Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Leaving Time, The Arcturians through Sue Lie--Another Free Thank You Download

To download this free "give away" please click:

HERE to download the above story.

The Arcturians-through Sue lie

I wrote this in July when we were on the 101 Highway going to Northern California. The traffic was practically stopped, and I could “feel” the aura of all the fires that were burning in that area of the state. I remember that I asked the Arcturians about the upcoming presidential votes, and wrote down their answer on the only paper I could find. I have not released it till now, well, you will know why when you read it…

Dear Suzille,
As you know, the United States has always been a corporation and had never been a democracy. Before the people of the United States can change that situation, they will need to know about it. But, many of them do not want to know. They will stay in the 3D Matrix, which will gradually self-destruct.

The third dimension is actually a “booster rocket” for Gaia’s ascension. With every birth there is a death. The amniotic sac is alive while it nurtures the fetus, but dies so that the infant can live.

Just as some mother spiders give themselves over as food so their many baby spiders can survive; some members of the United States feel the need to “eat their mother land” so that they can survive. But they will NOT be allowed to “eat the planet.”

These people that the darkness has created can only destroy the matrix. The matrix is the like the “spider web,” which the dark ones perceive as their home. If a spider web were destroyed before the baby spiders were mature, these baby spiders would die.

In the same manner, if the matrix were destroyed, the un-awakened ones would not have an illusion of a reality in which they could learn about Earth’s cause and effect, and energy out is energy back operating system.

These un-awakened ones think they are ON the planet, but they are actually ON the matrix, which is the scaffolding for Earth. When Gaia is fully matured into fifth dimensional New Earth, the scaffolding will be taken down and the illusion of the third dimension will disappear.

Just as a dead person must eventually discover that he or she no longer has a physical body, those that can only perceive the 3D matrix will eventually realize that they no longer have a 3D Matrix.  

Those who have only known “life on the Matrix” will discover they are no longer have a third dimensional Earth on which they can act out their wars, greed, fear and domination.

Because these lost ones could not progress at all during their incarnations/schools on planet Earth, and even went backwards, they will return to Source to be placed within the formless state of preparing for eventually being an individual human.

Our experiment to see if a reality, based on separation and individuation, could create evolution into a higher dimensional experience. The “experiment” has revealed that only a small percentage of those who logged in to that reality are able to evolve into a sentient being based on unconditional love.

Gaia took on too many laggards. The laggards are those who failed, even after multiple chances, to become a higher-dimensional, sentient being and reconnect to their Multidimensional SELF.

Gaia will need to release these lost ones, laggards, if she is to ascend. In other words, just as the baby spiders eat their mother, the laggards will eat/destroy their mother planet. It has been proved that war does NOT assist evolution enough to make the horrible destruction and hate worthwhile.

Therefore, war is not a viable option to assist the release of the lost ones. Just as the “baby spiders,” need to eat their mother to survive, many of these lost ones believe they must “eat the planet” to survive.

These lost ones are not able to realize that if they harm their planet, they simultaneously harm their own self and the future of humanity. They are thinking in an instinctual manner. like the “baby spiders,” in order to survive at all cost.

Just as bees, and other beings, are choosing to leave 3D Earth and not return, so are many humans. The 3D school is closing. Those who have expanded their consciousness into the fifth dimension will continue to deeply commune with Gaia, as well as their Galactic Family.

These volunteers to assist Gaia took third dimensional bodies to assist physical Earth with Her return Home. Eventually, the third dimension will become “the shaft of the wheat.” Just as when the shaft of the wheat falls away, and the life force of the wheat is revealed.

Within each of you is your fifth-dimensional Lightbody that your physical form has been surrounding. As your attachment to the physical world is released, the fifth-dimensional Lightbody will slowly, or quickly, replace the physical form.

Each fifth dimensional Lightbody will have the choice to return to the higher dimensions or to populate one of the many fifth dimension worlds that could not be perceived via their former third dimensional perceptions.

