Thursday, August 31, 2017

Unity Consciousness and Unity Courage


Unity Consciousness and Unity Courage

The Arcturians-Through Suzanne Lie

Dear Ones,
It is the NOW in which your leaders need to have the “big picture” in their minds as you  all move through the great changes that will be taking place in your reality. As you know, too often, things have to get worse before they get better.

The reason for this is because, once darkness has been revealed, it is best to move deep into the core of it because, soon enough, the disguise will be back. Then the light and love can be covered again by the darkness and fear.

Fortunately, there are times, just as the during your hurricane “Harvey,” in which fear can come forward in such a manner that the ordinary people become great beings of light, who find their own Inner Light to find their inner courage, unconditional love, and immense bravery.

In a situation such as a huge hurricane, many people are facing their greatest fear, the fear of survival, However, they have pushed that fear away and found great courage to save themselves, their loved ones and many people who are total strangers.

These people have dedicated themselves to the service of others, at great danger to them selves. This courage has greatly expand their personal light. Then, this expansion of personal light within a crisis situation, quickly encompasses the crisis situation.

This expansion of light does not necessarily make the situation go away, as with the case of Hurricane Harvey. However, it does greatly expand the personal caring and courage of many of the people who are involved, or chose to become involved, immense “service to others,” during this horrible disaster.

New leaders are being born, and some of the old leaders are revealed as having personal needs that are more important than the heroic assistance for those who are suffering. We the Arcturians, commend the many people who expanded their consciousness, their courage, and their innate sense of duty to their fellow man during this disaster.

Many leaders are being born during this NOW who are leaders based on Unconditional Love and Courage. The courage of these people greatly expands their consciousness by assisting their fellow humans, as well as dear Gaia, who has been deeply wounded.

On the other hand, those who have selfish gains and care only for their own self aggrandizement, will inadvertently reveal their true selfish needs and lack of empathy for their fellow man and for Gaia.

It is the task of the ascending ones, to find in their hearts the ability to send unconditional love to the dark ones who can only think of themselves. It is likely that these ones will not recognize or accept that love, as they have become too lost in their own inner darkness.  

However, those who face the initiation of finding and using their own Inner Light to forgive and send love to ones who have become lost to the darkness of their own selfishness and inability to feel true compassion or love, will find within themselves the deep compassion for ALL life that the Ascended Masters revealed when they faced their final initiation.

Yes, there is a form of “final initiation” that comes with a disaster, as each one remembers that ONLY the LIGHT can extinguish the darkness. Therefore, to send anger, fear and other dark emotions into a negative only feeds it. Hence, what our Ascending Ones are learning/remembering is that Unconditional Love is the strongest force in the Multiverse.

Therefore, to heal negative, frightening, and/or harmful experiences, Unconditional Love is the strongest cure and best state of consciousness. It is the initiation of the ascending ones to remember that, “There, but the love of God, go I.”

In other words, if you can remember the wonderful gift of personal power that accompanies your surrender to Unconditional Love, it will greatly assist you to walk the path of all Ascended Masters.

All Ascended Masters needed to be deeply tested to hone their potential for forgiveness, and remember that the love you send out, always returns to the sender. Sometimes the joy of this love was not able to be displayed or shared until after the ascending one had completed his or her final initiations.

The final initiations are the most difficult, as they force the ascending one to Unconditionally Love all life, as well as to love themselves without judgment. To walk the Path of “Return to SELF,” one needs to remember to love the ONE, that they ARE, as much as the ONE that they wish to BE.

We know that our words may be confusing to many, but it will not be confusing to those who have walked the Path long enough to reveal their own inner fear/darkness (as to us fear and darkness are the same).

Those who have dared to look into their fears, their own angers, and sorrows, and have found a way to heal and release them, have discovered a deep Inner Power which they usually wish to share with others. In other words, these people have found LOVE for themselves and wish to share that  “ability to love self” with others.

Love of Self also serves as a homing beam to attract the attentions of their higher expressions of SELF that resonate to the higher frequencies of reality. Once the ascending one is able to connect with their own SELF, who resonates to higher dimensional realities, their teaching begins.

