Sunday, September 28, 2014

Beginning Our Primary Mission -- Message from IlliaEm


(I actually received this message in 1997.
Patience, patience, patience is the core of planetary ascension.)

Message from IlliaEm

Beginning Our Primary Mission

I AM IlliaEm, speaking in concert with the Arcturian Group Mind,

We wish to share with you that your Primary Mission is about to begin. Once it begins, it will take on a life of its own.
At that point, it will no longer feel like YOUR Mission, for YOU will no longer be an “individual.” YOU will BE a Multidimensional Being who is part of the very large group of your SELF.

No longer will you have individual, ego-based control of your life. Instead, you will consciously be aware of myriad voices, visions and realities within your consciousness. All this stimuli must then be congealed into one clear, purposeful course of action. Because of this, it is vital that you create a strong foundation for this “journey back to SELF. You will need to completely and thoroughly ground your physical body, your psyche, your thoughts and your emotions in Gaia.

We are here to tell you that, just as it is essential to ground your physical reality in Gaia, it will facilitate your process if you also “ground” yourself in us, the Arcturians, and, me, IlliaEm. We are here to help you every step of the way. We can especially assist you in creating a more balanced life. Inevitably, this comes down to balancing the masculine/feminine and the spiritual/physical polarities.

To fully move into complete balance with the Spiritual/Physical polarity, you need to find the place “in-between” the Masculine/Feminine polarity. The blending of the Masculine/Feminine polarity is vital to Blend into the Oneness. It was the polarizing of your androgynous SELF into male or female which allowed your first entry into the 3D Game. Conversely, it is the reunification of the male/female polarity that will facilitate your return to the Oness of Home.

Once in the Great Oness, Spiritual and Physical is naturally balanced, for you will be BOTH. You will have learned the lesson of the Pentagram: head in the stars, feet planted deep in the earth, and heart wide open. Then you will be easily able pull messages down from your connection with us in the “stars,” ground them through your connection to the Earth, Gaia, and share them with ALL through your Opened Heart.

A portion of everyone’s primary Mission is to assist in some manner in the planetary revival of the Power Within—the Female Power. The negative/female-charged electrons pull the energy in, whereas the positive/male-charged protons chase after and move the energy out. It is the pulling in and the moving out in a balanced flowing fashion that will awaken your Lightbody and expand your perceptions beyond the illusionary boundaries of your 3D earth vessel.

As you balance your masculine and feminine aspects within your earth vessel, you create an equality of inward and outward forces, which will serve to accelerate the integration of the Higher Frequency Light. Every higher frequency that you can effectively bring into your consciousness, ground in the Earth, and integrate into your earth vessel, allows you to pull in even higher frequencies. Your male and female Essence works in a collaborative fashion to accomplish this task.

Your Masculine Essence moves out, beyond the limits of your consciousness to pursue higher and higher vibrational dimensions, while your Feminine Essence acts as a “homing beam” to call back your masculine force and offer a vessel in which the higher vibration can be grounded. As you merge your Masculine/Feminine polarities, you also merge and integrate the Higher Light of your Spiritual Body with the third dimensional light of your Physical Body.

“As above, so below. As within, so without.” The macrocosm is the template for the microcosm. The masculine Father/God force implants the possibility of new life into the feminine Mother/Goddess force to initiate a birth. YOU are the creators of this new life, each and every one of you—alone AND together—are creating the New Earth.

Neither the masculine nor the feminine force is better. They are both equal. In fact, just as your first download into the third dimensions resulted in the separation of the male from the female, your balancing and merging the male and the female will herald your return Home into your true Multidimensional SELF.

For most of Earth’s third dimensional reality, either Masculine OR Feminine was considered the “Ruler.” In the vast majority of civilizations, the patriarchal energy has been the Ruler of your Earth for many thousands of years now. Because of this your planet has become imbalanced, with the Force of Power being much more important than the Force of Love.

Without the balanced of the Forces of Power and Love, it is very difficult to gain the Force of Wisdom. It is the balance of the forces of Power/masculine/out-flowing and Love/feminine/in-flowing that gives birth to the force of androgynous/power-within/Wisdom. This is why wise female leaders project a strong masculine energy and wise male leaders are intimately in touch with their feminine energy.

You may not have considered Wisdom, Power and Love to be “Forces,” but indeed, they are. When you are in close proximity to a very powerful, loving or wise being, you can FEEL their “Force” emanating from their. Since your planet is now becoming more and more fourth dimensional, the illusion of the “superiority” of humanity will be lifted.

