Sunday, September 2, 2018

Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Clair-sentience----Suzanne Lie and the Arcturians


PART 4 Of our Higher Senses

Clairaudience  - Clairvoyance - Clairsentience 
Telekinesis and Illumination

Clairaudience is the ability to hear sounds and communications from the fourth dimension and beyond. With practice, we can all communicate with realities that resonate to frequencies beyond the third dimension. Clairaudience differs from telepathy in that clairaudience usually refers to communication with higher dimensional beings that cannot be seen with our physical senses, whereas telepathy usually refers to non-spoken communication with beings of the same dimension. Channeling is a form of clairaudience. There are two kinds of channeling: unconscious and conscious. 

With unconscious channeling, known as “trance medium,” the recipient, know as the “channel,” vacates his or her third dimensional form and allows the messenger to use their body as a link to the third dimension. With this type of channeling, the channel cannot hear the message, even though their vocal cords are being used. Someone else needs to record or write down the message that was spoken through the channel. Edgar Casey is an example of a trance medium. 

On the other hand, during conscious channeling we are fully aware of our physical body and awake to our daily life. However, we are in an expanded state of consciousness. Because we are using our multidimensional consciousness, third dimensional consciousness as well as fourth dimensional and beyond, it is difficult to remember our message if we do not quickly manifest it in our physical life. 

This manifestation will be according to our talents. However, verbal messages are usually transcribed as written material, poem or song. Art forms such drawing, painting, dance, architecture, athletic, etc. are more often perceive via our clairvoyance.

We can activate our clairaudience by listening to the still, small voice within. As we listen to our SELF, we calibrate our consciousness to that resonance. It is vital to remember that there are many dimensions above the third, including the Lower Astral Plane of the fourth dimension, which is realm of fear and darkness.  

Also, just because a person is “dead” and speaking from the fourth dimension, does not mean that they know more than they did when they were “alive” on the third dimension. Therefore, it is vital that we ONLY attend to message that come to us within the carrier frequency of unconditional love.

Furthermore, messages from the fourth dimension have a different time sequence than the physical plane, and those for the fifth dimension and beyond come into us in a flash of light from the NOW of the ONE. We then need to translate these massages into our third dimensional language in order to incorporate it into our daily life and share it with others. 

Our brain, which translates these messages, is like a computer. It only contains the information that we have downloaded into it. Therefore, it will be difficult to translate a light message if the concepts are totally unique to our third dimensional thinking. When the channel/medium vacates their physical form to allow the higher being to use their voice, the channel does not need to translate the message.  In this case, the channel does not need to understand it. 

However, no matter how benefic the being that we are channeling may be, it is dangerous to leave our bodies. Many channels who have done so have found this to be true. When we vacate our form, we greatly weaken our immune system, as well as take on energies that are not of our life-stream. 

Often we can take on the energy patterns, and even latent darkness, of the being we are channeling.  The being on the other side may be able to deal with their darkness, but it can be extremely damaging to the third dimensional channel. 

As we are awakening to, downloading and integrating our Multidimensional SELF, more and more of our channeling comes from a higher dimensional aspect of our SELF. It is important to remember that we have a resonance of our SELF on many planets, galaxies and dimensions. With our expanded perceptions activated, we can learn to communicate with them while we still hold a physical, earth vessel.

Clairvoyance is the ability to see objects that resonate to the fourth dimension and beyond. As we expand our consciousness, our perceptions expand beyond the confines of the physical spectrum of light. Hence, we can "see" objects and beings in the fourth dimension and beyond.

Whereas clairaudience is our multidimensional hearing, clairvoyance is our multidimensional seeing. We perceive different dimensions differently, as they resonate to diverse frequencies of light. One of the most common clairvoyant experiences is the perception of ghosts.  Within our third dimensional thinking and belief systems we think of ghost as being dead. However, death is an illusion, for it only means that the person has returned it’s resonate frequency to a higher frequency. The exception to this is when one moves into a lower frequency, the Lower Astral Plane, often labeled Hell.

Hell is not a place; it is a resonance of the lowest frequency of the fourth dimensional Astral Plane.  The fourth dimension is the aura of planet Earth, as well as the aura of each person.  We perceive different frequencies through placing our attention on the correlating resonance within our aura. Just as we have dark and light patches in our aura, so does Gaia. There are many power places on Earth where people have expanded their frequency, grounded that expansion into the planet and crossed over, returned Home, in bliss and unconditional love.

