Sunday, June 29, 2014

Transmutation of Life Part 3 -- Adapting To The Shift

Communicate With Your Higher SELF Meditation, soon to be on YouTube
(Just click below link, it takes a while to download)

Transmutation of Life Part 3

Adapting To The Shift

The day after our Kundalini experience we primarily slept, relaxed and played in the nearby pond. It was too cold to stay in the water for very long, but we would lay in the sun, naked, until we were too hot. Then, we would jump in the pond, naked, to cool off. The combination of the very hot and very cold helped us to acclimate to the higher frequency of our body.

Being without any clothing was not an issue, as there was no one else around except Lantern, who also took his clothes off. We felt as though we were playing in the Garden of Eden as we acclimated to wearing a form. We, of course, were used to “wearing a form,” but our body was rapidly being transmuted into a form that was completely unique.

One of the reasons why we jumped into the cold stream-fed pond was because the heat of this marvelous sunny day stimulated the Kundalini to flash beyond our body. We could tolerate that feeling for a few minutes, but it quickly became overwhelming. We were not yet accustomed to having our bodies resonate to that frequency.

Lantern explained to us that all the prior experiences of our Higher Self and Lightbody had been through our bi-location. However, now we were not bi-locating. Our actual 3D physical form was gradually being transmuted into Lightbody. Jason and I decided that we would not worry about how that transition would change our entire life.

The process of transmutation of our physical form demanded that we remain in the frequency of the NOW. Hence, we drank the clear water from the creek, meditated, lay in the Sun, meditated, walked into the meadow, meditated, and fell asleep to flow into a very deep meditation. Lantern continually reminded us how fortunate we were to be able to dedicate our full attention to this process of transmutation.

We agreed. How could we have worked or driven to the store in this condition? We were very grateful that we could “just” commune with the elementals while we walked, dipped in the water, basked in the sun and looked into the sky. When we sat down by the pond, we meditated on the water elementals, the Undines, until we could clearly perceive them with our Third Eye. We could also commune with them via our High Heart. It was an amazing experience to see their wavering forms flow through the water.

We could feel what the Undines were saying to us. Of course, the elementals did not speak human language. They spoke to us via tones, images and bodily sensations. They also communicated via the sound of water dripping off and traveling over rocks, the slight waves of a strong breeze, the glistening of the sun sparkling off the water’s surface and the different aromas of water interacting with our environment.

While we were in the pond, we stayed underwater for as long as we could tolerate the cold in order to feel the water all over our body. It was then that we really began to communicate with the Undines. While water was the only stimuli on every part of our form, we received images, ideas, sensations and something like a voice that we heard inside our heart.

We later learned that this inner voice was how we translated what the elementals said to us. At first, we had to totally engulf our full attention in an elemental to establish a deep relationship with its essence. Hence, we went underwater to connect with the Undines, the water elementals, rolled on the grass, sat on rocks or on the earth to communicate with the Gnomes, earth elementals, and looked up into the sky and focused on the wind or breeze to communicate with the Sylphs, the air elementals.

The most challenging experience was with the fire elementals, the Salamanders, because they communicated through our own Kundalini. Of course, all the elementals of our body and our environment exist as ONE interacting and flowing energy field. However, just as we had to learn the alphabet before we could read, we had to specialize in each elemental separately before we could deeply experience their unity consciousness.

Lantern said that no one had the cabin after us, so we could stay there as long as we needed. Since we were primarily living “out of time,” it was good to know that we were free to “dock our earth vessels” here while we re-calibrated them. I must say, that this experience of total freedom and intimate connection with Mother Nature was divine beyond expression. Jason totally agreed.

In fact, we were both so enormously happy and eternally grateful that it was quite easy for us to maintain a higher state of consciousness. If we were tired, we slept. If we wanted to move we walked or did yoga. If we were hot we got in the water, and sat in the Sun when we got cold.

If we were thirsty, which was often due to the rising heat within, we drank clear mountain water. The one thing that we forgot about was eating food. Strangely enough though, we began to hear certain plants tell us that they were healthy for our bodies, whereas other said, “Stay away.” We also knew that certain roots in the ground would be delicious and different flowers or seeds would be tasty and nutritious.

Lantern encouraged us to pick the plants that called to us and to hold them close to our High Heart to ask our bodies how to prepare them. Sometimes our bodies said, “Eat it now.” Sometimes we heard, “Put me in the sun” or “Put me in the shade.” Some said, “I need to be boiled in water” and other plants wanted to be wrapped up and put into the fire. Because Lantern was there to guide us, we could follow our instincts without the concern that we might be wrong and harm ourselves.

Just as plants and foliage from the trees told us what to eat and how to prepare it, the very atmosphere seemed to be whispering sacred information into our hearts. Since this mountaintop had NO noise from humanity, we only heard the myriad voices of Nature. When we lay back on the big, warm rocks, we could see the Sylphs calling to us from their place in the sky.

“Come with us,” they called again and again. Finally we took the invitation and, closing our eyes, we drifted off into a reality in which every being flew, darted, dashed, walked or danced in the ethers of the sky. Jason and I experienced total joy as we floated on a huge cloud. The cloud was soft and transparent, while it firmly held us in our high, soft platform.

As we looked at our world from this perspective, we felt like Angels floating high above the density of our physical world.  While floating on our cloud, we suddenly understood everything about clouds, fog, wind, rain and snow. We don’t remember how we learned this information, as it seemed to peacefully enter our consciousness.

From our cloudy viewpoint we could see how all life had a breath which pulled in new elementals with each inhale. These many elementals intermingled with the bodily elementals to get new information, and often remained within the body while the body elementals rushed out into the environment via the exhale.

