Thursday, February 27, 2020

Becoming Portals of Light The Arcturians through Sue Lie


Becoming Portals of Light

The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

First become ONE with your Higher SELF 
Then become ONE with your Planetary SELF

In other words, first you will need to merge with the great  potential that is within you.
Then you can more fully merge with the planetary potential around you.
In this manner, YOU will become a “Portal of Ascension.”

When you recognize that YOU can serve as a Portal of Ascension, your perception of SELF and your perception of the world around you will change.

Dear Arcturians
Do you have a message that I can share today?

Yes, today, and every day, we, your Galactic Family, have a message for each and every one of our brave grounded ones. These Grounded Ones took on an earth vessel during this NOW of great planetary challenge. 

We, your Galactic Family, wish to remind all of you Brave Ones who have chosen to take an earth vessel during this NOW, that we wish to remind you that you are NOT alone. We, the members of your Galactic Family, such as the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, the Antarians, the Venusians, as well as other Galactic Families that are also assisting dear Gaia.

We say, “Gaia,” rather than "Earth" because all the Galactic Members call the planet on which you are currently living “Gaia.” We, the joint members of your Galactic Family, are aware of the many challenges that are now occurring to your selves, as well as to your planet. 

Part of the reason for these challenges is that there are those in positions of power that are not evolved enough to realize that Planet Earth is a Living Being, with all the needs and protections that the humans need.

There have been times in Gaia’s history in which Gaia’s Earth was honored and even worshiped by those who live on Her Planetary Self. Unfortunately, there has also been eras in which there were wars with persons against persons that caused great damage to Gaia and all Her Elementals.

Unfortunately, many humans do not even know what an Elemental is, therefore we will remind you. We say “remind you,” as we, your Galactic Family, remember the true Multidimensional Being that is you innate SELF. 

Within your innate Multidimensional Being you are able to communicate and commune with all the myriad humans, animals, birds, fish, insects, as well as all the trees, mountains, valleys, and even the air and the atmosphere.

What if more and more members of the human family began to remember that they, humans, are as much a component of Gaia’s Earth as every component of Gaia’s great body called Earth.

Of course, we Arcturians, as well as all the Galactics, call the planet known as “Earth” by many humans, Gaia. Gaia is the higher dimensional name for what the third dimensionals call Earth. The “Lost Ones” wearing an earth vessel have long ago forgotten that the planet on which they live is, in fact, a living being. 

When we, the Arcturians, say “Lost Ones,” we refer to the many brave ones who left their own fifth dimensional Home worlds, such as the Arcturians, The Pleiadians, The Antarians, and The Venusians to assist their sister planet Gaia with the great challenge that she is facing within this now. 

It appears that the too many humans on Gaia’s Earth have forgotten that Gaia is a living being, just as all the other planets, as well as all the beings, plants, waterways and atmosphere of Gaia’s Earth Body.

Yes, just as humans are the essence that is wearing their human form, Gaia is the is essence that is wearing a Planetary Form. The “primitive” humans were well aware of the fact that ALL life was ALIVE. However, as humans evolved, which in many ways they actually devolved, they lost contact with their own “Higher Dimensional Expressions of SELF.”

“How can one loose contact with their own self?” we hear you ask us. We, the Arcturians, have also been puzzled and greatly distraught about how did our brave fifth dimensional ones loose their Multidimensional Essence once they took on a third dimensional form on a third dimensional planet?

We, your Galactic Family, have tried to understand how this “loss of SELF” became so common once one of our Galactic Family Members lowered their essence and form into the third dimensional frequency of reality.

Worse yet, because there are too many humans, and too many leaders, who have forgotten their own Higher Dimensional Self, they cannot effectively confront and deal with the MANY harsh challenges that Gaia, as well as all the living beings on Her Earth Body, are facing within this NOW on Earth,

We say “Earth” here rather than Gaia, as Gaia is the Essence of Earth. Just as humans have higher dimensional potentials within their aura, Earth also has man higher dimensional potentials within Her aura. 

