Dear Arcturians, thank you very much
for your kindness and love. In the name of my people I am doing the best I can
to get as much knowledge. If I ask a question that I have already asked. Will
you assist me by answering it from a different perspective?
Dear Jeffrees, we would happily do
so, as it is one of our primary goals now to assist our grounded ones in
remembering their Multidimensional Perceptions. You see, you do not go across
space or time to get to the fifth dimension. Fifth dimensional New Earth is
right HERE, but it resonates to a higher frequency. Therefore, in order to
experience New Earth, you will not GO anywhere. Instead, you will raise your
consciousness to the fifth dimension so that you can perceive that your are THERE
Jefferson: Am I correct in understanding that you are saying
that there are two way in which you can integrate your higher dimensional
selves into our society, the Natural Way and Unnatural Way? To my understanding
the “natural way” would be that members of a higher dimensional reality sends
individuals to assist and support progress in lower dimensional realities to
better assist in raising their consciousness and, hence, the frequency of their
reality. In this instance, the way they would become a part of our world would
be through being born as humans who would, hopefully, remember inclinations and
dormant understandings of being Arcturian. Then, because of their innate
knowledge they would have a propensity to work towards planetary ascension.
Arcturians: It is true that many of us have sent down “copies”
of our consciousness into available human earth vessels. We say “copies”
because no part of our SELF is sacrificed to inhabit a lower dimensional form.
Instead, our essence is merely “copied” and “pasted” into that form, which
takes nothing from the original. In fact, if our third dimensional expression
of SELF can awaken and re-connect to our Arcturian Group Mind, we can be of
great assistance to those who still slumber.
We can
also assist Gaia more completely because our form is resonating to the exact
frequency as ascending Earth. With the many earth vessels of our grounded ones
calibrated to the expanding resonant frequency of ascending Earth, when any
person expands their consciousness, that higher frequency of reality nudges the
frequency of Gaia into a higher resonance. In the same manner, whenever Gaia
raises Her frequency, the forms of our grounded ones, which are attuned to
Gaia’s frequency, will also expand.
Jefferson: I see. Can you now address what I call the “unnatural
way” to integrate your frequency of our reality into ours? From what I
understand, the unnatural way is when
individuals from higher dimensional realities directly assist and support our progress
of raising our consciousness, as well as the resonant frequency of our reality.
However, in this instance, the
way they “become part” of our society is through a kind of shape-shifting in
which they are born Arcturian but create another form to where while they are
on Earth.
Arcturians: Bothe of these methods of assisting ascending Earth
are being used NOW, especially when the energies of your world are so high and
your High Hearts are opening to embrace our unconditional love. If you could
see how see from our perspective just how much your reality has shifted in just
a few weeks, you would all be greatly surprised. It is likely best that most of
you do not know. If you realized how close to ascension you are now you may not
be able to continue to play the 3D Game long enough to complete your full
process of assisting Gaia.
Jefferson: How you can be among us and not be perceived? I
would think that your higher energies would shine a much brighter because of your
frequency? In other words, if you are walking among us, why can’t we see you?
Arcturians: Your questions are ones that many of our grounded
ones ponder, and we are happy to answer them. As Suzille has written many
times: belief sets consciousness—consciousness sets expectations—expectations
set perception and the reality you perceive is the reality you life. It is the
last part that we will address first:
reality you perceive is the reality you live” is the foundation for ascension.
As we stating at the beginning of our meeting, calibrating your consciousness
to the higher frequencies of reality will allow you to live these realities.
Look at one of the busy streets of your cities. On the same block you may have
three people within a few yards of each other, all experiencing totally
different realities. For example:
Homeless Person: This person has very little belief that they can even survive,
much less ascend into a higher expression of reality. Their consciousness is
focused on finding food, shelter and clothing. Therefore, their expectations
are calibrated to hone in on those articles of survival.
Mobile Person: This person likely believes that they can better their life, but
that betterment is focused on monetary and ego needs. Their perceptions are set
on ways to make money and attain success. Therefore, their perceptions are,
also, calibrated to the third dimensions, even though it is a higher octave of
physical life. This person may believe that they are a human person looking for
their Spirit.
Person: On the other hand, a person who is awakening believes that they are Spirit
that has temporarily entered a human form to assist with the process of
personal and planetary ascension. Because, they are consistently meditating,
reading etc. to expand their consciousness, they expect to perceive higher
dimensional Beings and welcome their communication. Since they expect that
communication, they are constantly calibrating their consciousness to the
higher expressions of reality. Some of
them will be clairvoyant and they can easily see the higher dimensional beings.
Others are clairaudient and can communicate with us. Some are very
clairsentient and they just KNOW that we are among them.
many of our awakened grounded ones have no one to talk to about their
multidimensional experiences. Therefore, they begin to doubt themselves or
ignore their experiences because they fear of judgment and the loneliness of
being different. Fortunately, we have many grounded ones who remember their
SELF, as well as their Service. Because of this memory, they are able to have
consciousness interactions with us, either in our Galactic or Celestial form or
our natural being of light and love. Because of these meetings, especially
because of the feeling of unconditional love that is only felt in the higher
dimensions, they are able to ground their expanding energies into Earth to
assist Gaia, as well as allow Gaia to assist them.
More of
our grounded ones are entering this third category everyday. Then, as they
awaken, they assist others to awaken too. In this manner, Gaia is attaining
critical mass in which more people are awake than asleep. At this point,
ascension becomes “normal,” which removes the interfering stigma that has
formerly been associated with being awake. Once ascension is normal, many who
have kept their experiences to themselves will feel safe enough to share with
others. It is then that your Unity Consciousness will develop. What is
impossible for a few individuals is simple for the Unity Consciousness of an
entire Planet.
We shall return, for we are ALWAYS here,
The Arcturians
Thanks to You !! Keith
ReplyDeleteThank You, my daily meditations have taken on a unity conciousness approach. Linking up with all Light Beings on the planet is definitely, a big step in achieving ascension for Gaia and all her children.
ReplyDeleteThank You
Iam soaring in this Divine Essence of personal and galactic and cosmic unity. Rainbow Hugs Jill