconditional love back to me –
slightly amplified and then I send it
into my unconditionally loving self again slightly amplified – it grows, it
grows, it grows.
I feel my roots. I
remember other incarnations on Gaia and/or on other planetary realities on
other dimensions and on different starships.
I am that being in all of those realities. In all of my realities, I AM “me.” I love “me” – the “me” that IAM within my
core. I am aware that every day in every way, I share that “me” with
all of reality with my every out-breath.
IAM one with Gaia. IAM one
with the atmosphere. IAM one with all life.
Blessings be to me. I
love me unconditionally. And as I feel
that unconditional love well up within my beingness, I know that I must share
it. And I will begin by sharing my
unconditional love with Gaia. And I
plant this unconditional love that is alive within me in to the core of Gaia to
intermingle with all the other wonderful beings who are loving themselves
unconditionally and are sending that unconditional love into the core of
In the core of Gaia, we are one, we are one Light of
unconditional love.
Blessings be to us and to all life.
first chakra is located at the base of the spine.
chakra rules the lowest vibration of our body and has the slowest wavelength.
There are four spokes, or petals. Four is the number of the square and
foundations. The square is related to being honest, or giving a “square deal,
the four energies of earth–earth, air, fire, and water, and the four
directions. Four walls, four legs, or four wheels represent a strong
NOTE & MANTRA: The note for this chakra is C and the mantra is “lam”
or “e” as in red. Chanting these mantras in the key of D while focusing our
attention on this area of our body can enable us to more consciously access the
first chakra.
color for this chakra is red, which is the lowest frequency of human’s visible
light spectrum. Red is the color of anger and/or vitality.
first chakra rules our PHYSICAL energies. Also known as the root chakra, it
governs our vigor, heredity, survival, security, passion, money, job, and home.
This chakra aids us in our everyday survival.
sense of smell is related to this chakra. Our sense of smell is our most
primitive sense, and is the first sense that awakens upon our physical birth.
The receptors for smell are located at the base of our brain and feeds directly
into our limbic system, which is the area of memory and emotion. Therefore,
aromas can immediately access emotional memories stored in our unconscious.
SIGN: The astrological sign associated with the root chakra
is Taurus. The symbol for Taurus is the bull. Like our root chakra, the bull is
a symbol of masculine power and fertility. The bull roots in the earth with his
front hooves and lowers his nostrils toward the ground to warn any who would
threaten his “herd”. There are many cows in the herd, but only the strongest
bull will be able to preserve the genetic integrity of the group.
The first chakra is actually the basis of both our
masculine and feminine energy. It represents our masculine will and male sexual
organs as well as the feminine energy of the Goddess Kundalini. Therefore, a
man can learn to integrate his feminine power and a woman can learn to
integrate her masculine power through the clearing and opening of this chakra.
is the element associated with the first chakra and the mineral kingdom is the
top of that hierarchy. Crystals have been prized by humankind for eons and have
also been used in esoteric healing. Since it rules our first dimensional self
that is unable to reflect upon itself, perceptions from our root chakra are
usually unconscious. This first dimensional portion of us can only be aware of
a “hive or species consciousness”.
Even though, the first chakra has many masculine
qualities it is also the “seat of the Goddess Kundalini” and is therefore often
associated with our relationship with our mothers and with Mother Earth. Our
relationships with our mother set up our attitude toward home, security, and
money. If we are cut off from our roots, we feel cut off from the earth as
The first chakra rules our survival consciousness and represents our
deepest unconscious and most primitive self. This chakra represents the
reptilian portion of our brain, which is our brainstem, our center for life
support. The brainstem and the area immediately above it are called the
reptilian brain because it is possessed by all creatures from reptiles to
humans. For reptiles, this area is their entire brain, but for humans it is the
base, or stem, of their brain. In fact, part of this area is known as the
TIMELINE: The first chakra represents birth to two years of age.
This is the time before we have completed our process of individuation and
still perceive ourselves as a part of our parents. This chakra represents our
struggle to come to terms with our physical life and physical body. Our
Multidimensional Spirits are new to the limitations and separation of our new
3D reality, and we struggling to learn how to control our physical earth
vessel. Fortunately, we naturally travel into the higher dimensions at this age
and can return Home whenever we are desperately in need of comfort and
TIMELINE: Anthropologically, the first chakra represents the
time when humankind was cave dwellers. At that time in our “civilization”, we
lived from day to day. To assist in our struggle for survival, we worshiped
animals and other aspects of our physical environment.