Your physical form was much like a personal starship, which was grounded on Earth. While you were still wearing your higher dimensional form of the HERE and NOW, your perceptions were much like multidimensional windows through which you could perceive the higher fourth dimension, fifth dimensions and beyond.

However, over the many eons of wearing an earth vessel, the illusions, polarity and pain, closed the higher dimensional “windows” and only the third/fourth dimensional windows into reality remained functional.

Without the perceptions of the higher worlds, you forgot about them. Then, Gaia became much like a “prison planet” in which there was mostly pain and suffering with no means of escape.

Therefore, higher dimensional beings took third/fourth dimensional incarnations in order to tell the truth of hope, God, and redemption. These “higher beings in human clothing” gathered followers around them, trained them, and then ascended to return to their higher dimensional homes.

Unfortunately, without their Guru leader, many of the followers fell into forgetfulness and soon return to their “spider nature” of eat or be eaten. Fortunately, a few remembered the truth and called home to the higher dimensions for assistance.

Now, you are at the “crest of the Wave.” Therefore, you can try to catch the wave and have an exciting ride back to the shores of your higher dimensional self. Or, you can dive under the wave and hope that you can catch the next wave.

We want you to know that there is such a thing as “the last wave.” This Last Wave is coming soon to your timeline. Will you choose to catch this wave, or will you choose to dive under the wave in hopes that another opportunity will arise.

We are HERE NOW to warn you that Gaia is choosing to catch that wave of ascension.

Some humans found their inner truth and will lovingly assist with Gaia’s move into the fifth dimension, but other humans have decided to “wait this out and get back to it at a later time.” However, that “later” time will not occur because “time” is closing.

The bus into the fifth dimension is arriving, but it is on its last run into the third dimension. Every person who catches that bus has volunteered to take different components of Gaia’s 3D essence with him or her.

Then, when that last bus drives away, all of Gaia’s third dimension essence will be gone and the third dimension will become a ghost town.

“Wait,” we hear the lost ones say, “How much time do we have?”

“Time is an illusion of the third/fourth dimension,” we respond.

“Does that mean we have to leave Earth?” we hear them say,

“NO,” we say in response, “That means that you have to LEAVE TIME.”

“The 3D/4D Matrix is based on time. Thus, reality based on time takes time to change. However, the time to change is NOW. Right NOW, the third/fourth, time/space paradigm is being replaced with the fifth dimensional paradigm of HERE / NOW.

“Those still addicted to time can only believe that it will take a great deal of time to change. On the other hand, more and more awakened ones are realizing that time, and thus space, are third dimensional illusions that are created and acted out by the inhabitants of that reality.

“Those who are prepared to perceive the new energy patterning of fifth dimensional reality, which is based on NOW, are increasingly feeling, hearing, and seeing a higher dimensional format of reality.

That reality is calling you NOW. If you do not act within the NOW of that call, you fall back into “waiting for the time in which you are ready.”

“But, how do I prepare for the NOW?” ask those still bound by time.

“There is no TIME or SPACE in which you can prepare to embrace the NOW of the fifth dimension.

All that you will DO to prepare for the NOW must be DONE NOW.

If you “take the time” to wait for the NOW, think about the NOW and even prepare for the NOW, that NOW will not occur because you will become lost in the time that you took to “prepare for the NOW.”

You cannot “prepare” for the fifth dimensional NOW, as it is not a place that you can visit when you have the “time to go there.” The fifth dimensional NOW is a “state of consciousness” that calibrated your perceptions to a reality that infinitely exists within the NOW of the ONE.

You are moving into a state of consciousness that is free of all third/fourth dimensional markers of time or space. In order to remember how to exist within that frequency of reality, you will need to release the 3D Operating System of “time” that has bound you to the third/fourth dimensions.

“How do I release an operating system that I didn’t even know I had?” we hear you ask.

“You must remember the YOU that you were before you became lost in the third/fourth dimension. That YOU is free of the time/space that limited your perceptions to the third/fourth dimensional time-bound realities,” we respond.

When you release the illusion, the truth will be revealed.
            But how can you release an illusion that you always believed was the TRUTH?