Unfortunately, the “lost humans” (meaning the humans who have lost their connection to their own higher dimensional SELF) are unable to even realize and confront the great challenges that need to be confronted in order to assist their dear planetary mother Gaia to transmute the Her Planetary Body into the Fifth Dimension.

Please remember that “the darkest night is before the dawn,” and Gaia, as well as the many living beings that She offers as a Homeworld, are preparing to transmute into the frequency of the fifth dimension of HERE and  NOW! 

The “here and now” of the fifth dimension can be difficult to adapt to as your current 3D human expression has grown accustomed the TIME and SPACE of the third dimension, as well as the polarities of “good” and “bad.”

First become ONE with your Higher SELF 
Then become ONE with your Planetary SELF

Aligning thoughts and emotions to create thought forms
            To create a thought form of slow, but steady transmutation of your earth vessel

As your consciousness begins to maintain a steady connection to the higher frequencies
Your body begins to shift in an attempt to stay in alignment with you thought form

If your thoughts and emotions are not in alignment with each other, 
Your body becomes confused and is unable to create a steady frequency rate
            Watch for thoughts of limitation or loneliness, as they lower your frequency 
            Allow memories of true SELF to arise and send the LOVE

Expansion of higher dimensional perceptions
Recalibrate you higher and higher frequencies of your thought form of ascension

Remembering your other incarnations on Earth
            To assist you to remember your Mission and special gifts 

Remembering past ascension experiences 
Thoughts and emotions in alignment with your Mission
You are the same YOU in every incarnation

Align with this latent energy field within your core
Align your own core with the core of Gaia 
            Feel the safety and comfort of Gaia’s Core

Align your personal transmutation with planetary transmutation
Entraining your consciousness with unconditional love 
And unselfish thoughts of serving Gaia and all Her inhabitants

Transmutation begins on an elemental level
Alignment of body elements with 5D Elementals
Gnomes (earth), Sylphs (air), Salamanders (fire) and Undines (water)
Use every inhale and exhale to intermingle personal and planetary elementals 

Inter-dimensional Travel
You do not go out or up, you go in and through
In the fifth dimension and beyond there are NO polarities
No “others” in 5D
First “landing pad” is fifth-dimensional expression of your own MD SELF

Fifth Dimensional Form
Wearing a form if you choose
There is no fifth dimensional concept of “others”
 Everyone is an expression of the same Oness. 

Creating Your Perception
3D tree—4D tree—5D tree
Merge your consciousness with experience of being besides a tree. 
Allow your perceptions to follow the dictates of you imagination 
Perceive what your imagination is creating, to create what you wish to perceive 

 Perception IS Creation 
You perceive what you want to create and create what you want to perceive 
Your desire creates the perceptions that represent that which you wish to perceive. 
Your state of consciousness, which dictates your frequency of reality

All realities travel in a circular path of creation/perception ~ perception/creation. 
Separation is a 3D illusion
NO communications of separate words in sequential order in 5D and beyond. 
ALL is within the NOW of the ONE. 

All that you could desire, perceive, create or communicate
IS within that NOW with which you are ONE!

Sunday, February 23, 2020

PERCEPTION IS CREATION--The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie


The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Your thoughts and emotions are becoming more and more balanced and in alignment with each other. In this manner you are creating clearer thought forms about the reality you wish to perceive and live. 

Please remember that if your thoughts and emotions flow in different directions or on different frequencies, you will find it difficult to create a constant perceptual field which you can reflect back to your conscious awareness. 

There are many things to be seen around you, but if you do NOT bring a vision into your conscious awareness, you will likely NOT perceive it, and/or you will likely soon forget it that vision, experience, memory or choice of actions and/or behavior.

One of the primary outcomes that you are all wish to create, is whether you are aware of it or not, is the slow but steady transmutation of your earth vessel. Your earth vessel is the envelope that encases your third dimensional consciousness. 

When your consciousness begins to maintain a steady connection to the higher frequencies, your body begins to shift in an attempt to stay in alignment with the resonance of your thoughts and emotions. 

If your thoughts and emotions are not in alignment with each other, your body becomes confused and is unable to create a steady frequency rate. Hence, you will likely feel nervous, depressed and/or disoriented.

