Saturday, October 31, 2015

Golden Portal through the Fourth Dimensional Mystery Schools & Webinar Announcement




Dear Volunteers to Assist Gaia,
We are pleased that you have chosen to dedicate yourself to the process of consciously assisting Gaia, as well as ALL Her lifeforms, to expand into the fifth dimension. We recommend that you consecrate your intention towards perceiving, creating, and accepting the fifth dimension into your daily life.

Are you ready NOW to dedicate your attention and intention towards your lives in which you were an Initiate in the Mystery Schools. In those lives, you did not have to “go to work”, “pay your bills,” or “do the wash.” Those lessons of those lives still resonate within your fourth dimensional self.

In the third dimensional mystery school of your present space/time quadrant, you must take care of your mundane life while you also progress on your spiritual path. There are some, of course, who have chosen to create a life in which they do not have to “work.”

However, if your mission is to teach others to travel the golden portal that runs through and connects the fourth dimensional Mystery Schools with the fifth dimension, you must first take this journey yourself. In other words, you must learn it before you can teach it. 

First you learn, then you teach, then you teach the teachers.

Furthermore, dear volunteers to assist Gaia, you will be taking and teaching this Great Initiation while you are balancing the responsibilities of a demanding job, daily responsibilities, raising families and live a third dimensional life.

In order to perform this grand balancing act, you will be creating, teaching and learning in your modern day Inner Mystery School. We commend you for your courage and tenacity to accept this challenging mission. Fortunately, you can, and often do, visit this fourth dimensional Mystery Schools while you sleep.

When you are asleep, you enter the alpha, and delta waves of your fourth-dimensional dream body and travel through the fourth dimension. The fourth dimension is the corridor between your third dimensional and fifth dimensional reality.

The fourth dimension has different sub-planes of existence that allow an inter-dimensional traveler to rest and learn as they journey from the third to the fifth dimension. At the peak of each fourth dimensional sub-plane is a Mystery School, which you can visit in your night body to learn more about your SELF.

We will discuss each Mystery School, starting with the one you are creating for yourself on the Physical Plane. An important key to the third-dimensional Mystery School is to perceive every third-dimensional challenge as an opportunity for growth.

Because you are on the cusp of returning to your fifth dimensional SELF, who has always been here in the higher dimensions with us, you are creating your own third-dimensional Mystery School while you meet the responsibilities of your daily physical reality.

Within your third-dimensional Mystery School, you can allow yourself the “time” to look into your core to see your daily life through your Eyes of Soul, your multidimensional perspective. From this perspective, you can see your everyday issues as opportunities for personal growth and consciousness expansion.

The lesson to be learned/remembered for all of you, no matter how differently each of you may create your Physical Mystery School, is to love your self unconditionally. Once you can give this cosmic gift to your self, you can also shower it on others.

Furthermore, unconditional love is the key that expands your consciousness and allows you to view all life from a perspective of unity with all. With your consciousness grounded in unconditional love you can gradually become a Master of Energy and live your daily life while BEING your true, Multidimensional SELF.

Becoming a Master of Energy is the foundation for all the fourth dimensional Mystery Schools. Once you are able to perceive the energy patterns and thought forms for each fourth dimensional sub-plane, you are able to enter that Mystery School to learn mastery for that frequency of reality. These Mystery Schools are located on the:

LOWER ASTRAL SUB-PLANE where you learn a mastery over your fear.

EMOTIONAL SUB-PLANE where you learn a mastery of your emotions.

MENTAL SUB-PLANE where you learn a mastery of your thoughts.

CAUSAL SUB-PLANE where you can learn a mastery of cause and effect.

SPIRITUAL SUB-PLANE where you learn to surrender to your SELF.

FIFTH DMENSION THRESHOLD where you merge with your “I AM Presence.”

Temple visits teach you how LOVE of what you desire will manifest that aspiration. Then, as you gain confidence in your innate creative force, you will not need to be distracted by “fear of survival”.

The first lesson to remember about your mission of integrating the third dimension with the fourth dimension to open the golden portal to the fifth dimension is that YOU are the creator of your reality. If there is still fear embedded in your consciousness, you will create an external situation in your life to bring that fear to the surface.

Therefore, have faith that you are totally on your Path and that EVERY experience, even if it is unpleasant, is a component of that Path. As you travel the Lower Astral Plane you will love free your deepest, often unconscious, fears.

See yourself now walking down the stairs into the cave of your forgotten fears. Gather them all about you and bring them to the surface. If you voluntarily bring your fears to the surface of your consciousness on a consistent and regular basis, you will not need to create drama in your life to bring them forward. 

