Friday, September 29, 2017

Arcturian Update with Sue and Shawnna

 From: 09-27-2017

Arcturian Update with Sue and Shawnna

Part ONE

Blessings, We are the Arcturians, and we have come to you within this now to speak with you. Shawnna, is also here to ask us some questions, and to assist in making the information something that is usable in your daily life.

Shawnna, would you like to begin by asking us a question?

SHAWNNA: Yes, thank you as always for being here to guide and assist us. Many of us have felt an increased intensity of energy fields. Since the eclipse, there are more amplified energy fields and a growing exposure to a higher and higher awareness. At the same time, you are getting a deeper connection to the planet.

It seems that this energy field has manifested in many ways for many people. As we’ve connected with our Leadership Group and our Interns, we’ve had some excellent conversations about how to get connected and to share stories in order to validate our experiences.

We wanted to bring some of that through, because you’ve helped us to understand on a deeper/higher level what’s actually occurring. Hence, there are many things to discuss. Would you like to begin with just an explanation of maybe what it is that we are all sensing in these ways? What has changed?

ARCTURIANS: What has changed is that we, your Galactic Family, as well as your self, are going through some “rough waters” that are moving into the next frequency of reality. Now there are many people that have no interest in moving into the next frequency of reality. Therefore, they have chosen a path which is very different from those who have chosen to move into the next frequency of reality.

Do you understand what we are saying now?


ARCTURIANS:  And, there is no right or wrong way. Instead, each person is deciding within themselves whether or not they are ready to move beyond the third/fourth dimensional consciousness, and into their fifth dimensional consciousness. It takes a great deal of intention, dedication, research within yourself and communication with your own Higher Self and the guides that have lead you throughout your incarnation.

Then, those that have chosen this, as they would call the path less taken, those who have chosen to tread that path will go through the initiations of having everything look just like it was before with their third dimensional vision. 

But something will feel different within themselves, and when they close their eyes and raise their consciousness to go into their Higher states of awareness, they will begin to know and see and feel something that is, indeed, resonating to a Higher Frequency.

Did you have a question or comment about that Shawnna?

SHAWNNA: Yes, just to clarify, back to the statement about those who are choosing this expanded reality of what we are calling “ascension of our planet into a fifth dimensional existence.

This choice is compared to the choice in which the humans chooses to maintain the 3D version of fear, worry and staying entranced in that lower sense of consciousness.

Is this a bifurcation that we are speaking about?

ARCTURIANS:  Yes, that is exactly what is occurring. There is a parting of the ways, so to speak. If you look to all of History, those who have moved into the dedication, intensity, meditation and remembering, remembering of their self, remembering of a reality that they have always had, but they forgot in the midst of a third dimensional experience.

Those who have dedicated themselves to that mission will be the portal openers and beyond opening the portals. They will be the ones that will shift their consciousness. Now their consciousness won’t just be shifted, it will be expanded. Many of you, our beloved ones, will maintain a physical vessel so that you can ground the energies that you are receiving and that you are saving.

In that manner, you are not just helping humanity to remember and know, you are helping Gaia to be able to feel and integrate this fifth dimensional, and beyond, frequency of thinking, and feeling. As the frequency of your thinking and feeling moves into and beyond the third dimension, you will find yourself at the entrance into, as well as the embracing of, A NEW WAY OF LIVING LIFE.

Do you understand what we are saying by that?


ARCTURIANS:  The new way of perceiving the life we have always known, is a statement that can be quite confusing for many, and these ones will likely need to “take some time to ponder, to research and to learn.”

But those who say, “Yes, yes that new way. I know that new way.
I feel that new way in my heart.
            I see that new way through my third eye.
            I understand that new way through my brain.
            My body is resonating. The Kundalini is rising in my spine.

And, I know that something is very different with me and within me and around me!
BUT, at the same time, it is all exactly the same. It is that juncture that is sooo confusing to people.