Your chosen creative process is based on your thoughts and emotions remaining in a steady state of entrainment. If your thoughts are, “I am ready to return to my innate higher resonance,” but you have fear-based emotions around what you are saying, you will not have confidence in you thoughts and/or actions.  

Then, this unsteady unknown can create fear and insecurity and you may not feel like you wish to face that which you once felt good about. In fact, you may even experience some fear of the because your thoughts, reactions and actions may not be consistent enough for you to complete your desired action.  

Then, your entire earth vessel can become confused by the two opposite messages that are trying to align with each other and with your actions. Fortunately, your third dimensional earth vessel is likely accustomed to your thoughts and feelings being out of alignment with each other, and is far too familiar to have fear-based emotions. 

In this case, your body and thinking will likely stay in the safety zone of the third dimension. However, because of the your conscious, or unconscious, desire to return to your higher frequency of consciousness and reality, you will likely feel a great sense of limitation or loneliness for something or someone that you have lost. These types of thoughts and emotions lower your consciousness. It is then that the process of transmutation of your earth vessel comes to a halt. 

On the other hand, when you begin to have experiences in which you feel a unique and deeply comforting feeling, you will likely feel like you are returning to your transmutation process. These memories may not include exactly what you were returning to, but they will likely give you a great deal of hope and reassurance.  

Without this hope and reassurance, it is difficult to keep your consciousness on the “path of expanding your consciousness,” and your general “sense of self” can greatly diminish. It is then that you may feel as though you are “cast adrift on a hostile planet.” However, Gaia is not hostile. What is hostile is the humans who wish to halt Gaia’s transmutation. 

These dark ones serve to halt Gaia’s transmutation because deep inside they know that they could not transmute with her. These people are usually filled with fear, anger and negative thinking. Do you see now how these “enemies” are actually tormented people who cannot allow themselves the gift of transmutation? 

If you can realize that fact, your fear and anger will be released, or greatly diminished. With your own fear and anger diminished, your emotions come into entrainment with your emotional desire to return the higher realities that flickers just beyond your physical perceptions.

Fortunately, these higher dimensional perceptions expand your consciousness so that you can continue your personal process of transmutation. While in this process you become increasingly aware of how your thoughts effect your emotions and your emotions affect your thoughts. 

It is then that you are remembering that your thoughts and emotions have infinitely been connected. You also are remembering that your long sojourn through the third dimension is cycling back to return to the awareness of your true Multidimensional SELF. Therefore, you are remembering that you chose to enter third dimensional Earth to assist with planetary ascension. 

Do you also remember that YOU have ascended several times? Do you remember that that is why you were chosen to take an earth vessel during this NOW of Gaia’s shift? The memory of your past ascensions will greatly assist you to align your thoughts and emotions to create the thought forms of personal and planetary ascension.

Once your thoughts and emotions are in alignment with the joy and privilege of assisting with planetary ascension, your Lightbody begins to awaken from deep within your earth vessel. Your Lightbody is nestled in the core of your Kundalini, which is within the core of your spinal cord.

Before you connect with this latent energy field within your core, we ask you to connect your own core with the core of Gaia. Because you are wearing a humanoid form, your core is long and runs up and down your spine. Conversely, Gaia’s core is within the center of her circular, planetary form. 

We suggest that you allow your self to remember the many times your consciousness has visited the core of Gaia. When you entrain your thoughts with your emotions AND entrain your personal core with Gaia’s planetary core, your human vessel comes into alignment with Gaia’s planetary vessel. 

When you are in alignment and entrainment with the planet, you feel very safe and comforted. Furthermore, when you align your thoughts with the emotions of safety and comfort, you will likely be more happy, loving, and helpful to others as they go through their personal transmutation. 

Since Gaia is transmuting, and you are entrained with Her planetary transmutation, your personal transmutation is greatly accelerated. You can best maintain your alignment with Gaia by entraining your consciousness with Unconditional Love and Unselfish Thoughts of serving Gaia and all Her inhabitants. 

This alignment with Unconditional Love and Service to ALL life is vital because that state of consciousness best allows Gaia to assist you, just as you are assisting Her. “How can the planet assist me?” you may ask. The answer is that once you love and serve all life, you realize that every component Gaia’s planet is alive and sentient.