How can you find the courage to remember that everything you ever experienced in any of your third dimensional realities was just an illusion?

To that question we respond, “When you enter the NOW of your fifth dimensional SELF you will leave time. Then the third dimensional time-bound act of ‘remembering’ will be replaced with the fifth dimensional NOW of KNOWING.”

We invite you to visit that NOW. You can stay as long as you please, or just take a quick peek into the “unknown” that you are NOW remembering. Fortunately, within a timeless reality there is no quick or slow, as there is NO time to measure those third dimensional concepts.

Once within the operating system of your fifth dimensional NOW, there is no “quick.” There is no “peek,” as there is not time to create those measurements of action or perception.

Within the flow of the fifth dimension and beyond,
IN the NOW

We Are the Arcturians

Monday, August 29, 2016

First "Thank You Download" - by Suzanne Lie


Hello Dear Readers,

Here is my first "give-away" - Thank You so very much, we have over 2,000,000 visits to the site.

In fact, as of today, there are 2,001,133  visits.

I am giving away an interesting experience I had
of questions and answers with the Arcturians.
Jefferson asked the questions and the Arcturians gave the answers.

You can download this book by clicking


Thank you again, again!

Sue Lie

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Within This Now--Sue Lie and The Arcturians & FREE Quantum Conversation with Lauren Galey

2,000,000 HITS TO THIS SITE.
Stay tuned for some cool "give aways"


Within This NOW

The Arcturians through Sue Lie

Within this NOW you are not fully in the third/fourth dimensional body. Nor are you fully in your fifth dimensional body. This is NOT because you did something wrong. This is because you are a prototype. You are among those who have volunteered to “test the equipment” for transmuting your third/fourth dimensional Earth vessel into your fifth dimensional Light Vessel.

Therefore, you will be called to release your third and fourth dimensional manner of thinking before your fifth dimensional brain is fully online. Within this NOW, we suggest that you focus primarily on the third dimension as your baseline and the fifth dimension as where YOU go, but you do not live there yet.

This means that you remain fully grounded, eat the right foods, exercise your body, and get a “spotter” who is someone who can keep track of you without having any judgment or fear. Some people may be afraid of your changes and will judge you because they are frightened.

Therefore, focus on the third dimension as your baseline for your third/fourth dimensional earth vessel and perceive the fifth dimension resonance as the YOU that you are in the fifth dimension and beyond.

You can feel that there is a sense of purity and innocence in the fifth dimensional reality that is difficult to maintain in the lower dimensions. You will wish to go to the fifth dimensional reality often, but you can only do so when your High Heart and Multidimensional Mind are calibrated to each other—AND—while you are able to hold the resonance of Unconditional Love.

Yes, Unconditional Love is not just an emotion. Unconditional love is a frequency of resonance in which unity and trust are natural and constant. This resonance is the fifth dimension and beyond. You, that is the many of you, are getting more and more glimpses of this fifth dimensional frequency, as well as the feelings which are almost too intense for your physical body to maintain.

These feelings come in waves of higher light to allow you a chance to get accustomed to each new wave of higher energy. Adapting to these waves is much like dipping into very cold or very hot water because you need to slowly become accustomed to the “temperature.”

You are allowing yourself to slowly adapt to a sensation of energy, which can be quite shocking at first. Fortunately, that which is shocking at first becomes more and more natural, as you adapt to that frequency of reality.

Your fifth dimensional sensations can be shocking to your third dimensional system because the fifth dimensional energy fields are slowly upgrading your neural network, as well as the functioning of your heart, lungs, vision, hearing, and tactile experiences.

All of the systems that assist you to be aware of your third/fourth dimensional environment are being upgraded to assist you to be consciously aware of your ever-expanding fifth dimensional environment. Eventually, all your “systems of awareness” will be updated to include the conscious awareness of your fifth dimensional environment.  

Then, within that NOW, you will find that you are suddenly calibrated to a higher frequency of contact. What we mean by a “higher frequency of contact” is that you will be contacting a frequency of reality which you have seldom experienced since you first took an Earth vessel.

