Friday, October 26, 2018

Multidimensional Frequencies of Reality - The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Multidimensional Frequencies of Reality

The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Dear Ones, all of your lives are multidimensional in that there are many frequencies of reality that your heart and mind can perceive. However, many humans are not aware of this fact, and only think to look at that which resonates to their third dimensional, daily life.

To better understand what we are saying, we will now talk about “frequency of reality.” Humanity’s ancestors who came from higher dimensional realities moved through the long transmutation process of being “peak society” because they could still remember and use their fifth dimensional consciousness. 

However, over what is known on Earth as “time” the Galactics frequency of  resonance began to fall from their innate fifth dimensional self and into their fourth dimensional self. Their fourth dimensional self was still very creative, but many of their fifth dimensional abilities that resonated beyond time and space began to slip away.

It was then the once fifth dimensional Galactics eventually slipped into a “society in decline.” Therefore, bit-by-bit the fifth dimensional consciousness of the Galactics began to slip down into the fourth, and eventually, third dimensional consciousness. 

Gaia, the consciousness of planet Earth, had learned within Her many Eons of “being a planet” that one needed to open their awareness to the full polarities of positive and negative in order to learn/remember how to share the lessons offered by the Planetary School known as Earth. 

One of the most difficult lessons offered by Gaia’s School, as Gaia was to be a learning planet, was to assist the beings on Her planet to remember that the energy they put out into their reality would also be the energy that would return back to them. 

When Gaia, which is the fifth dimensional name of planet Earth, had finally, after uncountable eons of preparing Her planetary form to host the small individual beings known as humans, She graduated into “Being a Planet capable of supporting life forms.” 

By “graduating” we mean that she had transmuted Her planetary body into a frequency of reality that could house living beings. These living beings began with the plants and the insects that lived off the plants. 

Soon the larger animals that could live by eating the animals that lived off the plants came to Earth. Finally, after much experimentation with different types of form on the Higher Dimensional Realms of reality, the humans beings began to incarnate on the third dimensional planet that was to be known as Earth. 

At first the human beings were very primitive, and it took many reincarnations for them to remember that they had come to Earth from their Homeworld on the stars that they could see on clear nights. 

The humans who thought to look up into the stars were reminded that they had once lived on one of those stars and had chosen to come to Earth to create a new version of reality. Those who could remember their homeworld, and their choice to travel to Earth to “created a new life,” became the leaders.

Those who could not remember were taught to remember. However, many of the “immigrants to Earth” became so involved in survival that they forgot about the Multidimensional component of their SELF that lived on the very stars that their, now primitive self, looked up to see. 

However, the fact that these early humans looked into the stars allowed some of the early humans, who were mostly Pleiadians, to eventually remember that they had come from those stars to experience a new world. 

The Pleiadians who could remember their former home in the Pleiades became the leaders, but those who could not remember their true, inner SELF, began to behave more like the animals that they saw around them. 

However, these “lost ones,” as the Pleiadians called these members of their “immigrants to Earth” began to behave in a manner which was not as intelligent as the Pleiadians, and was not as fair as most animals were. 

These “lost Pleiadians” fell into this behavior because they could not remember who they really were, but remembered that they were more evolved than the animals. These “immigrants to Earth” became the humans.

The Pleiadians who could retain their memory of, and communications with, their Pleiadian Homeworld were very upset about this development and called for more Pleiadians to assist them. However, the Pleiadians on their homeworld were quite busy with their own wars.

Therefore, the Earth bound Pleiadians had to create a new life for themselves with very little assistance from their Homeworld for many eons. In fact, some of the once beautiful Pleiadians became very warlike and much less creative and loving as they had once been on their Homeworld. 

Fortunately, there were some very strong Pleiadians who had come to Earth via their Starship who were able to gain assistance from their Homeworld, that is when there was not a war going on there. 

It was these Pleiadians who assisted the other humanoids on Earth to remember their fifth dimensional expression on the higher realms of the Pleiadians Homeworld. It was the advanced technology that these Pleiadians shared with the “humans on Earth” that allowed the to eventually create “peak societies” on Earth.

These peak societies were able to greatly assist Gaia with Her evolution and to heal the wounds that Gaia had from wars and/or natural disasters. However, since the Pleiadians had more and more problems on their own Homeworld many of them left Gaia to return to their Homeworld.

As we flash forward into the NOW of Earth circa 2018, we see that Gaia has suffered many wars and weather disasters. Humanity is has moved from peak societies to disasters and back again, but the total release of the need for wars has not yet come into the consciousness of the humans.

Fortunately, on the other hand, more and more humans are awakening to the fact that they are Galactics in human form. More and more of these humans are remembering who they were long ago and why they have chosen to take bodies on Earth.