Shawnna would you like to speak to that?

SHAWNNA: Oh definitely. You began the conversation speaking about the rocky waters that we find ourselves in, while at this time, which is very relevant, we are describing what we are experiencing in the world, around us, as well as within ourselves…

AS we are NOW - MORE AND MORE – Empathic, Telepathic and Clairvoyant.

Therefore, we feel this collective emotion coming through us,
            as well as this Higher Self connection that feels amplified,
                        as well as our deeper connection to Gaia.

These are all similar experiences that many of us have been sharing over the last week or so.

In fact, there are many intertwining forces, influences, emotions, thoughts and opportunities for transmutation, in many ways, during this NOW.

Is it fair to say that whoever is listening to this message is probably called upon to seek that deeper meaning on how they can contribute and join in Unity?

ARCTURIANS: Absolutely! Unity Consciousness IS joining into the ONE…
The ONE of humanity, the ONE of the planet, as well as the ONE of the planet Earth’s 

Gaia’s plants, trees, bugs, animals, humans need the bounty that Gaia grows on Her body.

In fact, it is the NOW for humanity to release the illusion that somehow humans are superior beings, because that is a third dimensional concept. What is occurring is that every being, from the smallest bug to the most powerful and advanced human, to the highest mountain and to the deepest cave, everything, everyone is moving into this process of transmutation. Transformation, means that something transforms.

However, transmutation, means something that is moving into a higher frequency of resonance.

So if one’s perceptual field is not able to expand into the Higher Frequencies, they will not be able to experience this change. But if one is able to expand their consciousness, and thereby expand their perceptions, they will be able to see the invisible, to hear the unheard, to know the unknowable and to write it down.

Now you can write it down and never give it to a soul if you wish, but the process of writing it down, sometimes especially plain old handwriting, the process of writing it down is you telling yourself that this is important enough that I must document it. When you write it down, your hands will be flying, so you’ll have to go back and read it again and again.

And every time you read it, you will get something more, because that initial message has been opening that portal of information. Now that this portal is opening, the message is going inside of your spinal cord, from the very base of your spine all the way up to the very top of your brain.

Inside of that portal is the potential for your Lightbody SELF.

When you are ready to fully transmute into that fifth dimensional experience of reality, you will activate:
Your fifth dimensional Lightbody,
your fifth dimensional perceptions,
your fifth dimensional emotions,
and your fifth dimensional, inter-dimensional communication.

With all this activation of your SELF, you will begin to understand things that you’ve never understood before.  Please remember, there is no right or wrong way to do this process.

Each of you have gone through many incarnations and preparation for this reality, and you are also finding the manner in which YOU can best retrieve this information, which, has actually always been held within your High Heart and within your Multidimensional Mind.

Shawnna would you like to add to that?

SHAWNNA: Yes, I think that, as we go through this major initiation, it feels like it is on a collective level, as well as a personal level.

Therefore, it is not just individual anymore. It’s all of us together, facing those things that need to be healed within ourselves and contributing to the healing of the planet.

I think that it’s probably advisable for all of us to go within and start asking these questions, sensing those answers and writing those answers down. It is in this manner that you can best find how you can contribute.


What am I here to do?
What is my unique mission?
How can we gather together to make an impact on this reality that we desire to see manifest?

ARCTURIANS: Yes, it is the process of:

Stepping in to Your fifth dimensional consciousness.
Then, embrace, feel, live, and remember your fifth dimensional reality.

Then, you will begin to have thoughts and emotions that make you wonder,
Where did that come from?
Why am I having these emotions?
How can I know these things I am receiving?

That is that first spark that you are stepping into a brand new territory/frequency of reality.

Have you been having those experiences Shawnna?

SHAWNNA: Yes, well it is interesting to know that, for some of us, we have been on this path for quite a while. We have all been noticing this amplified connection to the planet. Something is just different in what’s occurring around us and within us. I think that we are reaching a new level. What a great time.