Before you volunteered to assist Gaia by taking a third/fourth dimensional earth vessel, your body was innately fifth dimensional. In fact, you resonated to a fifth dimensional “light body.” Your invisible, LIGHT body has been keeping your PHYSICAL body interconnected with your innate fifth dimensional resonance of the Here and Now of your fifth dimensional reality.

The primary fifth dimensional neurological systems of your LIGHT body allow you to perceive and experience your higher dimensional world. In fact, your fifth dimensional Lightbody is much like a huge house with many passageways, tunnels, stairways, and windows. These passageways, tunnels and portals are your “windows into the fifth dimension.”

You have been “opening these windows” with the combination of Unconditional Love for your self, others and Gaia, as well as your willingness, dedication and innate sense of duty to ground the Higher Light.

As the energy fields flowing from your Earth vessel travel beyond the energy fields of third/fourth dimensional space-time, you automatically transmute your portals into the HERE of the fifth dimensional NOW.

Let us again explain what we mean by “portals.” We have spoken of an inner stairway, HERE which can assist you to expand your “Sense of SELF” beyond your third dimensional vessel, and into the highest fourth and fifth dimensional YOU.

 As you remember more about your true, inter-dimensional self, your conscious experiences of the fifth dimension and beyond will increase. You will also become more conscious your fifth-dimensional experiences. Then, what was once new, and maybe a bit frightening, slowly becomes normal.
It is in this manner that you will “MAKE ASCENSION NORMAL.”

Just as it is normal to talk about a ball game, your kid’s school, and the daily 3D news, it will become NORMAL to share your increasing fifth dimensional experience with others.
This “New Normal” represents a transition, which many of you have chosen to make within this NOW.

Dear volunteers to be the prototypes of the new human, you asked to assist with the process of transmuting your third dimensional physical body, as well as your fourth dimensional astral body, into the octave of your fifth dimensional light body.

What you will realize as you begin to move into and through this process is that you have been going through this transformation your entire life. In fact, you have been practicing for this NOW in many past, parallel and alternate lifetimes.

We ask you to remember that whenever you peek into the fifth dimension, that you allow yourself to fully experience the NOW. We started 2016 with the process of eight weeks of loving yourself unconditionally. Now we are asking you to unconditionally love your self enough to include your fifth dimensional Light-body within your “Sense of SELF.”

We ask you ALL to remember that you are not just your third, fourth dimensional earth vessel. We are challenging you to expand your “third/fourth dimensional Sense of SELF” to include “your fifth dimensional Light-body SELF.”

This unity of your third/fourth and fifth dimensional SELF, will remind you of the “Sense of Purpose” that you had when you took an earth vessel in order to assist with the process of transmuting “third dimensional, individual polarity consciousness” into “fifth dimensional unity consciousness” with ALL life.

You will begin this expansion of consciousness with yourself, but because the fifth dimension is based on the Here and Now, and of unity with all life, your personal fifth dimensional consciousness will naturally expand to include the collective consciousness of all life.

You are like your mythical Johnny Appleseed, who traveled across the planet planting apple tree seeds. However, you do not need to travel across your physical world, as you are planting your powerful thought-forms of planetary transmutation into the collective consciousness of humanity.

Since Unity Consciousness with all life is the core of a fifth dimensional consciousness, as well as all fifth dimensional realties, once you create this shift within your consciousness, your physical body will begin it’s transmutation into the resonance of the fifth dimension and beyond.

As you move into and through this process, you will be moving into states of consciousness that you have never experienced in any of your incarnations. There have been “fifth dimensional beings,” that have been worshiped as Gods or Ascended Masters. But, too often, there were thousands of years in-between the birth of these Spiritual Leaders.

There have been a few great beings, from different timelines and different areas that have taken an embodiment in which they transmuted their physical body into their fifth dimensional Lightbody. When this happened in the past, the Earth resonated to such a low frequency that it was difficult for them to maintain a form within the resonance on the planet.