Wisdom, Power and Love can reside within many of Gaia’s creatures, especially in the fourth dimension where physical form is not bound by the strict laws of separation and limitation. As your process of ascension continues, you will find that you can have many new friends who are non-human. This concept may be frightening to those who are ruled by fear. However, that fear will limit their ascension and, thereby, limit their knowledge of the New Earth.

Just as you will gradually accept that non-human being are equal to your human power, you will also come to accept that more and more humans are becoming androgynous. These “androgynous” humans are the ones who are learning to balance their male and female energies within their earth vessel.

When the balance of your Masculine/Feminine polarity is complete, the balance of tour Spiritual/Physical polarity will also be complete. You will have returned to the Father/Mother, God/Goddess you have always been. Just as some species on your planet can impregnate themselves, you will be able to gestate, and eventually, give birth to, your true Divine Child, your Lightbody.

We, the Arcturians and I, are extremely proud of those who have volunteered to restrain this process until the “Moment of NOW,” when your planet has reached the critical mass, to allow Gaia and ALL Her inhabitants to flash into Lightbody.

Your Heart Chakra, more than any other chakra, embodies all the concepts of which we have spoken. The Heart Chakra has always been the ruler of relationships, both Male/Female and Personal/Planetary, for this chakra is the Home of your androgynous Soul/Self, which separated into one gender in order to enter the 3D planet, Earth.

Also, it is the relationship with, and love for, Earth/Gaia that allows you to sacrifice your personal desires for the good of the entire planet. Furthermore, within your Heart Chakra is your Atma, your Three-Fold Flame of Life, which represents and balances your inner Forces of Wisdom, Power and Love. Last, and certainly not least, your Heart Chakra holds the Heart of the Crystal Matrix.

The Heart of the Crystal Matrix is ½ octaves in frequency above your physical heart. It is, in fact, the Three Fold Flame upon which your life-force burns. The Seed of the Crystal Matrix is in your Crown Chakra, ½ octaves above the pineal gland in your physical brain. The Seed of the Crystal Matrix is the entry point of the higher dimensions into your physical earth vessel, whereas the Heart of the Crystal Matrix is where you integrate the higher vibrations into your transforming physical body.

The Seed of the Crystal Matrix, within the pineal gland of your Crown Chakra, is the re-entry point for your Masculine Force, which has “scouted ahead” into the higher dimensions to gather Higher Light. Then, the Heart of the Crystal Matrix, in your Heart Chakra, is the point of implantation in which your Feminine Force accepts the gift from the higher frequency; this will allow it to gestate your new Lightbody. In this manner, your Heart Chakra is the womb of your Lightbody.

Your Crystal Matrix is also the main processing center for the “experience” to which you are choosing to calibrate. Dearest Ones, I say “calibrate,” as there are myriad realities occurring all the time and everywhere in the ever-present NOW of the Flow.

When you are resonating to only the third dimension, your experience is limited to the physical world. However, there are also myriad versions of the third dimension. Until you awaken to your SELF, many of your choices of reality are “chosen” by the “Core Beliefs” that were activated in early youth or “past lives.” You have had to “work hard” to release these limitations.

Fortunately, now that you have recalibrated your Lower Chakras you can more easily ground and integrate this Higher Light. Now, your “work” is done and you merely need to “accept” the guidance of your new Captain, your Soul/SELF. So that you can more easily re-calibrated your perceptual channels to receive the fifth dimension, and beyond, without becoming overwhelmed, your new Captain is currently merging your fourth dimensional body with your third dimensional body.

You are infinite beings playing a finite game. Whenever infinity takes form in a linear time, it appears as energy consisting of different vibrations. You have many vibrations within you, as you have the infinite energy of your true Multidimensional SELF. Hence, you have ALL possible vibrations within your Soul Signature from the first dimension through the twelfth dimension. Once you can resonate to a vibration, you can communicate with it.

It is through the mutual reception of vibratory rates that you communicate with dimensions other than the third. The third dimension is the only plane in which language is laid out in a sequential manner with different sounds meaning different things. In fact, humans are the only beings who communicate in this fashion. Your dear friends, the cetaceans, who have language areas in their brains much larger than your own, communicate in an entirely different fashion.