On the other hand, there are other places on Earth where great injustice, cruelty, fear and anger have scared the face of Gaia and left a blotch in Her aura.  Once we have activated our clairvoyant abilities, we can easily tell the difference between these two places. As we awakened our clairvoyance, as well as our clairaudience, we must take the initiation of making a tunnel of light through our own Lower Astral Plane and ground the tunnel into the body of Gaia.  If we are unable to clear a pathway through the darkness of our own aura, our expanded perceptions will be a beacon to the collective darkness that humanity has left in the aura of our planet.

The initiation of clearing our “tunnel of Light” teaches us to differentiate between voices and apparitions who resonate to either the light or the dark. There has indeed been many actions of fear, hatred and darkness which have left their mark in the Lower Astral Plane. We also have suffer many fearful, angry or sorrowful experiences in our life that have left darkness in our aura. First we must heal our self, which is healing our aura, or the darkness in our aura will mar our ability to differentiate between messages from Lower Astral Plane and from the higher planes. Our aura is the filter for our perceptions. If our filter is darkened with fear, so will our expanded perceptions.   

Fear is our psychic breaking system. If we have a fearful experience, then fear will bring us out of our expanded perceptions and back into our mundane reality.  Fortunately, once we have become Master over our fear by confronting, healing and releasing it with our light, we have Mastery over any fear with experience in the Lower Astral Plane. One of the ways we can confront and gain Mastery over negative entities is to stretch our hand and stand with firmness and love, “In the name of the ONE, be gone!” It is a Cosmic Law that the lower frequencies cannot stay when commanded to leave by a being of a higher frequency. 

We can also send these wounded, lower dimensional apparitions unconditional love.  In this case, they will either show gratitude for our concern, then ride our wave of unconditional love into a higher resonance, or they will run from us overwhelmed by their own fear. The real initiation is that we must face our own fear in order to have the courage to stay in our altered state and confront the apparition that can only be perceived through our own fear. Once we have become Masters over our own fear, we can sense the darkness, place our greater light around us and continue through the darkness, creating a tunnel of light as we do so. 

A lower frequency entity cannot harm a lower frequency being anymore than a monster at the bottom of the ocean can harm a sailor on the surface. This astral “monster” cannot raise its resonance toward the higher frequency until the fear that has bound it to that resonance has been healed and releases.  Spiritualists are a group of people whose spiritual purpose is to assist those trapped in the Lower Astral Plane of the fourth dimension.

When our consciousness flows through our tunnel of light into the Land of Faerie and the Emotional Plane of the fourth dimension, the colors are very bright and the beings beautiful, although their forms can easily change. In the Mental Plane, the colors are calmer and the forms even more wavering. In the Causal and Spiritual Planes, the beings all flash with light.  They seldom seem to have feet, and their hands and face are so full of light that you can barely make them out.  Often, all we can see of their face is their eyes, and their hands are torches of light.

In the void between the fourth and fifth dimension, we experience complete nothingness. We appear to be alone, although we feel life all around us. It is our initiation to release our attachment to the forms of the third and fourth dimension and perceive our self as a spec of light before we can release our ego enough to gain entry into the fifth dimension.  Once in that resonance, our “seeing” is more like a “think-see” (seeing through our Third Eye) or a “feel-see”  (seeing through our High Heart}. In other words, we must trust our SELF unconditionally to KNOW that if we think it or feel it, our perception is real.  With practice, we can learn to perceive in a thinking/feeling way. 

Once we Master our fifth dimensional perception, we can begin to “see” and “hear” beings who exist only as a group consciousness.  We experience the call from these beings within our own physical body, usually our Third Eye or High Heart. We need to expand our consciousness into the fifth dimension to be able to have a communication with these beings. Our inner planes are FULL with wondrous beings, eagerly awaiting our ability to remember how to perceive them. They have illumined information to share and wise guidance to give.


Clair-sentience is the umbrella term for all psychic senses together. When we are clairsentient, we can access our expanded senses to smell, see and touch another person's aura, hear another person's thoughts, feel their emotions and/or communicate with higher dimensional beings.

Clairsentience is experienced as a feeling, usually accompanied by a physical sensation. We may smell something that “isn’t there,” get a quick glimpse of something from the corner of our eye, know something we didn’t know a moment before, blink out for a second to another reality and/or suddenly feel confused and disoriented. Very often we experience our alternate realities through our clairsentience. 

There are different kinds of “alternate realities.”  One is usually known as our “past lives.” However, time and space are an illusion particular to the third dimension. Hence, once we raise our consciousness into even the fourth dimension, we often begin to experience ourselves in a lifetime that is not consistent with the third dimensional life that we are used to experiencing. 