See these fears and LOVE them unconditionally.

A large component of becoming fifth dimensional is being totally conscious of your higher senses. To do this, you must guard against becoming frightened and anxious in your mundane world. 

When you are afraid, remember that your Soul is assisting you in becoming fifth dimensional by creating a drama that brings forward EVERY hidden fear. It is the hidden fears that lower your vibration because you are not aware enough to balance them with love. 

When your vibration drops, you fall out of your fifth dimensional consciousness unconditional love and you are more likely to manifest your fearful thoughts and emotions. Even this manifestation is helpful if you remember that YOU created them so that you could remember that YOU can clear them with unconditional love and violet fire.

To assist you to set you intention on the fifth dimension, we will take you to a fifth dimensional beach. Imagine that you are walking on a fifth-dimensional beach. Do you see how the ocean and the sand glisten and sparkle with colors that slightly different than your third dimensional colors?

Do you see the ocean’s fifth dimensional aura? It radiates all the way up to the stratosphere. Now to continue your fifth dimensional walk, stoop down and feel the sand. It feels different because instead of being very small pieces of dirt, shells, and rock, the “sand” is actually small bits of crystal. 

See how the sand glistens when the sun reflects through it. Now step into the water up to your ankles. See how perfectly clear it is and feel how calming and soothing its vibration is. Yes, it is actually liquid light. Listen now. As the liquid light meets with the crystal sand there is a soft melody and a rainbow of fifth dimensional colors.

Now look at your fifth dimensional hand before your face. See how its aura sparkles like the crystal sand. As you move your hand, it leaves a trail of rainbow colors behind it. Look at the trail and see how you can change the colors with your mind. 

Now touch your third dimensional heart with your fifth dimensional hand. Feel how it heals your fears. As you move throughout your day, be aware of every second of fear and instantly heal it by placing your fifth dimensional hand upon your third dimensional heart.

In the upcoming webinar series, Mystery School Mini-Series, you will journey from your highest third-dimensional consciousness to create a portal of Golden Light, which you will ground in the core of Gaia. You will then call in your Higher Self in the fifth dimension and beyond to be your “compass,” as you create a Portal of Golden Light to connect Gaia’s Core with Her fourth-dimensional Mystery Schools.

As you connect the Golden Portal to each fourth-dimensional Mystery School, you will enter that Mystery School to gain the gift and lessons of each School. These Mystery Schools have served as the “Universities for Ascension” for myriad ascending ones. However, they have too often been forgotten in your busy, “modern” world.

It is the NOW to open wide the doors of these Mystery Schools as more and more of humanity are embracing the New Earth that they are consciously or unconsciously visiting in their dreams and meditations. 

Mystery School Mini-Series

Join Us as We Collectively Re-open the Mystery Schools!

Our Journey begins on Friday, November 13, 2015,
at 1:00 PM Pacific Standard Time,
featuring live webinars once a week on four consecutive Fridays
Friday, November 13, 2015 @ 1:00 PM PST
Friday, November 20, 2015 @ 1:00 PM PST
Friday, November 27, 2015 @ 1:00 PM PST
Friday, December 4, 2015  @  1:00 PM PST

Register Now ($122)

All sessions will be recorded and shared with attendees.

We the Arcturians, as well as many Galactics, Angels and Ascended Masters will assist you with your contribution to Gaia’s Ascension.  Please join us, and do not forget to invite your own Higher Self and Spirit Guides.
Blessings, the Arcturians and YOUR Higher Self


 Blessings to you all
We hope you can join us

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Goddesses, The Protectors of GAIA ~ Upcoming Webinar Series



Goddesses—The Protectors of GAIA

The Arcturians
We the Arcturians are neither male nor female. Rather, we are the integration of male and female. We are initiating the “Goddesses Ascending GAIA” event to redefine the term “Goddess” to include the term “Protectors.”

In this manner, the female “Goddesses for Gaia” can integrate their male components of protector, and the male “Protectors of Gaia” can integrate their female components of goddess.

Gaia’s humans can NOW release their third dimensional gender roles to remember their myriad incarnations in which they served Gaia either as a female or a male. Igniting the memory of how you served as Gaia’s Protector Goddess will greatly assist in living your daily lives on a planet that on the cusp of transmutation into the fifth dimension.

