Monday, March 30, 2020


Spending a moment of Every Day Life
To Remember your Multidimensional SELF

Suzanne Lie and the Galactics

You may wonder why I did not sign by the Arcturians or other Galactic friends, but this message is about our human self, our third and fourth dimensional expression of our human self.

Yes, we are not JUST human, and right now our Higher, Galactic Self may be coming into our awareness because we are in the process of  “putting one foot, and then the next foot” forward as we try to “Calmly” walk through our “Every Day Life!”

The “Calmly” part is not as easy as it was before our world was filled with a deadly pandemic. Hence, the “calmly” part may need some meditation. During that meditation we may find that our “calm self” needs to be honored and listened to by our “every day self.”

But now our every day life is no longer “every day” because we are slowly, or quickly, realizing that Gaia’s ENTIRE planet is sick. The question is, “Are we sick and tired because humans are sick, OR are humans sick because Gaia is sick and tired?”

Of course, it is not too likely that we will be getting that answer anytime soon. Therefore, one of the most comforting things that we can do is to:


Of course the meaning of our “every day life” has greatly changed, but we all need to “carry on” with whatever faith and courage that we can find within, from our loved ones, and from our deep love for our Planetary Mother—Gaia!

Can we change, or rather, expand. our “everyday life” to encompass our beloved Mother Planet Gaia?  Can we take Gaia to the Laundry Room while we try to “normally” do the wash?

Can we take Gaia with us when we diaper the baby, or try to keep you bored teenager calm and helpful?  Now, many families are together 24/7, which can be a challenge for every one.

However, many, if not most of you, are finding ways to keep your home life calm, happy and relaxed. But how can the frightened adults keep happy and relaxed when their children, are going stir crazy?

On the other hand, when you are in your home and your family is with you, there is a security and sense of comfort that you are NOT alone. Thank “heavens” there are telephones, televisions, games, and hopefully some art supplies, an instrument to play, and good books to read.

On the other hand, when you are out in the world, you are aware that you need to keep track of your behavior, your actions, and even what you choose to say, as the world is quite frightened and freighting within this NOW. 

But, when you are ONLY with the same people all the time, without being able to go outside, or sometimes, even go into your own yard, everyone in that house will see exactly how every one’s behavior affects every one else.

How will family systems change after being together, with just each other, all the time? Likely, and hopefully, all the members who are living together will learn more about their self while in a difficult situation, and more about the people with whom they are sharing this experience.

And, what are the consequences when one does NOT observe the
“stay sheltered in your home” mandate?  It is likely best that no one chooses to take that risk.  

Of course, people can go into their garage, and go into their car to drive around with the Air Conditioning on. And, what a treat that may be when a bit of “normal life” seems to come back.

But, what does “normal life” mean? In fact, normal life would likely be different for different people. Also, nothing is really “normal” right now, and that is good. We NEVER want something like this, pandemic to be “normal.” 

Likely, most people live different versions of their “normal life.” However, now, many people are choosing to “shelter in place,” which is very important that they do. This is a now in which everyone need to think of everyone else, and not just their own self.

In fact, you will likely discover that you will need to think about other people, our neighbors, your friends and VERY importantly, you will need to think about Gaia, our Planetary Mother. 

Was this pandemic brought on by planetary issues, or did the humans bring on Gaia’s sickness? And, does that really matter in the NOW? 

In this NOW we are in the midst of a Planetary Event that no one knew about, except for the few who knew, and often could not find anyone to listen to them.

What have we learned form this “Planetary Experience?” And, how will WE, the humans of this Gaia’s Earth, change our perceptions from being a “human being” who lives on the planet into a “planetary being” who is currently wearing a third dimensional vessel?

Dear Gaia has been greatly endangered by humanity—Chernobyl, World Wars, disrespect for Gaia’s nature and humanity’s inability to recognize that Gaia is a living being, and  we are ALL meant to be the protector of Gaia rather than those humans who have greatly damaged their own Planetary Mother.


Dear humans of Gaia’s Earth, 
We, The Inter-dimensional Galactics, are the members of the fourth, fifth, and beyond planes of reality. WE Galactic members of your own fifth dimensional SELF, wish to remind you that you ALL humans have a Higher Dimensional SELF. 

