Thursday, August 3, 2017

Unconditional Love and Active Participation--The Arcturians through Sue Lie

Unconditional Love and Active Participation

The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Unconditional love is an inter-dimensional energy field and a key that opens your heart to heal the wounds of many lives of “broken hearts.” How does unconditional love heal your long, myriad incarnations of broken hearts?

This is where the inter-dimensional portal part comes in. Unconditional love is an inter-dimensional energy field that can capture a low frequency energy field and transmute it into a higher frequency of experience.

This transmutation into a higher frequency creates a sensation of inter-dimensional movement within your life, within your self, your third dimensional essence, within your fourth dimensional realm of dreams and aspirations, and within your fifth dimensional Lightbody.

In fact, the “feeling” of Unconditional Love, starting with Unconditional Love for your SELF, is important for your process of moving your consciousness, and eventual Sense of SELF, and the vessel that serves as your “human” form.

Your expansion movement into the fifth dimension and beyond is a flow of your consciousness, that which feels much like a gentle stream or a soft breeze. Please note that movement is a different experience in the different dimensions.

In the third dimension you move across the time and space of your physical reality via your physical body or the machines that transport your body.

In the fourth dimension you move into, and through your “dreams,” “imagination” and the other means by which you can allow the creative ideas of the astral world via dreams, peak experiences, and meditations.

In the fifth dimension you move into and through the myriad frequencies of realities and alternate expressions of your Higher Self. Your fifth dimensional consciousness is your portal to your Multidimensional SELF. It is the opening of this portal that is vital to complete your ascension/transmutation process.

We say “ascension/transmutation” because this is the process of transmuting your third through fourth-dimensional consciousness into the very different versions of reality, which you will perceive in the fifth dimension.

Some of you can remember experiencing dreams, mystic experiences, and/or “Near Death Experience” in which your brain shifted into the Delta Wave Consciousness of the fifth dimension.

Once your brain shifts into Delta Wave Consciousness, you will slowly, or suddenly, remember the “Inter-dimensional Communications” that you have been experiencing.

I, Sue Lie, have been speaking with people about their “state of consciousness” since the 1980’s. There has been a HUGE expansion of consciousness that humanity is experiencing within this NOW. Also, I have been speaking, personally—one-on-one—with people for over 30 years.

I wish to say that HUMANITY is CHANGING! Of course, now, I can speak directly to people all over the world, but in the 80’s, and for many years later I could only speak with people within my area. I guess that is why the Arcturians told me to “make a website” when I had no idea what a website was. 

Out of nowhere, I was asked to be involved with a college who was running a study about whether or not a “website” could ever make money. The results of their test were “NO!” No one will ever make money on the “Internet.”

But, within this NOW, if you want to “make money,” then you had better get a Website, or a Blog, and gain a presence on the Internet. The results of the Internet’s “easy access to anyone who lives anywhere in the world,” is very similar to “becoming fifth dimensional.”

It is we, your Galactic Family, who are largely responsible for this shift, because we had an “Exchange Program” in which many of us, your fifth dimensional Galactic Family, took a 3D earth vessel. As a component of our “Exchange Program,” we Galactics volunteered to take on a human, 3D/4D earth vessel.

We have taken third dimensional forms (a great personal sacrifice) to be able to walk among humanity to better understand the best way to move through, and successfully assist, Gaia with Her Planetary Ascension, which included all those we can expand their resonance into the fifth dimension.

In other words, any person, place, situation, or thing, that raises its resonance to the frequency of the “Threshold into the fifth dimension” will “ascend.” However, ascension is not ascending into the clouds with a Harp. “Ascension” is learning (with your EVERY thought and emotion) that:

What YOU Think About  - YOU Bring About.

Whatever thought or emotions that you allow to enter your mind is INSTANTLY, as there is NO time and NO space in the fifth dimension, transmuted into the reality that you are experiencing within that HERE and NOW!

Third dimensional TIME is no longer experienced once you cross into the fifth dimension. Also, third dimensional SPACE is not perceived as any form of separation in the fifth dimension.  

