Sunday, August 11, 2019

Clearing Your Consciousness The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Clearing Your Consciousness

The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Yes, we the Arcturians have a message for everyone on every day. In fact, we invite all who read this message to remember that you too have messages from us, and/or other members of your Galactic Family. 

Please remember that you all have a Galactic Family. However, it can be difficult to remember that fact while you are facing the many challenges of your third-dimensional Earth reality.

When we say “you,” we mean ALL of you brave ones who have activated your Multidimensional Consciousness so that you can activate the Circles of Light that awaken your personal expressions of your Multidimensional SELF.

“Multidimensional” means that you ALL have higher dimensional frequencies of your third-dimensional self. The challenge is to be able to perceive your higher dimensional self via your third-dimensional consciousness.

Fortunately, the higher dimensional frequencies of your third-dimensional self constantly over-light you via a huge Circle of LIGHT, which constantly protects and guides you. These Circles of LIGHT are components of your innate fifth-dimensional SELF.

It is because of your innate “Circles of Light” that constantly surround and protect you, many challenges of “life on third dimensional Gaia” can be greatly reduced, faced and even healed by remembering that YOU are a multidimensional Being, who has volunteered to take an earth vessel during this NOW to assist Gaia with Her Planetary

As you activate these “Circles of Light” within your consciousness, you will begin to remember more and more about your true, Multidimensional SELF who resides in the higher dimensional Starships and fifth-dimensional realities. 

Your Higher Dimensional SELF is in constant contact with your third-dimensional self. Unfortunately, while wearing your third-dimensional earth vessel, your consciousness, as well as your third-dimensional perceptions and experiences, are limited to the frequency of the third and fourth-dimensional expressions of Gaia.

Gaia is multidimensional and resonates to many different frequencies. Each of these frequencies is similar to a “rung on a ladder.” You might keep this ladder in the garage, or in a closet, and only bring it when you feel that you really need it. 

On the other hand, you could also put this “ladder,” which is often known in your world as “Jacobs Ladder,” somewhere where you can feel the energy field of that “ladder” circling above, around and beneath you. This “circling energy field” creates unseen energy fields that can be experienced via your High Heart, Third Eye, and Crown.

If you can relax into a higher state of consciousness, you may be able to feel the circling light that is activating, and protecting, your Crown Chakra, Brow Chakra, Throat Chakra, and High Heart.

Your Crown Chakra encircles the crown of your head to remind you that you are connected to your Higher SELF and that you have the innate ability to perceive the higher frequencies messages that will enter your Crown and ever-expand your consciousness. 

Your Third Eye encircles your forehead to remind you that your Third Eye has the ability to perceive with what humanity has often called your “imagination.”

your high Heart encircles your Heart to remind you that LOVE, especially Unconditional Love, is the key to the fulfillment of your “reason for this incarnation.”

The knowledge of your Crown Chakra, Third Eye, and High Heart, will greatly assist you to more easily remember that you have constant higher assistance to assist you to fulfill our REASON FOR INCARNATION within this incarnation.

However, even with all this assistance, sometimes you may become so distracted by that which seems too difficult, that you forget about the higher-dimensional assistance that is ALWAYS with you. 

Then, you may walk right past the very higher assistance that you wish to experience. Or, you may decide that it is “too much work” to call for the higher assistance that you believe is just “above your reach.” But this is not a regular ladder. This is Jacob’s Ladder.

“In the Bible, Jacob's ladder established contact between a man and God, and there are seven rungs on the ladder of virtue.”

We talk about a “Jacob’s ladder” that is outside of you, to remind you that you also have a ladder inside of you. The ladder that is inside of you is your Multidimensional Consciousness, which has seven different frequencies (Chakra) that can greatly assist you to “reach higher” in the midst of your daily life.

We speak of your daily life because that is when and where you are more likely to forget that you have the inner assistance that you need in order for you to “reach higher.” This “inner assistance” comes from your own Higher Dimensional SELF. Your Higher Dimensional Self is a member of your Multidimensional Galactic Family.

Your Higher SELF and Higher Dimensional Family are in constant communication with your earthbound self. Unfortunately, your third-dimensional self can easily distract the “ones who are currently wearing an earth vessel.” 

In fact, that third-dimensional version of you may even tell you that, “It is too high for me to reach right now. Therefore, I will just forget about that and do something else.”

Then you may forget about the deep inner part of you that whispers into your heart, “I really wanted to “climb that ladder,” but it seemed too difficult for me. 

This is when you need to ask yourself, 
“Why did I give up?”
“Why didn’t I find some assistance to do what seems too hard to by myself?”

If you can remember to call upon us, the members of your Galactic Family, we will remind you that you ALWAYS have a “Jacobs ladder to the higher worlds. In fact, this ladder is your own consciousness which is always active within you. 

However, if you do not take the first step to climb the ladder, you will not be able to use it to receive and understand too that which is too high for you without the assistance from your Galactic Family and your own Multidimensional SELF. 

The reality is that you have an Inner Ladder that can take your consciousness up into the higher frequencies of reality, and then return you to your third-dimensional self once you have received what was necessary within that NOW.

Yes, this inner ladder is not a physical ladder. It is a “consciousness ladder.” Everyone has a “consciousness ladder” inside their physical form. However, just like you would need to open the door to get your physical ladder out of the closet, you will need to open your consciousness in order to  get to your “consciousness ladder.”