GLAND: Each chakra feeds prana into a different endocrine
gland. Just as there are seven chakras, there are seven endocrine glands. Both
the chakras and the endocrine glands are located along the spinal cord. The
endocrine glands manufacture hormones and supply them to the bloodstream. These
glands are called “ductless” because there is not a duct to any specific part
of the body. Instead, hormones are released into the bloodstream where they are
carried by the blood to every organ and tissue to exert their influence on all
functions of the physical body.
Each gland is internally related to the other glands
and also works closely with the nervous and circulatory system. In order for
the organs of the body to work efficiently, the blood must contain certain
chemicals. Many of these chemicals are secreted by the endocrine glands, and
this secretion is vital for the health of the entire system. Our bodies can become
diseased if there are too many or too few hormones.
The endocrine gland for the first chakra is the
adrenal glands. There are actually two adrenal glands located with one on top
of each of the two kidneys. The adrenal glands are the body’s call to battle.
When adrenaline is released into the system our perceptions become clearer, we
have added vigor and feel more courageous.
The release of adrenaline activates the fight/flight
syndrome, which prepares us for “fight or flight.” Release of adrenaline and
activation of fight/flight is brought on by real or imagined danger. Therefore,
our emotions can activate a release of adrenaline when we feel extreme fear or
even chronic anxiety. The first chakra is the “survival chakra,” and the
fight/flight syndrome is vital for the survival of every species.
The first chakra is located near the sacral plexus. The sacral plexus is
the nerve center, which rules the skeleton, legs, feet, eliminatory system,
male reproductive organs, and the prostate. If there is a problem with the leg
or foot on the right, masculine, side of the body it can indicate issues of
trust in one’s will. If there is a problem with the leg or foot on the left,
feminine, side then it can indicate issues with trust of one’s emotional life.
the first chakra is clear we feel secure, grounded, and stable. We can use good
“common sense” to balance our finances as well as our everyday responsibilities
and still initiate new activities and interest. Our eliminatory system functions
well, neural activity in our legs and feet is healthy, and our ability to
initiate sexual encounters is comfortable and natural. Our root chakra is the
home of the Sleeping Serpent, our Kundalini. When this chakra is clear and
balanced the Goddess Kundalini Shakti can awaken and begin her gradual rise
towards reunion with Lord Shiva.
the first chakra is unclear, we feel insecure and fearful. We can also become
absent-minded because we are ungrounded. We may also have a difficult time with
our finances and day to day necessities. Whatever security we derive from
material things can become threatened. There can also be problems with our
home, which is our base of operations in physical life. We can become
self-indulgent and self-centered and suffer from depression and grief. We may
suffer from hemorrhoids, constipation, sciatica, or prostate problems.
All of the above emotional, behavioral, and physical
health issues have to do with the ability to let go. We cannot let go of our
sadness, let go of material sources of comfort when finances require, or even
let go of the waste material of our bodies. If we cannot release what is
holding us back, we cannot move forward. Difficulties with our sciatic nerve
and problems with our legs and feet display this dynamic. Prostate problems can
arise from frustrated sexual or creative drives.
CHAKRAS: Just as the first chakra represents our physical body,
the Earth’s first chakra represents Her physical body. The planetary first
chakra is located at Mt. Sinai in the Middle East. Lady Gaia is allowing Her
Kundalini to rise to meet her Divine Mate. It is TIME now that we hear Her
call. Hence, this area of the planet is the center of great unrest.
first chakra rules our first and second dimensional selves. Our first
dimensional self represents the genetic coding, cells, and minerals of our bodies.
It also represents our most primitive “animal self”, which is represented by
the fight/flight response that serves to assure the survival of the species.
The root chakra also rules the male sex glands and the testosterone that they
secrete. This testosterone drives the males in our society, and the male
polarity of our psyche, to perpetuate and protect humanity.
SUMMARY: The body of Mother Earth and
Her consciousness, Lady Gaia, is the third dimensional planet that supports our
physical body. Just as our physical body communicates with our consciousness by
its state of health, disease, comfort, and discomfort, Lady Gaia communicates
with us via the health of Her planet.
Dear Readers:
Let's build the unity consciousness that is necessary to birth our New Earth by sharing our process of loving ourself unconditionally with others. As we experience loving ourselves unconditionally with others, we also share our unconditional love.