And what does their Higher SELFs teach? They teach more about how to consciously connect with, interact with, and take guidance from their own higher dimensional expression of SELF. 

Once one connects with their Higher SELF, they realize how fully human they are, yet,  simultaneously, deeply connected with the higher frequencies of reality to which they also resonate. It is then, that their/ visits to the higher dimensions during sleep and meditation begin.

First there is a “time of learning” in which they have “dreams” and other experiences where the greater truths of reality are revealed to them. After these revelations, the awakening ones often need “Earth time” to adapt to this new information and to find a way in which they can integrate these components of their selves into their daily life.

The integration of your Higher SELF into your daily life is one of the greatest challenges that our ascending ones face. Are they really talking with their own Higher Self? Or, is this connection just a dream, or a mere whim of their fantasy?

This beginning of their full awaking can often take many Earth years, and some get lost along the long path, and go back to being “normal.” Fortunately, there are many brave ones who “stay the Path” even though they fear that they may “be crazy,” “making it up,” “it is just a dream” and many other “reasons and excuses.”

Unfortunately, many of our “volunteers to take a human earth vessel” get lost in the illusions of the third dimension. Fortunately, most of them eventually remember their true SELF and return to the deep healing discovery of their own Multidimensional SELF.

This discovery of SELF is usually best learned by giving “service to others.” When our ascending ones deeply entrench themselves in “service to others,” their consciousness greatly expands. Then, via their higher states of consciousness, they can more easily remember who they really are and why they chose to take an earth vessel within this NOW.

It is this “Discovery of SELF” that guides humans into the superhuman, courage compassion, and service to others that disasters, such as Hurricane Harvey, has revealed how “normal people” give service to others in a “super-human” manner. It is deeply unfortunate that this disaster has struck, but the stories of great courage and unconditional love continue to remind all of humanity of their own innate Unconditional Love, and Service to Others.

We, the members of your Galactic Family, are proud of how our grounded ones assist each other during a deep time of need. It is for this reason, that Gaia is able to move more and more deeply into Her Planetary Ascension.

As all ascending humans know, there are many initiations that an ascending person must move through during their process of ascension. You can read the lives of the Ascended Masters to see the courage, sacrifice and service to others that they lived prior to their ascension.

We wish to tell all of you that planetary ascension also has “disasters” that must be faced. For both planet and people, the shift of the base resonance of consciousness into a higher frequency will bring out many challenges.

Very often, humans seek the assistance of other humans to assist them as they release that which is ready to be released, so that they can expand their consciousness into a higher frequency. In the same manner, Gaia must highlight areas of Her planetary body that are in need of attention as She moves through Her Planetary Ascension.

With an “Earthly disaster” humans and Gaia become ONE as humans assist other humans, as well as their planet. There are many humans who will need great assistance within the aftermath of this disaster. In the same manner, there were need to be much assistance necessary to heal the many wounds on Gaia’s planetary SELF.

The result will be that humans and Gaia will work as ONE to heal the wounds that both persons and planet have suffered. Too many humans have lost loved ones, and too much damage has been done to the surface of Gaia.

It is together, that planet and people will work as ONE to heal their area of the world. Furthermore, humans are coming from many areas to assist with the healing of the wounds, in the same manner that they have come to assist with the rescues.

Together, people and planet, will slowly return to normalcy, but after great personal sacrifice and assistance from the many volunteers who have come to Texas to assist during this extreme crisis.

Then, as humans and planet work as ONE to heal that which was greatly harmed, both the humans and the planet will be healed from the great Unconditional Love for ALL that has been shown during this huge personal and planetary disaster.

We, the Arcturians, send Unconditional Love and Violet Light to both people and planet.
We have seen how strong, courageous, loving, brave humanity can be during a time of crisis, and we commend you. Just as you have moved through this crisis by many humans coming from many places to work via Unity Consciousness for ALL life as well as Unconditional Love for all beings.

We, your Higher Expressions of SELF, commend you and offer all the assistance that you need. In fact, by the many “super-human” tasks that have occurred during this disaster, you know that YOU are your Higher SELF, and your Higher SELF is right HERE within your NOW.