Yes, there are some humans (likely too many humans) who got lost in the many challenges of third dimensional life. However, there are also many, many humans who remembered their own Higher Dimensional SELF. 

At first, those memories were far away and difficult to understand, but even the thought of their own Higher Self, expanded their consciousness enough to begin to remember. 

At first, this process of remembering was very dim, but if they stayed with the process, and most important, stayed with their innate memories, there was more and more to perceive and embrace as a deep inner TRUTH, began to arise within their memory. 

As they begin to remember that which had always been unknown, they wanted to find out “more” and more about their dreams and meditations.

Often these “dreams and meditations,” were real interactions and real inter-communications with higher dimensional beings. In this manner, more and more of the awakening ones became aware that these beings were actually higher components of their own Higher SELF.  

Often, humans did not think in terms of their “Higher SELF,” but often their Higher SELF was persistent and continually entered the heart and mind of their Galactic Friend or Family, who had volunteered to take on a human earth vessel in order to assist Earth, who had been deeply wounded.

The sad part is that most of Gaia’s wounding came from the very human beings who were meant to be Gaia’s care givers. Fortunately, the early members of Gaia’s planetary world worshiped Gaia and became the guardians that they were meant to be.

But unfortunately, it was the “logical people” who could not believe that Gaia and all her Nature, was alive and dependent on the humans to protect HER.

Fortunately, the “primitive” people did protect Gaia, but as the humans became more “centered” on their own selves, their own stuff, their own needs, and their own people that were important to them.

However, as humans move through these difficult times of “Planetary Change,” they too must change.  Fortunately, more and more humans are beginning to remember that Humanity was meant to be the caregivers of Gaia.

As more and more humans awaken to their own Higher Dimensional SELF, they are remembering the reason that they chose to take a physical body within this NOW. 

Once one is able to remember their true Higher Dimensional SELF, their ability to use more and more of the innate fourth and fifth dimensional qualities comes to the surface of their perceptual fields and their own “sense of SELF.” 

ALL “primitive” humanity once had their innate Multidimensional Awareness of SELF, but have lost it – mostly in their third dimensional greed and selfishness. 

Fortunately, many, many humans were able to stay above greed and selfishness and have, and will continue to have, the memory of their own Higher Self and the abilities that are waiting in the nine/tens of their unused, and innate, brain power. 

“But how does one use this innate brain power in their every day life?” we hear you ask.

Our answer is,
“Please remember to ask your own Higher Dimensional SELF!”

Sunday, March 29, 2020

What To Do When you are Doing Nothing Part ONE--the Arcturians through Sue Lie


What To Do When You are Doing Nothing
Part ONE

Within these difficult times, don't we all wish that we could sit in the woods to find peace and beauty.
However, our lives have ALL been changed in one way or another. Therefore, I, Sue Lie, will call in the Arcturians to assist us with the difficult challenges that we are ALL facing. 

Dear Arcturians,
Can you assist us to find a way to find peace in a world of turmoil?

Dear human of beloved Gaia's Planet, 
Yes, it no longer matters who is rich and famous and who is "just a regular person." What is occurring within you NOW is happening in ALL of Gaia's reality. Therefore, we will begin our message by asking our dear friend Gaia, who is the Heart and Soul of the planet known as Earth. 

Dear Gaia,
We, your Galactic friends and family from Arcturus, as well as from the other planets who are sending their planetary love and healing force to assist their sister planet Gaia in Her time of great need. Yes, dear humans, are you NOW beginning to realize that Earth, your Mother Planet, need you, the humans on her planetary body, to send LOVE and LIGHT out into the atmosphere and deep into the earth. 

We know that there are many, many humans who have loved Gaia for as long as they can remember and in many, many incarnations. In fact, we have heard the cry for help from many of Gia's people, as well as from Gaia's Earth, Air, Fire and Water. We are aware that that many humans are suffering, but please do NOT forget that Gaia, dear Mother Earth, is suffering with you. 

It appears that Her Nature is well, but many of Her planetary humans are suffering. "Why did this occur?" we hear you cry to us. OH, we so wish that more humans had called for our assistance to assist Gaia before this planetary illness struck your planet and totally changed your lives.

