Wednesday, February 28, 2018

A Gift to Heart and Mind--The Arcturians Through Sue Lie



The Arcturians through Sue Lie

Dear Grounded Ones,

We, the Arcturians, are sending to our Grounding Ones, this message about “Remembering your OWN Inter-dimensional SELF.” We have also included a list of questions that we hope will assist you to better REMEMBER YOUR TRUE, GALACTIC SELF…

WE ARE the Masters of our Minds
And the Servants to our bodies

WE ARE among the “ONES” who came
 to heal the planet Gaia

Gaia knows that we have come
To help Her with Her process

As we assist Her with our Love
She guides us towards Ascension

We, the humans, share with Gaia
Her Earth, Air, Fire, and Water

We also follow Her 4D Flow
To guide us Home each night

While our body sleeps, our Soul awakes
And we remember who we are

We are a members of the Ship
That led us to this world

This form of clay will work for now
As we await our return to Lightbody

This Lightbody, who we truly are
Is made of Love and Light

We came to share our love with Gaia
And share it with Her people

Love helps us to remember
We’re only here for service

We were informed before our visit
To hold our light within

When it is “the NOW,” we will direct
that Love where it is needed

Our Gift of LOVE, we give for free
As it comes, NOT from, but THROUGH us

We remember when we first came here,
That we made a Path of Light

This Pathway Lights our way to HOME
As our Ships arrive near Earth

Unconditional Love is the gift that we give,
And we hope that you accept it

We know that Mother Earth
Will also need that gift

She will share that gift each day and night
To clear you all of all hate and fright

We see that Gaia needs more help
So, she asked us to include YOU

YOU are our friends from our shared Ships
Who came to Earth and soon forgot

We come here NOW to let you know
We are HERE again to help you

But, on Gaia’s world, you must ask
And then we will respond

It is this way, so you won’t forget
That Earth’s a “Free Will Planet”

Now, as we come from Higher Worlds
We can hear Earth’s every call

We hear the humans too
As they also call for help

We answer you within your NOW
So listen closely with your Heart

Then share this message with your Mind
So others can receive it.

Please remember WE are ONE
Both humans and Galactics

We have returned within your NOW
To help you with your process

As you ascend, please call on us
And we will all assist you

While calling your Galactic Self
You’ll remember who YOU are

On Earth you are a human
Who lives a human life

But, on Earth, you can remember
The source from which you came

Remember who you truly are
In higher worlds and dimensions

Then you will recall the Mission
That you promised to complete.

As you complete your Mission
You’ll remember more and more

That YOU are Master of your Mind
And Servant of your body.

Dear Grounded Ones,
We, the Arcturians, are sending to our Grounding Ones, a list of questions that we hope will assist you to better REMEMBER YOUR TRUE, GALACTIC SELF…

Please ponder these questions.
Then, you may wish to share and/or answer them in the comment section for this Blog:

What can you remember about your trip to Earth?

What dreams/meditations have you had about “leaving Home” and/or “coming to Gaia?”

How are you the Master of your Mind?

How are you the Servant to your Body?

What can you remember of your trip to Earth?

What dreams, and/or meditations have you had about “leaving Home” and/or “coming to Gaia?”

Can you remember any of your nightly journeys Home?

What do you remember of your fifth dimensional Ship or Homeworld?

Can you feel how you are “Held in the Light?”

How do you direct this light where it is needed?

Do you remember the Path of Light that you have created?

How does Gaia ask YOU for help?

How do you assist Gaia’s Earth, Air, Water and Fire?

How else have the Galactic assisted you?

How else have the Galactic assisted you?

How do you share your Inter-dimensional messages with others?

What can you remember of your “Source?”

Can you remember who you are in the Higher Worlds?

How does remembering your Higher Worlds assist you?

How are you the Master of your Mind, and how are you the Servant to your Body?

Download all these questions HERE so that you can take them with you into your daily life.

After a stressful meeting, check your list.
If you are lonely or bored, check your list
If you feel concerned about an upcoming task, check your list.
If you feel like you are “just human,” check your list.

Remember that having this list and checking this list will assist you to remember that:


We, your Galactic Family, as well as dear Gaia,


  1. What can you remember about your trip to Earth?Nothing, but one time i was vibrating so high furing meditation that i could see within my eye a little bit something like i was in a chamber, i heard many begins like they were happy and saying here is coming, and i had the sensation that i was about to die, may bodie, i was about to leave earth and awake somewhere else, then i had this fear or remorse for my family in Earth, so that experience kind stopped there

    What dreams/meditations have you had about “leaving Home” and/or “coming to Gaia?” well same of the answer on the question above

    How are you the Master of your Mind? Putting in my mind only that, that i want to create for me and others, not allowing trash in it.

    How are you the Servant to your Body? Unfortunately i am a servant of this body, since i have to take give it to eat, clean it, etc..

    What can you remember of your trip to Earth? No

    What dreams, and/or meditations have you had about “leaving Home” and/or “coming to Gaia?” same as answer 1

    Can you remember any of your nightly journeys Home? No i dont remember home, in my dreams i have seen ships, but they are flying above me, there was i think 1 dream where i might have been in a ship where i met a insecticide being. Latly i have lots of dreams about being in school just like years ago, even seen same faces etc.

    What do you remember of your fifth dimensional Ship or Homeworld?
    I seen, a being very thin, cant remember his face, i was inside the same ship, the interior of the ship was transparent so we could see all the exterior world, at that point, we were above some beatiful woods, was maybe in the evening, then saw like a crown of maybe a femenine being, the crown was so beautiful, so large or tall, with many rocks like diamonds. In other time i was maybe in a ship or somehwere else and there where many beings coming to a table, not sure if to talk or eat, one being was coming down the stairs that were next to this table, the only thing i remember is his big tall hat. Also other time i was this beautiful human looking, blond, long hair, very muscle, and in perfect shape, what a beautiful body i said, i needed one of those here on earth

    Can you feel how you are “Held in the Light?” sometimes, when i feel lots of love

    How do you direct this light where it is needed? i put my intention on how all the ships of our family and friends arrive here on earth

    Do you remember the Path of Light that you have created? no

    How does Gaia ask YOU for help? transmutation or energies, heal me and others if i ask, transmit new codes

    How do you assist Gaia’s Earth, Air, Water and Fire?not sure, maybe by not polluting them

    How else have the Galactic assisted you? Well i am alive still here on earth, so with all i think.

    How do you share your Inter-dimensional messages with others?
    When asked i can tell,
    What can you remember of your “Source?” a loving place, full of bliss and oneness

    Can you remember who you are in the Higher Worlds? no, but i think i can be whatever i can imagine.

    How does remembering your Higher Worlds assist you? It helps me in forget the lack of this planet