Your transmutation begins with your own body’s elements of earth, air, fire and water. These four 3D elements are in constant resonance with their fifth dimensional elementals of Gnomes (earth), Sylphs (air), Salamanders (fire) and Undines (water). 

With each inhale you can choose to breathe into Gaia’s fifth dimensional elementals and assist them to intermingle with your own inner elementals of the earth, air, fire (synapses,) and water. With each exhale, you breathe into Gaia’s elementals, and with every outbreath you intermingle all the elementals with “all that is within your self!”. 

Hence, with every in breath and out breath you merge more and more deeply with the planet on a basic elemental level. This process begins, and is greatly amplified, when you merge your thoughts and emotions to create the thought-form of ascension. 

Then you can more easily merge your physical body with your ascension body. Your ascension body is your Lightbody, which is awaiting re-birth in the core of your Kundalini, which is in the core of your spine. 

Once consciously aligned with your own core, you can merge your transmuting core with Gaia’s transmuting core. While in your core you can merge your third dimensional elements of earth, air, fire and water with your fifth dimensional elementals of earth, air, fire and water to escalate the transmutation of your personal form. In this manner you can best assist Gaia by merging your personal elementals with Gaia’s planetary elementals.

Can you see how human and planet are becoming ONE? 

Do you also understand how you must first become ONE with your personal potential before you can become ONE with Gaia’s planetary potential? 

This process of merging with all life around you can only occur once you have merged with all life inside you.

It is within the core of your self that you can deeply experience being within the core of the planet. Remember that the higher frequencies/dimensions are not above you; they are within you. In the same manner, the lower frequencies/dimensions are not below you, but around you. 
Do you see now how YOU are a Portal?

When you travel inter-dimensionally, you do not go out or up, you go in and through. Turn around inside yourself and see the light resonating from your inner core. The mere act of using your fifth dimensional imagination to look inside your self expands your consciousness enough for you to perceive your own inner light. 

You do not have this inner light because you are “good.” You have this inner light because you are a “alive.” The polarities of good and bad mean nothing in the fifth dimension, as they do not exist at that frequency. 

In the fifth dimension and beyond there are NO polarities. We realize that freedom from all polarities is a novel concept for your third dimensional brain. However, even the term “polarity” does not exist in the fifth dimension and beyond. 

When you travel inter-dimensionally, your first “landing pad” will be a fifth-dimensional expression of your own Multidimensional SELF. (“a” because you have myriad fifth-dimensional expressions of SELF) However, your fifth dimensional SELF is not separate from the fifth dimensional SELVES of others. 

In fact, there is no fifth dimensional concept of “others.” Everyone is an expression of the same Oness. Thus, everyone is in constant connection with everyone, just as all your fingers are in constant communication with your hand. Also, your hand is in total unity with your body, which is merging with your Lightbody. Actually, your Lightbody hand appears more as a flash of light, than a palm with fingers. 

Your Lightbodies are totally adaptable to every situation. Therefore, if you are on the Starship ready to great guest, you may choose to wear any form that will make the guest feel comfortable. Wearing a form in the fifth dimension is similar to wearing a uniform. Your uniform merges with you so that you appear to be wearing a body that is wearing a uniform. 

You usually choose to wear a form when you present your SELF to third dimensional humans, including your own third dimensional self. In this manner, you can share your unconditional love and multidimensional light without frightening their, or your, third dimensional expression.

Just as your body is transmuting into a “light body,” Gaia’s planet is transmuting into a “light planet.” This light planet will no longer need to confine Her great essence within a dense, third-dimensional shell. In fact, the animals, plants and aspects of nature that have become extinct to the third dimension have actually been the leaders of re-location from density into light.

When you begin your conscious visits to fifth dimensional Earth you will be happy to see that many of the flora, fauna and humans you believed have died or become extinct have only “died” to the resonance of the third dimension. They lived the timeline that they chose and have NOW re-located to a version of reality that does not exist in “time.”