The Arcturians and Your Galactic Family

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Conversation With the Arcturians--Shawnna and Arcturians through Sue Lie

"Behind the Scenes" Conversation With the Arcturians
Arcturians through Suzanne Lie and Shawnna Donop

{Note: Dear readers, we invite you to listen in on a recent conversation we held with the Arcturians as we prepare to engage in discussions about first contact and its importance for humanity. We invite you to become part of the creative process, and we welcome you to join us for the upcoming initiatives they mention in the discussion.}

Arcturians:  Blessings, we are the Arcturians.  We are here within this meeting and are ready to answer any of your questions.

Shawnna:  Thank you. We appreciate your attention and guidance, and we’re excited to start our next phase of activity.  We have several ideas in mind, and we are seeking guidance on what you felt was important or a priority within the next few months.

Arcturians:  We suggest that the first thing should be the Preparing For First Contact book, which is completed now and ready to go out.  The book has a very positive focus, which is important in the midst of the challenges within your NOW.

The positive focus of the book, Preparing for First Contact, will assure people that they are not alone, and have never been alone. The landings are not “extraterrestrials,” but humanity’s own fifth-dimensional self.  Hence, instead of the landing being any kind of “new people” coming to Earth, or any form of invasion, there will be a grand reunion with everyone’s fifth dimensional expression of SELF.

Therefore, please share that it is, “The Grand Reunion with our Fifth-Dimensional expressions of self.”

Shawnna:  Perfect.

Arcturians:  Did you have another question?

Shawnna:  Yes. I think that’s excellent guidance. I think that it's an important message that we should focus on, as it will be a very impactful message to share. 

Arcturians: Yes, this information is much needed, especially in the United States because it is something that people can do and something that is hopeful and will bring in a sense of greater unity, not just of their own Higher SELF, but also with their family of Higher Selves, as well as how that higher family assists us in our third-dimensional lives.

We can focus on the expansion of our reality, which will allow people to remember that what is occurring is occurring primarily on the 3-D matrix, and is not the heart and soul of the planet.  It’s just the 3D matrix which was created to distract humanity from any thoughts of returning home or ascending back to their Higher Selves.

Shawnna: Yes, and that’s very helpful too, because we were curious how the unity concept could be tied in to the message. I think that this a helpful way to integrate the concept.

Arcturians: Yes, this ascension is to be based on the unity of planetary consciousness, and not on the ascension of individual people. Yes, the people on the planet would ascend, but the people on the planet would ascend WITH the planet.  That focus takes that importance away from any human beings being more important than others.

Instead, the focus will be on the fact that Gaia is a living being who has evolved to the state of being a planet. AND, Gaia is a living being that has evolved to a much higher state of consciousness then  the beings of darkness that live on Her.

However,  the other beings, human and non-human, are ascending with the planet, such as the animal kingdom, the plant kingdom, the mineral kingdom.  And the kingdom that is having the most difficulty with the process of ascension would be the human kingdom.

So we would suggest that the connection of the human kingdom to all of the other kingdoms would be an important issue. We Arcturians have told  Suzille from the beginning that it was important to focus on the planet because the mental abilities of a human being are not enough to guide them into the process of ascension. 

Humanity will need to connect with the mental abilities of the Earth. Therefore, we would suggest that you remind humanity on Earth to be representative of the living, loving being known as Gaia. In that manner, humanity can remember how to communicate with, and receive communication from, Gaia. 

When this occurs, that will change their behavior because, what people do to the planet they wouldn’t do to their worst friend. However, because they think of Gaia as a “thing” they do many unkind, and definitely unloving things to the planet that is their home.

Shawnna:  Yes, I just got an infusion of some creative ideas on how we can do that, such as via direct communication with the planet and fostering that relationship by thinking about and assisting Gaia as a part of our daily routine with our Higher Self connections.  That’s an aspect that we can include, as well.

Arcturians: Yes, if you would go ahead and say them now so they are on the recording. Then you won’t forget your ideas either. Please, go ahead and state your ideas, and we will interact with you.