The highest vibrations can only resonate to the Seed of the Crystal Matrix and the Heart of the Crystal Matrix, as they are your primary portals for inter-dimensional travel and communication. The Seed of the Crystal Matrix is able to receive vibrations from the highest dimensions in the manner in which they arrive, which is all at once in the Flow of the NOW.

These communications are based on mutual reception of vibration and have NO similarities to human language. Therefore, information gathered in this manner is something you will just KNOW, but you may not even know WHY you know it.

The resonance of this vibration is then relayed to the Heart of the Crystal Matrix, within the Atma of your High Heart. Since your Atma, your Three Fold Flame of Life, is the center of your highest Wisdom, Power and Love, it is also able to resonate to vibrations up to, and including, the frequency of the twelfth dimension, Source. The Heart of the Crystal Matrix, the source of your Highest Qualities, is able to integrate these high perceptions into your present reality.

Because it is “The Great Integrator,” your Heart Chakra not only integrates the energies of your lower and upper chakras, the polarities of masculine/feminine and spiritual/physical, but also the higher dimensional perceptions and realities into the third dimensional perceptions and realities.

“Perceptions” and “realities” are interchangeable terms here, as a reality is actually what you choose to perceive. There are myriad choices for reality in your world, and it is through choosing to recognize a particular stimulus that you create your own reality. If you choose to recognize the higher vibrational stimuli, you will create a higher vibrational reality. On the other hand, if you choose to recognize the lower vibrational stimuli, you create a lower vibrational reality.

Let us look again at the Pentagram, “Head in the stars—Feet firmly on the ground—Heart wide open,” as the formula for inter-dimensional communications. First, the highest vibrations enter the Seed of the Crystal Matrix in your HEAD to initiate thought patterns. Since your brain, the receptor of your mind, works in a holographic manner, the Seed/pineal gland is able to create a hologram for this high frequency vibration.

The communiqué, packaged in a holographic thought form, is then sent on to your HEART and into the Heart of the Crystal Matrix in your High Heart. Your High Heart is then able to manifest and activate this holographic thought form by integrating it into your present perception/reality. Unconditional Love, which is the strongest force of creation, is the source of this integration.

The High Heart assists you to FEEL Unconditional Love, the carrier frequency for this extremely high frequency message, and accept the message into your awareness. Unconditional Love lives in the Flow just beyond the 3D Matrix. When you expand your consciousness in this manner, you expand your perceptions beyond the limited spectrum of the 3D Matrix and become aware of the myriad choices of experience that lie just beyond the illusions of third dimensional drama.

The important “next step” is that the higher dimensional communication is sent down into your FEET to ground it in the Heart of Gaia. Once the communiqué is grounded in Gaia, it is shared with the Collective Consciousness of humankind and the Planetary Consciousness of all of Gaia’s inhabitants.

This final process is not only essential to the integration of higher dimensional perceptions/realities into the third dimension, but it is also vital assurance that the communicator, YOU, are sufficiently grounded, so that you do not short-circuit your earth vessel with a jolt of extremely high frequency energy. Sharing your message with the Collective and Planetary Consciousness also helps you to realize that you are not alone in your “new reality.”

Particles, from which all manifestations are manifested into a wave, or form, in “space,” are NOT individual and are actually extensions of the same ONESS. There is a deeper reality, of which most humans are not aware, that exists on a sub-atomic level. You cannot see this deeper reality because you cannot yet sense the extremely high vibrational sub-atomic particles that connect All That Is. Only the Seed of the Crystal Matrix in the pineal gland and the Heart of the Crystal Matrix in the High Heart can only perceive these extremely high vibrations.

The Seed of the Crystal Matrix, the source of your highest qualities of thought, can resonate to and recognize these high frequencies, and the Heart of the Crystal Matrix, the source of your highest qualities of emotion, can FEEL the subatomic “life” that ties together All That Is. Separation is merely a third dimensional illusion cast upon your 3D Matrix because your 3D spectrum of perception is extremely limited. Therefore, you cannot recognize the other realities that exist just beyond the limits of your 3D filter.

The Seed of the Crystal Matrix and the Heart of the Crystal Matrix are not IN your third dimensional body. Instead they are located ½ octaves above the physical body. Because of this, they are not limited by your 3D filter and are able to resonate to the highest of frequencies.


The androgynous, Cosmic Consciousness, Crown Chakra, head in the stars, receives the THOUGHT of the new hologram.

This hologram is then sent down to the great integrator, source of Unconditional Emotions, High Heart, heart wide open, to breathe life into the hologram with the EMOTION of Unconditional Love.