Once an Earth bound Galactic remembers their original heritage, they begin to look a life in a very different manner. The daily grind, challenges and joys of life on Earth are unchanged, but they/you have changed. We say “you” as you are likely among the awakened and awakening ones if you have chosen to read this article.

To be an awakening one can be very confusing if you have not found any persons or literature to guide you into the immense expansion of consciousness that one undergoes when they realize that they are actually Multidimensional Beings. 

Of course, the higher dimensional aspects of your human self can come into your awareness as a child, or you may not awake to that frequency of your Multidimensional SELF until you are much older. Either way, awakening to the fact that you are multidimensional can be very confusing and a bit disconcerting.

On the other hand, this awakening to your own “expanded SELF” can immensely change your life. You will no longer be “just a human,” but you will have “beyond human” thoughts, memories and desires that put you “out of sink” with the “normal world.”

However, it is actually very “normal” to be multidimensional, but it is NOT normal to realize that fact. While you are wearing your third dimensional body, you have the same limitations, and joys, as others that have not yet remember their expanded Multidimensional SELF.

Being aware of your past lives, your expanded dream world, and your ability to perceive that which is still invisible to others can bring you great confusion as well as great happiness. 

Whether you know it or not, you are all multidimensional and having many versions of reality that you are experience simultaneously. However, third dimensional Earth is quite challenging, and sometimes very rewarding. 

Therefore, it is easier to focus on that one reality rather than to take on the challenge of remembering your past lives on Earth, as well as your incarnations on higher dimensional worlds and realities. 

However, having an awareness of  your “Interdimensional and/or multidimensional life greatly expands your “sense of SELF” to include the higher dimensional portions of who you ARE within this NOW. 

The awareness of your own Interdimensional SELF also allows you to have the awareness that you are a Multidimensional Being who simultaneously exists on different worlds, time zones and dimensions. For some it may seem that only one life is more than enough, but your “other lives” are part of your Galactic Family.

Just as a big family can often be a burden, but is VERY important in your times of need, knowing that you are in constant connection with higher frequency expressions of your own Multidimensional SELF—whether or not your physical self is aware of this fact.

What if you were an identical twin, but you did not find out until you were an adult? Remembering that you have a higher dimensional expression of your physical self who is your “identical SELF”

Furthermore, this “identical self” is much more evolved than your third dimensional self as your true Homeworld is in the fifth dimension of the HERE and the NOW! Also, once you are aware of the fifth dimension and all the higher dimensions of reality, you sense of SELF will become greatly expanded.

Remembering your true Multidimensional SELF will change your sense of self and your vision of reality more than you may imagine. We, the members of your Higher SELF, are happy to embrace you with Unconditional Love and light your Path on Earth with the inter-dimensional Violet Fire.

Your higher dimensional family awaits you. 
Blessings to you from all of us!

The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Inter-dimensional Communication--The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Inter-dimensional Communication

The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

It is the NOW to remember your innate ability to enjoy inter-dimensional communications. You, our grounded representatives to Earth, have waited and tried to remember your inter-dimensional communications, but there was always something in your way. 

Life after life, the many different bodies of your Multidimensional SELF tried to remember how to communicate with the higher frequencies of reality. Unfortunately, once you were a member of the third/fourth dimensions of reality, the memories of your innate fifth dimensional SELF were just beyond your reach.

Many of you, our volunteers to take a third dimensional Earth body, tried to remember how to connect with your higher dimensional friends, family, and even your own higher dimensional SELF. However, the connections and the brief messages that you received flew swiftly through your third dimensional consciousness. 

It was only when you instantly documented the message that you could take your “3D time” to try to translate a timeless, inter-dimensional message into a time-bound third-dimensional message that you could document, save, and even, share with others.

You had learned from your incarnations before the late 1900’s that it was not wise to share what you were receiving inter-dimensionally. You also learned in your incarnations before that NOW that it could be VERY dangerous to talk about what you knew was a message from the higher worlds.

Most of you did not know what a “dimension” was, so that term was not used. Instead, you used terms that people could accept, such as your innate creativity. Others, often could not believe that there was a dimension of reality that was beyond their physical world. 

If there was a higher world, it was known as Heaven, in which only Angels and “very good” people could go to when they “died.” Of course, many civilizations believed that  they could have one life and one death.  Then they went to Heaven if they were good and to Hell if they were bad.

Also, only the great philosophers and Saints thought about these issues. The “common humanity” had to focus much of their attention on survival, or obeying what they had heard or read from a different person, a sainted person, or whatever form of heavenly being that they believed in.

Humans that were “different,” from one belief system were pushed aside, ignored or, worse, tormented and killed. In the earlier days of humanity, lifespans were often short, and many people lived on the edge of survival. We, your Galactic Family, are shocked that that type of discrimination still exists.