Both women and men have always served Gaia. Hence, when we say “Goddesses,” we mean the protectors of the planet who hold the goddess energy within their bodies. This “planetary goddess energy” expands your personal perceptions to include your planetary perception. Thus, you will perceive your reality from the viewpoint of being ONE with ALL of Earth.

Gaia has been identified and thought of as a female energy field because she is the Great Mother, who has the power of birth and creation. We are now asking that all our Goddesses/Protectors of Gaia to recognize and expand your own innate power of creation, as well as giving birth to that creation.

It is the NOW in which we ask that you merge the separation of genders because beloved Gaia is transmuting Her body into a higher frequency. Therefore, She needs YOUR help to release the polarities of the third dimension, by transmuting them into the Unity of the fifth dimension and beyond. Gaia needs your creative thinking as well as your ability to “give birth” to these creative concepts in your physical reality.

Gaia is calling on Her Protectors to assist Her in healing the darkness that weighs heavy on Her planetary body. Therefore, Gaia asks that you cease the prejudice and disputes between male and female Goddesses that were actually forced on Her planet by the beings of darkness.

When each of her Goddesses, not matter what gender of form they wear in this incarnation, release their own inner darkness and transmute it with the Violet Fire, they serve to assist Gaia to release and transmute the darkness that has accumulated on Her form since the closing cycles of Atlantis.

As you, the protectors of Gaia, use the power you have always had, the power of creation, the power of birth, you can assist your Great Mother to create and birth Her fifth dimensional expression of Earth. To assist you with this process, we offer the webinar series “Goddesses Ascending GAIA.”

In 4 sessions, we will:

1.) Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Recover memories of your own innate wisdom, power, and love so that you can use the all-knowing Mother Gaia to reignite your innate, inner goddess energy

Remember the qualities of the Goddess by taking you back to the Goddess Temples on Venus and the Pleiades where the Goddess is strong, confident, creative, and nurturing.

Meditations: A trip to Venus. A journey to the Pleiades

2.) Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Discussing and remembering how to display the Goddess energy in your every day life

We will assist you to reveal how the Goddess is within you because YOU are the Goddess. Once you find the Goddess within yourself, you are called upon to project that Goddess energy out into your world.

Meditations: Finding the Goddess within. Projecting out your inner Goddess.

3.) Wednesday, December 2, 2015
How to use the Goddess Power of unconditional forgiveness, unconditional acceptance, and unconditional love to disallow victimization of your life

Unconditional forgiveness, unconditional love, and unconditional acceptance are the tools used by ascending masters to rid themselves of all third dimensional illusions so that they could flash into Lightbody. However, in this NOW, you are taking Gaia with you!

Perceiving/feeling/ projecting
Unconditional forgiveness
Unconditional acceptance
Unconditional love

You can only perceive, feel or project what you can imagine inside of your SELF.

4.) Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Realigning your self-image from being one person to being ONE who is in daily service to the Great Mother - planet Earth

When your Goddess energy is no longer trapped within your 3D vessel, you will naturally move into the higher states of consciousness, which are needed to actively participate in your own ascension.

Your expanded states of consciousness will also expand your ability to “heal Gaia” by unleashing the great creativity within YOU to work as ONE to “Birth New Earth.”

All the plants, animals, insects, fish are ready to transmute. It is ONLY humanity that is delaying Gaia’s return to Her/Your, true fifth dimensional expression.

Meditations—to be determined within that NOW

Monday, October 26, 2015

The NOW to Release--Suzanne Lie and the Arcturians


The NOW to Release

Suzanne Lie PhD

Dear Friends,
I have decided NOT to continue the Multidimensional Leadership School. 
Thank you all for teaching me as much as I hope I taught you. I will be giving away ALL the writings, recordings and information that I have about all the four sessions for FREE!

I hope you all enjoy these Free Gifts that we will be providing, and I am sorry for any one who purchased the self-study packages recently ~ following our last academy session. Some were NOT sold under my direction, which is part of the reason why I have decided to close the school permanently. Please do not purchase them in the future from anyone else, as we will be giving them all away for free.

I start today with the introductory articles sent to the students on 8-21-14. I will try to send them out in order. Blessings to you all, and I hope to see you in the wonderful webinar season that we are beginning. 

It is the NOW to be our true Multidimensional SELF. Hence, rather than moving through the lengthy series of The Multidimensional Schools, we will have webinars that are within the NOW of the ever-shifting energy fields that we are moving through more and more each day.