Once we can look “down” in frequency through our fourth dimensional consciousness into the third dimension, we are able to perceive any time frame that we wish. Our many incarnations on third dimensional Earth can be witnessed from this perception as being aligned on a wheel of time.  From our viewpoint of the fourth dimension this wheel is not bound by time. Hence, we can visit any lifetime with the constraints of time. In other words, we can visit a life in 223 BC, then visit a life in 2034 AD, then visit one in 1895 BC. Nevertheless, once we enter any of these times, we are limited to the chronological movement of third dimensional time.

Clairsentience can be experienced as a knowing that comes into our consciousness.  If we can trust that knowing, it can guide us through the many roadblocks of life. This inner guidance also directs us toward a better knowing our self.  The more we know our self, the more we can discriminate between the inner sensations that we have picked up from another and the inner sensations that arise from our expanded perceptions. As with all relationships, unconditional love and trust is what develop intimacy.  Being intimate with our self is a foreign concept to many, but once we remember and embrace our true, Multidimensional Soul/SELF, this intimacy expands exponentially.


Telekinesis is a fourth and fifth dimensional ability, which allows us to move objects through space without the workings of our physical body. In our fourth and fifth dimensional self, our mind, emotions and intentions are more powerful than our muscles. Therefore, we can displace objects by combining our thoughts and emotions with our conscious intention.

Telekinesis is often referred to as “mind over matter.” In other words, with conscious use of our telekinetic abilities we can move and/or influence matter with the power of our mind. However, emotions also play a strong role in telekinesis. Conscious telekinesis is one of least common of the expanded perceptions. On the other hand, we often influence matter with our mind/emotions in an unconscious manner. For example, those who have more of a proclivity towards telekinesis, sometimes turn street lights on or off simply by walking underneath them.

These people may be attracted to martial arts or sports such as tennis, baseball, golf, wherein the power of their intention can be consciously used to direct the course of the ball or the force of their martial arts blow. Artists who work with carving or sculpting may also have an unrecognized talent towards telekinesis, as they manipulate matter with their hands, but the intention of their unconscious minds/emotions may also be a strong component of their artwork.

Another type of unconscious telekinesis is a poltergeist. A poltergeist is not a “ghost,” but the movement of matter through the unconscious intention of a living person.  Often this person is an adolescent who us unaware of the force of their extreme emotions. In fact, fear, anger and sorrow can be very powerful forces. Unfortunately, when these emotions are unconsciously used to manipulate matter, it is usually terrifying to the person who unwittingly created that movement.  Carl Jung, the famous psychologist and disciple of Freud, spoke of his adolescent telekinetic experiences in his autobiography, Memories, Dreams and Reflections.  As a teen he read all the thirteenth centuries books on alchemy he could find. Hence, he awakened a great power, but had not yet gained any mastery over his emotions.

Strong emotion is an important element in telekinesis because emotion is “energy in motion.”  Once we have gained mastery over our emotions, we can use love-based emotions to consciously and lovingly raise the frequency of the matter to the fourth dimension where it is less encumbered by time and space.  We can then move it without the limitation of third dimensional weight or mass. If we can consciously connect with our quantum consciousness, we can use the instant manifestation of our quantum thinking to teleport matter anywhere in the Universe, instantly! 

Our “junk DNA” has been proved to function as tiny wormholes where messages, and eventually matter, can be instantly teleported to any location. In one experiment, samples of the junk DNA where put in vials and take to another room. Pictures of fearful emotions were shown to the subject, and the DNA in the other room instantly collapses and somewhat unraveled. Pictures of loving emotions were then shown and, instantly, the DNA perked up and returned to it most vibrant state. The experimenter, US Military, then moved the vials hundreds of miles away and the DNA still responded instantly. It is likely that the “teleporting” used on the Star Trek shows is an example of this form of telekinesis.  The matter is taken down to the quantum level, where is can move beyond time and space, then restructured at the intended location.


Illumination arises as we surrender our ego to our fifth dimensional Soul/SELF to become ONE with the NOW of the higher dimensions. Just one 3D moment of such Union can set us on a Path that takes most of our life to travel.

Illumination is what occurs as we download and integrate our Multidimensional SELF into our physical earth vessel. Once we have fully integrated our SELF into our self, our consciousness expands from Personal Consciousness to our Collective Consciousness, and from our Planetary Consciousness into our Galactic Consciousness toCosmic Consciousness. With each expansion of our consciousness our sense of SELF increases. Our “sense of SELF” is defined as: that with which we feel a complete sense of UNITY.

While in Personal Consciousness, we think of our SELF as a third dimensional human being who is fully conscious of the workings of our mundane life. We are also aware of our Inner Child and Ego. Hence, we are able to use our expanded perceptions receive communications via our body, Inner Child and, through prayer, with God and/or Saints and Angels. 