“Time” and “space” merged to become the 3D Matrix of Earth. When you leave time and the sequential space that time created, you leave the 3D Matrix and return to the fifth dimensional resonance and beyond. We say “resonance” because the fifth dimension is not static in the same manner as the third dimension.

If you look out into your yard and see a big tree, it will remain exactly where it is no matter what your state of consciousness, intention or belief. If you were to see that tree from a fourth dimension frequency it would sill be bound by many of the 3D rules such as the roots go down into the earth and the branches go up into the sky.

Conversely, in the fifth dimension, you may not see a tree, but when you think, “I wish there was a big shade tree next to me.” with your next blink you see the tree. If you wanted the tree to be taller, your thoughts would change the size of the tree. One thing you could NOT do in the fifth dimension would be to “chop down the tree.”

All life is always respected in the fifth dimension. Hence, if you did not want to be by that tree, you could transport to another location, or shift your reality to no longer have a tree. If there was no tree, and you decide you do want one, you would just think about how wonderful it would be to have a beautiful tree beside you. 

You would then connect your thoughts of, “I would like a tree beside me,” with the image of the tree. Then you would feel the emotions of the comfort of the tree, enjoy the feeling of the tree’s shade and the beauty of the tree. You may also choose to enjoy merging with the life force of the tree and its many inhabitants. 

In other words, you would merge your consciousness with the experience of being besides a tree. You would then allow your perceptions to follow the dictates of you imagination so that you perceive what your imagination is creating, while you simultaneously create what you wish to perceive

Again, your inner, higher dimensional SELF would project out your inner thought-form and fill it with unconditional love and multidimensional light to give your thought-form fifth dimensional life. All fifth dimensional life exists within the NOW of the ONE. Hence, all life is accepted and appreciated as a living, sentient being that shares the same frequency of consciousness as your own. 

In this same manner you can unite with your Divine Complement, ascended friends from physical Earth, your Mission and/or your Guides who are actually higher dimensional expressions of your own Multidimensional SELF. All of these experiences exist infinitely within the NOW of the fifth dimensional ONE to display infinite versions of “All That Is.” 

The All That IS contains every possible reality that IS. YOU set the appearance and members of your reality with your own thought-forms. Then YOU are the creator of your perceptions AND your perceptions are the creator of your environment. 

In other words, “Perception IS Creation.” You perceive what you want to create and create what you want to perceive. 

Your desire creates the perceptions that represent that which you wish to perceive.

You may ask, “Are perceptions and creations separate or merged terms?” 
            The answer depends on your state of consciousness, 
                        which dictates your frequency of reality, 
                                    which determents how you perceive your world. 

All realities travel in a circular path of creation/perception and perception/creation. In the fifth dimension and beyond there is NO separation between “perception” and/or “creation.” 

In fact, in the higher dimensional worlds there is NO communications of separate words spread out in a sequential order. ALL is within the NOW of the ONE. All that you could desire, perceive, create or communicate is within that NOW with which you are ONE!

Blessings dear Ascending Ones,
We, your Galactic Family, are ONE with you NOW

Blessings dear Ascending Ones,
We are ONE with you NOW

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Support from your Fifth Dimensional SELF

Support from your Fifth Dimensional SELF

The Arcturians Speak

It is the NOW for humans all over the world to unite within their innate fifth dimensional SELF. Unfortunately, there are still too many humans who have not yet remembered their own, innate, fifth dimensional SELF. 

Unfortunately, there are still many humans who have not yet been able to “remember their SELF!”  We use the word “SELF” in capitals because we speak not just of your everyday human self. In fact, we are speaking of your “higher dimensional SELF.” 

Your “Higher SELF” is your fifth dimensional, and beyond, Galactic SELF. Yes, ALL of you have Galactic Selves. However, much like choosing to turn on the lights in your room, you can “turn on the light within your own innate consciousness.”

Unfortunately, too many of you, our brave warriors to take an earthly vessels, have become lost within the many challenges, fears, duties and distractions to be able to remember your own  your Higher Life.

The “Higher Life”  that we are speaking of, resonates to a higher frequency of reality. Fortunately, humanity has a Higher Life because, along with the Gaia, which they can visit during their higher dreams and meditations. 