In this manner, all life interacted with each body, and every body interacted with all life. From our position in the clouds, we could see the many elementals moving into and out of all forms of life. As we looked up into the sky, we saw the Sun shinning its multidimensional light down into Gaia and all Her inhabitants.

We returned our full attention to our physical forms and felt the light of the Sun amplify our expanding Kundalini. We decided to share our fire with the fire of the Sun by expanding our consciousness from inside the core of our Kundalini and then out into the core of the Sun. Instantly, we were overwhelmed by unfamiliar stimuli, which were hot as a noonday sun, but cool as a soft breeze.

As these opposites merged into ONE, we felt our Kundalini flash beyond our body in all directions. We were free of our physical form and floating into an unknown, but somehow expected, new world. In fact, it was a New Earth. This “new earth” was exactly like our old one, except that we could see many frequencies of expression intertwining like a golden thread in the elaborate tapestry of life.

If was then that we knew that we did not have to create New Earth, go to New Earth or even deserve New Earth.  The “golden thread” was New Earth, and it was already intermingled with ALL life in ALL dimensions. We were wondering how we could BE the golden thread of New Earth when we realized that we already WERE New Earth.

We had transmuted our own energy fields to resonance of the fifth dimension and beyond. We were wondering how to proceed, when Lantern joined us to say, “You are ready NOW.”

“Has it already been a year?” I asked.

Just before we flashed down into the core of Gaia, we heard Lantern reminding us,
“Time is a third dimensional illusion.”

Friday, June 27, 2014

Timeless Live Meditation


Live Meditation 

Hello Everyone,

Yesterday I had a Ustream live meditation. However, I did not know that there would be commercials in the middle of the video. These commercials did not show up on my recording, but I did get feedback about the toilet paper commercial in the middle of my meditation. OOPS

Therefore, I am putting up the link where we have saved that meditation on my site. There is a choice of two different commercials, but they are at the beginning and you can click "skip" it after a few seconds.

You can see the meditation un-interrupted by a commercial by clicking the below link. Thank you so for your patience as I go through the "trial and error" phase of new ways to communicate with you.

Blessings BE and Enjoy,  Sue
PS. The meditation is still "live" if you leave time and watch it in the NOW.
Therefore, just go back in time to yesterday and

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Make Ascension Normal and Ascension Conversations YouTube


Make Ascension Normal


As I am completing my fourth book of the Pleaidian Perspective on Ascension series, I am also completing many other area of my life. I have always had a huge affinity for nature, even though I was raised in the city and did not see much of it until I was an adult. I know that I have come into embodiment this time to assist Gaia, and She has paid me back with many wonderful adventures on Her beautiful planet. 

When I started writing, actually receiving, as I do not know what I will write until I see it on the page, information about the fifth dimensional Elementals something began to shift inside of me. I LOVE plants. My house looks much like a plant store and my yards are wondrous. I also live a few blocks from the ocean, which has the most wonderful air imaginable. I can walk to the Pacific Ocean, so the hot Sun of Southern California is calmed by the ocean breeze. 

I am blessed to live in an area where the elementals of earth, air, fire and water are in perfect balance, most of the time, and I greatly enjoy being outside among them. Thus when the storyline of Jason and Sandy turned to communicating with the elementals, a deep inner shift occurred inside of me. I decided to release my office so that I always work from my home. In fact, a great deal of the time I work outside among the many elementals, humming birds, birds, insects and other creatures that share my yard.

As Jason and Sandy went through their process of transmutation, I joined them in their process. The next section will be about them, as well as myself, acclimating to a new manner of "living within our earth vessels." I am not sure what that new way is yet, as I have not written/lived it. However, I can feel it coming into my awareness. 

All my adulthood I have worked, worked, worked, while I also, wrote, wrote, wrote. Now, I find that I discovering a new way of "being," which is unique and, yet, the same. In other words, I am finding that I am deeply within a process of transmutation that is only evident on the inside. However, NOW I am beginning to make some changes in how I live my life. I have received many emails from others who are also changing their lives. 

What we all have in common is that we are becoming multidimensional. We are leaving the illusion of separation and moving into the knowing of Unity with ALL Life. We are slowing down, moving to the country, leaving our stressful jobs and finding "time" to go inside and perceive our reality from a higher frequency of consciousness. It is this higher perception of reality that is freeing us from what we always believed we HAD to do. 

We are taking big risks to change our lives out of the hustle and stress of too much work and into situations in which we have "the illusion of time" to live our life from within our own core, rather than in a manner that someone outside of us demands. 

The fact is that we are ascending beyond the confines of the third dimensional illusions and into the truth and unconditional love of the higher frequencies of reality. This process is not always easy. In fact, it involves a LOT of "letting go" of whatever interferes with our ability to live in harmony with our SELF and our Planet. 

In other words, as we are released from the indoctrination of the third dimensional illusions, we find ourselves tuning into our own multidimensional truths. We are in the process of ascension NOW, but it is a process. At least for me and those who share this version of reality, ascension is a calm and gentle process. 

There are some difficult decisions that need to be made along the way, which usually involve letting go of the third dimensional "shoulds" and embracing the unconditional love that we are increasing experiencing within our core, coming from the inner guidance of our inner Multidimensional SELF and emanating from dear Gaia's planet that supports and surrounds us. 

One of the best contributions we make towards our planetary ascension is to share our process with others. In this manner we can work together to "Make Ascension NORMAL." Once the concept of ascension is considered to be "normal" the fear, impatience and doubt we be replaced with love, patience and deep inner knowing. 

Below is grey conversation that I had with Tammy and Amy about the process of ascension. There are many challenges that accompany ascension because we need to expand our consciousness to a higher resonance to perceive it. We all have moments, or longer, when we become trapped-AGAIN-in the illusions of the 3D hologram. If we can reach out to a friend to laugh about it, read an article, watch a YouTube and/or join a Webinar about our process of ascension, we can regain our center.