If this is new to you, it’s a great time to get connected and see what comes through for you, because the amplified energies and connections are readily available to all of you right now. What a great opportunity. Look at the chance we all have to make a positive impact on humanity as a whole.

ARCTURIANS: And to listen to Gaia’s call. If any of you have read the news, if any of you have watched your television, if any one is aware, you can see that Gaia is going through deep transmutations where many things are being destroyed to come back into its new Higher Expression.

Everyday there is some new disaster. Some new way in which Gaia is suffering;  but it is not just that she is suffering, it is that she is releasing that suffering, and as each human can send Love to the planet and to know that, yes the people are suffering, yes the people has lost their homes, yes so many natural things have been destroyed. Yes, there has been so much destruction, and Gaia can feel it, just like you all, all of you humans.

If you tune in to that destruction, you can feel how the people are suffering, you can feel how the planet is suffering, and so this is that darkest night before the dawn. And there is always a darkest night before the dawn.

If you look at every single day of your life, there is always a darkest night before the dawn.  Therefore, do not fear that darkest night! Instead WELCOME that the dawn that is coming forth.

FEEL the dawn that is within your own consciousness.

It is the NOW that you take in all that has occurred on Earth-- All of the suffering, and all of the destruction.

NOW allow yourself to encompass this suffering within an orb of Unconditional Love,
Within that orb of Unconditional Love

Blaze, blaze, blaze the Violet Fire transmuting all shadow into Light, Light, Light.

Transmutation is exactly what is occurring.
Transformation means that something is changing its appearance, its structure, its purpose.
Transmutation means that something, or someone, is moving into a Higher Frequency. 

Shawnna, would you like to speak a little bit to that Higher Frequency of resonance that all of Gaia, and all of her inhabitants, are going through?

SHAWNNA: It is the truth that we are being called upon to remain aware, to be in our center, and to be conscious observers of these events. Chaos precedes change, and we are definitely in the midst of chaos. The Arcturians have provided so many tools to assist us in maintaining a Higher Frequency of Consciousness, Higher levels of awareness.

We are being called upon to master our thoughts and emotions because that’s what creates “thought-forms” which manifest as reality. We are spiritual warriors. This feels like the stage in which we:

            FIND ourselves right now
            BAND together to hold that Higher frequency and
            BRING in the Higher Light into Gaia to assist with her healing process, as well as our                     individual process.

Together we can transmute these difficulties.
It is part of the process.
It is part of the evolvement of humanity.

Blessings to you, all the myriad members of Gaia’s Planet Earth!
Let us know what YOU have been sensing and experiencing.
Please share in the comments below so we can build unity consciousness.  

Join us in service on October 7, 2017
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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Ascending with Gaia through Service to Others --Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Ascending with Gaia
through Service to Others

Behind the Scenes Discussion with the Arcturians
through Suzanne Lie and Shawnna Donop

We are on a journey to remember who we are, why we came to Earth, and what we are supposed to do on Earth.  This is where humanity is within this NOW.  It is the NOW for humanity to begin to wake up and realize that they chose to come to Earth. Humanity also needs to remember that they are the creators of their reality. 

In fact, their fifth dimensional self chose to take a 3rd/4th dimensional body to assist the planet. Suzille has been hearing from more and more people that have suddenly remembered, and this remembering is a vital part of what is occurring.  Every day, more and more people are beginning to remember.  Therefore, there will be people that will be drawn to this truth because they remember something. 

That “something is a toehold.” This process is much like a mountain climber climbing up a steep mountain.  They have to stick a piton in the mountain and keep tied to that piton so they don’t fall, and so that they can move up to the next level.  Then when that is stabilized, they put another piton into another rock and move up again.