The Heart then relays the living hologram down into the Heart of Gaia, feet planted firmly on the ground, to ground the hologram in the polarized masculine/feminine 3D reality, thereby creating the INTENTION of keeping this new reality alive by acting upon it.

It is in this manner that you will “receive” your Mission, the reason for which you took embodiment in this time/space reality. There are so many of you on Earth now who have waited for this important, transformational lifetime. Your Souls even created petitions to show how your birth in this “time” could best serve Gaia.

The Service that you promised to fulfill in your petition is your Mission; the Mission that YOU chose before your embodiment. However, this is not a new Mission, as you have been working towards it, life after life, since you first “logged-on” to the 3D Game.

In the last turn through the Photon Belt, during the fall of Atlantis, Gaia had too much darkness on Her form, and nearly self-destructed. Most of you were there then to assist. During the completion of the Galactic Cycle that you are now undergoing, Gaia has called in Her loyal humans who have served Her for many lifetimes.

Your Mission now is likely similar to the Mission that you had then. Just as you logged-on to the 3D Game as a human, Gaia logged-on to the 3D Game as a Planet. Through your process of playing this Game with Her, you, too, have become a Planet. According to the rules of this Game, once you are born, most of you forget your personal “puzzle piece” of the “Great Puzzle” of Planetary Ascension. However, you are now beginning to remember.

You are also becoming aware that this will be your last assignment in a physical form. Once you feel your final 3D experience is completed, your physical body will totally transformation into Lightbody. Most of you have volunteered to forestall this final transformation until a critical mass Higher Light has been attained in Gaia’s body, Earth, as a catalyst for Planetary Ascension.

Your Lightbodies have been slowly and safely developing within the encasement of your physical shell. The casing of this “shell,” which is ruled by your ego/self and perceived as your physical body, grows thinner and thinner as the seed of your Lightbody germinates and grows within the Heart of the Crystal Matrix.

As this Seed of your Lightbody sprouts within your Crystal Matrix, it sends shoots into every cell and atom of your physical body, where the germination begins again. When each off-shoot sprouts in each cell and atom, your “junk DNA” is activated and your physical earth vessel displays symptoms of transformation.

Your scientists have not found the purpose of this particular DNA, because it is beyond the limitations of their beliefs; hence, the term, “junk DNA.” The scientists cannot perceive what they cannot believe is possible. That is why, dear transforming ones, you must release the “concept of impossible” from your consciousness. “Impossible” is a third dimensional concept, and one that is now obsolete. ALL is possible from the insight of your Soul/SELF.

Your Soul/SELF is multidimensional. It is not only male and female, but also spiritual and physical. Therefore, even while it inhabits your earth vessel, your SELF is also traversing your Home vibration in the fifth dimension and beyond. Your Soul/SELF is aware of, and interlaced with, many different experiences, realities, and lifetimes that are all occurring within the same moment of the ever-present Now.

You may not yet be accustomed to the expansiveness of your Soul’s reality, while Soul Is not yet accustomed to the limitations of your reality. Nonetheless, the TEAM of Physical ego/self and Spiritual Soul/SELF are a partnership, a relationship. This relationship began when you first separated as you entered the 3D Game. When you complete the 3D Game, you will ascend back into your true Multidimensional SELF and your partnership will expand to embrace All That Is.

I now return you to Gaia who will assist you in recalibrating your Heart Chakra so that you may OPEN your High Heart.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Constant Communication with SELF - IlliaEm


 Constant Communication With SELF

Message From IlliaEm

I AM IlliaEm, Elohim of Arcturus,
As an Elohim I am a “holder of form.” I have come to bestow a great gift on you. However, first allow me to tell you about the “Force of Creation." 

Elohim are the Higher SELVES of Devas, who are the Higher SELVES of Elementals. It is the task of Elohim, as well as all the members of the Devic Kingdom, to assist Beings in holding a form/body, allowing them to incarnate into a manifest reality, which they choose to hold a form.   

You and Gaia have many Elementals within your physical body.  These Elementals are “supervised” by their Devas, who are the Group Elemental for their element. These Elementals and Devas assist all 3D Beings in creating and holding their 3D form.

Because Gaia, and all her inhabitants, is undergoing the ascension process, all life on Gaia is incrementally rising in vibration. With each small shift in resonance, your form slightly alters. Because of this, the Elementals, Devas and Elohim are now extremely busy.