While within the center of our SELF we are free of doubt. We also realize that ascension is no "walk in the park," as again and again we need to LET GO of whatever lowers our consciousness. This does not mean that we LET GO of loved ones or our means of supporting our self. What is does mean is that we LET GO of the component of our ego that is creating our inner conflict.

As we release that which interferes with our process of ascension, we pave a pathway of light which will light our way HOME to our true, Multidimensional SELF.
Blessings to us all.


Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Transmutation of Life Part 2 - Kundalini, the Inner Fire


Transmutation of Life Part 2

Kundalini, the Inner Fire

My reverie of being in the Arcturian Corridor was interrupted when Lantern said, “I have prepared a quick breakfast before we break camp.” Sandy then immerged from the tent and came to give me a morning hug. I stood up, hugged Sandy and we walked the short distance to where Lantern had prepared our simple breakfast.

“You don’t need to cook for us,” I said.

“You were having an important discussion with the Arcturian and Sandy was just returning from the ship. I didn’t want to bother you, but we have a ways to hike today, and I want to get there before nightfall.

“I just got back from the Ship?” asked Sandy with a very excited look on her face. “Why don’t I remember that?”

“Your physical body needed to sleep. Also, it was too soon for your human self to remember the information you received,” answered Lantern as he gave us our food and some hot tea. Sandy tried to get him to say more, but he refused and went over to take down his tent. Sandy shrugged her shoulders and winked at me. “Do you think you were with me?”

“If I was,” I said, “I was talking to the Arcturian. I left the tent so I could write down what I was receiving. I will show it to you later.”

Sandy looked disappointed that she couldn’t see it now, but Lantern was rushing us to leave. He was right that we had quite a ways to walk, and it was all uphill.  When the Sun was low in the sky we came around, yet another steep switchback, to reveal the most beautiful green meadow we had ever soon. Sandy and I literally ran to the meadow to sit, lie and roll in the grass.

Sandy said, “This is like the meadow by our home.” I smiled as I looked across the meadow to see what looked like a cabin. “Is that a cabin?” I asked.

“Yes, it is ours. It’s even stocked with canned goods and has a creek and small pond next to it.” Now we were even more excited. We could stay in real cabin with a roof and a bed. We quickly walked across the meadow and to the door of the cabin.

“Go ahead and open it,” said Lantern. “They do not lock cabins up here.”

“Did you manifest this?” teased Sandy. Lantern laughed in reply, “No, but I did rent it. You will need a comfortable place for this next part of your mission. You have not yet interacted with the fire elementals, and this time the fire is inside of you—the fire of your Kundalini.”

Sandy and I had no idea how important his statement was or how much it would change our lives forever. In fact, all we could think about was that there was a table and two beds. We loved being in nature, but we were ready for a few “creature comforts.” We claimed the bed in the far corner of the cabin and lay now to relax for just a minute. We woke up hours later to find a fire in the fireplace and the soft light of a kerosene lamp.

“I’m hungry,” said Sandy as she walked over to the cabinet to see what canned food we had to choose from. There was a camping stove on a ledge next to the cabinet, which Lantern had already lit to make us some hot tea.

“I am glad you woke up,” he said as he made the tea. “The moon will be up soon and there is something I want you to see.”

Sandy found the can opener and was opening two cans of soup for us all to eat. When Sandy asked Lantern what kind of soap he liked, we realized that Lantern never ate with us. Since he did most of the cooking, we had always assumed that he ate before us.

“You don’t eat food do you?” Sandy and I asked at the same time.

“I no longer require food. I am nourished by the forces of light,” Lantern responded as he pointed his finger towards the heavens.

“Wow,” was our mutual response. Lantern laughed and said, “Soon you will no longer need to eat.” Before we could ask him our myriad questions, he slipped out the door with the excuse of checking on the Moon. Sandy and I silently sat down at the wooden camping table to eat our soup. What was Lantern up to now?

Just as we were finishing our warm meal, Lantern re-entered the cabin with a bright smile and said, “It is time. Get your coats and come outside.”

We excitedly got our coats on and went outside. “Follow me,” said Lantern, which we did. The full Moon was so bright that we could easily see where we were going. We walked a short distance on a path that led us over a small hill to find another huge meadow. The moon was so bright that we could see every detail in the mystical moonlight.

 “It is so beautiful!” gasped Sandy.

“Now close you eyes for a moment and expand your consciousness into a higher frequency,” instructed Lantern.

We closed our eyes and took long breaths to expand our consciousness. We knew to keep our eyes closed. “Maintaining that state of consciousness, feel your surroundings with your body,” instructed Lantern. “As you do so, allow the physical edges of your form to blur out in all directions.

Elemental Meditation
“Now, tune into the earth on which you are standing.
Feel how the aura of your physical form merges with the earth beneath you.
Smell the water in the air and in the nearby pond.
Remember the feeling of water on your body as you swam in the lake.
Allow the soft breeze in the air to caress your body.

Feel how the earth on which you are standing is ONE with your earthen vessel.
Tune into all the liquids in your body as they circulate through your form.
As you breathe in this soft mountain air, feel it within you.
Feel how the ethers around you are filled with soft moonlight.
Now, keeping your physical eyes closed, look out through your Third Eye.”

I could feel how Sandy was focusing on her Third Eye, just as I was focusing on mine. Instinctively, I reached out and took her hand. Instantly, our consciousness expanded in a burst of light and our Third Eyes blinked open to see a huge light in the sky. As we relaxed into the source of the light, the shape of a huge Starship came into our Third Eye.