Thank you so every one for your emails of support for this process. I know that I would really love to hear how you are doing with your process of loving your self UNCONDITIONALLY.
You can share your process for each of the seven different chakras in the blog in which the chakra was introduced. Your process is important to us all because we are ALL returning to our true SELF.
Blessings and Unconditional love for you all.
7 Minutes * 7 Chakras * 7 Weeks
You will receive a Free 7-minute meditation download
every Monday for seven weeks.
You can then allocate 7 minutes each day to listen to the meditation of the week.
These short meditations will guide you to unconditionally love your self by focusing on the mind, body and spiritual elements of that week’s chakra.
Check out the Unconditional LOVE playlist
Locations of our process so far:
Chakra One
Chakra Two
Chakra Three
Dear Friends,
ReplyDeletePlease try to put aside 7 minutes a day for 7 days to love yourself UNCONDITIONALLY. Any challenges and/or victories you have with this process, i ask you share it here in the comments section.
You may just say the very thing that helps someone else to love them selves unconditionally. That is what it is all about NOW, isn't it, remember to love our SELF unconditionally.
Then, with every in breath that we love our self unconditionally, we love all reality UNCONDITIONALLY with our out breath. That is how much power we have, but we can only accept that fact when we
thank you Suzanne..everyday this 7 minute meditation brought me to tears , I experienced my wholeness , I felt complete , it felt like so many layers have been dissolved .. deeply grateful for offering these meditations <3
DeleteThank you Suzanne - I loved this meditation and connecting with my inner child and all of the versions of myself who need unconditional love. I also appreciate the simplicity of this exercise... only 7 minutes makes it very accessible yet impactful. Looking forward to working with the next chakra this week!
DeleteThank You Sue!
DeleteHi Suzanne,
DeleteThis is an excellent post of first Chakra Meditation. It involves self-suggestions which are easily mastered by the seekers. I myself did a slightly different form of Chakra meditation that involves chanting of the seed mantras.
Click for more
DeleteClick for more
Click for more
Click for more
Click for more
Click for more
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Click for more
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Click for more
We truly appreciate everything you do.
ReplyDeleteIs simply quieting yourself and laying down while listening to the meditations and visualizing eg red en a four leafed flower, ENOUGH to successfully experience this exercise series?
Yes, that is fine. If you can remember -- eventually -- to say through out the day, "I love myself unconditionally," that is a great way to take the meditation into your daily life
DeleteBlessings and thank you for your comment
Thank you for absolutely the best explanation of the first chakra I have come across, as always you have an amazing way...x I am off to start the first meditation here in Australia!
ReplyDeleteThank you so for your comment. Enjoy your meditation
Dear Sue, I'm translating the meditation and I have trouble to understand these parts:
ReplyDeleteI feel the Kundalini (????)
He/She has been having difficult ??? within this NOW
That core ?????? with by birth
When I circulate the unconditional Love of my self for my self and my self sends that unconditional Love back to me ???? and when I send unconditional love to my self again ????
It grows, it grows, it grows
Could you please help me?
And thank you for the wonderful work you're doing for all.
Grão 1
Thank you for all your attention and for the transcription.
DeleteYou'll help us so much.
Thanks a lot,
Brazilian spiritualist people
Dear Sue,
ReplyDeleteI translate your articles in Dutch, and many people have shown their interest in the meditation. However their are some people who have difficulties understanding the English language, so I was wondering, if you could provide us with a transcript of the meditation(s), each week too, so I can also translate that for my readers on the Blog "Denk Met Je Hart" (Think Wiht Your Heart).
I hope this is possible,
With Love,
Thank you so much Sue for the transcript!!
Thank you for all of your information; it is affecting my life in such a positive way. I see many people with specifically foot pain. Does isolated foot pain represent a blockage or difficulty moving forward in more specific ways? I'd love to help them relieve their foot pain if there is a specific related emotional issue. Thank you again for any insight.
ReplyDeleteWe truly appreciate everything you do.
ReplyDeleteIs simply quieting yourself and laying down while listening to the meditations and visualizing eg red en a four leafed flower, ENOUGH to successfully experience this exercise series?
From my Email
Thank you for absolutely the best explanation of the first chakra I have come across, as always you have an amazing way...x I am off to start the first meditation here in Australia!
Translation into Romanian:
Lots of love to you Sue, and to me too. =) I call myself Steven and I live in the place that is known as (Western) Australia. I have just done the first day of the first chakra meditation. You have such a wonderful and lovely voice!