Dear humans of Earth, we comment so very many of you who are remembering to think not just for your own human self and human family. What is occurring is affecting most of Gaia's planet, and many, many of Her planetary humans. 

We commend the many humans who have followed the Path of the ONE, which is the Path that ALL beings travel as they journey through this challenging time of planetary crisis. People from all over your planet have faced great suffering and disease. However, Gaia has been faced with great suffering  and disease at the hands of the humans. 

We send our love and light to all those who have become ill, and we:



We, the Arcturian, and ALL the members Gaia's Galactic Family, Commend the humans on their great strength and assistance to Gaia during this time of great planetary need. It is the NOW for all humans to remember to send Love and Light to ALL humans. 

Many humans are very sick and suffering, some humans are separated from their home, their families, and their friends. However, it is also wonderful to see that many, many, humans are following the needs of the many, and staying inside their homes to stop the spread of this illness.

 In time of great need, many are awakening to the fact that:


It is  within the ONE of this NOW that, we the Humans of Gaia's Earth

are working together as ONE  to heal our planet and 

ALL of Gaia's inhabitants!

Please click the below link for the YouTube version of this message

Blessings to you all from
We your Galactic Family are ALWAYS with you!!

Monday, March 23, 2020














A Message From the Arcturians


A Message From the Arcturians

Through Suzanne Lie

Dear Arcturians,
Please send me some information that I can share with others to assist us all during this time of great challenge.

Dear Suzille,
We, the Arcturians, are happy to assist you, as well as anyone who asks for our assistance. We Arcturians, as well as all of our Galactic Family are working as ONE “Higher Dimensional Team” to assist our beloved Planetary Friend, Gaia. Yes, the issues that the humans are confronted with are also impacting all the levels of our dear Planet Gaia. 

Therefore, we suggest to all of you that you, too, connect with us, The Arcturians, The Pleiadians, The Antarians, The Venusians and other Galactic Beings that most of humanity has not met—yet!  We say “yet” because YOU, the members of Gaia’s Planetary Family, are on the cusp of great change.

Yes, dear humans, we realize that there has been more than enough “change” within your now, and we commend you for your immense courage and ability to remember that “Together WE are ONE.” By saying “we” you are connecting your personal consciousness not only with your family and friends, but you are also connecting your consciousness with your Galactic SELF.

We will now explain what we mean by the term, “Your Galactic SELF.” As most of you are aware, “What you think about—You bring about.” One of the reasons that we have come to this within this NOW is because we need to remind all of you, our brave humans, to remember that your thoughts have great power.

On an individual level, your thoughts are like a “secret” part of you that is constantly interacting with you, whether or not you deserve. In today’s busy world, especially within this NOW of great challenge, it is easy to become so embroiled in what is going on around you that you do not have “time” to think about what is going on INSIDE of you. Yes, your minds are constantly communicating with you in many different ways. 

However, when you, the humans of Earth, become deeply embroiled in the mere act of survival, which many of you feel like you are doing, a wave of fear flows through the eithers of Gaia’s planetary body. 

We realize the many of you do not realize how much your thoughts alone can influence, not how you see the world around you, but also the way the world sees you. Yes, please remember that Gaia is a living, breathing being. When you are sad, you send out a wave of sadness that invisibly flows throughout Gaia in many directions.

On the other hand, when YOU send out Courage, Love and Confidence, you send out a an invisible wave of “It is going to be alright! I know that we will join together, in fact, we are already joining together, to assist ALL planetary beings to move through and even “learn from” that which is being called a “pandemic.” 

The dictionary’s definitions of “pandemic” are Epidemic, Contagion, Sickness, Disease, illness, “having a widespread effect as a very widespread disease. Unfortunately, too many people are experiencing this “pandemic” within this NOW. 

We, your Galactic Family, who are members of Gaia’s planetary family such as the Pleiadians, the Arcturians, the Venusians, Antarians, are aware of the great courage and cooperation that has occurred during your great challenge. Unfortunately, there are some, and you are aware of who we speak, who has NOT been able to “take hold of the reigns.”

However, YOU the brave humans of Gaia’s planet, YOU the everyday people who have taken care of your self, your family, your homes and your land, have “volunteered” to assist dear Gaia with Her Planetary Battle, and to assist the humans in their personal battle.