Fortunately, Gaia, just like Her humans, are multidimensional. Therefore, all humans have many options to choose and follow within their thoughts, actions and imagination. However, they must remember to remember.  

We say “remember to remember,” because third dimensional, and even fourth dimensional Earth, have many challenges in their daily life. Therefore, so much of one’s attention can be spent on the daily issues of survival, such as going to work, driving in traffic, paying bills, and completing the many duties of third dimensional life.

As many humans know, there often appears to be “no time” for meditation, contemplation, creative endeavors, and even FUN. Let us talk a moment about “fun, or enjoyment. 

When one is having “fun,” they can forget that which makes them feel distracted, worried, upset, and the many other responses to the many challenges of third dimensional life. But, how does one have “fun” in the midst of every day, third dimensional, life.

Too many things and people have needs and demands that might distract one from that which they had promised to their own self that they would do within a certain timeline. However, often it is the “timelines” that have taken the “fun” out of life. Then life seems like all the things one has to do, and not “having time” to do what they want to do.

Therefore, the concept of “having time, in fact, having enough time” can become an ongoing issues that often robs one of the “time and energy” to realize that it was their own choice. Knowing that it was “their fault” can become another manner in which you “fun” is lost, or seemingly stolen.

Fortunately, many people have discovered how to “steal fun,” which allows them to let go of all the many “should” and replace them with some “I want to” moments. However, sometimes the dreaded battle between SHOULD and WANT can go on for so long that there is NO time left to fully experience either choice. 

The fact is that sometimes that which is thought of as a “should” can actually be enjoyable if you are able to release your “guilt” that you “should have” done something, anything, different than what you did. 

This attitude can lead to guilt, and  “guilt” is definitely NOT your friend. Guilt is a “no win” situation in which no matter what you may do will be the “wrong thing.” 

Fortunately, guilt, should, wrong and even should are third dimensional concepts that only exist on a third dimensional reality, especially a third dimensional reality filled with fear, such as much of the reality that many of our dear grounded ones are facing within this NOW on Gaia’s Earth. 

We, the fifth dimensional aspects of your Multidimensional SELF, wish to remind ALL of the many aspects of our Multidimensional SELF that YOU can communicate with us, who is actually YOU, in a higher frequency of reality. 

Imagine that you were at the bottom of a huge ocean. Look around you and see how different it is from the environment at the surface of the ocean, or on the top of a mountain, or even high in the air in a plane or even a Starship.

NOW, allow your self to slowly rise up from the bottom of the ocean. Now imagine how you would feel differently and how everything look differently, and every creature in each area would be different. 

Do you see the many layers of reality within the water? Now, swim up to the surface of the water. Can you look into the sky and see how many different levels there are within the sky.

As you look high above and deep below, the only thing that is the same is YOU. Of course, you have many different experiences in all these different environments, but you can find comfort in the fact that YOU, the consciousness of you, is contained with your body.

But, did your experience of perceiving high above and deep below change your personal “sense of self?” The answer is likely yes, because your many different experiences of life change you. You are the same person, but not quite. Whenever you have a new experience, it becomes “filled” somewhere in your brain. 

Your brain is your “file cabinet.” However, sometimes certain “drawers get lock” and you cannot retrieve what is in that locked drawer. It is then that you can open the part of your SELF that can remember to remember.

But who is this inner SELF who can remember to remember?

That YOU is your own Multidimensional SELF. Your Multidimensional SELF can perceive, feel, remember, know the YOU that  you have been in your many incarnations, in your many lives, and in the many different places, planets and Starships that you have experienced in your many incarnations.

However, if you do not touch in with your own Multidimensional SELF, you will only be able to remember the life, the reality, the experiences, the dimensions of your present third dimensional self.

Your third dimensional self is the container of the experiences that you have had in this incarnation. However, you have had many incarnations in many different worlds and realities, that your third dimensional self can NOT remember. 

How could that be? How could so many humans, that have had so many experiences in so many different worlds and frequencies of reality, and they FORGOT those uncountable experiences!