Within Collective Consciousness we fell unity with all humanity and think of our SELF as being a member of the family of all humanity. Because of this, we can use our expanded perceptions to tune into the fourth dimension and communicate with the mass, Collective Consciousness of humans on Earth. 

With Planetary Consciousness, we feel complete unity with our planet, which expands our consciousness to embrace the fourth dimension. With the awakening of our multidimensional consciousness we can perceive our SELF as a component of Gaia, the consciousness of Earth. In this case, we use our expanded perceptions to communicate directly with Mother Earth, as well as with ALL Her inhabitants. We can also connect with the fourth dimensional Elementals of earth/gnomes, air/ sylphs, water/undines and fire/salamanders. 

With fourth dimensional consciousness we can also communicate with the many realities and beings that resonate to the fourth dimension.  At first, we may only be able to believe that these wondrous Beings and Spirit Guides even exist.  Then, over time, we realize that many of these beings are fourth dimensional expressions of our own Multidimensional SELF.

With Galactic Consciousness, we feel complete unity with the many planets, solar systems, and galaxies that resonate to the fourth and fifth dimensions. This unity allows us to fully integrate our Multidimensional SELF and expand our consciousness into the fifth dimension and ground that frequency of Light into the body of Gaia. By now, “ETs” are perceived as other expressions of our Soul/SELF and member of our Stellar Family. 

We have moved beyond the limitations of duality, time, space and separation.  We perceive our physical body as the earth vehicle that we use and maintain to “drive” us through the experiences of being a member of the Planetary Ascension Team. We perceive every aspect of our physical reality as a blessing or an initiation to remember to release all fear and live in unconditional love forever and always. From this state of consciousness, we are Masters of Energy and keep close watch on our thoughts and emotions so that they do not threaten to lower our consciousness.  We are no longer victim to any person, place, situation or thing and take full responsibility for every manifestation in our life.

With Cosmic Consciousness, we can move into the sixth dimension and beyond, as well into quantum realities and quantum thinking. We are preparing to release all attachment to form and see our self as a being of pure consciousness. Inter-dimensional travel is normal, as we interface with our Oversoul in the seventh dimension to assist our Soul Family to bring ALL of our expressions of SELF Home to the resonance of Multidimensional Consciousness. 

We no longer need to seek, for we live in Divine Intelligence, Spiritual Wisdom and Infinite Creativity. We share our Illumined Being with other expressions of our SELF and with all who seek our counsel. If we still maintain a grounded, earth vessel (usually to participate in the planetary ascension), we maintain a constant connection to our Multidimensional SELF as well as the heart of Gaia. We see one of our services as being step-down transformers to ground the higher frequency light and quantum reality into the body of Earth.  With this service, we raise the resonant frequency of the planet to facilitate planetary ascension. 

We are free of ego, so we do not seek fame or recognition and often see it as a distraction to our true work.  We walk planet Earth as a “regular” person who still has to pay bills, go to work and feed our body.  We know that it is a huge task to maintain a third dimensional form with the expanded frequencies of our consciousness, but live with the many aches and pains of physical reality knowing that “this too shall pass.” 

We KNOW we are greatly privileged to be a member of this Cosmic Moment and constantly strive to hold the connection with our Oversoul, through all our many dimensional realities and into our physical body. Most of us have suffered greatly in our sacrifice to forget our SELF in order to serve in the creation of and return to fifth dimensional Earth. We know that, since fifth dimensional Earth resonates beyond time and space, “returning to” and “creating” can happen simultaneously.

We seek others of our kind who hold their SELF within their vessel of clay as a planetary and galactic service. We still get hungry, tired, angry, confused, poor or sick.  It is the ultimate sacrifice that we have made to ground our great SELF into Gaia and to assist in the ascension into the fifth dimension as an entire planet.

Fortunately, more and more of us are awakening to our Illumined SELF
and we are realizing that the main thing that we have to Do:

Is to BE our Multidimensional SELF!
Perceive our Multidimensional REALITY!
And assist others to awaken to and awaken their 


How are YOU assisting others to open to their Multidimensional Reality?

Whatever you do, no matter how small it may seem, 



Suzanne Lie and the Arcturians


  1. I am awakening from the inside out,listening, watching, basically filtering reality through me and collecting the "special" moments to piece together. Thank you.