“Why do we use the term, “battle”? We, your Galactic Family, chose to use that term because you are all “Warriors for Gaia.” WE, your Galactic Family, who is also YOU in your higher dimensional expression of SELF are calling ALL the members of Gaia’s dear Earth and remember that “energy out is energy back!”

We, your Galactic Family can see from our Starships how YOU, the humans, are banning together with other humans. However, this “banning together” cannot be done in a physical manner, or the “pandemic” would travel from person to person and place to place. In fact, we, Galactics are very proud of our dear grounded ones living as humans on Gaia’s Earth.

In fact, an increasing amount of our Arcturians, Pleiadians, Antarians, and Venusians, have chosen to take on a human earth vessel because they knew that Gaia would need them on Her planet. “How did Gaia, a planet, know that?” we hear you ask.

To answer your question, we will need to remind you Earth is a Living Being!!!  Cavemen knew that Earth was a living being, as did many other early societies. However, as humans became more and more “civilized” they became more detached from their Planetary Mother—Gaia.

Therefore, they did not care if what they were doing would harm dear Gaia’s elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water. In fact, most “modern” humans did not think at all about the elements of  Earth, Air, Fire, or Water, and treated these elements as “just stuff.” 

Unfortunately, the humans, especially the “modern day humans” who have forgotten, or never thought about the fact that there are many “living beings” on Gaia that are NOT human. In fact, all the elements—Earth, Air, Fire, and Water—are living beings. However, these “Elementals” are the core of Gaia’s planetary health.

Therefore, when the Earth is covered with concrete, the Air is fill with smog, Fires are ignored until great damage is done, and the Water is filled with trash and many chemicals and, once again, trash!

Why is there so much TRASH? How many humans have even asked that questions. And, more importantly, how many humans have taken care of their “trash” in a manner that that does NOT pollute their world?

Why did humanity wait this long before it even began to realize that HUMANITY was meant to be the Guardians and Protectors of their planetary home—Earth? 

A big part of that answer is that humans, not the Native Humans who have NEVER lost touch with the fact that the Earth they walk is alive, the Air they breathe is alive, the “fire” from the Sun is Alive, and the Water, which humans cannot live without, is Alive!

In fact, everywhere that you look is an example of the energy field of where you are looking. For example: 

How do you feel when you see beautiful trees and green fields?

Please take a long moment and close your eyes to see within you beautiful trees and green fields.

Please take a long moment to close your eyes to see within clear, beautiful sky free of all pollution.

 Please take a long moment to feel the warm Sun on your body as you walk through a lovely day.
 Please take a long moment and imagine that you are swimming in or standing in a   pool of clear clean water.

How many times in the last month, have you thought about the fact that YOU, the humans, were meant to be the Guardians for Gaia?

How many times in the last year have you thought about the fact that YOU, the humans, were meant to be the Guardians for Gaia?

In fact, when was the last time that YOU realized that YOU have an innate mission to protect Gaia, especially during the difficult time of this NOW?

Beloved humans of Gaia, we the Arcturians, wish to DEEPLY commend the MANY humans who have taken “great care of their Mother Planet!” We, the Arcturians, as well as ALL of your Galactic Family of the Arcturians, Pleiadians, Antarians and Venusians, as well as the other Galactic Beings who have not, yet, revealed themselves to Gaia’s humanity. 

Dearest humans who have chosen to take an earth vessel during this VERY IMPORTANT NOW of Gaia’s need to be healed, loved, protected, and honored as you own Planetary Mother. In fact, Gaia is more than “just your Mother.” Gaia is YOU! You are constructed of the same elements, and Elementals, of Earth, Air, Fire, Water.

Could humanity live without a earthen body?

Could humanity live without air to breathe?

Could humanity live without any Sun?

Could humanity live without any water to drink?

If humanity were to loose even one of the elements (as well as the unseen Elemental Beings who create and enliven the elements) how would that be?

We, your Galactic Family, and we seriously mean YOUR Galactic Family, ask that YOU find the time in your busy day to read this message from us, Your Galactic Family. We ask you to read this message not because our scribe wrote down the words that we gave here. 

NO, we, your Galactic Family ask you to find time in your busy day to assist Gaia with HER Planetary Ascension. In fact, “we, your Galactic Family” is actually YOU, the human who has chosen to take on an earth vessel during this NOW of Gaia’s GREAT NEED!