It is the process of allowing one’s self to bring in the acknowledgement of what they have experienced as being “real.”  In order for it to really be real, it needs to be integrated into one’s daily life. This integration of one’s meditations, dreams and cosmic, higher dimensional experiences into their daily life is something that’s very difficult to do alone because it’s not anything that’s ever occurred on the planet ever.

It has never occurred.  Therefore, one cannot go into any past lives to assist in dealing with this challenge.  What needs to be done instead, is to move into your fifth-dimensional self that chose to take the physical vessel that you are now wearing.

SD:      You just mentioned about moving into your fifth-dimensional self. That is the way to integrate, and also embody, that reality. This is  how your fifth dimensional self becomes part of your daily life?

A:        First off, help others to remember who they are. And then they will remember that they are not just a physical person who lives on the physical planet with all of the physical restraints, fears, responsibilities and duties. 

When they remember their Higher SELF, they will remember that their Higher Self is not some higher being.  Their higher self is just their own self, their very own self, who chose to volunteer to come to 3D Earth to take this physical vessel to assist with planetary ascension.

The connection with that higher self will activate the memory of why they chose and what exactly was the Mission that they chose to fulfill while they were still in their fifth dimensional SELF.

From that higher frequency of reality, everything in the lower worlds appear that it is very easy to do many things.  However, part of the reason why so many humans forgot their true SELF is because, in the fifth dimension, there is NO time and there is NO space. 

In the fifth dimension and beyond, you can hold an image in your mind and, instantly, your mind will create it.  That does NOT occur on the third dimension.  And, even in the fourth dimension, these images appear as “just a part of your dreams or imagination.”

Therefore, a great “first step” is to make a documentation of your dreams, and the messages that fly into your head for no reason. This documentation creates a bridge into the fourth dimension. 

Then, the fourth-dimension bridge between the third/fourth and the fifth dimensional realities can be created. As you extend your consciousness across that bridge, and share that experience with others, you can assist others to remember who they are as they are within their Fifth Dimensional SELF.

Do you have any questions about what would be the best way to share this in a unique fashion because, of course, this has been our theme to a great extent. Previously, the focus was primarily based on people recognizing that they were the planet, which is vital because it gets them out of service to self. 

The only way you can only be effective is if you move into service to others, as in an active service to others. Many people would like to give service to others, but it’s too frightening, it’s too overwhelming.

Where do they begin, how can they begin, and what service do they possibly have and how could they share it? These will be important questions that will be answered via your intimate reconnection with your fifth dimensional self.

SD:      Okay, I think that’s helpful.  I like what you said – find a unique way to participate and focus upon these recurring themes, and it feels like it is continually evolving.  Each event, initiative, and discussion is focused upon a particular topic of interest relevant for each NOW, and it feels like we have reached a point where we are combining all of these previous themes together.

A:        So the people who are able to digest the urgency of what they’re called upon to do by own Higher Selves, will be the ones who will stay with it because they are ready for service. 

We go into this because Gaia is a free will planet, and only those who choose of their own free will to have that dedication to the process of aligning with the planet, aligning with one’s fifth dimensional self, moving from their third dimensional self to their fifth, and learning how to inter-twine and interact with a specific member of their fifth dimensional self. There are many members of your fifth-dimensional selves who have chosen to be the downloaded ONE.  Such as we, the Arcturians, have chosen to be the downloaded ONE for Suzille.

There will be a focus on that dedication process of beginning that download by finding a same time, same place rhythm in oneself where they go to the same place at the same time on a regular basis and build that commitment that is a part of their daily life and not just a class that they took.

SD:      And adding that element of communing with the planet.

A:   Yes, adding that element of communing with the planet, and simultaneously, communing with their fifth-dimensional self.  So there will definitely be a teaching of how to commune with the planet. simultaneously with the fifth-dimensional self, because the fifth-dimensional self is the one who has chosen to assist with the planet. 