In fact, there can be no planetary ascension while some humans judge or harm other humans, and as long as humans use this same cruelty on the planet Earth that is offering them a place to learn about “being a physical human.” 

On the other hand, there are many humans who live a life of “service to others” and dedicate their lives to assisting other humans, animals and/or the entire planet Gaia. Because the Pleiadians are the most “human looking” of our Galactic Family, they are often the ones who have ventured to Earth.

In this manner we, your Galactic Family, could “walk among humanity” to better determine how they could assist humanity to awaken, and/or to assist awakening humans to remember their true Multidimensional SELF. 

What we, the Galactics, have found again and again is that humanity has a LONG way to go before they are ready to transmute back into their innate higher dimensional SELF. In fact, we Galactics are quite upset that so many of our brave volunteers to take a human body on Earth have to suffer the great dangers of third dimensional Earth. 

On the other hand, there are humans who are able to incarnate in “safe places” or “peak societies” where they can be their true SELF without frightening the other humans. Humans know not to frighten a bear or a lion, as it may attack. However, members of humanity also attack when they are frightened. 

We, your Galactic Family, wish to comment and thank the many awakened and awakening ones, who are ready to work with us to assist planet Earth through Her process of ascension. 

The humans who assist with Gaia’s ascension will ascend with her and/or they have already ascended and chose to take another incarnation in order to assist with Gaia’s Planetary Ascension.      

Fortunately, more and more members of humanity are remembering their Homeworld, the Mission, which is the reason why they came to Earth, and/or are remembering how to communicate with their higher dimensional SELF and their higher dimensional family. 

Somehow, these awakened, and awakening ones, knew that this frequency of reality that they saw in their mind, heard within their consciousness, joined with during their dreams, and/or wrote on paper, on computer, sang via a song, drew a picture of, etc. was REAL and they “remembered it.”

Different people remembered different things, but they did remember what they said they would remember before they took their third dimensional earth vessel. 

There is indeed a human self, but it is OUR human self, who is communicating with higher dimensional expressions of Beings through our higher consciousness. This higher consciousness is derived from the fact that the Ascending Ones are having more and more inter-dimensional communications.

These “Ascending Ones,” likely includes you. The Ascending Ones may appear to be angry, or upset about something, and may or may not know what they are angry about. This behavior is very common when a planet is preparing to change the Operating System of that planet to the next frequency of reality. 

Usually, there are the “First Ones” who have volunteered to “do the research” on how a fifth dimensional reality would be different from a third, fourth and/or third/fourth dimensional planet.

A third/fourth dimensional planet that has volunteered to assist the beings of their reality to expand their third dimensional consciousness into the fourth dimension is rare, but it does include dear Gaia. 

More and more grounded ones are choosing to consciously activate more neural synapses in their brain in order to incorporate this greater load of novel information into their daily  awareness.

As their consciousness expands beyond the third dimensional consciousness of “survival,” their brain can more easily expand its ability to “fire” off more complicated electric components of their neural network. 

It is then that they begin to remember more and more about their past incarnations, their present downloads from their Higher SELF, and the possible future realities that seem “so close and yet so far.”

Gradually, the awakened ones will remember more and more that “Reality is a Perception.” Therefore, everyone is experiencing different, yet often the same, information from the higher realms.  

How can something appear to be “different but the same?” The answer is that reality is a perspective of the one who is perceiving each moment of each experience. You all practiced this “different but the same” behavior on the Ship before you took your earth vessel.

We want to tell you all, dear volunteers to Gaia, that what seemed easy in an unconditionally loving, completely safe environment, is too often VERY difficult and challenging in your third dimensional reality. 

It is for this reason that we have chosen to communicate with as many of our grounded ones as possible. Then, each of them can share their experiences of leaving the fifth dimension to assist with the ascension of a third dimensional, very polluted and totally abused planet known to humans as Earth.

In fact, it was Earth/Gaia herself who is calling for our assistance on a regular basis. Gaia is very concerned that the “dark humans” will damage her planetary body so much that she will not be able to ascend.

We, the Galactics, have assured Gaia that many of these changes are allowing the darkness to come to the surface so that it can be healed by the light. In fact, some of the major leaders of Gaia are doing much more harm than has ever been done by any human leaders before.

The reason for this is because the Dark Ones are losing. Therefore, they are pulling out all their worst tricks and tactics to keep the humans frightened, undereducated, able to purchase rifles that can kill many people within just a few moments, and leaders who care only for themselves and not for those whom they are supposedly leading.

Dear brave humans, please remember that “The Darkest Night is just before dawn.” We Arcturians wish that we could tell you exactly how long it will take for this Darkest Night to end. 

However, time is an illusion of the third dimension. Therefore, we cannot tell you when these changes will begin, but we can say that YOU are VERY important in telling the truth to others who are trapped in the illusions that have been purposely prepared to stop humanity from fulfilling their Mission to:
Assist Gaia with Her Planetary Ascension!