In fact, your human body and the planetary body of Gaia are altering their structure, beginning with the DNA.  Therefore, I, IlliaEm, am here to assist you, persons and planet, in your transformation. You see, as you change the resonate frequency of your body you also shift realities. 

Therefore, we members of the Devic Kingdom are not only assisting you in holding the form of your earth vessel, but we are also assisting Gaia in holding the form of all forms within and upon Her ever-changing planet.

This shifting of forms and realities is much like climbing a steep mountain cliff. First you reach up as far as you can to place your pylon into the cliff.  Then you attach your safety tether to the pylon so that you are connected to something solid as you move up the cliff.  Then, when you feel ready, you pull yourself up to the position of the pylon. It is best to remain there for a while, to assure that you are stable, before you repeat the same process, again and again.

This “climb” is precisely what you are doing now. First you reach up in vibration to a higher frequency of your Multidimensional SELF.  Then you attach your attention, pylon, to that SELF.  When you feel ready, you use your intention, safety tether, to pull your resonance up in vibration until it matches the SELF to whom you have attached.

Just as the mountain climber’s view of the world changes each time a higher pylon is reached, your reality shifts each time you move into a higher frequency of your SELF. Because your body has risen in resonance, you are able to consciously perceive a higher frequency reality.  The reality was always there, but it was formerly beyond your ability to perceive it. Once you are able to become aware of a reality, you can also be IN that reality. 

In order to stay conscious in that higher vibration, however, you must maintain your body, and/or consciousness, at that frequency.  In other words, you must “hold the form” of your new body, just as the mountain climber must “hold his position” on a higher part of the mountain. 

Gradually, you are changing from a third dimensional, to a fourth dimensional, to a fifth dimensional body and reality.  You are transforming your “form” from that of carbon, 3D, to etheric, 4D, to Lightbody, 5D.  Hence, this transition will often make you feel fatigued. Your alteration is much like that of a “snake” that has outgrown its old skin and must shed it. 

Slowly but surely, your old “skin” is being released so that your “new model,” Lightbody, can be revealed. “YOU” will not “die.”  In fact, you won’t even appear to be of Light with your physical eyes, as your external shell will maintain the same vibration as the planet, so that you and Gaia may perform your ascension TOGETHER.

You and Gaia are encased in the shell of the “old you.”  Inside the shell, you are transforming into Lightbody. You will keep this protective encasement until it is time for you to “crack the shell” in synchronicity with Gaia and all the other members of the grounded Planetary Ascension Team. This cracking of the shell will commence at the “time” when the 3D Matrix begins to so degrade that the points of cohesion loosen.

The 3D Game will begin its “ending” when “enough” of the illusions of separation and limitation are released by the awakening Lightworkers.  Every time you say NO to illusion, NO to limitation, and NO to extinct beliefs that separate one from another, the 3D Matrix loosens.

This process will come slowly at first but will steadily gather speed.  Unfortunately, due to their fears and indoctrinations from the past, many humans, as well as other members of Gaia’s kingdom, are still living in “survival based” reality. Happily, as each player of the Game Awakens, their first task is to awaken others.

The progression of awakening will quickly accelerate as each of you awakens and, in turn, awaken others, who awaken others, who awaken others… Your awakening is a process of integrating your Soul/SELF into your physical body.  Integrating your Soul/SELF is much like “resting by the pylon to which you have just ascended.”  Ascension, like climbing a cliff, is done bit-by-bit.

I, IlliaEm, wish to congratulate you on your journey so far.  You have now integrated your Soul/SELF into your First, Second, Third, and Fourth Chakras.  Please, allow your self “time” to adjust to these changes, as well as to each new reality.

As your lower chakras, one through three, are recalibrated, you experience more and more freedom from living in “survival mode.”  This freedom feels like a huge transition in your life.

With the calibration of your Fourth, Heart Chakra, there are more major changes, both in your life and in your body, as you integrate the Unconditional Love of your Soul/SELF. This foundation of Unconditional Love gives you the courage to awaken your own Force of Creation that has been locked in your Throat Chakra.

During the integration of your Throat Chakra, your consciousness will expand to encompass the fifth dimension and your brainwaves will shift from Beta, to Alpha, to Theta. Beta Wave Consciousness will become increasingly tedious, and you will crave the Force of Creation in your everyday life.

At this point you will likely feel “out of sync” with members of your previous reality who have not yet awakened their Force of Creation and still believe that they must “work hard to get what they want.”