However, in order to know when to open the door to find your consciousness ladder, you will need to first “open your consciousness” to your own “inner self.” Your own inner self is where you put all the memories of all the incarnations in which you sought to “Climb Jacobs Ladder.” 

Some people have a huge inner memory that is full of old memories, heartaches, and forgotten memories. Unfortunately, there are often many good and loving and forgotten memories that are stuffed into the closet of your unconscious self, just under the memories that too uncomfortable to remember.

However, it is the NOW to remember that, indeed, it is YOUR closet and YOU have the ability, and the right, to go into the old, and often forgotten, closet to clear out that which you no longer need to hold in your consciousness.

If you open that closet and look around a bit, you will likely find some old heartaches, disappointments, challenges, and doubts that you have actually cleared from your daily life, but you they still linger in your “unconscious consciousness.”

Just like you need to clear out your cupboards on a regular basis so that you will have room to put new things in there, you will need to clear out your consciousness so that you have “room in your conscious mind” to release that which has been completed, and/or that which you no longer need to “store in your consciousness.”

But how do you know that you are ready to release some old stuff, which now feels like junk mail?  There is likely a part of you that wants to hold on to that which is over. However, that which is over is only “over” when you have “cleared out your consciousness.” 

Therefore, just as you may need to take everything out of that cluttered closet in order know for sure that which you are ready to release and that which you believe you still need, you will need to “clear out your consciousness.”

What does it mean to “clear out my consciousness?” we hear you ask. What we mean is that your consciousness has the ability to “hold on to” the people, places and/or situations that are no longer an important component of your NOW. 

Your “NOW” means your present life, your present feelings, your present desires, and your present emotions and feelings. However, if you want to clear out that closet that is full of your past, you will need to look at your present to determine what you still need in that closet, and therefore, will keep and that which you are complete within that closet and you can easily release it.

Some things in your closet may not be “bad,” but they are from a part of you that is no longer active in your present life. Perhaps, you had a disappointment or loss in your life that you have stored in this closet. In order to “take some things from the closet” you will need to assure yourself that you will no longer wish to “use” those old thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. 

Once you feel confident that you no longer wish to use that behavior, memory, or thought-form in your daily life, you will know that you are ready to release that component of your thoughts, feelings, and/or emotions within that NOW. 

However, you will likely find that certain things (which are actually your own thoughts, emotions, behaviors) come back into that closet after you have released them. The fact of this reality is that you have not, yet, released your need for that action, thought, behavior, memory.

This is where you will have your greatest challenge, which is telling your own self the TRUTH. In order to fully release that which you believe you no longer need, you will need to discover why you needed that action, thought, behavior, memory.

This is when you will need to take everything out of the closet and put it on the sunny front porch. As you lay these components of your own self in the Light the sunny front porch, there will NO hiding, NO excuses, and NO reasons. 

In other words, as you put these inner secrets from your self out where the Light of the Sun can shine on them. Then, everything will appear to be different. The closet, where you hid these excuses and reasons, was dark, crowded, old and stuffy. But, you did not realize that fact until you put them under the LIGHT of the Sun. 

The Sun is warm and cozy, whereas the closet was cold, stuffy and cramped. Therefore, you separated all these old ways to hide, excuses to use, and reasons to not do, from the YOU who is NOW ready to stand in the Light of the ONE and listen, not to your confusions, worries, and excuses, but to use the Light to reveal your true SELF.

Your “True Self” was not a concept when you were stuffing things into the over-loaded closet of your unconscious mind. However, your True Self was, and IS, ready to feel the Light which reminds you that hiding in the closet, which you now are realizing was far too small for you, is NOT the reality that YOU choose to live.

At first, you accept that you have always wished to bask in the Sun. Therefore, you made a promise to yourself that you would set a certain time that you would surround yourself and be within the state of consciousness that allowed you to remember your True SELF.

Bit, by bit, you discovered that the outer light was also your own Inner Light. However, when you were “stuffing things into a small closet” the Light could enter your own Inner SELF. Therefore, the first thing that your Inner Light did was to merge your own, perhaps newly discovered, Inner Light, with a feeling that was growing within your SELF.

At first, the feeling of the Inner Light was uncomfortable. But, when you used your newfound courage to allow the “feeling” of the Inner Light to be REAL, everything in your life began to change. 

For one thing, fear was no longer frightening. Fear was the opposite of Love. Therefore, you could more easily close the old, darkened door, knowing that soon you would have the courage to go through that door to release all that is no longer necessary in your life.

Also, as you release your fear, you will find that LOVE was easy to find and easy to lovingly return. On the other hand, fear tried to dodge or even hide from LOVE that was traveling in circles which were becoming larger and larger. 

Soon, you discovered that this Circular LOVE returned to the sender in ever-expanding circles of light. Slowly, or quickly, the Circles of LOVE became larger and larger, encompassing more and more of your life, and of the reality that you now knew the YOU had created.

Once you discovered that YOU were the creator of your own life, the Circular Light moved into your own consciousness and reached out to others that were in need. Then, slowly, or was it all at once, the Circular Light and Circular Love became ONE. 

And, most important, that Circular Love and Light became ONE with YOU! It was then that you realized that you have no need to “fear anything.”

Love and Light have replaced fear with a KNOWING.

“What is this KNOWING?” we hear you ask. The answer to that question is easily found by looking deep within your SELF. When you find the circles of Love and Light within your SELF, can you share them with others? 

“YES I can!” You hear your self say out loud.

“YES, you can!” your Higher Self echoes. 


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