We both knew that we could not have seen the Ship with our physical vision, but it was perfectly clear through our Third Eye. When we focused on the Ship, we could feel its multidimensional light and unconditional love streaming into our High Heart. We allowed the love and light to nest in our High Heart and calmly observed as the light traveled up through the top of our heads and into the soft mountain atmosphere, as well as deep into the core of Gaia’s planet.

Instinctively, we followed the light into the now familiar core of Gaia. Then we followed the light back towards Gaia’s surface. Now that we were firmly grounded in the core of the planet, the light traveling up from the planetary core as it began to slowly rise in frequency. As the light broke through the earth and re-entered our body through our feet, we felt it moving up our legs into the base of our spine.

When the light entered the base of our spine we experienced a great heat move into our core. The light lingered there until Lantern said, “Are you ready to allow that light to rise up your spine?” Intuitively we knew that the rising of this light would forever change our lives. We squeezed our hands tighter to give each other support and shook our heads yes.

We heard Lantern’s voice as if he were within us as he said,
Feel the earth elementals of your body supporting your spinal column.
As you inhale, think of the air elementals in your lungs and every cell of your body.
Imagine the water elementals flowing through your blood and bodily fluids.
Now, sense the fire from Gaia’s Core igniting your inner fire of the Kundalini.”

Sandy and I had studied the Kundalini and had had brief experiences of it during meditation and Yoga. However, these experiences only hinted at what we were about to experience. Fortunately, we remembered to focus on grounding our feet deep into the earth. We smelled the fresh air as it entered our nostrils, and imagined the fluids of our body calmly flowing to the rhythm of our breath and the beating of our heart.

Activating Kundalini
We had been prepared for this moment and allowed ourselves to surrender, surrender, surrender as we focused our attention and our breath on the base of our spine. As the multidimensional light entered the base of our spine and activated our Kundalini, our bodies reacted by shaking uncontrollably. Gradually we acclimated to this higher frequency, which allowed the awakened Kundalini to fully merge with our core.

First Chakra
Once the base of our spine was recalibration to this expanded frequency, the Kundalini began to slowly undulate up and down our spine. Our breathing became louder and more intentional with our out-breath twice as long as our in-breath. In a burst of inner fire our root chakra awakened into a higher frequency of activation.

Second Chakra
The inner fire held that space for a second, as well as for all eternity, before it continued its journey into our navel chakra. We felt the light behind our navel as it undulated up and down our spine, allowing us to calibrate then recalibrate again and again to this higher frequency of inner light.

Early emotional images coursed through our minds in a collage of childhood memories, some of which we had completely forgotten. The myriad emotions of these experiences threatened to lower our consciousness, so we focused ONLY on our breath and the sensations in the core of our spine.

Again we shook uncontrollably until we remembered to pull the shaking sensation into our core by surrendering to these new sensations. This inner shaking was almost as if we were shaking out parts of our self that could not tolerate this higher light.

Third Chakra
We realized that we could best release our old resistance by deeply surrendering to our experience. Once the light stabilized in our second chakra, it began to rise into our solar-plexus chakra. By now we had learned how to release the ashes of our resistance by breathing into the higher frequency of the rising kundalini.

Slowly, and in a more controlled manner, the kundalini rose up from our navel, through our stomach area and into the many internal organs of our third chakra. We felt each organ as they slowly, or quickly, re-calibrated to this higher frequency of physical resonance. As we surrendered into the light expanding frequency of our third chakras, we realized that the concept of eating food would become increasingly unimportant.

Fourth Chakra
Since we were totally in the NOW, we had no thoughts or experience of “time.” Slowly and calmly, like a gently breeze, the Kundalini fire entered our heart chakra. The journey through our first three chakras was filled with bodily sensations, movements and the constant need to release, release and surrender.

Conversely, the kundalini almost tickled our heart, softly “knocking” at the inner entrance to our heart chakra. We knew that we could open that “door” or return later after we had adjusted to what had already occurred. However, Sandy and I had been fully prepared for this NOW and opened wide the portal into our heart.

We actually saw the vision of a door opening inwards as we welcomed our own inner fire into our heart. We heard an inner voice saying to us, perhaps warning us, that our lives would be forever changed, but we could always re-enter time to adapt when we felt the energies were too challenging. We did not realize the importance of that message.

Fifth Chakra
As we welcomed the light into our heart chakra we felt an instant sense of bliss that resonated up our backs and into our crown. Again we were tempted to shake, but we remembered to breathe into these novel sensations and accept each one with a slow deep breath.  Sometimes we needed to open our mouth and make a loud exhale to remain focused. This action was especially important when the fire entered our throat chakra.

In order to unveil the truth hidden in this chakra, we had to take deep inhales and long, slow exhales to release of all the lies we had been told and/or said during our many incarnations. We also needed to sing certain sounds and tones to adapt to the new frequencies of inner fire flowing through our vocal cords.

Sixth Chakra
We observed as a beam of blinding light carried the flow of the kundalini over the top of our head and entered our brow chakra. This higher light would “blind” us to illusion so that we could focus on being the Ascended Master SELF that we saw projected onto our inner mind-screen.  As we focused on this inner screen we could sense the kundalini fire as it entered our brow to move deep into our brain.

Seventh Chakra
Like a bride waiting at the alter, we awaited the opening of the portal of our crown chakra. As our crown chakra slowly opening, we felt a silent rush of multidimensional light flow into our crown. The entrance of multidimensional light entering our crown caused the kundalini to repeatedly undulate up and down our spine.