As your consciousness expands, your body accepts more prana into your chakras, your chakras spin faster due to the increased prana, and deeper levels of darkness are released from your physical form.  As age-old darkness is released, the secrets of your alternate realities “past lives” are experienced, often in a vivid fashion. Until these realities are healed and released, life can be quite challenging. 

During this cleansing, remember that you are “creating” your personal tunnel of light through your Lower Astral Body.  I wish to remind you that, as you clear you own Lower Astral Body, you are also clearing the Lower Astral Body of Gaia. It is the Lower Astral Body in which your ancient pain and fear is trapped.  Once it is cleared, more Light can come into your consciousness and into the Collective Consciousness of Gaia. 

Your physical “shell” becomes thinner and more pliable as your fourth dimensional aura is cleared of old dissonance.  It is true that you have already cleared much of your “darkness,” but as you move higher UP in consciousness, you also move deeper DOWN into your unconscious self. Also, due to the alteration of your DNA, you are now clearing old genetic memories that were formerly inaccessible.

Because of your great progress, you are transitioning from the fourth dimension to the fifth dimension, which is a greater “leap” than the transition from the third to the fourth dimension. The shift in consciousness from third to fourth dimension is much more familiar than the shift from fourth into fifth dimension, because the third and fourth dimensions have been interwoven in all of your earth incarnations. 

In fact, Lemuria and Atlantis were more fourth dimensional than third.  Then, after the fall of Atlantis, the portal to the fourth dimensional Kingdom of Faerie, was open for quite some time.  In addition, you visit the fourth dimension every night during your sleep, and have crossed over into it every time you have “died.” 

On the other hand, you have only experienced the fifth dimension during very spiritual lifetimes in which you actually “ascended” at the time of your “death.” In your “ascension” in these lifetimes, you were able to consciously cross over into the loving acceptance of your “Spirit Guides.”  However, your earth vessel was usually discarded, and a new one was created for your “next” incarnation.

On the other hand, during this era of Planetary Ascension, many of you will keep an earth vessel for your visits to the “old Earth,” so that you may more easily assist the new ascending ones.  This will be much like keeping a car at your office, so that you will have transportation while you are at work.

In fact, many of you are having one reality in which you can freely be your SELF and another reality in which you must “keep up the façade” of being ONLY third dimensional. You are doing this so that you can perform your Mission in the “Silence.”  Once you have fully integrated your Throat Chakra, you will find it much more difficult to KEEP up your facade, and easier to “come out” into the world as your SELF.

The challenge is that it is difficult enough to successfully and happily live one earth life, and your transformation is creating the experience of simultaneously living many lives. Fortunately, with the integration of the Throat Chakra, you are in Constant Communication with your Multidimensional SELF who is quite familiar with concurrently living in multiple realities. This Constant Communication will guide you, just as, increasingly, you will guide others.

With the integration of your Fifth Chakra, the human emotions of the Second Chakra will convert into the higher octave emotions of the Fifth Chakra.  The integration of your Heart Chakra has allowed you to feel Unconditional Love and Compassion for your self, which gives you a firm foundation for escalation of your emotions to the next octave.

The Constant Communication with your SELF will continuously offer you an antidote for the toxic emotions of the third dimension. When you feel angry, your SELF will remind you that you can choose to UNDERSTAND. When you become sad, your SELF will assist you to RELEASE what is “complete” into the Flow. And, when you experience fear, your SELF will bask you in Unconditional LOVE to give you strength to fulfill the Initiation that YOU have created.

Because you continuously hear the “Voice of your SELF,” and see through the “Eyes of your Soul,” memories from Home constantly distract you from what you “should” be doing and encourage you to, instead, do what you “want” to do.

Eventually, it will become easier for you to remember that you no longer “want” to engage in the dramas of the 3D Game.  Since you can now see through many illusions, you are more able to Unconditionally Accept and Unconditionally Forgive the behavior and actions of those who are still trapped in the 3D Matrix.

Please take a moment now to integrate my message.  I will return shortly to lead you in the Throat Chakra Mediation.



Monday, September 22, 2014

Arcturian Transmission -- States of Consciousness

Transmissions from the Arcturians

States of Consciousness

We ask you all to go into the Core of your physical form, which will change according to your bodily needs. Your earth vessels are beginning to transmute in earnest now. Therefore, your earth vessel will need the attention of your ever-expanding consciousness. You see it has taken a long “time” for your body to become familiar enough with this higher energy field that it could begin to accept this frequency of light as beneficial as opposed to damaging.