  2. The only way I can boost energy, consciousness and my perceptions to reach 4d,the void (which I thought was above all dimension somehow) 5D and not sure if beyond (I think only once became Galactic ocosmic consciousness for the feeling I had of being God and such blissfulness and knew I created everything) is with lsd,I feel inside me an urge to expand more and remember me no matter the tools I have to use.. I have achieved this few times, I understood that my imagination was my seeing somehow or as you said seeing-thinking, saw few beings, a blond human like, very beautiful body, had no shirt, very muscular and perfect body,
    curly blond long hair,and the material of his skin was amazing smooth and perfect not like ours where you can see wrinkles everywhere. Also saw a gold ship, was in a piramidal shape like, the material was amazing, perfect, I could not found imperfections on the external surface of the ship, I had the intention to zoom in to try to find out what type of material was (I was seeing it from outside) not sure if that human was me but I felt that ship was mine or wanted it to be, I do not remember the feeling now exactly, but I found interesting that I am attracted to blond women the most so maybe that was me not sure tho, as I zoom in reached a point where I found cracks or divisions, amd saw triangular piramids In a fractal way those where the elemnts of the surface, I remember then that all is fractal or all creation contains the same blueprint.

    In other ocasión I saw another ship from the inside, this time I was inside, the ship had transparent walls, amazing tech right? I could see everything outside, seems it was above a forest, I could see the trees beneath, and inside a tall very thin being, could not see the face not got lots of details but maybe was Arcturian? Then I saw another being felt femenine energy and had a beautiful crown over her head made of like diamonds.. So amazing, and of course before all that had very ugly experiences that I think were on 4d or hell lol, saw flesh, blood and had visitations on my room of beings that were very negative, could not see them, but felt them, they had come few times 4 times or so, the first times were was the time of my awakening the amount of fear was beyond words, I felt they wanted me dead, since I saw what they were doing on this planet, they I know now are the lost ones, they did not liked my awakening...that fear never stop me from keep inner traveling while meditating and remembering my self, I will keep expanding no matter what so I can help rise the vibration of the planet... It is funny that since my awakening, and while my consciousness is very high I went out some this outside my home where some trees are, to see the beauty of all, after few times they put a little church there, now I have the feeling that I am helping in cleaning the energies or transmute them, but well, I would love to share more details later. Thank you for posts, I feel less alone when my consciousness lowers.

  3. Oh and about the question, I have an Instagram and Facebook page (Lenmiscate)where I put thing to help remember others our nature, but these last days I feel down,I have lost the interest in posting I feel quite sad that I dont find what I am good at.. I will keep asking my hover self to merge and let me know what I am good at, and open my third eye, I will be more effective here helping.


  4. This was really helpful and uplifting, thank you Sue! It helped me remember so many experiences I had during my 3 years of continuous meditation and practice of mindfulness. Can I ask - you may know- why it is that after achieving a stable, deep inner peace that came with a sense of freedom from 3D pull and a strong sense of immortality, it all went away the next year? I thought that once this state was achieved, it would never disappear. I stopped meditating as I started to study graphic design, entered a relationship that seemed right and opened up to a new life but the price seems a bit heavy as I forgot almost everything I knew. ps. I am looking forward to meditating again, I feel tingling on top of my head quite often, electrifying bursts of energy when I look at my loved ones and for hours- every morning and evening- I heard a Tibetan bowl being played on and on for a week. So maybe not all is lost. :) BLESSINGS to ALL on you path of rediscovering your TRUE Selves!


  5. Hi, I'm striving since a kid to be illumined. Being raised in a spiritual family, this was a common talk to have. In a same manner I adopted this attitude towards everybody I encounter. I believe that taking an attitude towards this topic already is helping us to remember our multidimensional self.
    After having followed many rigorous ways to experience deeper states of consciousness, I came to a conclusion that life is already giving me everything I need to experience those states (letting go the your-way striving, gives more space to be helped).
    This helped me accepting and enjoying ups and also downs. In a way that certain urges (which might seem as impatience) are perfect in their sense too, as they move you towards what you wish.
    Where I would like to ask a question is that I see myself in all the aspects that you mentioned and also in very simple "unhealthy" emotions. How can you(I) say which dimension I'm in? If expanding your awareness describes the state of consciousness, does that mean that I shift constantly between dimensions? ( I guess the part of being in constant connection with source is overwhelmed by time to time)

    Loved and somehow awaited this info for a while.

    Thank you very much


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  7. My mind stays in the 3rd and 4th dimension, everything I learned, I learned on my own. I suffer daily my mind translate so fast that I hear what my loves ones and enemy's say about me, the time is some times right there and other times in the future no matter how heard I try I can't get people to hear me back and it sucks �� I Kno I have a gift because I'm right a majority of the time I don't meditate Andi Don't have beads I'm wanna get some but I said I wouldn't, what should I do?

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