With each undulation our bodies became increasingly filled with bliss and passion for life. This flow of blissful light connected us to the formless light of the ONE as it entered our crown chakra and settled into the third ventricle of our brain, our Sacred Inner Temple. Within this inner temple, Lord Shiva merged with Lady Shakti in the Sacred Marriage of Spirit (divinity) into Matter (humanity).

Third Eye and High Heart
For a brief second, out kundalini burst out beyond our spine to blaze its sacred fire out beyond our physical form. This burst of light fully opened our Third Eye then softly returned to our form through our heart chakra to take permanent residence in the Three Fold Flame of our High Heart. Just before we collapsed onto the ground, we felt our High Heart inter-connect with our Third Eye.

The next thing we knew was waking up the next morning in our tiny bed in the cabin. We instantly sat up and simultaneously said, “Was that real, or was it just a dream?”

Across the room we heard Lantern say, “Is there a difference?”

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Happy Summer Solstice - Becoming Masters


Happy Summer Solstice

Becoming Masters

Our dearest Ascending Ones,
We, the Arcturians, wish to contact you in this NOW of Gaia’s Summer Solstice 2014. We send this message to each of you so that you can share it with others. You can easily share this message, as there truly is no separation between you and what has been known as others. “Others” is a term that denotes that people or things are separate from you. Since unity with all life is becoming increasingly evident within your NOW, the term “others” is becoming extinct.

We wish to tell you that many changes are occurring on the inner levels of our grounded ones, meaning humanity. As you increasingly allow your consciousness to expand beyond the illusion of time, you will increasingly feel these changes on a daily basis. Those who are still bound to time will likely feel these changes in what they would call “later.”

Of course, there is no time and there is no later, except for within your third dimensional holographic projection. This holographic projection is beginning to morph and change because so many of its habitants are expanding their consciousness beyond the confines of the time-bound hologram to experience a new reality based on truth.

This “new reality” is not new. This new reality is infinite because it resonates beyond the confines of time and space. We have spoken a great deal about the real world beyond the hologram, but there is something that we have not shared. We have hinted at what we are about to share many times, but it was not yet the NOW to reveal it.

The NOW meaning that you, and those with whom you share our messages, could not yet conceive of what we are about to say. Do not think that this is shocking news. In fact, we have said this message many times. The difference is that in your NOW more of you will be able to understand the core of our message rather than the lower emanations of it.

As we have said on myriad occasions, the reality you perceive is the reality that you live. Within your NOW a beautiful harvest of light is occurring. If you could see your world from our perspective, you would witness a stunning light show much like those you may have seen at a concert.

We perceive Gaia’s Earth as a living being with different patches of light and darkness. For many eons Gaia’s body was primarily in darkness with timelines of light that were eventually snuffed out by the encroaching darkness. What we are seeing NOW is that there are more and more patches of expanding light filled with unconditional love. These centers of multidimensional light and unconditional love are exponentially freeing their inhabitants of third dimensional illusion. Most important, this areas are expanding.

The patches of darkness, which are increasingly growing smaller are slowing, or quickly, being transmuted into light. As our awakened ones are aware, the darkness of fear can only be transmuted with the light of unconditional love. The forces of darkness have continue their fear campaigns and are creating as many fearful confrontations as they can, but there is a growing majority of humanity that are refusing to participate in that version of reality.

Since third dimensional Earth is a hologram, every one, including animals and all of Gaia’s creatures, have the ability to choose participate in altering this hologram. You are ALL programmers of Gaia’s 3D reality. During the long Kali Yuga, Earth was furthest from the Golden Age of direct light from the Multiverse. Hence, darkness was the programmer.

However, now Gaia is in Her Golden Age in which Earth is in direct alignment with the light of the Multiverse. Therefore, you all, that is every creature on Earth, have access to this higher light—if you choose to accept it. Before you were within the Golden Age you needed to seek out the light, which was often hidden by the darkness.

In your NOW of 2014, and beyond, you are in direct alignment with this flow of infinite multidimensional light, which is infused with unconditional love. Dear humans and ascending beings you have lived many years in the darkest times of the Kali Yuga and only a few years within the Golden Age of light. However, the illusion of sequential time is the first illusion to be transmuted by this light that is streaming from the ONE of the Multiverse.

Many will cling to the illusion of time for as long as possible because it has become a habit to which you have structured your life for many incarnations. On the other hand, we observe that some of you are beginning to release this illusion of time and are surrendering into the higher dimensional expressions of your Multidimensional SELF.

We also see how dangerous this can be to your earth vessel. If you are to float beyond time while driving a car, crossing the street or cooking at your stove, you could harm your earth vessel. Therefore, we suggest that you put aside certain “times” in your day in which you can place your earth vessel safely in a chair and allow your SELF to visit your true HOME.

This time is much like giving a child his or her “playtime,” so that the child can be patient during times of third dimensional obligations and activities. To our perspective you all appear much like race horses waiting in the gate for the bell to sound so that you can run as fast as you can.

You want to “run HOME,” but your Mother Gaia needs your growing light so that She can return HOME as well. We know that we are asking a lot of you. However, you are on the cusp of personal ascension because you have mastered much of your physical life. Therefore, the ascending ones are often quite happy with their life.

Remember our dear Ones that ascension is not an escape. Ascension is the mission for which you volunteered for before you took this incarnation. Yes, not all of humanity volunteered for this mission, but if you find yourself reading this message, you are likely among those volunteers.

It is a vital component of your ascension process that you remember that YOU are the creator of your reality. Therefore, before you accepted this mission, you programmed everything that has occurred in the holographic program of your current lifetime. We feel your collective resistance to this part of our message, but we remind you that you also programed in myriad parallel and alternate realities.

Therefore, there are always alternatives to every occurrence in your life. Also, from your human perspective, death is a tragedy that creates great sorrow and loss. However, from the perspective of your Multidimensional SELF, death merely means logging out of the hologram.