One of the good parts of the third dimension is individuality. With individuality many people can respond to the same thing in a different way. However, if an “individual” is NOT connected to their higher sources of information, they may become so frustrated and depressed from the “fight to save Earth,” that they just give up!

Don’t forget to REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE and don’t forget that the Third Dimensional Reality is a perception that is often seen as different through different humans, and even through the same human at different times.

Be patient, our beloved volunteers, to assist with Gaia’s ascension. We know that many of you are VERY tired as you have walked this path for many years. We thank you so for your endurance and invite you to visit us, as well as your own fifth dimensional expression of SELF, during your dreams and meditations. We also ask that you share what you have received and/or experienced with others who you think may be able to accept this frequency of information.

We advise that you look above that persons crown chakra to see, hear, or feel that they have opened their Portal to the Fifth Dimension. Some of these people may be totally aware of this opening, but many others are not aware of why they are having so many strange, or different, dreams, meditations and experiences.

Please remember that we, your Galactic Family, are always available to you and are ready to assist you in any manner that you may need. Remember, we Galactics resonate to the fifth dimension and beyond. Therefore we are not bound by “time” or “space.”

Instead, we are Here within your NOW to assist you and to answer any questions that you have for us. We close with this message by again reminding you that “the darkest night is just before dawn!”

Therefore, fear NOT the dark night and continue to bravely step into the “Dawn of the fifth dimensional Gaia!” In closing, we remind you that YOU are assisting Planet Earth with Her Planetary Ascension and Gaia is assisting you with your Personal Ascension.

Together, Persons and Planet, and ALL of Gaia’s many life forms, 
can embrace this NOW of great transmutation into the next octave of reality.

We are the Arcturians, who are NOW speaking for your entire Galactic Family.
We have messages for each and every ONE of you. 
Please listen and you will hear

Blessings from the Arcturians and your Galactic Family

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Saving, Healing, Loving Gaia--Inter-dimensional Communication



Inter-dimensional Communication

The Arcturians and Pleiadians through Suzanne Lie

It is the NOW to remember your innate ability to enjoy inter-dimensional communications. You, our grounded representatives to Earth, have waited and tried to remember your inter-dimensional communications, but there was always something in your way. 

Life after life, the many different bodies of your Multidimensional SELF tried to remember how to communicate with the higher frequencies of reality. Unfortunately, once you were a member of the third/fourth dimensions of reality, the memories of your innate fifth dimensional SELF were just beyond your reach.

Many of you, our volunteers to take a third dimensional Earth body, tried to remember how to connect with your higher dimensional friends, family, and even your own higher dimensional SELF. However, the connections and the brief messages that you received flew swiftly through your third dimensional consciousness. 

It was only when you  could took the “3D time” to try to translate a timeless, inter-dimensional message into a time-bound third-dimensional message, that you could remember and even share that message with others. You had learned from earlier incarnations on Earth that it was often not wise to share you inter-dimensional messages with others, as it could make them frightened and angry. 

In your past most humans did not know what a “dimension” was, so that term was not used. Therefore, you used terms that people could accept such as "your innate creativity."  

If there was a higher world, it was usually known as Heaven, in which only Angels and “very good” people could go to when they “died.” Of course, many civilizations believed that they could have one life and one death.  Then they went to Heaven if they were good and to Hell if they were bad.

In those times, only the great philosophers and Saints thought about these issues. The “common people” had to focus much of their attention on survival, or obeying what they had heard or read from a different person, a sainted being, or whatever form of heavenly being that they believed in.

Humans that were “different,” from the "popular" belief systems were pushed aside, ignored or, worse, tormented and killed. In the earlier days of humanity, lifespans were often short, and many people lived on the edge of survival. 

Therefore, there was only the concept "Human Ascended Masters," but "planetary ascension" was seldom considered. Also, humans often judged or harmed other humans, had this same cruelty against planet Earth. On the other hand, there were, and are now, more and more humans who live a life of “service to others” and dedicate their lives to assisting other humans, animals and/or the entire planet Gaia. 

Because the Pleiadians are the most “human looking” of our Galactic Family, they are often the ones who have ventured to Earth. In the manner that we, your Galactic Family, can “walk among humanity” to better determine how we could assist humanity to awaken and assist other humans to remember their true Higher SELF.

What we, the Galactics, have found again and again is that humanity has a LONG way to go before they are ready to transmute back into their innate Higher Dimensional SELF. In fact, we Galactics are quite concerned that so many of our brave volunteers to take a human body on Earth have to suffer the great dangers of third dimensional Earth. 

On the other hand, there are humans who are able to incarnate in “safe places” or “peak societies” where they can be their true SELF without frightening other humans. Humans know not to frighten a bear or a lion, as it may attack. However, members of humanity also attack others when they are frightened. 

