Saturday, May 30, 2020

Free e-books from Suzanne Lie's website

May 30, 2020

Finding Light and Happiness by Reading 

Dear Readers,
I woke up this morning and found this list of free books that are in my Website at,

  Since most of us are "sheltered at home" I thought that having these free books, or booklets, may help to keep your minds engaged and your heart happy!
Blessings on you day
Sue Lie

Free e-Books

Unconscious Part I – First Chakra

We can think of our unconscious like a deep pond. The surface of the pond is visible to our conscious self and we can interact with it by swimming, fishing, or wading. We have little awareness of what lies hidden at the bottom of the pond. Things of a higher vibration, such as a leaf or a feather, float on the surface of the pond, but things of a lower vibration, like a rock, sink to the bottom of the pond. However, even the feather and the leaf may eventually sink to the bottom of the pond over time.
Download PDF

Unconscious Part II – Second and Third Chakras

Repressed emotions create thoughts that are “unconscious.” Repressed emotions create thoughts that are “unconscious.” Emotions from our fourth dimensional astral body interface with our physical bodies via our hormones and biochemistry. Since these dark feelings cannot be accessed by our conscious mind, our body’s discomfort from keeping these secrets is projected to our consciousness as “dis-ease.”

Unconscious Part III – Behavior Door

The behaviors that are initiated from this portion of our unconscious are a reaction to a reality that exists only in our fears. While we are in this state of consciousness, our doubts and fears create a gray filter that alters all of our perceptions. We see an enemy everywhere we look. Therefore, we believe that we are justified in our selfish and self-serving actions. The drugs that we have chosen to use to “help” us have now become our masters, and getting more of them becomes the predominant action in our life.

Unconscious Part IV – The Dreams and Aspirations Door

Aborted dreams and aspirations bring us to such depths that, at last, we call for help. Our failed or forgotten goals reaffirm our sense of unworthiness and inability to succeed. Lost dreams and aspirations haunt our daytime and cause nightmares when we can finally sleep.

Unconscious Part V – The Spiritual Guidance Door

Spiritual guidance hears our call and surrounds us with its love. When we can no longer stand our fear and pain, we fall to our knees to ask for guidance. Then perhaps, if even for a moment, we can feel the long arm of love as it reaches through our fear and self-pity.

Being Conscious Part I – Introduction To Being Conscious

We can think of our unconscious like a deep pond. The surface of the pond is visible to our conscious self and we can interact with it by swimming, fishing, or wading. We have little awareness of what lies hidden at the bottom of the pond. Things of a higher vibration, such as a leaf or a feather, float on the surface of the pond, but things of a lower vibration, like a rock, sink to the bottom of the pond. However, even the feather and the leaf may eventually sink to the bottom of the pond over time.

Being Conscious Part II – The Heart Chakra

As we expand our consciousness of our physical, third dimensional life, we receive more positive body sensations because we are no longer hiding from our thoughts and emotions. This communication between our conscious and unconscious selves gives us more of a sense of well-being.

Being Conscious Part III – The Throat Chakra

Our emotions create mental pictures that awaken our imagination and trigger memories that encourage further self-development. Positive emotions of love and well-being surface from behind our pain and fear, as feelings of empowerment override the sense of being a victim. Gradually, we begin to take responsibility for our life. As our consciousness expands, we observe our emotions as reactions to the external world and messages regarding the internal condition of our body and psyche. Love, more than fear, comes into our lives now, which allows us to experience our emotions, not as a limitation, but as a creative force.

Being Conscious Part IV – The Brow Chakra

Our thoughts come into focus as our self-talk becomes conscious. This ability allows us to take responsibility for our thoughts, as we realize that we can choose which thoughts we allow to dwell in our minds. We learn that when we choose to think positive, our self-confidence grows and our thinking shifts from problem-oriented to solution-oriented. Old negative core beliefs break down, and we respond with new behavior rather than acting in old, habitual ways. When we are no longer victims, we can respond rather than react because we think before we speak or act.

Being Conscious Part V – The Behavior Door: Maiden, Mother, Mentor, Father, Warrior, Sage

Our behaviors are based on emotional needs and mental forethought as our reactions evolve into responses. Behaviors that are consciously initiated and completed give our conscious mind clues as to our true goals and desires. We can then seek out what we really want rather than what we “should” want or what others want for us.