This experience is much like stepping into cold water or a hot bath. At first the “temperature” is uncomfortable, but as your body adapts to the new temperature, it becomes more “normal.” It is the same with the temperature/frequency of light that is increasingly penetrating the body of Gaia and ALL Her inhabitants.

Just as you need to take some “time” before you become accustomed to the water that was too hot or too cold, your consciousness and your body need to “take some time” before you could fully accept this higher frequency of light. The members of our away team who are awakened to their Mission have been the first ones to openly accept and surrender to the process of transmutation that this higher light offers.

To our volunteers, this light is similar to a “memory from Home” in which reality was brighter, more transparent and easily transmuted via their thoughts and emotions. Those of you wearing earth vessels, human or otherwise, who can remember your true SELF are not frightened by this light. Therefore, you do not resist it. Instead, you can remember to surrender into it.

The memory of your higher dimensional expressions of SELF reminds the expression of YOU wearing an earth vessel that this higher light is familiar. At first your human consciousness resists the light because it feels unfamiliar. Since “what you resist persists,” the more you identify your feelings as “uncomfortable” you will resist them. Then, the sense of discomfort will persist.

On the other hand, if you maintain a constant connection with your higher states of consciousness, you will remember the “feel” of your Lightbody. Then, you will remember that this higher frequency light is a reminder of Home, and you will be able to surrender into the sensations of your body transmuting into a higher frequency.

One of the main symptoms of transmutation is fatigue. In fact, while you just sitting still or relaxing, your body is “working” as hard as if you were running a race. In a way, you are running a race to remember who you are so that YOU can surrender into this process. We remind you that different components of your physical vessel will transmute at different “times.”

Your earth vessel is still a “time vessel,” which means that it is a vessel trapped in time. Since this vessel is trapped in time it ages, gets tired, needs to eat on a routine basis and gets overwhelmed by all it must DO within given timelines. On top of all these time restrictions, your body is undergoing a major transmutation while you simultaneously must use, care for and live within your extremely limited and ever-changing earth vessel.

Do you understand now why you are often so uncomfortable? You are “in-between.” Many of you have not yet fully remembered your true Multidimensional SELF. Hence, you cannot keep your primary state of consciousness within the fifth-dimensional band of your multidimensional consciousness.

While you are still wearing an earth vessel we recommend that your primary consciousness remain within your fifth-dimensional Lightbody, as your sixth-dimensional “body of light” would burnout your physical form. In other words, that state of consciousness would be like running sophisticated software on an old DOS computer.

Hence, when you inter-dimensional journey via your consciousness, leave an inner fifth-dimensional guardian to care for your earth vessel. The Ascended Masters had physical people who watched over their earth vessel while they returned Home to visit and to receive new information.

In your present day, you will need to assign an inner expression of your SELF to guard your earth vessel until you have fully remembered the art of bi-location. Once you consciously remember how to bi-locate, YOU are the inner guardian while you also journey inter-dimensionally. In this manner, YOU are both the guardian and the one who is traveling.

However your physical brain, being much like an old DOS computer, cannot compute that information and will go into adrenaline alert. This adrenaline alert can be damaging to your earth vessel because the hormones of a “fight/flight” response can be dangerous unless your body is active and properly circulating the adrenaline.

Therefore, you need to activate your multidimensional consciousness so that your higher dimensional consciousness can over-light and protect your third dimensional consciousness. In this way, your Multidimensional SELF can teach you to “stretch the limits” of your consciousness to include the higher dimensions.

You may or may not be consciously aware of the myriad “test runs” into higher dimensions that you take every day. You may even ask, “Why am I so tired? It does not appear that I have done very much at all. I used to be able to do these things without such fatigue. Am I getting older?”

Our answer is, “No! Dear volunteers for Gaia’s Ascension, you are leaving time. Since your body is a time vessel, it becomes very confused and disrupted without a physically perceivable time-bound schedule of activities.”

“But what can I do about that?” you ask. “I want to return Home, but I still need to function here on 3D Earth. Don’t I?”

“Yes,” we respond, “You are correct that you still need to function on Earth, as your mission has not yet been completed. In fact, to the perception of your 3D earth vessel, the multidimensional element of your mission is just beginning. Fortunately, your higher expressions of Multidimensional SELF are free of all limits of time.

