Monday, May 29, 2017

Threshold to the Fifth Dimensions--The Arcturians through Sue Lie

Threshold to the Fifth Dimension

The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

How did we get here?
Where are we not?

What did we learn?
What did we teach?

As we move deeper and deeper into the fifth dimension,
Learning and Teaching are intertwined.

We talk a lot about the fifth dimension, and many humans believe they understand what the fifth dimension is like. However, as we come closer and closer to the threshold of the fifth dimension, we are beginning to realize how little we know about it. 

We have imagined it, dreamt it, wrote about it, and even think we have visited it. However, the frequency network for fifth dimensional reality is very challenging for one who has, NOT YET, totally transmuted into fifth dimensional consciousness. 

The most challenging part of this transmutation is to actually believe that you ARE, indeed, functioning primarily within the Flow, not just of your 3D/4D reality, but also in the flow of your 5D reality.

You are confused by that comment because when you first begin to intermingle your consciousness with the resonance of fifth dimensional realities, you may feel like you are suddenly surrounded by chaos.

“Wait, Wait,” you call. “Stop the train. I don’t know where I am going.”

On the other hand, there is a silent voice, an invisible face, and an unperceivable energy field. However, when you “fall into” that energy field, you realize that you CAN perceive it, but ONLY after you have stopped the 3D hustle, “let go” the drama, calm the emotions and gone deep, deep, inside.

Once deep within your SELF, you and look inside to see that… 
Simultaneously, you are NOW HERE—wherever “here” may be.

In other words, you must “Let go of 3D time and sequence.”

Beware that short term memory will suffer greatly during this transition. However, shifting from a reality of “time and space” into a reality of “here and now” could NOT be easy.

Everything that you have known as “real” in ALL your past, third/fourth dimensional incarnations is morphing into something that is VERY different, but simultaneously, exactly the same. 

You may think this energy is transmuting within one moment, and then, within the next moment, you may not feel that energy at all. You are confused because you are “counting your moments” when there is only THE NOW. 

“The NOW” means something very different than “now.” When you are called on to do something in THE NOW of the fifth dimension, there is no time, and there is no sequence.

How could there be time without the counting of the sequence—1 2 3 4 5 etc.?

The fifth dimension has no “counting.” There is only NOW. There are no “moments to count” as there is no time between moment 1 and moment 2. There is only ONE moment within the NOW.

“How is that possible?” you ask your Higher SELF who meets you at the Threshold to guide and assist you.

“Do you think I live within time?” your fifth dimensional guide asks. 

You need to ponder that question. Then you call your Guide, but it will not answer. You call again and again, meditate, fast, pray, dream, and try to be creative. 

“Where are you?” you ask in a frustrated manner. “If you are my fifth dimensional guide, why don’t I see you?” 

“You cannot see me anymore than I can see you. WE are ONE! Can you see your heart beat? Can you see your stomach digest, or your nervous system jumping from synapse to synapse?
“I, your fifth dimensional self “live within you” 
In the same manner that “I shine out” from you.”

Take this sentence into your sleep. Take this message into your daily life. Take this message into your meditations and reflections. 

How do I, the fifth dimensional expression of your Multidimensional Self

How do I, the fifth dimensional express of Multidimensional Self

Can you see me when you look in the mirror?
Do I inspire you when you seem lost in the third dimensional redundancy?
Do I meet you in your dreams and meditations?

Ask yourself the above question. Ponder these questions. Bring them into your meditations, your walks in nature, your laughter with friends, and the mundane tasks of wearing a third dimensional earth vessel. 

ALWAYS—secretly tucked within the illusion of your third dimensional self—your Fifth Dimensional SELF constantly, eternally, and lovingly is infinitely calling YOU to come inside so that you can get to know, and merge with, your Fifth Dimensional SELF.

Then, just as you have shared your third dimensional reality with your Fifth Dimensional SELF, your Fifth Dimensional SELF will share your fifth dimensional reality with YOU!

In fact, that is already occurring, isn’t it?

Perhaps you forgot, or were afraid to remember. But, why would you be afraid to remember your Fifth Dimensional SELF? The answer is easy. When you fully remember your Fifth Dimensional SELF, you will be called to “MERGE WITH” your Fifth Dimensional expression of your SELF.

Once this merging has begun, everything will begin to change because your perceptions of reality will change. The third/fourth dimensional planet, on which your third dimensional earth vessel has currently taken residence, is in great transition. 

Therefore, your entire third, and fourth dimensional, realities are in great transition. And, if your reality it in “great transition,” than YOU are in “great transition.” 

But what does this transition look like?
How will you feel this transition?
In fact, how are you NOW feeling this transition?

It is vital that you, the Leaders into your budding fifth dimensional reality, answer this questions for your self because many people will be asking you to give them YOUR answer to these questions. 