We, your Galactic Family, ask that you ignore those who speak only for themselves and listen deeply to those who speak for Gaia and for All Gaia’s planetary humans. It is the NOW to remember your fifth dimensional Galactic SELF.

We will return to speak much, much more of your True Galactic SELF!

Friday, March 20, 2020

Finding your SELF Inside of Your SELF


Dear friends and readers,
Having nothing to do and nothing to read will make the long days of isolation much more difficult. Therefore, I will be putting up something new on my blog as often as possible. After all, my husband and I are staying in our house--Just as I hope you are doing as well.

Allow your self to read one poem/short story at a time, or read them all at once. Blessings to you all dear strong and very brave ones. If you wish to share any of these in any manner, please do. I wish I could do more, but I have found that if I keep myself busy, and especially if you do something creative.

In fact, do something creative that you did not have "time" to do before. If you enjoy any of these poems or messages, please feel free to pass them on to others.


Alone with my self
in a world filled with fear.
Alone with my self
if I’m there or I’m here.

Alone with my self, 
all my boundaries are lost.
It’s the truth that I seek,
 No matter the cost.

Alone in my mind
while my heart seems to steer.
My actions are foreign,
their causes unclear.

To be in the One
is the call of my Soul.
To know who I AM
is my prayer and my goal.

I summon the moment
to give me a reason
to be who I AM 
in this time and this season.

Alone in my self,
I call forth the light
to show my true path
and bring down my might.

But am I alone
in this time of great question
or part of the Oneness
of which I’m one section?

This section’s a portion
of all I might be,
a fragment, a segment
of all I can see.

I beckon the One 
to come into my heart
to show me the BEING
of whom I’m a part.  


Open your heart, my dear.
The anchor within it weighs heavy
with the barnacles of many
ages of submersion.

To sail into the heart of the One,
the anchor must be raised.
Know that as the anchor 
rises to the surface.

Then, all the secrets that have been
locked deep inside will be pulled
into the Light of Day.

Can you Love yourself?
Can you Accept yourself?
Have you hidden from yourself in order to 
maintain the illusion of who you wanted to be.

To raise the anchor in your heart
means to know who you ARE.
You are prepared for misery.
Are you prepared for Joy?

You are prepared for heartache.
Are you prepared for Happiness?
You are prepared for darkness.
Are you prepared for the Light?

What if you opened 
the rusty old chest which you had 
kept  secret from yourself
and found that it was filled with Gold?

Can you face not that which is wrong,
Instead of that which is already Perfect?
You have met your Demons.
NOW is the time to meet your Angels.

You are perfect.
In this moment, 
and live in the lap of Love.
You do not need “to do.”
You only need “to accept.”

Allow my words to float
deep into your heart.
I love you unconditionally
and desire to share my Soul with you.

Only LOVE is real.
The Rest is all Illusion


Arise, awaken, the Mother calls.
Alight your wings your tails, your claws.

The Earth is ready for a change
and many dread disaster’s range.

Fear not for Light and Love and Purity,
but rather know them as security.

If you have learned to Love each other,
you’ll love your Earth, as she’s your Mother.

But, if in your greed, you’ve taken all
it is that choice that is your fall. 

Release them now your many things.      
They close the eyes and clip the wings.

For that which is possessed - possesses.
And that which is released - releases.

The flight of the Phoenix began with a fire
to cleanse and purify the mire.

The streams of Life will flow forever.
  The breath of Spirit, it ceases never.

Protect the Earth.
Embrace the Moon.
Accept the Sun.

The hour is SOON!


The flower opened slowly
because I thought it must.
The labor was so painful
because it seemed unjust.

The sky was dark and dreary,
for tears had blurred my sight.
But, love returned and called the Sun
to turn me towards the light.

My Spirit whispered to me
in answer to my call,
“Come here, my dear, and listen
and I will tell you all.
You are creator of your life
in each and every way
by the actors you perform with
and the dramas that you play.

What moment are you choosing?
What torment are you losing?

Open up your heart, my dear.
Fill it full of love, not fear.

The journey is beginning.
Your freedom, you are winning.