Shawnna: Well, I think we could intertwine the preparing for first contact topic and the unity consciousness concept and interact with the planet on a daily basis.  That can be an affirmation, and/or a meditation. I’m thinking something simple that everyone can grasp and add to their daily routine.  That way it’s ingrained in their consciousness and can become a habit.

Arcturians: When people commune with the planet, they realize that there is more than their own personal life. Also, when they commune with the planet, they don’t always look down, as Gaia includes all Her atmosphere. As they commune with Gaia, they go into the state of consciousness that Gaia is holding so that humans and planet can work as a team to calibrate their consciousness to the highest possible frequency of reality.

The reason why these challenges have come up is because the forces of darkness are aware that the “boat is leaving soon,” and they’re not going to be able to get on it.  So they don’t want the boat (planet) to leave.  They want to distract people and get them worked up about what is wrong, and who said what, instead of realizing that what is happening with the chatter on the news is, and has been, a distraction to forget that it’s not about politics. 

It’s not even about an eclipse. The real issue is about if people are interacting in higher dimensional ways and how people are treating the planet.  Also, are people ready to accept first contact?  Are people ready to expand their consciousness to a higher frequency?

Shawnna:  Well, that’s very helpful.  I think we can take in all of these important concepts because it feels like we are able to focus on that connection, and help to refocus people on what’s important.  You’re correct that the distractions are at a pretty high level at this time.  We see it everywhere.

Arcturians: You spoke of Unity Consciousness, and the easiest way to have Global Unity Consciousness is to merge with the planet. Then, once you merge with the planet, you merge with the elements, the elementals and all of the people.

We do wish to remind you that there are those that are in leadership that don’t actually really live on the planet.  They are living on the matrix. And, as they live on the matrix, they go to their place that is distant and apart from what is actually occurring and go into their selfishness about how they can get what they want.  These selfish tendencies show up in people’s behavior, and words and ideas and choices.

On the other hand, there is a recognition amongst those who are united with the planet, and are able to function from light and love. The people are able to recognize each other by their expanded auras and open heart.  

Shawnna:  Yes, there is a shift from selfish to selfless and being of service.  Some people will be in tune with that, and some people will not.

Arcturians: That is true, and the people who are in tune with “service to others” and “service to the planet” are expanding their consciousness into the fifth dimensional state of Unity Consciousness with ALL life.  These people will begin to go through the transitions of expanding their consciousness into the fifth dimension, which will move them increasingly out of the illusion of time and more into the reality of the HERE and the NOW.

What is accomplished within the HERE and the NOW of the 5th dimension will automatically rain down into the lower frequencies of reality. Then the higher frequencies of reality, which naturally resonate to Light and Love, will serve as the antidote to fear and anger being sent out from the “lost ones.”

When these lost ones are not able to hide in their fear and anger, because fear and anger is not available to them, they have to go inside themselves and see why they are so frightened and angry. Why are they particularly fearful?  Then, once they do so, then they can begin to heal their own fear and anger, and will no longer need to send it out to others. However, if they look outside of themselves, they cannot heal their fear and anger because the core of this dissonance is inside of themselves. 

Once there is a purging of this fear and anger from the Third Dimensional Matrix, humans will be able to allow themselves to consciously perceive and actively participate in the fifth dimensional frequency of reality. Of course, the fifth dimension is already, and always has, been RIGHT HERE! The fifth dimension is not something that “will be created.”

The fifth dimension is something that has always existed, but you forgot about it when you took your third dimensional earth vessel! Some members of humanity think that they are creating it, but the fifth dimension was created long before the third. Creation of light begins in the higher dimensional realities and works its way into the lower dimensions.

Therefore, the fifth dimension was created long before humanity. The fifth dimension is a frequency of reality that has always existed. Suzille is writing a book right now, in which a woman inherits her grandmother’s house in which she grew up. Then, she finds a key that leads to the attic.  When she goes up into the attic, she finds a portal to the fifth dimension.