We say “your answers,” because there are no right, or wrong answers. In fact, there are no right, or wrong answers. There is no “Rule Book of Behavior” in this budding reality. This higher dimensional reality is new—that is that it is “New to YOU.” 

But, on the other hand, the fifth dimension is actually NOT new to you, as it is where still are and have always been. Actually, what is new to YOU is that you are currently in an incarnation in which YOU have chosen to awaken to your true, Multidimensional SELF.

From the perspective of whom you have allowed your resonance to return to, which means that YOU have decided to push aside the veil to remember WHO YOU HAVE ALWAYS BEEN—but you forgot!

We the Arcturians are HERE NOW to remind you that IT IS THE NOW.

We see that YOU have waited for many incarnations for this NOW, but now that it is here:

Can you remember your fifth dimensional life on the Ship or on your Homeworld?
Can you remember when you went before the Karmic Board to tell them that you were ready for this very important lifetime?
Can you remember standing in front of the Karmic Board?
Can you remember the answer that you received?

If, and when, you remember the above, you will KNOW that IT IS THE NOW
To remember your true Multidimensional SELF…
To remember standing before the Karmic Board and/or your Fleet Commander to say,
I am ready for my Away Mission to Earth.

You then reach out to receive your Mission Orders for this particular, 
Very important, incarnation, and turn to prepare for your embodiment 
Into your present third dimensional earth vessel. 

Often these “Orders” get lost, as they are stored in your consciousness, as only your fifth dimensional consciousness can fully remember these “Orders” that you created for your self. 

Sometimes these orders got lost for many lifetimes.
Sometimes you remembered your orders, but life was too difficult for you to fulfill them.
Sometimes you tried to follow your orders, but the world was still so tightly under the grip of the dark ones, that you could not complete them.

However, sometimes, you were able to fulfill your orders, which were always your chosen life mission, but suffered greatly for your courage. But, fortunately, sometimes you had an incarnation in which:
You did remember your Mission
You followed your Mission
You moved through all the obstacles
And continued on with the Mission that YOU chose before you took that earth vessel.


It is the NOW and YOU are ready!
You begin your Mission by REMEMBERING!

WHAT do you remember about the Mission that YOU chose before you took this incarnation?

WRITE down what you remember, so that you can share it with the class meeting.

SAY your mission out loud, so that you can practice saying it with confidence and assurance.

If you cannot remember—yet—there are many wonderful people in this group, likely some from your own Ship or Homeworld that you can ask to assist you to remember?

When you ask others to assist you, you learn how YOU can assist OTHERS.

INFACT, learning and remembering are the same
Within the NOW of the fifth dimension and beyond

Blessings from the Arcturians 

We are your friends and are HERE NOW to assist you!

Friday, May 26, 2017

#3-Light Language- Sue Lie and the Arcturians

Light Language #3--Sue Lie and the Arcturians

Then I saw an unusually different flower,

and went over to smell it.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Light Language #2--Sue Lie and the Galactic Family

Light Language #2-Sue Lie and the Galactic Family

Suddenly, I saw the Sun flowing through EVERY tree.

5D Light Language is different than spoken 3D Language because the same message can be perceived in a different fashion from different people. Also, the understanding of light language is greatly influenced by the state of consciousness of the sender as well as the receiver.

Please write in the comments what this picture says. As we all read the different understanding of different pictures, we can prepare ourself for the full spectrum of understanding Light Language.
Sue Lie and the Galactic Family

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Light Language #1 Sue Lie and the Galactic Family




I decided to turn my perception around,
to perceive reality from a new perspective.


Please have some fun, and talk with others about what this picture says to you. 
I have added what the pictures said to me, as it is the "storyline for the book."

However, Light Language can mean very different things to different people because it is "not words."  Instead, Light Language is energy fields that intermingles, moves through and communes with your consciousness, as well as the consciousness with the ones to whom you are speaking.  

You all speak Light Language every day, but we do not know that because you are used to language being based on words, which create inner pictures. With Light Language, you allow the "inner pictures" to be projected "out" into the consciousness of others.  

However, if the "others" are unable to expand their consciousness into at least the higher fourth and fifth dimensional consciousness, they will have NO awareness of the energy field that carries the message or messages.

Furthermore, as you all did before, we ask that you look at the picture and write what it says to you.  I am aware that I have put this page up before, but this is the beginning of the storyline--that is my storyline, but you may interpret a different version of this story line.

While living on 3D Earth with 3D language, the flexibility of Light Language can be confusing. So we, you Galactic Family, remind you that part of the confusion is humanity "trying to put a square peg into a round hole." 

Therefore, allow your mind to experience confusion, that you can it to EXPAND beyond all 3D/4D limitation and into the freedom and flow of  5D Light Language. The basis of Light Language is:

Open up your mouth and let YOUR truth out!