Being Conscious Part VI – The Dreams and Aspirations Door

Our sleep is more regular now and our dreaming more conscious. We may even have experiences of lucid dreaming in which we are awake inside our sleep. Since we have faced much of our dark side, our dreams have largely shifted from uncovering negative feelings to rehearsing our next move in our everyday life.

The Superconscious Part I – Introduction to the Superconscious

Through all time, seekers and mystics have asked this question: “What is the Superconscious?” For the purpose of this section, the Superconscious will be defined as our total consciousness that is aware of, and has mastery over, ALL the segments of our Being. In other words, the Superconscious is the SELF that encompasses all of our “selves.”

The Superconscious Part II – The Earth Vessel Door

WELCOME TO THE FIRST DOOR OF THE SUPERCONSCIOUS As the first of the Violet Doors is opened to us, we begin to perceive ourselves in a different way. Whereas before we were physical beings moving through our physical reality, now we are more—much more. But what is this “more”? Yes, that is the question. It is behind the Violet Doors that we find that answer.

The Superconscious Part III – The Intuition Door

As Kundalini rises into our Brow Chakra, if not before, “past lives,” which are actually parallel lives in other space/time coordinates of third and fourth dimensional earth, came into our awareness. When Kundalini combines the essences of the sixth and seventh chakra to open our Third Eye, we begin to have experiences of realities in which we exist in the fifth dimension and beyond. When Kundalini combines the essences of the sixth and seventh chakra to open our Third Eye, we begin to have experiences of realities in which we exist in the fifth dimension and beyond.

The Superconscious Part IV – The Illumination Door

We think that our mind rules our body, but what rules our mind? Usually it is our ego. From the perception of our ego, it is indeed our body that holds our mind. However, from the perception of our Soul, it is the Mind of Spirit that holds all our many bodies, both of clay and of light. In order to tap into this Multidimensional Mind, our Soul’s must be the Captain of our earth-vessel. Through our Soul we can tap into this Mind of Spirit to receive ILLUMINATION.

The Superconscious Part V – The Integration Process

Because the process of Integration is so massive, this Door is much larger than the others. No only will there be integration of what you first experienced in the Violet Temple in the Illumination Door, but you will also be called upon to integrate all that you have learned in the entire Unconscious and Conscious Sections.

The Superconscious Part VI – The Fulfillment Door

It has been a long process getting here. We have moved into our deepest unconscious to release old core beliefs of separation, limitation and fear. Through this process, we have healed our wounded child and returned it to our Divine Child. Our Divine Child has grown into a wise, independent and dependable adult whose consciousness has expanded to embrace our Multidimensional SELF. In fact, we have downloaded and integrated our true SELF into our physical earth vessel, our daily life and our planet, Earth.
Blessings to you all and Have a Good Read!
Sue Lie

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Second "Preparing for First Contact" youtube Through Suzanne Lie


Please click the below link for 
Part 2 of Pleiadean Video on Youtube 

Landing in a frequency near you!

What does that mean?

There are many frequencies of reality, but most people do not realize that. These different frequencies of reality all assist you to remember to remember your own Higher Dimensions SELF who resonates to the higher frequencies of reality. 

For example, your third dimensional frequency of reality is your everyday, human self who lives on planet Earth.  The people within this frequency are not yet aware that there are higher frequencies of reality in which higher dimensional beings, such as the Pleiadians, the Antarians, the Arcturians and Venusians.

These higher dimensional beings live in the higher fourth dimension, the fifth dimensions and beyond.  These beings are very often what a human may call their "Higher Dimensional SELF."

Your Higher Dimensional SELF resonates to the fifth dimension and beyond. Just as the ocean has different frequencies of water in different parts of the sea, all humans have different frequencies of reality within their Higher Dimensional SELF.

It is possible to connect  with and communicate with your Higher Dimensional SELF, and often do so during your sleep and/or your higher dimensional meditations. Unfortunately, your Third Dimensional Brain is usually not able to remember much about your higher dimensional dreams, thoughts, experiences and memories.