This type of thing will occur more and more, as people, eventually, and within their own “timeline,” begin to find their portal to the fifth dimension. But, we are not speaking of a physical portal. The portal that we speak of is a Consciousness Portal.

Shawnna:  It’s always helpful to have descriptions and experiences, such as the stories that come through in the books to guide us and enable us to understand what it is like, what it looks like, and how we can experience the higher dimensions.  We look forward to seeing how that story unfolds.

Arcturians:  Yes, as we have told Suzille long ago, “The truth is best told in a good story.” Then different people can accept the truth in the manner, in the fashion, and in the way that blends best with them.  If the truth is shouted at them, or dictated to them, they move away from it because Gaia is a planet which people chose to incarnate on to “find their  SELF.”

When they chose to take an incarnation on the planet of Gaia, they did so because it was the now for them to go on an “away mission,” forget who they really are, and go through the process of remembering who they really are. From that process of forgetting and remembering, they can understand the process of forgetting.  So that, once they remember, they can help others who have also “forgotten how to remember.”

Shawnna:  It feels like we’re coming full circle, back to the book, Preparing for First Contact, where there’s a recognition and an awareness that the book will bring about that recognition, "Hey, it’s really us, our Higher Dimensional SELVES."  Like you said, it is to be a reunion. 

When that hope is provided, more and more people will be excited about the future and will start investigating the truth of why they’re here, why they’re having these experiences and seeing themselves from a higher perspective.   It is so empowering when you recognize what this is about. We are remembering, healing, transmuting and expanding consciousness.

Arcturians:  Yes, the book “Preparing for First Contact” is complete and ready to be dispersed. We will soon be hosting events focused upon it. Hope you can all join us then.

Until then, consider how YOU plan to contribute to this galactic reality.
Please share in the comments below!

Blessings from, We the Arcturians

Preparing for First Contact ~ Launch & Liftoff

Date: Saturday, October 7, 2017

Time: 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM PDT

(Check Local Time)

Live Online Event: One Webinar Session

Event Fee: $40.00

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Saturday, August 26, 2017

Beginning Your Transitions--The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Beginning Your Transitions

The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Beloved family members wearing an earth vessel, we the Arcturians speak to you within this NOW, wish to remind you that you are beginning your transition. Since there are so very many expressions of being a human within your NOW, we the Arcturians wish to  share what we have seen from observing your bravery and creativity.

First off, many of you have mastered the art of remaining calm and centered in the face of great transition. Not only is your outer world changing faster and faster, but your physical body is also altering more and more.

Now these changes are usually not obvious, or even known, but deep inside, many of you are beginning to feel as if something has shifted. Or, you ask yourself, perhaps it is that something has shifted within your daily life.

The answer, “YES“ to all of these components of your life are changing. These changes are being initiated because your third/fourth dimensional reality of Time and Space is transitioning into your fifth dimensional reality of Here and NOW.

We, the fifth dimensional and beyond components of your true Multidimensional Self, are observing you from our fifth dimensional Ships and from our fifth dimensional Home-worlds. You see, within our fifth dimensional consciousness there is NO time or space to separate us from the perceptions of your reality.

Some of us have even visited your third/fourth dimensional world, which made us greatly appreciate your courage and tenacity in the face of great transition. We realize, that in some ways, humanity has had a more difficult life since they learned of our existence, because the” dreams” and “inner messages” that they have received for most of their lives, are now revealed as truths and memories.

These truths are so close to your hearts and minds, but often so distant from your daily lives. It is for this reason that we have been visiting you more often in our Ships, as well as in your dreams and imagination. Yes, imagination resonates to the frequency of our fifth dimensional reality.

In fact, imagination is the language that we, your Galactic Family always speak. This fifth dimensional language, which often feels like “just my imagination” in our daily life, is sent to you in a package of Unconditional Love for each and every one of you to accept and translate in the manner which best fits your belief system. 

We wish to remind you that your higher dimensional expressions of the consciousness, as well as your own thoughts and emotions, are becoming increasingly fifth dimensional. You may wonder why a particular thought or emotion suddenly enters your mind.

We ask that you, now, begin the habit of carefully listening to these random thoughts, emotions and that which you call “day dreams,” as this information is often your first conscious experiences of Light Language.