We, your Galactic Family, wish to commend and thank the many awakened and awakening ones, who are ready to work with us to assist planet Earth through Her process of ascension. The humans who assist with Gaia’s ascension will ascend with her and/or they have already ascended and chose to take another incarnation in order to assist with Gaia’s Planetary Ascension.      

Fortunately, more and more members of humanity are remembering their galactic home world, the Mission which was their reason for taken a human body and going to Earth. Also more and more humans are remembering how to communicate with their own Higher Dimensional SELF and their Higher Dimensional Family. 

Somehow, these awakened, and awakening ones, knew that the frequency of reality that they saw in their mind, heard in their Higher Communications, and felt within their consciousness, and in their hearts, joined with their own Higher Self, as well as the Higher Self of others during their dreams  and meditations. 

They often wrote their experiences on paper, on the computer, sang them via a song, and/or drew  pictures of their experiences, etc. It was through these actions that their higher dimensional experiences felt REAL and they were more able to remember them.  

Different people remembered different things, but fortunately, many of them DID remember what they promised they would do for Gaia and Gaia's ascension before they entered their third dimensional earth vessel. 

Fortunately, more and more human are remembering how to communicate with the higher dimensional Beings through their own higher dimensional consciousness. In fact, more and more of the humans are having  inter-dimensional communications with Higher Beings and with their own Higher SELF. It is through these inter-dimensional communications that humans are beginning to remember their own higher dimensional expressions of SELF.

These “Ascending Ones,” likely include many of you. Many awakening and awakened human may appear to be angry or upset about something, and may, or may not, know what they are angry about. This behavior is common when a planet is preparing to change the Operating System of that planet to include a higher frequency of reality. 

Usually, these are among the “First Ones” who volunteered to “do the research” on how a fifth dimensional reality would be different from a third, fourth and/or third/fourth dimensional planet. Your third/fourth dimensional planet, known as Gaia, has volunteered to assist the beings of Her planetary reality to expand their third and fourth dimensional states of consciousness into their innate, but often unused, fifth dimensional consciousness. 

In fact, more and more humans of the "grounded ones on Earth" are choosing to consciously activate more neural synapses in their brain in order to expand their thinking, feeling and awareness back into their innate fifth dimensional frequency of consciousness. 

As their consciousness expands beyond the third dimensional consciousness of “survival,” their brain can more easily expand its ability to “fire” off more complicated electric components of their neural network. It is then that the volunteers to Earth will remember more and more about their past incarnations, their present downloads from their Higher SELF, and the possible future realities that seem “so close and yet so far.”

Gradually, the awakened ones will remember more and more that “Reality is a Perception.” Therefore, everyone is experiencing different, yet often similar, information from the higher realms. Also, different humans, will experience and share the same inter-dimensional information in many different ways.  

How can perceptions appear to be “different but the same?” The answer is that all of you have perceived reality in your own personal way. In fact, each of you experience reality in a “different but similar manner,” as, many of you know each other from when you are on the Ship or on you Home World.

We want to remind our dear volunteers to Gaia, that unconditional love is normal on the Ships and in the higher dimensions of reality. These worlds are completely safe. Yet, you have found your inner courage to incarnate on a  VERY difficult and challenging  third dimensional reality, which is needing you to participate in Gaia's Planetary Ascension. 

It is for this reason that we have chosen to communicate with you, our grounded ones, as often as possible. Then, each of you can share your experiences of leaving the fifth dimension to incarnate on Gaia's third/fourth dimensional planet. You brave warriors have chosen to take a human earth vessel to assist with the ascension of a third dimensional, polluted and very abused, planet known to humans as Earth.

In fact, it was Earth herself who is calling for your assistance on a regular basis. Gaia is very concerned that the “dark humans” will damage her planetary body so much that she will not be able to ascend.

We, the Galactics, have assured Gaia that many of these changes are allowing the darkness to come to the surface so that it can be healed by the light. In fact, some of the major leaders of Gaia are doing much more harm than has ever been done by any human leaders before.

The reason for this is because the Dark Ones are losing. Therefore, they are pulling out all their worst tricks and tactics to keep the humans frightened, under-educated, able to purchase rifles that can kill many people within just a few moments, and leaders who care only for themselves and not for those whom they are supposedly leading.

Dear brave humans, please remember that “The Darkest Night is just before dawn.” We Arcturians wish that we could tell you exactly how long it will take for this Darkest Night to end. However, time is an illusion of the third dimension. 

Therefore, we cannot tell you when these changes will begin, but we can say that it is VERY important that those of you who have received the "truth" share that e truth with the others who are trapped in the illusions that have been purposely prepared to stop humanity from fulfilling their Mission to Assist Gaia with Her Planetary Ascension!