ReplyDeleteLots of love to you and to All, because One Is All and All Are One. :)
<3 Bursting with deeply felt gratitude, thank you for bringing us together, thank you for bringing me together. Happy Meditating everyone! Loving the journey, Loving this beautiful blue and green planet<3
thank you..thank you…thank you…..the greatest gift I have received this season and so very timely…
ReplyDeleteI have fwd'd your email with it's most generous/ important ascension assist to those I know who will be appreciative…
We truly appreciate everything you do.
ReplyDeleteIs simply quieting yourself and laying down while listening to the meditations and visualizing eg red en a four leafed flower, ENOUGH to successfully experience this exercise series?
Thank you so much for this, it is good to remember to love ourselves unconditionally esp when we are not so happy with ourself/life.
ReplyDeleteThis meditation brought a great vibration throughout my entire being, very expansive feeling with shivers.
Thanks again for sharing so much of yourself and time with us! Blessings to you, Wendy
Olá suzzane sou do Brasil,a meditação é incrível muito obrigada por tudo,eu e minha família apreciamos muito seu trabalho!
ReplyDeleteGostaria de tirar uma dúvida
O download da meditação está em inglês
Tem alguma maneira de traduzir para o português ou não tem problema escutar em inglês? Grata.
Laiza, A Regina Droumond fez tradução para Portugues, esta no site Luz de Gaia, Blessings RO
DeleteDesculpe, fui ao site q me enformou fiz o download e ainda está em inglês, pode me explicar melhor muito obrigada.
DeleteDesculpe o encomodo!
Eu encontrei a tradução para português! Muito obrigada
DeleteLaiza, me desculpe só vi sua resposta no blog hoje, todas a meditações estarão em Ingles, voce pode por para tocar em Ingles deixando presente a vibração da voz de Dr Sue, e seguir falando junto em Portugues, dessa maneira funcionou bem para mim, talvez de certo para voce! Um beijo Rossana
DeleteThank you. Day 1. Noticed places of resistance with in myself. Now that I am aware of where I'm resisting, I can begin to transmute and cleanse these final areas. I look forward to working with these energies through the week. Love, excitement and clarity to all of you.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your work. I just wanted to say that I connect very deeply with your work. I also had a very deep energetic clearing when listening to the meditation this morning. I will listen to these medications morning and evening as it feels essential.
ReplyDeleteMuch love and gratitude for the light you shine to all of us. With love, Sue.
Thank you. Day 1. Noticed places of resistance with in myself. Now that I am aware of where I'm resisting, I can begin to transmute and cleanse these final areas. I look forward to working with these energies through the week. Love, excitement and clarity to all of you.
Olá suzzane sou do Brasil,a meditação é incrível muito obrigada por tudo,eu e minha família apreciamos muito seu trabalho!
ReplyDeleteGostaria de tirar uma dúvida
O download da meditação está em inglês
Tem alguma maneira de traduzir para o português ou não tem problema escutar em inglês? Grata.
this is a perfect way to start 2016!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou did it again Sue! thank YOU. love and much love
Thank you so much for this, it is good to remember to love ourselves unconditionally esp when we are not so happy with ourself/life.
ReplyDeleteThis meditation brought a great vibration throughout my entire being, very expansive feeling with shivers.
Thanks again for sharing so much of yourself and time with us! Blessings to you,
Thank you for your understanding.
ReplyDeleteI heard meditation and vibration is felt by the sound of your voice and your breathing and repositioning immediately the 1st dimension body at the root chakra
I accompany you, good luck in your journey
Thank you so much for your work. I just wanted to say that I connect very deeply with your work. I also had a very deep energetic clearing when listening to the meditation this morning. I will listen to these medications morning and evening as it feels essential.
Dear Suzanne, Truly grateful for your GIFT to us all, life and Gaia.
ReplyDeleteAm well on my way to healing, transforming, evolving to a higher state of consciousness, connecting with my true, multidimensional self, etc., but SO GOOD, WONDERFUL to have your immense support and love to accompany me on my "up", forward ! With Much Love Susan xxx
Thank you very much for this wonderful project UNCONDITIONAL LOVE together with seven chakras. And I also agree that this is the best explanation of the first chakra ever. This text helped me to understand why am I having some problems with my legs and with my sexuality, and this work with chakras, with you and many, many other people make me happy and excited and I am very curious what everything about me I am going to learn. I think that this work with chakra balancing with unconditional love to ourselfs, is the basic process that we have to integrate in our way to safe ascension. Thank you very, very much wonderful Sue and much love to you.