Light Language is fifth dimensional language. Therefore, this language is no longer bound by third/fourth dimensional time and space, as there is no time or space in Light Language. Light Language resonates to the HERE of the NOW, and serves as your portal to experiencing the fifth dimension.

We wish to remind you that you do NOT need to “go to” the fifth dimension because you ARE fifth dimensional, just as you also resonate to the sixth, seventh, eighth, and beyond. However, for many of you, your consciousness has been trapped inside of your third dimensional vessel, which has been the human vessel since of fall of Lemuria.

What occurred in the fall of Lemuria is that the great inter-dimensional communication that was innate to the Lemurians became lost along with their island home in the Pacific Ocean.  In fact, many of the Lemurian people were lost along with their continent.

However, more and more Lemurians are deciding to take an earth vessel within this NOW, as they see that there is a possible reality which would resonate to the fifth dimension, just as Lemurians resonated to the fifth dimension.

Now, as Gaia is becoming increasingly fifth dimensional, more and more of you are having memories of your life on Lemuria, of your telepathic communications, and of your bodies of Light, which you could alter with your every thought.

Back in your lives on Lemuria, your language was one of toning and melody, and your vision was based on patterns of light that flowed and altered. It would be very difficult for a “modern day person” to visit Lemuria, as they could not understand what the Light Waves were saying, nor could they hear the tones which arose from every living tree, plant, lake and drop of rain.

All of Gaia spoke then, and if you could understand Unconditional Love, you could understand how ALL life spoke to you via the patterns, tones and flashes of images that blurred into pictures and tones.

You likely were not aware that it was your ability to love all life unconditionally that allowed, and guided you, to perceive Gaia in the same manner that Gaia perceived her planetary self.

Yes, just as you humans can perceive your own human body, Gaia can perceive Her own planetary body. We invite you all to meditate on remembering your lives on Lemuria, as they were fifth dimensional, just as the life that you will soon be creating and entering.

As you remember your former lives of “living as ONE with ALL life,” the 98% of your brain which has been closed off from you, will begin to come “back on line.”

You forgot these ancient memories because of the many lives on third dimensional Earth that was constantly filled with fighting some country or  pushing away some form  of indoctrination. In fact, as you go “back to your early beginnings” it will assist you to move forward to your “impending present.”

Humanity has lived via repeated cycles of birth, gaining power, losing their power and experiencing death. As you begin to remember your fifth dimensional, timeless realities, you will regain a great sense of hope and constancy with all life.

You will feel this constancy with all life because you will begin to allow yourself to flow into the ever-expanding energy fields that you will be able to perceive as they surround and flow through and beyond all life.

One of the primary reasons that the life on Earth has been so difficult is that your perceptual, which was rich and filled with color and imagination as a child, became dimmed and “inconsequential” as you became trapped in the many challenges of “daily life in the third dimension.”

Fortunately, more and more of you are “finding the time” to meditate, be creative, write your dreams and EXPRESS YOUR CREATIVITY.  When you express your innate means of creativity, you activate neurons and synapses in your brain that have almost become dormant for lack of use.

When you were a child, you still remembered your fifth dimensional creativity. In fact, many of you still remembered your fifth dimensional self. However, as you “grew up” you were increasingly judged by the concept of “authority figures” who told you not to “waste your time” with your silly imagining.

Focus on your homework, clean your room, get to school on time, get good grades, and all the other components of reality that you were told you must do. As you continued to “grow up” there were more and more things that some one else told you that you HAD to do.

Eventually, “doing” was the same as “minding,” and some one else would “grade” you on your creativity. “Was it good enough for “them” to like?” you asked yourself. And, each time you asked yourself that question, you moved further and further away from the Core of who YOU are.

We, the Arcturians, along with your entire Galactic Family, are here within this NOW to remind you that “YOU are the CREATOR of YOUR REALITY.”

“OH, but I don’t have time to be creative.”
“They won’t like my kind of creativity.”
“I won’t get good grades if I don’t do it the way THEY want me to do it.”