This direct confrontation with death is a deep initiation that forces you to look deeply into your life to determine what is really important and what is just a third-dimensional distraction from your mission. In fact, many of you have programmed this “final initiation” of confrontation with death into your holographic life.

The release of the fearful illusion death greatly assists you to “reset” your life into the expanded awareness of your personal and planetary ascension. Many NDE  (near death experiences) are being shared on your Internet to reveal that death is the ultimate illusion.

The third dimension teaches you that death is your enemy and you must “be the strongest ones” to survive. However, that message primarily occurs in the patches of darkness. Once a majority of an area’s population returns to their higher frequencies of consciousness, they begin to realize that third dimensional life is the illusion and the LIFE they wish to experience is actually in the higher dimensions.

As you increasingly remember that YOU have control of your thoughts and emotions, you return to being a Master of your energy field. This mastery reminds you that YOU are the creator your third dimensional life. You also realize that YOU exist on myriad frequencies. Therefore, you choose to remain in constant contact with your higher expressions of SELF.

Those who feel trapped within the areas of darkness find it very difficult to awaken to their SELF. Hence, we greatly commend those Masters who are assisting Gaia to clear these patches of darkness. Also, as you become Master of your energy you realize that ALL life is of equal importance.

While in the third dimensional holographic projection it is easy to believe that only humans are important and the myriad other life forms that share your planet are far beneath you. The truth is that Earth could easily survive, and in fact prosper much better, if all humanity would leave. However, without the “insignificant” insects, the entire ecosystem for Gaia’s planet could collapse.

It is important for our human ones to remember that they are not in any manner “better” than any other component of Gaia’s immense ecosystem. We are sure that those reading this message are aware that humanity has caused great harm to their home planet and have brought Gaia to the verge of destruction on more occasions than your limited “history” reveals. Therefore, we remind you above all that ALL life on Gaia’s body is vital and sacred.

Dear human expressions of your great Multidimensional SELF walk softly on the body of your Mother. Send Her your unconditional love with your every breath. Remember that your current physical incarnation, which appears so important to you, is a mere fraction of your SELF and less than a millisecond of Gaia’s ‘time.’

As you move beyond the limitations of the illusion of time, you also move beyond the illusions that you have held as truths for myriad incarnations. Once you become aware of the truth of what has actually occurred on Earth, it is a great temptation to feel fear, anger, sorrow or judgment.

However those feelings lower your frequency to the state of consciousness in which you actually contribute your own fear-based energy to the very fear, anger, sorrow and judgment that you disdain in others. Remember, the frequency of your consciousness calibrates the frequency of your perceptions, and the reality that you consciously perceive is the reality that you consciously live.

Ascension occurs within your consciousness, so that your perceptions can expand far beyond your earth vessel’s third dimensional reality. As you continue your ascension process, you will move out of alignment with Earth’s third-dimensional holographic projection and into alignment with Gaia’s true Planetary SELF in the fifth dimension and beyond.

In your other ascension lives, as all of you, even those who are now lost in darkness, have had ascension experiences. Ascension does not make you a “Saint.” Ascension merely means that you have returned your consciousness to the frequencies of your Multidimensional SELF that resonate above the illusions of the third/fourth dimensional realities.

What is so very different in your present timeline, for which you have all prepared for in many incarnation, is that the third/fourth dimensional holographic projection of Earth is closing. Gaia and all Her inhabitants are returning to their true Multidimensional SELF. Those who wish to take on a physical form to study at a “planetary school of cause and effect” will need to log into a different planet.

Those humans who do not feel complete with their lessons of cause and effect will simply shift from Gaia’s holographic projection to another planetary holographic projection to complete their education. No outer source will judge these humans, as the concept “outer sources” is a third-dimensional illusion. In fact, the concept of “judgment” is a third-dimensional illusion.

While one is still feeling trapped in third-dimensional illusion, they will not be able to understand what we have just shared. However, if the “egg” that has encased them as their embryo self is cracking, and they are emerging into a new version of reality, they will at least question whether or not we the Arcturians and/or our message are real.

This act of beginning to question their world will open window in their mind that allow the ever-expanding light to shine into their consciousness. In closing we remind you to withdraw ALL attention from that which you do not want to manifest, while you recognize and send gratitude to the “everyday miracles” that are increasingly blessing your life.

Blessing BE dear ascending ones,
We will keep the light on while we await your return,
The Arcturians

Friday, June 20, 2014

Transmutation of Life - Living In-Between

Transmutation of Life

Living In-Between

The next morning we awoke to a gorgeous day. Lantern had let us sleep in, as he knew we needed it. Sandy and I had thought we were going on a year-long vacation and gradually getting to know the elementals so that we could help them. However, it turned out that we were on a crash coarse in which we were the ones asking for help.

All along we had only considered that we could get assistance from the Galactics in the higher dimensions. We have discovered that the planet itself is our best friend. For many generations we were taught that the planet was a place to plunder and do with as we pleased.

We were taught that humanity was the master of our world. However, even the smallest bird would not spoil their nest, whereas humanity has reputedly placed their entire planet to the verge of existence. Gaia needed to leave the third dimensional frequency because it was becoming increasingly difficult for Her to keep Her planet inhabitable.

Fortunately, Gaia has completed the dark age of the Kali Yuga and was now in alignment with the Galactic Center. This alignment with the higher frequencies of galactic light is expanding our consciousness and thus our perceptions. Through these higher perceptions we are able to perceive the fifth dimensional elementals. 

Since our encounters with and assistance from the elementals of ether, earth, air and water Sandy and I would never look at our world in the same way. I am forever grateful to the air and water elementals, the Sylphs and Undine, for leading me to Sandy.