Please write you comments on what this picture says to you in the Comment Section Below.

Blessings, Lets all have some fun "creating and remembering" LIGHT LANGUAGE!

I will post this every few days. This experience works for me, as we are also running the 
Interdimensional School

A Peak into My Next Book--Preparing For First Contact--Suzanne Lie/Arcturians

Hello Everyone, 
Here is the introduction to my next book, which should be ready for soon!
Sue Lie
Preparing for First Contact
The Landings

The Arcturians Speak

Our Dear Emissaries to Earth,
We come to you in this NOW to inform you that we will be landing soon, but only in a frequency of reality in which “Power Within Self” has replaced all remnants of  “Power Over Others.”

Hence, the frequency in which we land will be determined by humanity. We know that those who live via Power Within are not responsible for those who linger in the lower dimensional format of Power Over Others.

All that our beloved returnees to lightbody can do to assist the ones lost to Power Over, is to send them Unconditional Love and Violet Fire. Then you must release them from your consciousness, as it is their decision to awaken or remain asleep within a reality of fear and domination.

By remaining in the format of fear and domination they will have chosen to attach their lower states of consciousness to the remnants of Gaia’s Lower Astral Plane. The Lower Astral Plane is much like the cellar of an old house that has been abandoned. This “old house” is being renovated from the “roof” down.

As the “house” is renovated, the frequency rate will expand into higher dimensions that are not accessible to those who chose to live in the darkness of the cellar among that which has been long ago been stored and forgotten.

In other words, as our awakening ones remember to forget the lost ones, their consciousness will expand beyond “frequency range of experience” of those lost to the “cellar.” Hence, the lost ones will remain in the lowest planes of existence, while the ascending ones align with higher and higher frequencies of reality.

Eventually, the frequency of the planet will be so wonderfully high, that the lower astral plane will be shed from Gaia’s body. Just as an animal takes on a heavy fur coat for the long, cold winter and sheds it in the spring, Gaia will shed Her heavy, Lower Astral Plane.

As She returns to Her beloved fifth dimensional frequency, She will first shed the density of the Lower Astral Plane and, eventually, shed all of remnants of Her third and fourth dimensional planetary body.

As we have often said, Gaia is an extremely loving Mother. Therefore, as long as She carries any remnants of third/fourth dimensional time, She will provide a place where her lost ones can decide to enter into the Light.

This Higher Light will eventually engulf even the lowest astral plane, and the lost ones will need to re-locate to another planet on which they will, hopefully, release their habit of Power Over, as well as their need to be a victim, have an enemy, and suffer before they can change.

You see Power Over can only exist when there are others who have chosen to be a victim. We are not saying that the choice to be a victim is a conscious choice, as it is usually an unconscious choice. Many have become addicted to the third dimension format of ruler and ruled.

This addiction will only fade when those trapped within the format of Power Over remember that Gaia is a planet that is ruled by free will. Because of Gaia’s free will, those who chose to be in the Power Over format in order to be a victim, can also choose to release that addiction and take charge of their own life.

Those who wish to help these ones can best do so by sending them Unconditional Love and Violet Fire. Unconditional Love is likely unknown to those lost to the Power Over format, as they have likely lived their lives, in fact they have likely lived many lives, believing that they were not the masters of their own destiny.

However, the gift of Unconditional Love will greatly impact them, as they have likely only received conditional love throughout many of their incarnations. Once they receive Unconditional Love, they will begin to realize that just maybe they can stand up to whatever has kept them in the pattern of being a victim.

That realization will change their life forever, as they will discover that they just may deserve love “unconditionally.” The concept of deserving love just because you are alive is likely very new to them, as they have grown up believing that they are not “good enough.”

With this realization, they are ready to receive your gift of the Violet Fire to assist them in their process of transmutation into a higher frequency of reality. There are many invisible sub-planes in the physical plane of the third dimension.

Because love is far too often “conditional” within that frequency of reality, many people become lost in the belief that they are not “good enough.” The dark ones have had a great deal of power within that resonance of reality for many cycles.

They have maintained their power by convincing others that they are not strong enough to stand up for themselves and need the “help” of those who appear to be stronger. Because those trapped in what they perceive as their failures, disappointments, hardships of the lowest resonance of the third dimension are so beaten down by life, they do not recognize that the assistance of these dark ones is really a trap.

Therefore, the cycle goes on and on from failure to failure and from trap to trap. How does one recover from this cycle? We return again to Unconditional Love. Unconditional Love is NOT an emotion. Unconditional Love is an energy field of love, hope, empowerment, and promise.

We will now address each of these concepts beginning with love. Love is an energy field that travels in expanding cycles, where as love’s opposite, fear, travels in ever decreasing cycles. We say “cycles” as energy fields travel in circular patterns, as they also travel vertically and horizontally.