However, NOW there is a different form of ascension because we are asking you to MERGE your “personal process of transmutation” with Gaia’s “planetary process of transmutation.”

Just as the Ascended Masters of the past have transmuted into their fifth dimensional Lightbody to assist their followers, you will transmute into your fifth dimensional Lightbody to assist your planet. Therefore, you do not need to have a following. What we ask you to do is to others who are receptive about your process.

In this manner, you will be contributing your fifth dimensional Personal experience with Gaia. Simultaneously, Gaia will be contributing her fifth dimensional Planetary experience with you.

This fifth dimensional Unity Consciousness of person and planet will expand deeply into the core of Gaia’s planet and far into Her atmosphere. This Unity Consciousness of all life working as ONE will initiate and complete the process of Personal and Planetary transmutation into the next octave of reality—the Fifth Dimension.

You are blessed to hold a form in this NOW. 
WE, your Arcturian friends, are blessed to assist you.

The Arcturians through Sue Lie


Please join Dr. Sue Lie in a Live Quantum Conversation

Activations, Meditations & Discussions
To Embody the High Vibrations

You’re invited to this FREE meeting as Suzanne Lie joins Lauren Galey’s on her “Global Summit Series to take a QUANTUM LEAP” in transformation and truly EMBODY Love and Your Truth!

Stand in your Mastery and Find your Power through living in the Heart with Divine Love, Activating Christ Consciousness, and raising the vibration of the planet.

This series of Quantum Conversations by Lauren Galey will EMPOWER & ENLIGHTEN you in your remembrance of your true mastery and your Divine Purpose for being here on this planet. This Quantum Conversation will assist you to move into and maintain the High Vibrational Frequencies of:

Joy, Unconditional Love, Gratitude, Praise, and Compassion.

These living, energy fields are the creative forces of the Universe that will change your life! In this conversation you will be shown how to use these attributes as we share share step-by-step processes, meditations, activations, visualizations, and information.  

Please join us in our Quantum Conversation on Sep 1, 2016 at 3pm Pacific / 4pm Mountain / 5pm Central / 6pm Eastern / 11pm GMT.

Register here for this Free Series:

You will get an email from Lauren Galey for my show 2 hours before the event and can listen to replay anytime.

In this meeting we, Sue Lie and Lauren Gaily, will be talking about Ascension and YOUR Passion and how you can embrace it to access your Higher Consciousness where all answers can be found, along with Health, Happiness, Abundance and Joy, Peace!

Learn how to MANIFEST new and desirable changes in your life to manifest an abundant and prosperous frequency of awareness. You can tap into this FREQUENCY or VIBRATION and really step into your True Mastery of Co-creating your reality using the Universal Laws of creation!

Register here for this Global Tele-summit at:

You need to register to get your invitation to this show, so please register now.
You’ll get an email for Lauren’s show 2 hours before the event.   
So, please check for an email from Lauren Galey at Acoustic Health.com. 


Inter-dimensional Life Review

Welcome to our in-depth 5-week process!

We will be guiding you through 5 weeks of the Interdimensional Experience (IDE) exploratory process. Follow along with weekly blog posts that will guide us
through the stages life stages of our
childhood, adolescent, adult and where you are now.
You will get a free recording to assist  you to connect with each of these stages of your life.

We are also offering additional opportunities for you to connect with each other more intimately and receive guidance in a series of three webinars.

If you are seeking an integrated and intimate experience, please join us for
a three-webinar series:

Webinar 1: Saturday, September 17, 2016
Webinar 2: Saturday, October 1, 2016
Webinar 3: Saturday, October 15, 2016

11:00 A.M. - 12:30 PM Pacific (PDT)
1:00 PM CDT / 2:00 PM EDT / 8:00 PM Europe (CEST)
FEE for for ALL three Webinars: $55.00  

You can also JUST follow the 5 Week experience via the Blog.

If you are unable to attend live, we welcome you to go ahead and register, 
and you will receive the recording.

P.S., as a BONUS for ALL registrants, we are pleased to offer a FREE learning package in appreciation for your attendance and registration!