And the list goes on and on until, somewhere along the line, you just give up being YOU to become the “better version” that “they” told you to be. Now, “they” may feel very happy about this transition, but YOU do NOT feel happy.

You feel like you “sold out” and became who “they” want you to be. But, too often, by the time you realize that, you also realize that it is “too late” to change. You have a family, a position, a reputation, etc. etc.  “It is too late to go back to who you really are!” you try to tell your self.

But your real, deep, inner SELF, won’t have it. “NO!” you hear yourself yelling as you wake up from that dream you keep having. “NO,” you tell your self again and again until you can no longer hear yourself saying that. You finally believe what “they” said over what your own Heart and Mind is still trying to tell you.

“NO,” you yell at yourself, “I HAVE to do this.”

“NO” you bargain with yourself. “It is too late to change now. I have come too far on this path and I can’t change now! Right now I just have to drive home from work!”

You turn up the radio in the car so you don’t have to listen to your SELF saying, “It is NEVER too late to BE your SELF.”

“Be My SELF??” you yell at the radio, as if it was forcing you to hear this message again and again. But it doesn’t work. You keep hearing, “I need to be my SELF.” But, what does that mean? You have been a good person, and you have done what they have told you to do.

“Isn’t that being a good person?” you yell at the car radio.

You pull over to the side of the road, as you can no longer focus on driving. You can’t see well, but it could NOT be the tears that are welling up in your eyes. Then, the damn bursts and you begin to feel the tears running down your face, and you begin to cry, then your begin to sob, then, finally, you yell!


“You are not supposed to be any one. We are only wondering if you would LIKE to be yourself?”

That does it! There is nothing like the truth to make you cry like a baby. You cry and you cry, and it feels SO good to recognize WHY you have been so tense. WHY you have a stomach ache whenever you eat. WHY you can’t sleep at night, or wake up with bad dreams.

What you don’t realize, yet, is why you allowed your life to go in this direction.

“I WAS JUST TRYING TO PLEASE THEM!” you hear your self say. But, who was this “them,” and where are they now? Are they in the car comforting you?  Are they waiting at home to comfort you? Can you call them on the phone to comfort you?

Your mind races, “I need some help, I need some help!” you repeat again and again.

“We will help you.” You suddenly hear. You look around the outside of the car. You look around the inside of the car. You check to see if the radio is off, if your phone is off.

“You won’t find me outside of your self,” you hear a soft, gentle and even loving voice.

“Who are YOU?” you scream inside the safety of your parked car. But, no one is in the car with you. No one is outside your car. There is only YOU.

There is only YOU and a soft, gentle, inner voice who is saying,
“I am YOU and I Love you.”

That is it. What was left of your composure is not gone, and you begin to cry, then sob, then sob some more. Finally, you are exhausted and you lay your head back on the seat and close your eyes.

Slowly, and so gently, a feeling that you have not felt in longer than you can count, comes into your awareness. It has been so long since you felt this feeling that you can barely remember it. Slowly, as if someone is guiding you, you remember your self as a small child playing with your imaginary friend.

This “imaginary” friend began to show you pictures of other lifetimes, other realities, and other versions of your own Multidimensional SELF. These members of your own Higher SELF circled around you and send you Unconditional Love.

You wanted to cry again, but this time it was not from angry, but from JOY! They, the wonderful friends that you had as a child, were real! They were with you in the car, parked on the side of the long country road you drove on every day.

You could not see them with your eyes, but you could FEEL them with your heart, just as you used to do when you were a child. They were exactly the same as they had ever been, but YOU had changed so very, very, much.

“Oh no,” you hear inside your heart. “It is you that has changed. We are exactly like we always were, but you grew up and forgot how to look out through your Third Eye and to listen with your Heart.”

You are now sobbing, but not from sadness, or anger, or even fear. You are sobbing from JOY! When you finally regain your composure, you look around to find the source of what you have been experiencing, but you can only find yourself inside of the car, parked beside the road of the highway, but you find no one.

“Where did you go?” you ask.

“We never left,” you hear inside your heart. “You just forgot to LOOK inside!”