One of the good parts of the third dimension is individuality. When there is individuality, many different people can respond to the same thing in a different way. However, if an “individual” is NOT connected to their higher sources of information, they may become VERY frustrated and depressed from the “fight to save Earth,” that they just give up!

Don’t forget to REMEMBER Multidimensional, Higher SELF, and don’t forget that the Third Dimensional Reality of Earth is a perception that is often seen as different through the perception of different humans. In fact, even the same human will experience a different reality at a different time. Be patient, our beloved volunteers, to assist with Gaia’s ascension. 

We know that many of you are VERY tired, as you have walked this path for many years. We thank you so for your endurance and invite you to visit us, as well as your own fifth dimensional expression of SELF, during your dreams and meditations. We also ask that you share what you have received and/or experienced with others who you think may be able to accept this frequency of information.

We advise that you look above that person's crown chakra to see, hear, or feel if they have opened their Portal to the Fifth Dimension. Some of these people may be totally aware of this opening, but many others do not yet understand why they are having so many strange, or different, dreams, meditations and experiences.

Please remember that we, your Galactic Family, are always available to you and are ready to assist you in any manner that you may need. Remember, we Galactics resonate to the fifth dimension and beyond. Therefore we are not bound by “time” or “space.”

Instead, we are Here within your NOW to assist you and to answer any questions that you have for us. We close this message by reminding you again that “the darkest night is just before dawn!”

Therefore, fear NOT the dark night and continue to bravely step into the
 “Dawn of the fifth dimensional Gaia!” 

In closing, we remind you that
YOU are assisting Planet Earth with Her Planetary Ascension 
and Gaia is simultaneously, assisting you with your Personal Ascension.

Together, Persons and Planet, and ALL of Gaia’s many life forms, 
can embrace this NOW of great transmutation into the next octave of reality.

We are the Arcturians, who are NOW speaking for your entire Galactic Family.
We have messages for each and every ONE of you. 
Please listen and you will hear!

Blessings from the Arcturians and your Galactic Family

A quick note from Sue:  I don't know how to use the comments section on this format yet, but hang in there and I will find out soon. I so enjoy your comments and am eager to receive them
Thanks, I am just learning the format 
Sue  :-)

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Great Articles from Suzi Ward and Deborah King

October 17, 2018
Dear Readers,
I seldom post articles written by others than by my personal channeling. However, it is the NOW for ALL of us to join into the ONE.  Therefore, I am posting: 