For a Free Download of Being a Multidimensional Leader, please click:


Hence, as the third/fourth dimension releases itself from the shackles of the third dimensional reality of illusion and shifts into the fifth dimension of the light of cosmic truth, all the dimensions above the fifth also shift into their next higher dimensional expression.
As we make this transition, there is a release, a letting go, of what has been our predominant expression of self. For example, we Arcturians are expanding our baseline frequency from the eighth through tenth dimensions into the eleventh and twelfth dimensions.

In the same manner, your human baseline frequency will shift form the third/fourth dimension into the fifth dimension, which was once your higher expression of SELF. In the case of Earth, the third/fourth dimensions will gradually become less and less inhabitable.
You will find that just as it once took effort to consciously experience the fifth dimension, it will become increasingly difficult to consciously experience the third/fourth dimension. Even now, your consciousness may appear to be wandering off into what appears to be a trancelike state. This trancelike state feels so natural that you do not want to leave it.

Also, as this shift continually accelerates your consciousness, you will gain a new perspective on your physical world. This higher viewpoint will enable you to perceive your 3D reality from “up above it” rather than “stuck within it.” In other words, you will be able observe your ego from your Higher SELF.

Once your Multidimensional SELF is in charge, you will be able to make some important decisions that make YOU the creator of your life. You will also become aware of many of your higher dimensional, alternate or parallel realities.

While you are swimming in the illusion of the third dimension, you see only what surrounds you. However, as you regain a higher perspective of your life, many of your priorities will change. Your ego will no longer tell you to let go of your meditations and creative expression so that you can "get back to the business of your real life."

With your Higher SELF at the helm, you will realize that what you have perceived as "just your imagination" is actually your real life. Then slowly, or quickly, you will want to “let go” of many of our your lower frequency chores, responsibilities and jobs.

In this manner, you can more easily remain in the unconditional light and love of the fifth dimension. Of course you will still “take care of 3D business,” but your priorities will greatly alter as your consciousness expands into the higher dimensions.

You may be thinking, "Do I dare believe that what appears to be my imagination is actually my real world? If I make that choice and switch my primary attachment to the feelings of my fifth dimensional imagination, does that mean that I die to the physical world?”

When you meditate or dream about being in a higher frequency reality, are you able to wake up or end your meditation? Of course, your physical reality does not disappear while you sleep or meditate, nor will it go away when your switch your primary identity from being your 3D physical self to being your 5D Lightbody SELF.

Even those who actually “die” to the third dimension often experience both their higher worlds and the third dimension until they are ready to release their lower expression of self. In the same manner, our light workers are being faced with the decision of "which reality is the real world?"

While in your fifth dimensional state of consciousness, this question eventually evolves into, "Which of the many dimensions of reality do I choose as my primary expression of SELF?"

When you volunteered to enter your earth vessel, the physical world became your primary expression of SELF. While you are still draped within your earth vessel, you are inclined to believe that you only have the choice of one primary expression.

As you increasingly experience your multidimensional consciousness while you also perceive the third dimensional world, you may believe that you must choose a “primary reality.” This belief occurs because even though you are having a multidimensional experience, you are thinking in a third dimensional way.

Once you take more and more excursions into your fifth dimensional consciousness, you will begin to also think multidimensionally. Thus, the either/or choices that filled your 3D world are replaced by the realization that you can choose both and/or all.” It is then that you are beginning to understand the concept of multidimensional reality from a higher perspective.

Due to your evolved understanding of your Multidimensional SELF, you are remembering that you no longer need to choose. From the perspective of your fifth dimensional self, you know that you have myriad expressions of your SELF that are simultaneously being experienced on myriad dimensions and realities.

The difficult adaptation is for your fifth dimensional SELF to convince your third dimensional self to "Let GO" of the illusions of time and space. Your third dimensional expression is afraid to release that illusion because you unconsciously remember that that form of “letting go” meant death in many of your third dimensional incarnations.

It is very difficult to break the 3D indoctrinations of "one life per person," and “one life at a time.” These rules further state that if you live a good life you go to Heaven, but if you live a bad life you go to Hell. The problem with good vs. bad is that the definition for good and bad are different according to your third dimensional indoctrination.

Because of the vast programming that many humans have received, as well as the fact that many of Gaia’s humans live on the edge of survival, the bulk of the process of shifting into higher frequencies of consciousness falls on the shoulders of the awakened light workers. 

For the 2-hour webinar on "Being a Multidimensional Leader," please click:

Blessings to you and stay tuned for more FREE information from the former
Multidimensional Leadership Academy. Stay tuned for the re-alignment of our purpose as our next phase of teachings evolve in the NOW.

See you in our upcoming Webinars.