“Once free of the separation and limitation of your 3D time/space consciousness, you can return to your multidimensional starship or homeworld and/or visit myriad realities, then return to your earth vessel a second after you left.”

We see that many of you are experiencing these “glitches in time.” You walk into a different room, or change to a different chair, and wonder why you chose to do so and why you feel so disoriented. Allow us to explain.

Since your third-dimensional brain has not yet fully merged with your multidimensional mind, there is a “skip in time.” When YOU left your body, leaving your inner guardian in charge, YOU skipped out of your vastly limited third-dimensional brain and into your timeless and limitless multidimensional mind.

Your third dimensional brain can only perceive a brief experience of “leaving time.” Then, in what your third-dimensional, Beta wave consciousness computes as a second later, you return back into your time-vessel. Once you are fully merged with your multidimensional mind, you will be able to remember the messages, experiences and adventures of your Multidimensional SELF.

These memories need the carrier wave of Theta wave consciousness. Theta wave consciousness has been called the “Shamans Consciousness,” as it allows a conscious experience of your inter-dimensional journeys. Alpha wave consciousness assists you to remember your fourth-dimensional dreams and your Delta wave consciousness allows you to remember your excursions into the highest dimensional formless worlds.

We speak a moment now about your brainwaves and states of consciousness:
Brainwaves, like all waves, are measured in two ways. The first is frequency, or speed of electrical pulses. Frequency is measured in cycles per second (cps or HZ), ranging from .5cps to 38cps. The second measurement is amplitude, or how strong the brainwave is. There are four categories of brainwaves: Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta. When you are accessing your Multidimensional SELF, you are able to use a combination of all four brainwaves.

Beta Brainwaves represent your ability to consciously process your thoughts. You spend most of your waking moments in Beta wave consciousness, in which your brainwaves pulsate at between 13 and 39 cycles per second. In this state, your attention is focused on the day-to-day outside world.

While in this state of consciousness, you are largely focused on the logical, sequential activity of the left hemisphere, as the brain is busy processing myriad information that has arrived through your five physical senses.

With these brainwaves, your primary state of consciousness is within your third dimensional physical body and reality.

Alpha Brainwaves have a bridging capacity between your conscious and/or your unconscious or superconscious mind. Alpha wave often creates vivid images and a relaxed, detached awareness. When you completely relax, you shift into Alpha waves, which are between 8 and 12 cps. Alpha waves are slower in frequency than Beta, but have greater amplitude.

A person who takes time out to reflect, meditate or takes a break from daily activity often goes into Alpha state of consciousness. While in Alpha consciousness you are aware of both your right and left brain. Therefore, you can experience “whole brain thinking,” which allows you to have creative ideas while you, also, document them and/or put them into action.

With these brainwaves, your primary state of consciousness is usually in the fourth dimension and/or you are totally focused on a creative endeavor.

Theta Brainwaves are your unconscious creativity, inspiration and spiritual connection. Theta waves, 4 to 7 cps, are associated with the deepest experiences of meditation and creativity. Theta waves are even slower than Beta or Alpha and are typically of even greater amplitude. When you narrow your focus primarily to your inner self, you can go into Theta waves.

In this state it is difficult for your third-dimensional awareness to maintain conscious contact with your physical body, as well as with the outside world. To maintain this state of consciousness you must keep your body still. You are so focused on your inside world, that it would not be safe to move around in the physical world. While in this state of consciousness you are able to merge your third-dimensional brain with your multidimensional mind.

With these brainwaves, your primary state of consciousness is usually with your fifth dimensional Lightbody.

Delta Brainwaves are your superconscious empathy, interaction and full connection with the perceptions of your Multidimensional SELF. Delta waves are of the greatest amplitude and the slowest frequency. They usually range from 0.5 or 4 cps. If your brainwaves go down to zero, you would likely be diagnosed as brain dead. However, practiced yogis can consciously achieve this state of consciousness.

In this state of consciousness your bodies are in hibernation mode. In fact, Delta brainwaves are often associated with one being in a coma. While in Delta brainwaves consciousness you can regulate your body temperature and heart rate. You may even appear to be dead, but you are able to revive your self.

You have these great abilities because your primary state of consciousness is within the spectrum of your Multidimensional SELF.

(For more about states of consciousness please click:

We conclude our transmission for today with the reminder that YOU are creator of your state of consciousness. Furthermore, your state of consciousness largely dictates the reality that YOU are creating.

Blessings to you all! We shall return, for we will NEVER leave.
Your Arcturian Family