However, if you put aside a certain time and place in which you can place your consciousness into a higher state of meditation, with practice, you will be able to develop relationships with your own Higher Dimensional SELF. By going to the same place at the same time on a regular basis, you will actually create a higher dimensional energy field in which you call join  your Higher Self within your own higher state of consciousness.

You may also be able to remember what occurred on your "excursions to your Higher SELF," but you will usually need to document what you have experienced, as your third dimensional mind may not be able to remember your higher dimensional experiences unless you document them. Also, if you document your higher dimensional experiences, you will be more able to share your experience with others,

When you document your higher dimensional experiences, you can more easily share your experiences and even have a conversation with someone who has had similar experiences, as well as with others who are just awakening to the Higher Dimensional Reality that exists in the Higher Worlds and well as within your own Higher Brain Power and Inter-dimensional memory.

In fact, it is within you own Higher Dimensional Communications that you begin to remember more and more about your own higher dimensional experiences that are often forgotten in the midst  of the many challenges in you third dimensional reality.

Please remember that it is your faith in your own Higher Dimensional Self that you will be able to have faith in your Higher Dimensional experiences.  In fact, more and more "regular humans" are having dreams and meditations in which they experience some components of their Multidimensional SELF,

As more and more third dimensional humans meditate, research about, and believe in their own Higher Dimensional SELF, more and more humans, who are wearing their third dimensional body, will begin to remember their own SELF who guides them from the higher planes of the third, fourth, and fifth dimensional realities.

Perhaps you may wish to visit these realities. You just may find that it is a lot easier to "have this visit with your own SELF" than you may think.  If you begin to document your higher dimensional dreams and higher dimensional experiences, you just may find your own higher dimensional SELF, as well as some great Higher Dimensional Friends AND Family.

We, the Arcturians wish to remind you that WE ARE ALWAYS WITH YOU!

Please Enjoy Part 2 of Pleiadean Video on Youtube at:

Monday, May 25, 2020

Now It Is The Time Through Suzanne Lie


Through Suzanne Lie

Now it is the time to say
We’re coming to a bright new day

Where we can laugh
And we can play

And, in that moment 
We each can say,

At last I am within the NOW 
As I have learned that I know how

How to look into my Heart
To remember that I AM a part

A part of that which
Will commence

In which reality
Will make more sense

Then we will see 
Because we know

That we can live
Within the Flow

The Flow of life
Beyond our strife

In which we can
Enjoy our LIFE

And that is when 
That we can see 

The ONE that WE 
Can always BE

Blessings to  you all
See you in the fifth dimension!

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Video on Pleiadean Perspective On Ascension


Pleiadean Perspective on Ascension

(Based on Suzanne's Book: Preparing for First Contact)

Pleiadean Video Part ONE

Suzanne Lie and Daniel L.

To enjoy the video please click the below link:

Friday, May 22, 2020

Taking Care of Gaia Through Suzanne Lie


Taking Care of Gaia

It is the NOW for all of humanity to take responsibility 
for the health of our planetary Home! 

We, the members of your Galactic Family, wish to tell YOU, our grounded family members who bravely chose to take an incarnation during this challenging NOW of Planetary Change. Just as humans often have a difficult time making a difficult transition, Gaia is also having a difficult time with your Human Transmutation.  

Yes, the humans are also transmuting. To better understand what we are saying, we wish to explain how transmutation is different from change. Change is when one or, in this case, humanity begins to change inside of themselves. This change can be as simple as changing the furniture in their homes to changes in their reality, such as the great change that the coronavirus has created. 

Also, the changes that are occurring within this now has an unknown origin or origins. Of course there are many thoughts about how this happened, which some people believe and other people do not believe. Therefore, people may feel like they are more separated from others in a fashion that has not occurred in their life before.

Also, some people have to live in their home all alone for an unknown timeframe. And why do they have to do that? Why do they have to wear a mask or stand in line to go into a store? The known answer is for the safety of the people. Suddenly, going to the grocery store is a dangerous endeavor, going to a park can be dangerous, etc. 

One of the most difficult parts of this NOW is that people do not know why this is happening, when it first started, or how and when it will end.  Yes, there are many reasons that are given to the people about how and when, but it is not, yet, possible to know when it will end.

This is where the great bravery of the people comes into the picture of what is otherwise confusion, and fear. And, there is also the bravery that humans must have to assist their family, work from home, give up any social life, and deal with a constant sense of fear.

However, your fear is something that you can control. No, it is NOT easy to control your fear in the midst of what is occurring planetary wide, and this is where you great courage comes in. Also, this is where you belief in your own Higher Dimensional SELF.

Everyone has a Higher Dimensional SELF, but if they do not know about their Higher SELF, they will not know that they are NOT alone. Everyone, even those who may appear to not deserve it, has a Higher SELF. Your Higher Dimensional SELF is the YOU that resonates to the higher dimensions of reality. We will now review these dimensions. 

A human is a third dimensional being while they are living on a third dimensional planet. However, many, if not ALL humans, also have a "Higher Dimensional SELF" who resonates to the fourth dimension, and/or the fifth dimension. The humans are aware of their third dimensional self because they live one a third dimensional planet. Therefore, they resonate to the same frequency as the planet.

However, dear planet Gaia, or Earth as many call Her, is a living being just like the humans who live on Her Planetary SELF, who is known as Earth.  Earth, who more and more humans are now calling ‘Gaia’, is a living being. Yes, Gaia is much, much larger than Her inhabitants, but Gaia is NOT just a big rock in space. 

Gaia is a LIVING BEING! All Her inhabitants know this fact, except for many humans. There are, unfortunately, still humans on Earth who think of Gaia as a big rock that has Earth, Air, Water, and Light from the Sun. These humans who have not yet awakened to their own Higher SELF, are not able to imagine that Earth also has a Higher SELF.

Therefore, these humans think of Gaia as a "thing," a huge rock, and the place where they live. These people do have the ability-yet-realized that Gaia, and all the life on Gaia, has a version of "being alive."

Since the planet is not alive to them, they can over-farm an area, they can allow waste to go into the waterways, they can have wars, neglect the sources of huge fires, they can kill living animals for sport, and they believe that they are the most evolved beings.

However, theses un-evolved humans do not know that if they destroy their planet, they will NOT have a place to live! Fortunately, there are many humans, in fact there are more and more humans, that are awakening to the reality that the planet on which they live is more evolved than the humans that live on the planet.

More humans are beginning to realize that they are not the most evolved beings, but they themselves are beings that are evolved enough to know that they volunteered to take a human earth vessel within this NOW in order to address, clear and heal the great damage that the lost, selfish and self absorbed humans have created.  

In fact, we, the members of your Galactic Family, are very proud of many of our Galactic Families who have chosen, at great sacrifice to themselves, to take a human Earth Vessel during this NOW.  From their Home-worlds in the higher dimensions, they volunteered to take a human vessel during this NOW to assist Gaia by educating humanity about the real reason why they came to Earth.

Yes, there are some beings wearing an earth vessel that are very selfish and extremely damaging to their planetary home that they have chosen incarnate on. However, and very fortunately, there are also more and more Galactic Beings who are taking third dimensional human forms in order to guide and instruct humanity that they are not just the third dimensional humans that they think of themselves as. 

More and more Galactic Beings, at great risk to themselves, have chosen to take a third dimensional earth vessel so that they can assist their other brave galactic family members to remember who they really are.  We are aware that there are humanoids, such as we, your Galactic Family, who have chosen to take an earth vessel during a NOW that is not only difficult for Gaia to flourish, but is also difficult for humanity to flourish. 

It is the NOW for humanity to realize that they are not just third dimensional people. More and more third dimensional people are beginning realize that they are not living up to their full potential of transmuting their consciousness from being third dimensional to being fourth dimensional and, eventually, fifth dimensional.  

Humanity is within, and will go deeper into, their own innate ability to remember their own Higher Dimensional frequency of SELF. The process of shifting their consciousness from their third dimensional selves (take care of me and my people SELF) to their fifth dimensional selves (take care of my planet SELF!).

Try to imagine what it would be like if the humans, and especially the leaders for humanity, on Earth had the wisdom and the courage to stand up against the leaders who are far more involved in making money for their own selfish self than they are involved in saving their planet from the massive destruction that She has had to face at the hands of those who are “power OVER.”

On the other hand, there are many, many evolved, loving, dedicated humans who are assisting Gaia, as well as other humans, animals, plants, waterways and clearing of the skies! These humans often quietly, yet steadily, work without being noticed. These humans are often in constant communication with their own Higher Dimensional SELF. 

Some humans KNOW that they are assisting Gaia, some assist Gaia from their higher dimensional SELF and may not realize from the perspective of their third dimensional self that they are assisting Her. Some of these "humans" are also Pleiadians, Arcturians, Antarians, Venusians, and many other Star races. Some humans can remember these Galactic aspects of themselves. They may or may not remember in their daily life, but they often remember in their dreams and in their meditations.

WE, the members of your Galactic Family, salute you who are assisting us from your third dimensional bodies on your third dimensional planet. We wish to salute and send Unconditional Love to the brave awakened and awakening ONES who have chosen to take an earth vessel during this VERY challenging NOW!

We, your Galactic Family, invite you all to visit us in your night dreams and meditations. WE are with you NOW, and we send you, dear brave ones, our assistance and our Unconditional Love!

Blessings to you all, from US, your Galactic Family!
Call to us during your meditations and as you are "falling into sleep." 
We look forward to your visit!


Thursday, May 21, 2020



We are not alone!

Upcoming Webinar  “We are NOT Alone” 
on June 3rd at 12pm (PT) Cost: $50

To register, please contact Suzanne Lie at:


Upcoming Webinar  “We are NOT Alone” 
on June 3rd at 12pm (PT) Cost: $50

To register, please contact Suzanne Lie at:

You can make your payment via 

Click the below link to see our latest video 

It is the NOW for all of humanity to take responsibility for the health of their planetary home. 

We, the members of your Galactic Family, wish to tell YOU, our grounded family members who bravely chose to take an incarnation during this challenging NOW of Planetary Change. Just as humans often have a difficult time making a difficult transition, Gaia is also having a difficult time with your Human Transmutation.  

Yes, the humans are also transmuting. To better understand what we are saying, we wish to explain how transmutation is different from change. Change is when one or, in this case, humanity begins to change inside of themselves. This change can be as simple as changing the furniture in their homes to changes in their reality, such as the great change that the coronavirus has created. 

Also, the changes that are occurring within this now has an unknown origin or origins. Of course there are many thoughts about how this happened, which some people believe and other people do not believe. Therefore, people may feel like they are more separated from others in a fashion that has not occurred in their life before.

Also, some people have to live in their home all alone for an unknown timeframe. And why do they have to do that? Why do they have to wear a mask or stand in line to go into a store? The known answer is for the safety of the people. Suddenly, going to the grocery store is a dangerous endeavor, going to a park can be dangerous, etc. 

One of the most difficult parts of this NOW is that people do not know why this is happening, when it first started, or how and when it will end.  Yes, there are many reasons that are given to the people about how and when, but it is not, yet, possible to know when it will end.

This is where the great bravery of the people comes into the picture of what is otherwise confusion, and fear. And, there is also the bravery that humans must have to assist their family, work from home, give up any social life, and deal with a constant sense of fear.

However, your fear is something that you can control. No, it is NOT easy to control your fear in the midst of what is occurring planetary wide, and this is where you great courage comes in. Also, this is where you belief in your own Higher Dimensional SELF.

Everyone has a Higher Dimensional SELF, but if they do not know about their Higher SELF, they will not know that they are NOT alone. Everyone, even those who may appear to not deserve it, has a Higher SELF. Your Higher Dimensional SELF is the YOU that resonates to the higher dimensions of reality. We will now review these dimensions. 

A human is a third dimensional being while they are living on a third dimensional planet. However, many, if not ALL humans, also have a "Higher Dimensional SELF" who resonates to the fourth dimension, and/or the fifth dimension. The humans are aware of their third dimensional self because they live one a third dimensional planet. Therefore, they resonate to the same frequency as the planet.

However, dear planet Gaia, or Earth as many call Her, is a living being just like the humans who live on Her Planetary SELF, who is known as Earth.  Earth, who more and more humans are now calling ‘Gaia’, is a living being. Yes, Gaia is much, much larger than Her inhabitants, but Gaia is NOT just a big rock in space. 