Why? The answer is because they “forgot to remember!” They forgot to remember that there is much more that just one dimension of reality. There are many dimensions in which many creatures, realities, and experiences are occurring within every minute of every NOW.
But why did so many humans Forget to Remember?

Many forgot to fully experience their lives because they forgot to remember to look at their life. Many humans were just “working hard” to “just get by,” and many others looked, but forgot to document that moment, that thought, that experience, that moment. 

It is the looking at what one looks at, and allow that short moment to become imprinted on their brain and embraced by one’s heart.  When life if “taken in,” not just with their eyes or ears, but taken into their mind for the knowing and their heart for the loving.

Knowing and Loving are great friends that deeply enjoy each other, as the two are actually the ONE of the humans who Remember to Remember that which fills their heart and activates their mind. When one remembers to remember, they are creating a place within themselves where they can go to BE ALL that they have  known within the many NOWS of all their experiences.

Best yet, all that has been collected and saved will interlink with all that is being collected and being saved within their heart and mind. And then they can share! Those who can remember are those who can share. And those who share are those who remembered.

Best of all, once one remembers to remember their daily, third dimensional life, are also those who can remember their “multidimensional lives.” It is the memory of ones Multidimensional SELF that assists them to remember their many Multidimensional Lives.

Likely all the many multidimensional lives will not be remember at once. It takes a while to digest even the thought of have other lives on higher dimensions and higher worlds. Therefore, the process of that remembering can come as slowly as one needs it to be. 

In fact, there are likely many, many humans who will not remember their other incarnations. However, just the knowing that maybe, just maybe, there are other, higher dimensional versions of their SELF, gives hope and joy that there IS more than can be seen, heard, or even imagined. 

Then we can all look forward to the NOW of the ONE in which we ALL Remember!

Wednesday, February 12, 2020




The Arcturians, through Suzanne Lie

Dear Arcturians,
Do you have a message for us today?

Yes, we the Arcturians have a message for everyone at any time or place in which they feel the need to communicate with the higher dimensional beings who resonate to the higher dimensional worlds.

There are many people, in fact it could be most people, who do not think about their own higher dimensional expressions of SELF. In fact, every human has at least one version of their own Multidimensional SELF. In fact, ones “Multidimensional Self” is a secret that most humans keep from themselves.

Why would one wish to keep their own Multidimensional SELF a secret from the third dimensional humans that surround them every day in every way? Actually the answer that question is quite simple: the humans do not want to be too different from the other humans. On the other hand, the humans often strive to BE as different as possible. 

It is quite difficult for a third dimensional human to remember that they actually DO have many versions of their own Higher Dimensional SELF. However, a human’s third dimensional earth vessel is usually not aware of the many higher dimensional versions of itself that are available to be used in their daily life?

“How can that be?” we hear you ask. “How can we NOT know that we are Multidimensional Beings who have many options regarding what components of our SELF will be a component of our daily life. Also, what components of our SELF will need to remain a secret to others, and very often, a secret to our own self?

Before we continue with this message, we Arcturians will explain from our higher, fifth dimensional, and beyond, perspective, how our reality appears to be different from the reality of the third dimensional. First let us identify the three main version of ones Multidimensional SELF. 

First, there are the humans who have NO idea that there is such a concept as “a dimension.” For many, many, eons, most of the humans had NO thoughts, understanding,
experiences and/or memories that they had another version of themselves who resonated to the higher frequencies of reality. 

These “Higher Versions” of  their Self were among the many Galactics that had volunteered to take on a third dimensional form so that they could learn about third dimensional Gaia. But why did they care third dimensional Earth/Gaia? 

The answer is that these Galactics had come from their own Planetary Homeworld in order to assist Gaia with Her Planetary Ascension. However, the psychic weight of most of the third dimensional beings who had chosen to take on the VERY low frequency of a body. 

Why did these first brave warriors to Earth choose to take on a low frequency of resonance? They took on the lower frequencies of Gaia’s planetary SELF so that they could assist Gaia to remember that SHE—Gaia of Earth—is the Multidimensional expression of Earth.

Of course, it has been uncountable eons since Gaia made Her great sacrifice to lower Her innate frequency from the fifth dimension, through the fourth dimension, and into the third dimension. 