Live life in surrender.
Allow your Soul to choose
Walk upon the path of love.
There’s nothing you can lose.”

At last I know, I am aware.
I remember what I knew.
I welcome in a brand new life.
The old one now is through.


Release the struggle and accept the gift
For heart and mind to make the shift

Into the ONE that’s always been
Beyond all fear and free of sin

This step is one we know we’ll make
It is the journey we ALL must take

We know and own all of our life
To cherish love and release the strife

For as we travel where we go
The Truth within, we soon shall know

Where once we hid to close our eyes
We hold the Truth and free the lies

We have awakened just in time
To feel our SELF that is sublime

We accept the call from Heaven’s Gate 
For now we can no longer wait

Into our SELF we forge ahead
Towards all we’ve done and all we’ve said

Our life will never be the same
For now each Soul will have a name

We shall see the ONE in every face
As, collectively, we live in Grace

Together NOW, we all shall travel
To find the Mysteries we will unravel

Awakening Beauty

Once upon a time in a far away land, Mother Earth and Father Sky lived happily with all the inhabitants of their kingdom. Their joy could only be improved by the birth of their wonderful daughter, Beauty. At her naming celebration the Fairy Godmothers Wisdom, Power, and Love, came to bless the babe. Each Godmother gave the infant a special gift. 

Fairy Godmother Wisdom gave Beauty the gift of a mind that is free of limitation and self-doubt. Fairy Godmother Power gave Beauty the gift of the ability to know and trust her instincts. However, just before Fairy Godmother Love was to bestow her gift, a dark cloud crossed over the sun and the glorious banquet room became filled with darkness. From the very core of this gloom materialized the forgotten Fairy Godmother, Fear. 

It was, of course, easy to forget Fear because no one enjoyed her company. "Good Day," crackled the harsh voice of Fear. "I see that my invitation did not arrive at my abode. I, however, have eyes and ears throughout your kingdom and have thus learned of this grand celebration. Knowing that you would not purposely exclude me, I have come to give MY gift to the Princess Beauty."

Everyone in the palace was silenced by terror. The Queen rushed to the infant's crib, but found that she could not come closer than a few feet from the sleeping child. Fear laughed her wicked laugh. "Does my presence hinder your ability to protect your child?" 

The Queen found that she was mute. Everyone, even the three other Fairy Godmothers, was frozen in position. It was as if time had stopped. Only Fairy Godmother Fear could move, and she was quickly advancing on the infant's crib. The mute Queen gasped in terror. "Do not worry, Dear Queen, I shall not harm your daughter, YET. I only wish to give her my gift." 

"My dear Beauty," cooed the wicked Godmother, "enjoy your youth, for on your sixteenth birthday, you shall prick your finger on a spinning wheel DIE!" Fear cackled her evil laugh, spun herself into a vortex of darkness, and disappeared from the great hall. As light came back into the room, everyone awoke from their stupor of terror. The Queen rushed to the now crying infant and held her close to her bosom. "No," sobbed the Queen. "How can my Beauty die?"

"Wait," spoke the Fairy Godmother Love. "I have not given my gift to the Princess. Perhaps I can ease Fear's terrible curse." The grateful Queen placed the infant back in her crib to receive Love's blessing. As Godmother Love approached the crib, the infant instantly ceased her crying and starred into the light of Love's eyes. 

"My dear one," spoke Love. "I cannot change the entire curse of Fear, but I can lessen its severity. When you prick your finger, you shall not die. Instead, Beauty, you will fall into a deep sleep to be awakened only by the kiss of Truth. I command that somehow, dear Beauty, Truth shall find you and bestow upon you Unconditional Love."

 Of course, every spinning wheel in the land was burned to prevent Fear's evil prediction. However, on the exact day of her sixteenth birthday, Beauty followed her "instincts" up a long narrow stairway without a single "doubt" in her mind and pricked her finger on the awaiting needle. 

Beauty's last thought as she fell off into a deep sleep was of how much she had loved her life and how much she would miss it. Sorrow that Fear's prediction came true was more than the kingdom could bear and the three Fairy Godmothers mercifully put the entire kingdom into a deep sleep until Truth's arrival. 