Suzi Ward
October 17, 2018
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Let us begin by addressing the two matters of most concern to readers—first, mandatory vaccinations for children. Extraterrestrial special forces scientists are neutralizing to the extent possible the toxins in vaccines! 
Nevertheless, continued opposition to vaccinating children as a prerequisite for their attending school is necessary to end this practice that has caused an autism-like condition in many children. 
Bodies’ chemistry and immune systems are stressed by mercury, and youngsters who are especially vulnerable sustain neurological damage that results in symptoms very similar to autism, which is a very rare condition. 
Opposition can be reinforced by declining inoculations advised by healthcare professionals who are rewarded by vaccine manufacturers or believe the false claim that “preventive” flu shots and a raft of others are necessary public health measures.   
We add that vaccines, like the first pharmaceuticals, were developed for beneficial purposes. Any innovation that is designed to be of benefit can be adapted for malevolent purposes, and that is what the Illuminati have done at every stage of the civilization’s progress.   
The other matter is the 5G wireless technology that offers highly accelerated speed and broader bandwidth. This new generation of communication service still is in development and market-testing stages, and universal family members are reducing the emissions’ impact on bodies of the relatively few people who are exposed. 
When devices are in mass production, those members will expand their technological assistance accordingly. A significant factor is the amount of light in a body—the more light, the higher the vibratory rate, and the less the body is affected by emissions.     
As the society learns the facts about vaccines and the effect those emissions can have on bodies’ electrical systems, by public demand unnecessary vaccinations will be stopped and all electronic equipment and devices will be designed with safety-to-health as the foremost consideration.   
In previous messages we addressed readers’ issues with US President Trump in simple statements acknowledging his lack of presidential qualifications and sound judgment and that he was reversing his country’s progress. The following excerpts from some of the many similar reactions to our last message show that you want explanations and we need to offer them. 
“His behavior just does not seem to jibe with the persona of someone who is attempting the important work of dismantling the Illuminati.”  “He doesn’t appear to care about anyone but himself. Could Matthew please explain this?” “Trump is a pathological liar.” 
Why would anyone in that international group trust him?” “Please ask Matthew to expound on that man in the white house.” “Our president seems mighty far from ‘the light’ in words and actions. How come this is not addressed?” 
If Matthew is going to put Donald Trump forward as someone who is working to topple the evil ones and lead us into the light, he owes us an explanation for how such an extremely odious human being could be tasked with such a world-changing responsibility.”   
“What I can’t understand is why anyone voted for that narcissist, misogynist, racist liar who’s pompous and crude to boot. From the minute he started campaigning, it was obvious what kind of person he is.” 
If Matthew feels it is for the highest good, could he please address this contrast we are seeing in all the actions Donald Trump has done that are destructive to so many of the programs that help the environment and the health and well-being of our US citizens?” 
“I cannot understand how Americans could elect a man like Donald Trump to be their president.” “Could you please explain to me how he can be so opposite of loving energy for our world and still for putting the Illuminati down.” 
Trump is a very disgusting man who has CAUSED a lot of anger and divisions in the country. Why was such a morally bankrupt man chosen to be in this position? It doesn’t make sense.” “I really want to feel a trust for this country’s political leadership but find so much of it wanting for integrity. Who do we trust?” 
First we say, our love for Donald Trump is unconditional, as it is for all other souls on Earth. As we respond to those questions and comments, it will be without judgment or criticism of him, but rather a straightforward account of what we know.   
When he entered the presidential race, he lacked the support base that the other candidates had. To build a base, he made promises he knew would appeal to principals in the fossil fuel and banking industries who wanted regulations on their enterprises eliminated. 
The wealthy and corporate heads who wanted lower tax rates; individuals who wanted their religious convictions to be the laws of the land; those who did not want immigrants in the country; and the many people who felt their government ignored them while enabling others to prosper. 
Enacting laws and policies that would please voters across that spectrum was directly in line with Mr. Trump’s goal, to undo everything he could that the previous administration had accomplished.    
As far as we know, he’s not familiar with the name Illuminati—his “crooked Hillary” was, like “drain the swamp” and “build the wall,” a slogan he devised to attract and retain the support of like-minded citizens. Although he was right about “crooked,” he had no evidence to substantiate that until recently, and we are aware that he wants her “locked up” so he can say “I told you so.” 
While that self-serving reason is not admirable, it has no bearing at all on why he is included in the international group working to end all Illuminati activity—as stated in our last message, it is the presidential office he holds.
 We are aware, too, that while others in the group treat him with the dignity accorded heads of state, they have little respect for him and are prudent about what they reveal. 
But they know his cooperation is essential—he is the leader of the country where most of the peak Illuminati are citizens and must be dealt with within its justice system.   
The “persona” Donald Trump. His egocentricity, truth-twisting boastfulness about himself and his achievements, and appointing persons whose flattery of him often exceeds their competency stem from deep-seated insecurity and need for approval, childhood feelings that intensified as the years passed.
 During the fleeting moments when those feelings emerge, his fear and confusion result in a repetitive phrase, a slurred or wrong word, or gestures. To disguise his brief lapses of loss of control, he intentionally repeats phrases or gestures so they always appear to be for emphasis; however, his mental processes are not as keen as they once were.     
To love and respect others, first one must love and respect self, and, contrary to public perception, Donald Trump does not have those feelings for himself—that is why he can’t feel love or respect, empathy, gratitude, compassion, forgiveness or concern for others. 
Instead, he is driven to win, to succeed, to control, to obtain and maintain, and he doesn’t let laws or ethics interfere with attaining his objective. To be sure, he is not unique in that regard—it is that his widely publicized wealth, business ventures, relationships, and now, the presidency, have kept him in the spotlight. 
And he is afraid of losing that. Beneath his public bravado and self-assurance is fear of loss, and there is no light in fear. Trust is earned, and if individuals act in ways that do not engender your trust, they don’t deserve it. 
Let that be so, and put your trust where it is deserved: your intuition, instinct, conscience, inspiration and aspirations. Living in accordance with the soul’s guidance evokes a sense of inner peacefulness even when circumstances are not satisfactory. 
And now, dear family, please let’s put to rest this issue of misgivings about the United States president. We are not saying those feelings are unjustified! But a far better direction for your energy is into light-filled thoughts and feelings. The light, the same energy as love, that is within each of you is the power that is transforming your world. 
“It seems impossible to destroy the cabal by ourselves. If extraterrestrials are going to help us like you and other channeled messengers said, what are they waiting for?” 
Extraterrestrial family on the planet and in ships surrounding it have been helping you all along in all the ways they are permitted. They cannot interfere with anyone’s free will except to prevent attempts to start a nuclear war, which is by Creator’s decree, or to cause pandemics, which is by God’s honoring Gaia’s free will choice.  
There is another consideration here. Earth is the homeland of the civilization there, and by universal law, it is their right and responsibility to manifest the kind of world they want. 
However, in this unprecedented time in the universe, other civilizations have been authorized to assist Earth’s peoples, and you volunteered to help them realize that they have the power to make their world the way they want it to be. 
At soul level they do know this—the realization that is still nebulous on a conscious level will become clearer as the vibratory rate continues accelerating.   
Even without consciously knowing their innate power, their progress is praiseworthy, and your steadfastness in the light has been an invaluable contribution. 
Think of the myriad grassroots movements that are improving conditions in villages and cities around the world; finding ingenious resolutions to challenges in healthcare, education, communication and multicultural relationships; preserving the environment; treating animals humanely; expanding philanthropic assistance and humanitarian aid. 
All of those achievements have been chipping away at cabal-perpetuated impoverishment, destruction, bigotry and violence; and the aforementioned international group is working to hold the cabal, the Illuminati, accountable for their crimes against humanity.   
Crews will land with their technologies and extraterrestrials living among you will introduce themselves, that is certain, but it isn’t likely to happen until after the cabal’s global network is destroyed. 
God is in charge of the timing of the occasion commonly called Disclosure, and the determining factor is assurance of safety for everyone. That will come with the elimination of threats from forces still under Illuminati command and a civilization that is ready to meet strangers from other worlds. 
Rising vibrations are aiding in the riddance of all dark activity and are preparing Earth’s peoples consciously and spiritually for the momentous day of greeting other members of the universal family.  
Beloved sisters and brothers, light beings throughout this universe support you with unconditional love and honor your dedicated service to Gaia and her civilization.   
    LOVE and PEACE
Suzanne Ward