ReplyDeleteThe meditations feel very comforting and soothing. Somewhere deep inside me I am responding to them. Am feeling a grudge I have had for myself lifting and I feel very new without it. Happy we have a week or more(!) on this chakra.
ReplyDeleteI woke up from dreaming that I was doing a healing on a young man that I didn't particularly like, Never the less I still felt I needed to do the healing. I decided to do this meditation before returning to bed. As I was following along with Sue"s voice I saw that young man again and realized that he is me in another incarnation. Then I realized that this meditation not only heals the body we are presently in , but ALL OF OUR BODIES and UNCONDITIONALLY FORGIVES ALL PAST MISTAKES AND THE GUILT WE CARRY FROM LIFE TIME To LIFE TIME. I am so pleased. Until now I felt I wasn't good enough to ascend. Now I am thrilled, because this is such a priceless gift.
ReplyDeleteHi, Paulette...what a lovely insight to share with us all.....I hadn't thought of it in that way before, but it makes perfect sense to me. This was the perfect way for me. I can just open up my computer & log in to iTunes on my desktop, without going through the whole security checks etc on my aged computer....it doesn't take much to put me off being committed to doing the things I should be doing. I am a procrastinator, maybe this is the beginning of me NOT being one any longer...Yay! Much Love & Blessings dear Si-Star for sharing your experience, it also makes me feel as though I can also share, as one never knows who is reading, & how one might help another in even a small way. I AM worthy...I Love you, and me Unconditionally!! Happy Happy dance...xx Peace and Love xx
DeleteSylvia Melaynia xx
I'm very pleased and excited to embark on this journey with you all, loved the root chakra meditation and have taken notes as well, great info included! Wearing red plaid flannel pajama pants and will be using my red color light this week. Just finishing Sahasrara in another chakra group, so this is perfect. Just like finding your blog and lovely channeling and meditations in my inbox was serendipity at its best! I love those kinds of powerful miracles. Thank you, I am honored to be with all of you.
ReplyDeleteRainbow Blessings, beautiful hearts!
Thanks so for commenting on the blog page so everyone can share their experience with each other.
Laiza, A Regina Droumond fez tradução para Portugues, esta no site Luz de Gaia, Blessings RO
Oi Suzanne
Quem faz as traduções do seus textos e canalizações para o Português do Brasil e o blog: http://blogsintese.blogspot.com.br/ de onde retiro e republico no site Luz de Gaia. Segue página índice de suas canalizações em Português BR - http://www.luzdegaia.net/suzanne/lie.html Aproveito a oportunidade para agradecer pelo seu trabalho. Pedro Coelho
2 days ago my mother send me your link on the Self love chakra series as she knew I was playing with them. This morning in The Netherlands I listened to the 1st chakra unconditional love infusion recording. Thank you so much for the clarity, love, unity and divinity you Serve mySelf and all others tuning into "your" wisdom with! It really touches me, it is so needed. It was exactly what was needed for me in this moment for sure and thus with me many others.
ReplyDeleteFrom the bottom of my heart I thank you for who you are and what you bring.
Love and gratitude.
Blessed be beloveds.
Hello, I just completed the 1st of the 1st chakra unconditional love meditations and I will continue daily as suggested. As usual, I don't feel anything really...no revelations. But that's my normal. Still I persist because I do love myself unconditionally and I know that is my purpose the remainder of my days. Love is the energy I focus on.
ReplyDeleteHello Suzanne,
ReplyDeleteI so appreciate the meditations. Thank you for assisting all of us! We welcome this support.
My sister lives in manhattan beach. I used to. Would be a real treat to meet you some time.
Just a note of thanks!!
What a wonderful idea to begin healing our physical bodies too. It is about time:they are tired and aching and badly need restoration. Thank you Susanne & Arcturians for your love & engagement. We are a Group of lightworkers from Italy and have begun the process Yesterday. Are we supposed to connect to the Arcturians previously?
Thank you for the reply. I'm reading that you are so kind to provide a transcription also. Where can I find it?
ReplyDeleteFound it-- just at the beginning of the blog--obviously you added it later. Lots of love. Monika
ReplyDeleteI strongly encourage ALL of your to follow my recent blog and any other blogs that I post before next Monday, as they are meant to assist you with your process of unconditionally loving your self.