Why did Gaia make this sacrifice? She did so because she knew that she, Gaia, would be needed to become the Homeworld of a humanoid species that needed to live on a third dimensional planet.

Of course, Gaia still has her higher dimensional expressions of SELF, but most humans can NOT raise their own physical resonance, as well as their consciousness, beyond the third dimensional frequency of their “bodies.” 

A “third dimensional body would be necessary to live on the planet Gaia who had by then lowered Her resonance from the sixth/seventh dimension, into the fifth and fourth dimensional, and finally, Gaia’s planetary body settled into a third dimensional Earth Body.

However, Gaia was never too happy about Her lower frequency resonance. But she had promised to lower Her planetary resonance to the third and fourth dimensions so that the “humans” could occupy Her planetary body, known to the humans as Earth.  

Gaia did not like the name Earth, but it did make sense for the “then very primitive humanoids.” So Gaia settled into the name Earth. Fortunately, over time, which was noted by the turning of Her planet SELF traveling around the SUN, the humans who were of a Spiritual Reality began to call Earth by Her true name—Gaia!

In this manner, Earth became the name of the planetary orb on which the humans lived, and Gaia became the inter-dimensional Soul name that was the essence, life force and core of the Life Force of the planet called Earth.

Eventually, more and more being came to live on the surface of Gaia’s body. Some of these being living in Gaia’s body, such as the insects, waterways, and many animals, those who traveled on four legs, as well as Beings who lived in the sky, and often made nests on what was eventually called the trees. Over many, many cycles of Gaia’s traveling around what She learned was the Sun, a new kind of being arrived on Her Planetary Body.

Fortunately, some of these beings, later known as “humans,” were king and loving to all that they found on this new, wonderful world. Unfortunately, other beings came from far away places on what they called “Star Ships.”  Some of these early visitors to Gaia were kind to Her Planetary Self. 

However, others were VERY unkind and caused great damage to the once pristine planet Gaia. In fact, more and more “humans,” as they were eventually named, came to “Earth,” these destructive ones never called Her Gaia. Gaia was the name of a living, breathing being, and the “humans” only thought of Gaia as a “thing” that they could do whatever they wanted to.

What the unkind ones did NOT know was that Gaia was an alive being who had a Family of other Planetary Beings. These Planetary Beings resonated to the higher frequencies of the higher fourth and fifth dimensions, as well as even higher frequencies of reality. 

These higher dimensional beings called on the other higher dimensional Beings from Arcturus, Venus, Mars, as well as the Pleiades, and from Antares. Because of Gaia’s call, many beings from many different star systems banned together to assist Gaia to stabilize Her in her quadrant of space. 

Eventually, Gaia became a strong planetary being of her own. However, then the humans came and everything began to change. The “two Leggeds,” as the humans were often called, were a welcomed companion for Gaia—at least for a while. 

But, soon enough the humans began to cut down too many of Gaia’s trees, muddy too many of Gaia’s water ways, sullied the air with the human invention called “smog,” and thought of themselves as being more important than any other beings on the planet.

Fortunately, sometimes the human had intelligent and loving ideas about what Gaia needed and how they could it to Her. However, mostly the humans thought of themselves because they forgot their true lineage. 

They forgot how they vowed to assist Gaia when they took their incarnation. The humans vowed to think of others and Gaia first, and themselves second. But then, the leaders came into a wanted and undeserved sense of “power over others,” and Power over Earth!”

Didn’t the humans realize that if they destroyed, or even harmed, their planet, they would be destroying and/or harming the beautiful, pristine planet that their ancestors had found long, long ago and treasured Gaia’s Earth as a “jewel” of Love and Light. 

It was “the lust for money” that was leading the humans away from the Love and Light that first brought them to the Jewel of Gaia, and made the humans—NOT the protector of Gaia, but instead the ENEMIES of Gaia.

When will the humans learn that if they destroy their planet,
They will have no where to live!

We, your Galactic Family, know that there are still many, many humans who can remember their Higher Dimensional SELF who remembers vowing to the Higher Beings of the Pleiadians, Arcturians, Antarians, and Venusians before they took their present human earth vessel that: