The Year of Unconditional Love
Free Download of this Card
You can put this loving reminder on your desktop, phone, iPad, and/or print it out to share with others and/or post it around your home. In this manner, you will have a daily reminder that,
2016 is the Year of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE
Message from Suzanne and the Arcturians
Hello Dear Readers,
We choose
to NOW take a week-long break from this in-depth healing and transmutation process
of Unconditional Love, so that you can integrate your experience into your daily life and sense of
self. Your “sense of self” is how you perceive your own self. As Unconditional
Love fills your body, chakra-by-chakra, you notice a shift in the way you think
about your self.
A challenge
that we, the Galactics, face is that humanity has been brainwashed to believe
that they need to get help, but are
too inadequate to give help in
return. Before you can “give help,” you may need to “take a break” from their
healing process so that you integrate your New SELF into their daily life.
as too much food creates a stomach ache, too much integration of Unconditional
Love can create a feeling of exhaustion. This exhaustion was ALREADY there, but
you could not feel it until you
unconditionally loved yourself enough to deeply tune into the earth vessel you
are wearing to experience how you really
3D world has also trained you to ignore when you are tired, and to take a pill
or some other substance to better ignore your body. Then you “bravely carry on
with your work.” That behavior is the result of brainwashing from the myriad
media tools of the Illuminati.
Galactics KNOW when it is our NOW to go deeply inside our Multidimensional SELF
to relax and gain a deeper perspective of the energy fields that we have been
creating. It is then that we can more deeply observe how humanity is acclimated
to these energy fields.
Unconditional Love that you have integrated into your Heart Chakra will NOT
tell you to “carry on” even if it harms your body. Your physical heart, your
Heart Chakra, and your High Heart, which is between your Hearth Chakra and your
Throat Chakra, represent the core of your healing.
these areas of your body are focused on healing and NOT on working. Remember
that your Heart Chakra also rules your lungs. Your lungs work with your heart to
bring in vital fresh oxygen which is integrated into the blood that your Heart circulates
through our your body.
have all been taking in a deep and
lasting healing. With your focus on your Heart Chakra, heart and lungs, it is
perfect NOW for you to take some R and R. Please keep your focus on your your
Heart Chakra as you “relax and “integrate” what you have bravely accepted so
might think that too much fear is dangerous, which of course it is. However,
too much love, especially unconditional love, can uproot many hidden memories
and brainwashing of how “You do not deserve…” How many times in your 3D life
have you been given the message that you do not deserve some thing or some one?
fact, how many times has your television and other commercials told you that
you were not good enough unless
you…bought their soap, took their medicine, lost that weight, or took their
pills. We strongly suggest that you no longer allow these “commercials” into
your awareness.
fact, as your own inner Lightbody gradually awakens under the administrations
of Unconditional Love for your self, you will find many “cures” and “solutions”
inside your own Higher Guidance.
cures and solutions are a form of deep, inner healing, which probably feel
like fatigue. Fatigue is your body’s way of saying “I need to take a break now.”
Therefore, we suggest that this week - you relax into your ever-expanding SELF
so that you can better integrate all that you have been learning about your self.
offer you this free meditation download to assist you to:
Download Meditation
Take long, slow, deep breaths to center
your consciousness
Now, see your reality as it is in this
Begin with all the parts of your life
that you love
All the
And things
that you love
Remember that everything is alive in your
Every person, place, situation, or thing
that you love is something you invited in your reality is a representation of
your connection to your true, Creator SELF.
Feel these loves of your life in your
heart and allow this energy of love
to travel up into your mind and thoughts
And down through all you body
Then into the body of Gaia, your
planetary self
Hold that LOVE as you observe the parts
of your life that you wish to transmute or change
Do NOT attach
any fear to these aspects of your life, as that will interfere with your ability to connect with your Creator SELF.
fear separates,
expands and unifies.
As you peruse your reality, allow all
that you LOVE in your life to expand until it encircles any parts of your life
that you wish to change.
As you do so,
imagine the loved portions of your life as a green meadow
Now imagine the
difficult parts of your life as holes in that meadow
Keep your
process symbolic so that you will not get triggered into fear by the negative
charge of your “problems, which are symbolized as the holes in the meadow.”
Know that your
third dimensional reality will always have meadows and holes – loves and fears
Now, visualize a rain of higher light coming down into your meadow
See how the
higher light expands the grassy areas
While it
makes the holes smaller and smaller
Send the
higher light directly into the holes, while you also
Fill these holes with unconditional love
Look up again to the rain of higher light
See how this
higher light is filling the holes in your meadow,
And transmuting them into pools of light
Unconditional LOVE into the pools of light
Observe as the unconditional love sparkles above the pools of light
Visualize the entire field, including
the holes—which have become pools of light—rising up to join the rain of light
Once more, look at the
loved portions of your reality
Observe as that which
you have loved
Seems to be healing
that which you once feared
Feel how you
have allowed your self to love unconditionally
See how your unconditional
love has expanded your awareness into a new expression of reality
Send your past
reality the unconditional love and thanksgiving that a great teacher deserves
Send this feeling
of love and thanksgiving into that which you are releasing
Feel how
sending unconditional love and thanksgiving assists you in releasing any habits
of stress and fear
Stand on the edge of each pool of light
that had once been a low point in your life
Look into
that pool to see the reflection of the lessons you learned from that challenge
thanksgiving for a lesson well learned
Lovingly surrender
that lesson in to the rain of light
Visit each
pool of light and lovingly release any “link of fear”
That was once
associated with that area of your life
Now replace
the “link of fear” with the new “link of
It is this
Link of LOVE that allows you to
surrender your lessons into the rain of light
Because of the “rain of
Higher Light,”
As well as your expanding
dedication to replace fear with love
One day you will
awaken, and your old problems will have become
ONLY the teachers who
taught you how to
raise the frequency of your reality
by surrendering your fears into the Rain
of Higher Light.
Dear Readers,
will continue with the Fifth, Throat Chakra, on Monday February 8, 2016.
Another reason why we are “taking a break” in this NOW is because the First
through Fourth Chakras are more focused on your own life and how you can “ACCEPT
the “Higher Light.”
the other hand, the Fifth through Seventh Chakras are more focused on how you
will experience your innate Power Within
to PROJECT this Unconditional Love out into your life and into your planet, Gaia.
take this week to enjoy the writings and recordings that we are offering to
assist you to fully embrace and integrate the Unconditional Love you have been
accepting into your first four chakras to prepare your self for your “Active
Duty of Planetary Ascension.”
ask that you continue the sharing of your process for this week, as Unity
Consciousness will be vital for the myriad ways in which YOU will serve your
dear planet Gaia to “take you Home” into your own Higher Expressions of SELF.
How will YOU integrate your unconditional love? Share your comments below.
The Arcturians and Suzanne Lie
New to the Process of Unconditional Love?