Thursday, March 1, 2018

Meeting Your Galactic SELF-Webinar with Lauren Galey and the Arcturians

Two Day Webinar 
with Suzanne Lie and Lauren Galey

Friday March 9 and Saturday March 10


Online Healing Retreats
with Dr. Suzanne Lie and Lauren Galey

PT / 12pm MT / 1pm CT / 2pm ET / 7pm GMT


Please ponder these questions before the Webinar. 

What can you remember about your trip to Earth? 

What dreams/meditations have you had about “leaving Home” 
and/or “coming to Gaia?”

How are you the Master of your Mind? 

How are you the Servant to your Body?

What can you remember of your trip to Earth? 

What dreams, and/or meditations have you had about “leaving Home” 
and/or “coming to Gaia?”

Can you remember any of your nightly journeys Home? 

What do you remember of your fifth dimensional Ship or Homeworld?

Can you feel how you are “Held in the Light?” 

How do you direct this light where it is needed?

Do you remember the Path of Light that you have created? 

How does Gaia ask YOU for help?

How do you assist Gaia’s Earth, Air, Water and Fire? 

How else have the Galactic assisted you?

How else have the Galactic assisted you? 

How do you share your Inter-dimensional messages with others?

What can you remember of your “Source?” 

Can you remember who you are in the Higher Worlds?

Does remembering your Higher Worlds and experiences assist you?

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