When we talk about an “energy field,” we mean “a package of energy that resonates to the same “fields” of thoughts and emotions. In this case, think of the word  “field” much as a field of grass, flowers, snow or crops, such as wheat. Everything on this “field” is similar and needs the same amount of light, water, warmth, and/or shade.

In the same manner, an energy field holds similar thoughts, which grow from the “field” of similar emotions. If one grows up and/or becomes trapped in an energy field of disappointment, failure, loss and suffering, they will find others like them lost in that energy field.

Since they are all lost, it is difficult for anyone to see the way out. Those who live via power over others work hard to create situations, which diminish people and group them with other people who have also been diminished.

However, unconditional love is also an energy field. However, this energy field is the collection acceptance, support and the empowerment of loving one’s self enough to openly and warmly love another. Because every person can love and accept them, they can also love and accept others.

In other words, one can only “give away” what they “have.” If a small group from the energy field of Unconditional Love were to join the energy field of disappointment and suffering, they would instantly feel that something is very wrong.

Then, because they have been surrounding by Unconditional Love, they are able to say, “How can we help you?” On the other hand, they would likely feel inadequate if one who was accustomed to the energy field of disappointment and hardship. 

In this case, the great power of Unconditional Love would greatly assist the one who has been beaten down by the hardships of life because there is NO judgment in Unconditional Love. Instead, there is acceptance and patience.

Do you see how we are showing you the “big picture” of your reality? While you are walking in the midst of a huge “field” you can only see that which is around you. However, if you were up on a hill, or in a plane—or a starship—you would get the same perspective as we do from the higher dimensions of our ships.

We welcome you to join us on our ships, but most of you are not yet able to consciously have that experience. However, we wish you to know that many of you join us while you are in your fourth dimensional astral body. Most often this occurs while you are sleeping or doing a deep meditation, but soon your visits will be more common.

Just as the person who lived within a fear-based, power over energy field may feel uncomfortable in a love-based, power within energy field, your third dimensional consciousness may feel very uncomfortable in a fifth dimensional star ship. Fortunately, our ships are filled with Unconditional Love, which will instantly make you feel safe and peaceful.

Furthermore, just as the Unconditional Love we share with you transmutes your energy field into a higher resonance, your unconditional love toward those trapped in a power-over energy field will transmute their energy field into a higher resonance.

Did you realize that you had that much power-within? Did you realize that just by sending Unconditional Love to someone in need that you can greatly contribute toward his or her process of transmutation into a higher resonance?

Your world is on the cusp of great change, and chaos usually precedes change. You will all be called upon to leave your comfort zone and to bravely face aspects of reality that could be very challenging, in fact frightening, to those who had never considered the fact that there are other civilizations beyond Earth.

Then, they will be confronted with the fact that these civilizations are far more technologically, mentally, socially, and emotionally advanced. Those who have lived by their “power over others” regime will be shocked, terrified, and dangerous.

Therefore, those of you who are informed and prepared mentally and emotionally, will be called on to send your deepest Unconditional Love into the energy fields of fear, confusion, and disbelief.

Many of our Earth friends will welcome the shift in their reality because they are informed and have been in connection with us for many decades. On the other hand, many people have never even considered that there are higher dimensions of reality in which uncountable societies and worlds live in peace and unconditional love.

We hear you asking, “When will this happen?” We answer you by asking, “When will you be ready to totally shift your perception of reality to include the higher dimensions?”

You see we will begin our landings in the lower realms of the fifth dimension. Hence, only those who have expanded their consciousness beyond the fourth dimension and into threshold of the fifth dimension will be able to perceive our presence.

As you can see from your Internet, books and classes, more and more people are beginning to consciously embrace a reality in which the illusions of the third/fourth dimensions are replaced with the proof that there is a fifth dimensional world, as well as far, far beyond.

Are YOU ready to embrace this higher dimensional energy field? If you answer is YES, then you will likely be among those who will be preparing, educating and calming those who are not ready.

If you answer is NO, then you likely will never read this message.
But if you do, remember that reality is a choice of one’s perception.
The reality that you chose to perceive is the reality that you will believe is real.
And, the reality that YOU believe is real is the reality that you will live.

Remember, whether you admit it or not, you are ALL the creator of your reality! Also, please remember, “Time is an illusion of the third dimension.” When we say that we are coming NOW, that means that you will experience that NOW only when YOU are ready.

There are many of you with whom we communicate on a daily basis. Also, there are many of you who often visit our Ships. Allow your third dimensional earth-brain to take as long as you need to adapt to the New Earth that is here NOW!

To find this Earth, don’t look UP
            To find New Earth, look IN!
With Unconditional Love, The Arcturians