Raising the Vibration of the Earth!
Deborah King

Have you despaired over the condition of our beloved planet: global warming, rampant pollution, the rape of natural resources, and the propensity of humans to hate and kill other humans who don’t hold the same beliefs, skin color, or sexual orientation? Have you wondered what you, an individual, can do to change the way things are? As it turns out, you can be a powerful force for good. And if enough individuals are aligned in the same way, together we can do a LOT to help the planet come into balance at a higher vibratory level.

In 1905, Albert Einstein proved that as we break matter down into smaller and smaller components, we move beyond the material realm and into the place where everything is simply energy. This is the Law of Vibration, which is a law of nature; these laws are found in the occult teachings of ancient Egypt.

In the Law of Vibration, the lower the vibration, the slower something moves; the higher the vibration, the faster it moves. So the difference between the chair you are sitting on and the wind blowing through the window is really only the difference between the levels of vibrating energy, or frequencies. The chair, which seems solid and unmoving to the naked eye, is merely vibrating at a slower rate, while the wind blowing through the open window is moving much faster.

The same is true for emotions and thoughts. Fear, grief, and despair vibrate at a very low frequency, while love, joy, and gratitude vibrate at a much higher level. Positive thoughts vibrate much more quickly than dark negative thoughts. If a frequency is vibrating fast enough, it is emitted as a color of Light. If you wanted to convert sound to Light, for example, you would have to raise its frequency by forty octaves! Obviously, Light is a much higher vibration than sound.

When two frequencies are brought together, the lower always rises to meet the higher one. This is called resonance. Using the principle of resonance, you can actually increase the speed at which your body’s molecules vibrate by thinking and feeling love, joy, and gratitude. When our atoms speed up, we can reach higher dimensions of consciousness and the closer to Spirit or Source we become.

There have always been some humans on earth who knew that we have the power to control our mental/emotional forces. But the natural laws—the “secret knowledge”—was closely guarded by the few (so they wouldn’t be burned at the stake!). Now this knowledge is available to all who seek it, and this knowledge is what you can use to help not only yourself, but also the Earth. As a spiritual teacher, it’s my job to pass this information on to you.

When the mind is thinking positive thoughts and the heart is producing high level emotions like love and joy, they create an energy together that is transmitted into the universe. This wave will travel infinite distances and attract things that are vibrating at the same frequency. Lower frequencies will be raised up through resonance. 

In other words, the Law of Vibration is the foundation for the Law of Attraction. Whatever thought/emotion waves you generate will be the type of things that are attracted to you! That is how the Law of Vibration works in tandem with the Law of Attraction: through the frequencies and resonances that are produced. Like energy attracts like energy.

If you react to what is happening around you with anger or bitterness or fear, you are lowering your own vibration and sending out a low thought/emotion wave. Jesus said: “Agree with thine adversary quickly… “ (Matt. 5:25). He is talking about your adverse reactions, the low vibration of your resistance. “Agree” means to raise your vibration to get in tune with Source, to resonate with the divine flow.

When you are steeped in unconditional love—the highest emotional vibration—all your atoms are singing the song of life at its highest. You are no longer part of the problem; you are part of the solution to the problems of the planet. 

One of the best ways to develop your vibration is in the study of energy healing and energy medicine – healing courses offer you opportunities to step up to the next level.  Check out our upcoming coursesfor one in your area or come by livestream.

So let your Light shine and send forth a positive vibration on Earth, and you will be helping to raise the vibration of Earth itself!

Written by
Deborah King