Gaia is a LIVING BEING! All Her inhabitants know this fact, except for many humans. There are, unfortunately, still humans on Earth who think of Gaia as a big rock that has Earth, Air, Water, and Light from the Sun. These humans who have not yet awakened to their own Higher SELF, are not able to imagine that Earth also has a Higher SELF.

Therefore, these humans think of Gaia as a "thing," a huge rock, and the place where they live. These people do have the ability-yet-realized that Gaia, and all the life on Gaia, has a version of "being alive."

Since the planet is not alive to them, they can over-farm an area, they can allow waste to go into the waterways, they can have wars, neglect the sources of huge fires, they can kill living animals for sport, and they believe that they are the most evolved beings.

However, theses un-evolved humans do not know that if they destroy their planet, they will NOT have a place to live! Fortunately, there are many humans, in fact there are more and more humans, that are awakening to the reality that the planet on which they live is more evolved than the humans that live on the planet.

More humans are beginning to realize that they are not the most evolved beings, but they themselves are beings that are evolved enough to know that they volunteered to take a human earth vessel within this NOW in order to address, clear and heal the great damage that the lost, selfish and self absorbed humans have created.  

In fact, we, the members of your Galactic Family, are very proud of many of our Galactic Families who have chosen, at great sacrifice to themselves, to take a human Earth Vessel during this NOW.  From their Home-worlds in the higher dimensions, they volunteered to take a human vessel during this NOW to assist Gaia by educating humanity about the real reason why they came to Earth.

Yes, there are some beings wearing an earth vessel that are very selfish and extremely damaging to their planetary home that they have chosen incarnate on. However, and very fortunately, there are also more and more Galactic Beings who are taking third dimensional human forms in order to guide and instruct humanity that they are not just the third dimensional humans that they think of themselves as. 

More and more Galactic Beings, at great risk to themselves, have chosen to take a third dimensional earth vessel so that they can assist their other brave galactic family members to remember who they really are.  We are aware that there are humanoids, such as we, your Galactic Family, who have chosen to take an earth vessel during a NOW that is not only difficult for Gaia to flourish, but is also difficult for humanity to flourish. 

It is the NOW for humanity to realize that they are not just third dimensional people. More and more third dimensional people are beginning realize that they are not living up to their full potential of transmuting their consciousness from being third dimensional to being fourth dimensional and, eventually, fifth dimensional.  

Humanity is within, and will go deeper into, their own innate ability to remember their own Higher Dimensional frequency of SELF. The process of shifting their consciousness from their third dimensional selves (take care of me and my people SELF) to their fifth dimensional selves (take care of my planet SELF!).

Try to imagine what it would be like if the humans, and especially the leaders for humanity, on Earth had the wisdom and the courage to stand up against the leaders who are far more involved in making money for their own selfish self than they are involved in saving their planet from the massive destruction that She has had to face at the hands of those who are “power OVER.”

On the other hand, there are many, many evolved, loving, dedicated humans who are assisting Gaia, as well as other humans, animals, plants, waterways and clearing of the skies! These humans often quietly, yet steadily, work without being noticed. These humans are often in constant communication with their own Higher Dimensional SELF. 

Some humans KNOW that they are assisting Gaia, some assist Gaia from their higher dimensional SELF and may not realize from the perspective of their third dimensional self that they are assisting Her. Some of these "humans" are also Pleiadians, Arcturians, Antarians, Venusians, and many other Star races. Some humans can remember these Galactic aspects of themselves. They may or may not remember in their daily life, but they often remember in their dreams and in their meditations.

WE, the members of your Galactic Family, salute you who are assisting us from your third dimensional bodies on your third dimensional planet. We wish to salute and send Unconditional Love to the brave awakened and awakening ONES who have chosen to take an earth vessel during this VERY challenging NOW!

We, your Galactic Family, invite you all to visit us in your night dreams and meditations. WE are with you NOW, and we send you, dear brave ones, our assistance and our Unconditional Love!

Blessings to you all, from US, your Galactic Family!
Call to us during your meditations and as you are "falling into sleep."

We look forward to your visit!


Upcoming Webinar  “We are NOT Alone” 
on June 3rd at 12pm (PT) Cost: $50

To register, please contact Suzanne Lie at:

You can make your payment via