I am sure that Lantern could have helped me, as he did manifest a boat to rescue her. However, I did not even know Sandy was in trouble. I thought she was basking on some warm rock like Mytria and Mytre loved to do.

Then, right when I was starting to get concerned, I felt a message enter my consciousness was my own thought. I tuned into Sandy's signature frequency and realized that she becoming increasingly frightened about something. I had the feeling that I should look up into the sky, and I saw a parting in the clouds. I instinctively knew that I should follow that path.

I was just thinking how far away the end of the cloud path was when I heard Lantern call me. I watched as he manifested a small rowboat, which I ran toward and jumped into. “Follow the trail in the sky,” I said to Lantern. Once we were in the water, the undines also created a trail in the water to follow.  As soon as I saw Sandy, I jumped into lake to meet her. 

When we got back to the shore by our camping site Sandy and I hugged each other and thanked the elementals, again! After a wonderful evening and night by the lake, we went back into our tent and instantly fell asleep.

The next morning I received an Arcturian message while I was semi-awake. I was in a state of consciousness in-between being awake and asleep when I received a direct communication from the Arcturian. When I almost woke up, I lost connection with the message, so I surrendered back into direct communication, and I almost fell asleep.

When I fully awoke, I quietly got my notebook and pen that I always carry and left the tent to try to receive the message by writing. I have found that if I, or Sandy, do not write or type the message while I am receiving it, I will forget most of it. I closed my eyes and focused inside to return to that “in-between” place. When I felt myself in that state of consciousness, I placed the pen on the paper so that I could take dictation.

“Our Dearest One,” began the Arcturian message, the in-between frequency of consciousness that you are experiencing is becoming your primary state of resonance. You still hold a physical form, but the connection to your Multidimensional SELF and multidimensional consciousness is becoming more and more secure. You have successfully held that frequency for all of your encounters with your higher expressions of SELF.

“We, the Arcturians, are now teaching you not to become attached to just the messages but, also, to that frequency of consciousness you are in when you receive that message. In other words, we are here to assist you to raise your baseline frequency from the third-dimensional frequency that you have known during your physical incarnations to the new baseline frequency of ascending Gaia.

“The message we sent you in the tent was about calibrating your primary attention to this new baseline frequency. While resonating to this new baseline consciousness you can more easily communicate with us on a regular basis. Now that you have returned from the realms of sleep, but before you have experienced any 3D stressors, we ask you return to that in-between frequency. In this state of consciousness it is easier for you to ‘take dictation,’ as we repeat our former message. Please adjust your consciousness NOW.”

I closed my eyes to shut out the physical world around me and took a long breath. I found that I easily slipped into that in-between state, because everyone else was still asleep. The early morning has always been my favorite time of the day as I can be in both worlds, at least while my eyes were closed.

However, once I open my eyes, my attention turns out to the 3D world rather than in to the higher worlds. For that reason, I wrote the Arcturian message with my eyes half-closed. I imagined that I was lying in the tent again to fool my consciousness into thinking that I was in that same semi-awake state.

It was then that I remembered a mediation I had a few days before in which I saw/felt an Arcturian face directly in from of my Third Eye. At first I only saw/felt a sparking light take on a vaguely human face with a swirling third eye.  I was riveted and looked directly into the Arcturian face until I felt a deep connection between us.

The first time this happened, and again now, I could feel a direct download from the Arcturian’s face into my being. This feeling rushed throughout my entire body, which became very hot and tingly. The tingles felt almost as though the atoms of my body were expanding, and I was floating outside of my body while still remaining inside my form. 

It then became very clear that I was no longer limited to my human form. For a brief moment I felt the Arcturian ME as my primary SELF. When I felt my consciousness begin to lower I looked back at the face to get another blast of the Arcturian energy.  

As I wrote down the experience, which I had totally forgotten, I realized that I was being trained to realize that I had entered a new frequency of consciousness. I remembered that I had often visited the frequency while in meditation, but now I was being guided to always live within this next octave of resonance.

My challenge was to remain in that frequency of consciousness with my eyes open. Once my eyes opened I saw all the “habit markers” that made me fixate only on the physical world. In fact, even writing my experience was turning my attention outwards.

I took a long breath to relax into the state of consciousness that I was in when I was just waking up and beginning to receive the Arcturian’s message. But I was having difficulty remembering how that frequency of consciousness felt and opened my eyes in frustration.  Instantly, my consciousness lowered into my “3D operating system.” I quickly closed my eyes again and visualized the Arcturian face before me.

Another flow of higher energy entered me, and I was able to continue with this type of ‘dictation.’ I then received that I was being trained to receive and document inter-dimensional messages while maintaining this higher frequency of baseline consciousness. While resonating to this “in-between” consciousness I could be in both worlds at once.

Therefore, I could receive information that was far beyond my physical brain’s capacity to understand. I took another long breath to recalibrate to this higher frequency of consciousness and could feel my Multidimensional Mind above my physical brain sending down streaks of light to connect with my third dimensional thinking.

I had to stop writing a moment to experience the novel experience of consciously getting information from my Multidimensional Mind. It felt as if there was a multidimensional library above my physical head to which I was becoming increasingly connected. I realized that when this connection was complete, I would experience more than one dimension of reality.

This state of consciousness accessed a higher mental operating system, which was too difficult for my physical brain to remember.  While I was in-between my higher self and my physical state, I could connect with my Multidimensional Mind. Once connected with my Multidimensional Mind I could allow the higher information to flow through my physical brain and into my body.

It appeared that my earth vessel was more evolved than my human brain, as my body is an animal that is free of ego. My physical brain is connected to my ego because it is ego’s job to assist me to integrate with humanity. Thus, my ego told me to ignore anything that distracted me from my 3D work. 