It is your fifth-dimensional self who can deeply commune with the planet and realize that Gaia is a living being, and it is her Now to transmute into a higher frequency. In fact, Gaia is going through this process, just as all of Gaia’s ascending ones are going through a process.

 In order to go into that fifth dimension, they have to go into a transmutation process of all the incarnations. The Golden Ones would be a component of this because the Golden Ones are the keepers of the threshold. 

The Golden Ones are the ones who assist you and allow to enter into the fifth dimension. The Golden Ones look at each person in the “ascension line” and say, “Well you’re almost ready, but you’ve got, this, this and this life that needs to be transmuted.

Therefore, you need to go back and clean up the dissonance you left on  the body of Gaia while you were in that incarnation. Some people think that if they’re just “nice guys,” they get to ascend.

But the reality is that the process of ascending means that each person must go into every incarnation they’ve ever taken on the planet and transmute any darkness they have left anywhere on the body, in the core, or anywhere on the body of the planet Gaia.

SD:      What is our greatest and most impactful tool or action?

A:        Unconditional Love and Violet Fire.  Unconditional Love has the ability to transmute fear into Unconditional Love. The greatest enemy is always fear! People that appear to be innately bad are driven by fear. 

People that are innately good are driven by Unconditional Love. Unconditional Love is the energy field that  allows people to rise above their personal fear. Of course, there is also the transmutational power of the Violet Fire, which allows you to actually transmute your reality into a higher frequency.

When humanity is in the consciousness of Unconditional Love, they have the ability to use the Violet Fire to actually transmute reality. Without the Unconditional Love, which is the antidote for fear, it is a difficult thing for humanity because there is so much fear.

Also, a great deal of that fear-mongering that is happening, is on purpose by the dark ones.  It’s on purpose that all the fearful things that are happening on the planet are purposefully placed there. But once one resonates to Unconditional Love and Violet Fire, their consciousness expands into the fifth dimension.

Then, they can look down and see the illusion. From their higher perspective, they can easily differentiate the illusions from the reality. The darkness is an illusion because it can’t actually “attach to the planet,” as Gaia is returning, more and more, into Her fifth dimensional, Planetary Self.

Also, there has been enough effort and sacrifice from Gaia’s humans that Gaia is moving steadily into a fourth/fifth dimensional expression of self. The forces of darkness are aware of this, so they are “battening down the hatches “and “working harder to create fear and destruction” because they know it’s their last stand. 

If they don’t stop soon, it will be too late for them because, once the fifth dimensional component of Gaia lifts off from the illusion of the third/fourth dimensional Matrix, the planet will be fifth dimensional.

Then, those that were unable to maintain that fifth dimensional state of consciousness, will NOT be able to maintain their connection with the ever-advancing fifth dimensional planet.

Then, they will go to other realities – lower, astral realities.  They will all have to start over. Not in a bad way, as the higher dimensions have no need for punishment. They will need to start over at the highest place where they left off. 

Now if they left off in a very, very dark place, then they’re going to land in the lower astral.  And if they were not horribly dark, then they would end up in the middle astral.

Then, there are some who are just confused and had horrible childhoods, and many awful things happened to them.  They were just placing one foot in front of the other, and just surviving. 

They didn’t have enough food, they were in a horrible situation, and they were downtrodden. Therefore, they will go to the higher sub-planes of the astral where they get to actually use their mental capacity to correct the horrible conditions that they had on Earth.

Then once they learn that, then they will be able to move from the astral into the fifth dimension.  So we might say – there’s something for everyone.

SD:      So the forces of darkness – their main focus is the fear mongering?
            That’s the main tool?

A:        Yes, frightened people are easily controlled.  If people refuse to be afraid, it’s very difficult to control them.  Having people connected to their higher self – that is the Illuminati’s greatest fear. 

Once people are connected to their Higher Self, or to an Ascended Being, even if they are not able yet to believe that they are also a fifth dimensional self, if they connect to whatever their religion presents to them as an ascended being, then they are under the protective love of that ascended being.