The story of Mother Earth, Father Sky, and their daughter Beauty quickly spread to the surrounding lands. Following the tale was Fear. The story had, of course, been amplified in the telling. Beauty, along with her entire kingdom, was now believed to be dead. Fear had made sure that this alteration in the tale had taken place. 

All who heard this tale ran into their homes and barred their doors against the evil darkness of Fear. All, that is, except one. He was a prince from a distant land and his name was Truth. "I do not believe that Beauty is dead," he said. "I believe that Beauty is just asleep, and I shall be the one to awaken her!"

Prince Truth had no idea how he could even find the princess, much less awaken her. However, he knew that he was Powerful and had the inherent Wisdom to seize whatever opportunity came his way. Therefore, he decided that he would make the journey to that distant land of Mother Earth and Father Sky. Along the way, he told everyone how he would rescue Beauty. Gradually, the Prince's great confidence began to ease the hearts of the many that were afraid. These people chose to follow Truth to assist him in his rescue of Beauty.

However, even though many followed Truth to the Castle, few could enter the fearful brambles that now engulfed the entire Castle. In fact, for the final few feet through the brambles, Prince Truth was alone. Worse yet, as Prince Truth cleared the bramble bushes, Fairy Godmother Fear awaited him to fill his mind with images of all he had ever feared. For a moment Truth faltered in the face of his own fear. But then he remembered that Beauty needed him to rescue her, and he fought courageously.

Finally, Truth was victorious over Fear and the Prince banished her from the land forever—he hoped. Now nothing lay between Truth and Beauty. The Prince rushed to her bedside, pulled her into his arms, and gave Beauty a deep, loving kiss. 

I would like to say that Beauty instantly responded to Truth's love and rode off with him on his valiant steed. However, this was not the case. The Princess, as well as her entire kingdom, had been asleep for a very long time. 

When Beauty first awoke, she did not think of Truth's kiss. Her first thought upon awakening was of how she had followed her "instincts" into the tower without a shred of "doubt" and touched the very needle that she had been warned against her entire life. 

Beauty's instincts told her that Truth loved her, but she had learned to doubt herself. If she could not trust herself, how could she trust the Prince? After all, she had forced the entire kingdom to suffer a long sleep. How could SHE deserve the love of Truth? 

"He must want something from me," she mused out loud.

"I want nothing, dear Beauty. My love for you is unconditional," the Prince proclaimed. 
"Then," she queried, "will you love me if I don't go with you? Will you love me when I am old and not so beautiful? And will you love me even if I love another?"
Now these questions were very difficult for Prince Truth and he found that he could not find an instant reply.

"You see," continued Beauty, "This sleep and the brambles that you say you have parted for me, have offered me protection for many years. Why should I release this protection just because you-a total stranger to me-have asked me to? I cannot trust my instincts for they have led me astray before."
"Dear Beauty, I understand what you say. But I have traveled far to offer you my Love."

"How can I accept your Love when everyone around me sleeps? How can I abandon all that I have known just because you say there is something better?"
The Prince now understood Beauty's plight. 

"Come dear Beauty," spoke Truth, "You and I shall awaken your entire kingdom together. Let us begin with the King and Queen."

"Hmm," thought Beauty, "Perhaps Truth's love is Unconditional." 

However, before she could be sure, the Princess would need to heal her own self-doubt, so that she could again trust her instincts. After all, everyone had seemed to love her for her entire life, but no one was able to protect her from the curse of Fear.

Truth and Beauty then went throughout the castle awaking everyone from the slumber that had protected them from the pain of Fear's curse. Many awoke with the same misgivings as the Princess had, and it was many years before the entire kingdom was free from Fear's curse.

By then Truth and Beauty had learned to trust and love each other—UNCONDITIONALLY. Beauty had to learn through experience that Truth's love was Unconditional and Truth had to learn that Beauty was not someone to seek and rescue, but someone to listen to and protect.

You see, Beauty could not find her own Wisdom, Power, and Love until she had personally confronted her OWN fears. Truth could awaken her, but she could only accept his love when she could love herself.

The moral is, the sleeping child within you may not want to be rescued, at least not at first. Until you are willing to enter the kingdom of your child and awaken each subject from its long, fearful sleep, your child may not accept your "Unconditional Love."

In other words, if you want your inner child to trust you—you must earn it.