Suddenly, I had a vision of myself on Venus before I took my first physical incarnation during the fall of Atlantis. I took a long moment to enjoy the feeling of my beloved Venusian home. I felt Sanat Kumara around our entire group while he instructed us how to best assist Gaia.

While still on Venus, Sanat Kumara told us that it would be too difficult to be connected to our Multidimensional Mind because if Earth survived, it would enter the long dark night of the Kali Yuga. As our consciousness steadily fell to the lower resonance of Gaia’s wounded Earth, our Multidimensional Mind would remain with our fifth dimensional resonance. We would likely retain that third-dimensional human consciousness until we could no longer connect with the portal to our Multidimensional SELF.

I slipped into my 3D consciousness because the memory of the Kali Yuga diminished my resonance. Thus, I focused my attention once again on the Arcturian face before my Third Eye. I was not sure what this face would connect me to, but the feeling was wonderful and my consciousness steadily expanded.

I was wondering if I could re-connect me with my Multidimensional Mind, when I began to feel my body, not my brain, connecting to my Multidimensional Mind, as well as to my Multidimensional SELF.

Interestingly, the body that I had maligned for my entire life was leading me back to an expanded connection with my SELF. While I took long breaths to reconnect with the higher base-line frequency, I was told that I would not have the euphoria this time, so that I could allow this feeling to become “normal.”

My emotions and sensate body had been on a roller coaster lately. In this new, expanded state of consciousness I understood that as my outer world changed more and more each day, I was beginning to feel a new world within me, rather than around me. This new world was a frequency within me that I was meant to project out into my daily life.

I was to project this energy out into my daily life in the same manner as the Arcturian face projected Its energy into me. What if I could feel this way all the time? What if I could live my life in this state of consciousness? I then realized that if I directly reconnected with the starry face to align my consciousness with this new frequency that the energy of the Arcturian face could answer these questions. It was then that I realized that I had visited this energy/consciousness before.

“Yes, but when your human expression visited this frequency before, it experienced a ‘roller coaster ride,’” said the Arcturian face. “This ride was your human consciousness trying to calibrate to your inner multidimensional consciousness. We are NOW communicating directly your Multidimensional SELF who has merged with your physical expression in order to assist Gaia.

“Your higher expressions of my SELF are among those who volunteered to merge with their third-dimensional expression and slowly expand the range of the energy package that they shared with their incarnated, physical expression. Do you remember how you have felt us, your higher expression, above or before you your entire life?”

I took a moment to preview my life and quickly realized that I had always felt this energy above or around me. However, I never thought of this wonderful feeling as being within me.

 “You never thought of us as within you because your world taught you that that would be ‘conceited’ or even ‘blasphemous.’ We have come to you NOW to assist you to remember that we are within you. Furthermore, just as we, your higher expression of SELF is within you; Gaia’s higher expression of New Earth is also within you.

“New Earth is not a place, it is a frequency that you will find inside of your own earth vessel. Actually, your inner connection with your own Multidimensional SELF transports your awareness to New Earth, which is also inside of you. You can only perceive your vast inner reality when YOU take charge of the ego rather than allowing your ego to take charge of you.

“You are very familiar with what we are saying, as lately you have been shifting from the frequency of your ego to the ever-expanding frequency of your Multidimensional SELF many times a day. Is that not correct?’”

“Yes, yes,” I said in agreement.

“When you feel your SELF, a calm euphoria fills you. Then, suddenly, something must be DONE in the physical world and your consciousness crashes back into the third/fourth dimension.”

“Yes,” I agreed again.

We will now guide you in a meditation to intimately experience our message:

“Our Arcturian face is not actually a face. It is a portal into the higher frequency of your SELF… 
·      Close your eyes now and feel your two worlds, the inner and the outer, as they connect and combine.
  • As your two worlds merge into ONE, allow your outer physical self to merge with your inner Multidimensional SELF.
  •   How does that merging feel?
  •   Stabilize that feeling.
  •   Slowly open your eyes to see the outer, physical reality through the perception of your inner, Multidimensional SELF.

“Our Arcturian face is also the entrance of our Arcturian Corridor. While in the consciousness of your Multidimensional SELF…
  •        Feel the energy of our face/corridor before you.
  •     Take a deep inhale to breathe our corridor into you.
  •     Now, exhale into our corridor to integrate your self into our corridor.
  •        Breathe in to enter our Arcturian corridor.
  •        Breathe out become our Arcturian corridor.

“Within the corridor, which is within you, you feel the consciousness of infinite other beings. There is no hierarchical arrangement. Thus, a mosquito is of the same importance as a human king. Every thing and every one is pure energy that has chosen a certain physical form to express their consciousness on third-dimensional Earth.

“From within the corridor you understand that third-dimensional Earth is a holographic projection that has been experienced as ‘real’ for so many eons that life has become trapped in that illusion of reality. However, the 3D illusions are now collapsing to be revealed as the lowest frequency of a vast spectrum of life on planet Earth.

Earth is not a planet where you go, it is a planet that you ARE.

“As we close this transmission within your NOW, we wish you to focus on our face, the signature frequency of our Arcturian Corridor, and remember that your life is changing because YOU are changing. The illusions of your physical reality are fading because your consciousness, as well as your perception, is becoming increasingly multidimensional.

“Your ego self is afraid because your human brain cannot compute all that you are experiencing. In other words, you are in the midst of transmuting back to your Multidimensional SELF. That SELF has always been within your personal earth vessel in the form of your sleeping Lightbody.

As you stand at the entrance of the Corridor, you ARE the Corridor and you ARE your Lightbody returning Home to your true, Multidimensional SELF.”