Then they will be able to stay in the higher astral until they are ready to transmute that energy field into their own individual SELF who is NOW ready to accept their Fifth Dimensional SELF.

SD:      So in terms of the darkness, we speak of and how the planetary Now will be rushed. Therefore, is there an importance to have a message of urgency?

If the efforts of the dark ones being amped up, will we have a sense of being rushed?

A:        Yes, there may be that feeling … like the fire alarm has gone off:  “Wait, wait, we have to go outside. we have to go someplace else, something is wrong, maybe it’s not a fire, but we need to get out of here now.” 

Therefore, some people may say: “Wait there’s something wrong. There’s something that I don’t know! I can’t figure it out what it is, but there’s something different.  I need to leave.  I need to move on.”

Suzille has been talking to more people who are getting to that place. They’re getting to that place where they are saying: “Wait, this isn’t quite right. I’m not supposed to be here. This isn’t my space. I’m more than this. I’m more loving than this, I’m kinder than this.  This is not my space.” What is happening is that these people realizing that their “brainwashing” is falling off.

The brain washing WAS telling them that they were not nearly “good enough.”  So they needed to suffer longer, and to work harder! The brainwashing was also telling them that their authority figures telling them that, “You are NOT Good Enough. If you do what we say, then you may be better.”

Fortunately, more and more people stopped believing that those statements were true. Then,  more and more people began to say, “I don’t believe that is true in my heart. Some of them were even beginning to say:

“NO, I don’t believe that anymore. I’m a good person. I know I’m a good person, I don’t believe that I have to do or be what  you say!”

Fortunately, the 3D humans were/are beginning to slough off the brainwashing.  Then, as they release that many of the messages they heard from the dark ones was just brainwashing!

Then they said, “Hey, I’m a good person, I like me.  There’s a me inside of me that got covered up with all the things that happened in my life. Besides, everybody is born clear.  Everybody is born clear, but bad and murky things happen to them. “

The fifth dimension has been flirting and trying to encircle the planet for quite a while now. There are still some people that have come in to represent the darkness because humanity has to move beyond polarities of the light and the dark. In order to release those polarities of light and dark, humanity has to move into Unconditional Love and Unconditional Forgiveness.

From this perspective of being encircled by Unconditional Love and Unconditional Forgiveness, humanity can look at someone is who is of the dark, and realize that this someone needed love and guidance at a very young age. However, they did not get it. Hence, their consciousness became trapped in fear. Therefore, all they could perceive was fear.

SD:      The tools of Unconditional Love and Violet Fire are the ways in which we can positively influence those that are part of what we call the darkness, dark forces, and the people that you just spoke of above.  Therefore, that is where we direct our efforts—to those people.

A:        Yes, and send them Unconditional Love and Violet Light. Send the darkness Love and Light.  Probably one of the greatest things you would be able to do is, maybe, get them to the place where they will get some help. 

But likely they won’t, at least at first. These are people that are entrenched in and ruled by darkness for many incarnations. These people will be those who are who they are, and may take a long process in order to change. They will likely not be able to ascend with the planet until they have studied in all the Astral Mystery Schools.

Also, they will not be able to move with the planet because they do NOT live on the planet. Instead, they live on the 3D Matrix. When the higher Light starts absorbing itself around and into the planet, then this 3D Matrix will dis-articulate, leave Gaia and wrap around a lower frequency planet.

Those dark ones will have lost that opportunity to move into the higher frequencies of reality, and they will have to just start all over again.  It’s a reset.  They will have a reset.

The eclipse was also a reset and actually a warning to everyone that it is the Now to reset your consciousness.  It is the Now to catch yourself when your consciousness is dipping, because it will, it absolutely will.  

YOU will be able to “hold on to your OWN Multidimensional Self.”

The Arcturians
Through Suzanne Lie

Join us in service on October 7, 2017
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