ReplyDeleteBLESSINGS Sue
My Love and Gratitude dear Suzanne.
ReplyDeleteMy Love and Gratitude dear Suzanne.
ReplyDeleteFrom the very beginning of the process, I was creating a special intentional space for this daily unconditional love meditation to fit into my schedule. I wanted to be sure to offer I ample time and dedication since making space for it is a first step to honoring the importance of my SELF. When I make myself the priority, it easily flows into a seamless rhythm day to day.
ReplyDeleteI have found that I have shifted my daily meditation time to occur a bit earlier, and this guided meditation is a perfect lead-in to my silent meditation time. I have found that just having unconditional love in my awareness daily is having a significant impact on my moment to moment thought processes and frequency, as well as my mental and emotional focus.
Thank you so much for sharing this process. It seems quite important since you mention it IS the healing force of the universe!
I meditated with you and then I went to sleep. But I began to talk with my ego. It asked me why I don't want it. And I said it that I need it cause if I am alive it's its work. And we continued our talk and then it, my ego, agreeded to move into the next octave!!!! This talk lasted 20 minutes!
ReplyDelete> I'm so happy, and it's because of you.
> Love, love, love, dear Sue.
DeletePaulette 1/10/2016
ReplyDeleteAfter doing this meditation 3 times daily all this week, I am looking forward to the next chakra healing, strengthening, awakening and loving meditation. I wrote to a friend that until I started doing this meditation I had always felt 'not good enough' to ascend, but now I feel this is exactly what was needed. I was shocked when she wrote back and said she felt the same way. She is such a beautiful soul. I am very grateful to you and the Arcturians for you sharing this without charge.
I wrote my comment on January the 6th:
ReplyDeleteNow when I wake up in the morning the first thought that comes in is “I Love myself Unconditionally”, and I smile and feel loved. A few times during the day I remember and say out loud “I Love myself Unconditionally”. How is this meditation affecting me? I am more aware that we are all beings of higher consciousness. It is easier to be loving to others even those that I thought of as irritating, I now know that it is their experience just like I have my experiences. Also there are people who might find me irritating. It also immediately makes me aware when I am being egoistic and I can switch to unconditional Love. I am enjoying the effect and the meditation is having on me, and the change. The second chakra meditation is already promising,
Thank you Suzanne and thanks to The Arcturians
Especially since the last Meditation on sunday we expirience a strong flow of energies in between this connection with all those who have access path to the cristalline core of Gaya.
ReplyDeleteAnd these are many and the number grows every secound. Without time this is central meetingpoint from all sister & brothers of New Earth.
Hi, Sue....loved loved the 1st meditation, and did it each morning. But, I am a bit confused....How do I receive this as an email? Or, do I have to remember to find it on your blog? I found the 2nd one on your blog, & tried to download it to iTunes, but it wouldn't open....I had no problem with the first one. I am delighted to have this, really...as I am a procrastinator,& trying hard to overcome this, so this new idea is a Master stroke, made just for me!! Has anyone else had a problem with downloading it? I like to download to iTunes, as I have this on my desktop & don't have to go through the whole process of opening up my aged computer etc etc etc....it's there when I log on.... great for someone like me...I can't say enough how wonderful this is for me, as I needed to find some way to Love myself, & was having some challenges with the process.....all the while trying to keep up the positive energy. So, may I say a resounding thank you to whoever thought of this perfect idea...I AM so grateful...
ReplyDeleteI Love you, Sue...xx Peace and Love to you all xx
Sylvia Melaynia xx
This meditation was exactly where I needed to start. Really embracing that little girl inside of me and loving her and all her past. Suzanne's voice is soothing and grounding, and 7 minutes was the perfect amount of time to do a meditation before bed. I loved the feeling of connected through my feet into Gaia. <3
ReplyDeleteVery Nice article consisting valuable insights about self chakras. Thanks Suzanne Lie.
ReplyDeletehello all,
ReplyDeleteI have one question
What is a position of 2nd chakra.
thanks for sharing amazing information keep sharing like this and Aekum uses Healing Crystals for conducting Chakra Healing
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Wow! Nice Post Susan Black Check out more about how to love yourself first post.
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ReplyDeleteNow we shall see how the HP envy 6255 is set up in a wireless way. The commands are enlisted below:
ReplyDelete1.The initial step involves turning on your printer which is wireless in nature
2.You will be finding a touch screen panel on your printer
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4.You must select the network option which can be found in the setup menu
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