The fifth dimension has a different “Operating System” from the first through fourth dimensions of reality. In the third and fourth dimensional realities, you have always had “time to prepare” and/or “time to avoid.”

In the fifth dimension, there are NO “rehearsals” or “finding a better time.” There is only HERE, and only NOW! There are NO, “I will try it again at a different place and a different time,” as this is not the Time or Space as you may know it in the third dimension.

When you can remember your fifth dimensional realities on your Multidimensional Starship, or Multidimensional Planet, or even your dreams and imaginations of “other realities,” you will begin, or continue, to remember more bits and pieces of your fifth dimensional self.

What would occur if more and more of you began, and continued, to remember your fifth dimensional reality and/or your fifth dimensional Starship?

The Arcturians have been guiding my self, as well as other channels, during many of my private channels, to assist people to remember their fifth dimensional SELF and their fifth dimensional reality.

There is a huge difference between your Third and Fourth dimensional realities and your Fifth dimensional reality.

Many of you are being called to stay with Gaia to assist with Planetary Ascension. In order to do this, many of you are learning/remembering to maintain a conscious and simultaneous connection with your third dimensional Earth Body, your fourth dimensional Astral Body, and your fifth dimensional Light Body.

This “Inter-dimensional Assignment,” for which many of you have volunteered during your current incarnation, will largely be based on your ability to Assist Planet Gaia with Her Planetary Ascension.

In order to assist planet Gaia, you all need to UNITE with ALL dimensions of Gaia’s planetary body. Also, you will need to deeply experience Unity Consciousness with your fellow humans, as well as the other inhabitants of Gaia’s world.

We, your Galactic Family can more deeply interface with Gaia, Her animals, as well as the Elemental Beings of Earth, Air, Fire and Water, when YOU, the humans who are currently incarnated on planet Earth, join us in consciousness, as well as in action.

Because Gaia is a “free will planet,” we the Galactics had to make sure that Gaia, as well as Her many inhabitants, want to realize and assist with the Planetary Ascension. Unity Consciousness is the Key to ascending Gaia and Her inhabitants!”

There is the quote that says, “It takes a village to….”
In this NOW it will “Take a Planet, and the majority of Her inhabitants to…!”

It will also take Gaia Herself, and a majority of Her planetary inhabitants, to ascend the planet. In other words, for Gaia to ascend, humanity will need to release their individual, selfish desires and needs to focus primarily on PLANETARY ASCENSION.

Therefore, we the Arcturians ask you,
“What are YOU Doing for Planetary Ascension?”


If you wish to share what you are DOING to assist Gaia with Her Planetary Ascension, please feel free to write that in the “Comments Section” of this Blog. In that manner, you are doing your best to enhance the great power of Planetary Unity. 

We appreciate it if “YOU” choose to share how you are assisting Gaia, as you may give ideas as to how others can best participate in Planetary Unity.

Blessings to you all
The Arcturians and YOUR Galactic Family
WE, the members of your Galactic Family, wish to thank ALL the beings on Gaia, human and non-human, for any assistance you are “Contributing to Planetary Ascension!”


The Arcturians and YOUR Galactic Family


  1. I am helping to transmute the planet by radiating positive thoughts and emotions as often as possible.

    1. I have Benn too, are u alone mostly? Or do u use people? I have done similar but I miss my real family like you and need your love. So soon? Thank you!

    2. Please forgive me for using this space. I want to comment, but I can not figure out how to do it. I don't see any space that allows me to post a comment. I would sure appreciate any help.

  2. Dear A, thank you for sharing your contribution to Gaia

    1. Applying more focused intent to meditate as often as possible and to deepen my meditation experience. Maintaining continual spiritual focus. Speaking with the plants and animals, and Mother Gaia herself. Experiencing myself as one with all life. Focused positive attention as consistently as possible. Looking within and to the clouds. More.

  3. Hi Suzanne and Arcturians, Doing the best I can to be honest, authentic, and non judgmental in all areas of my life.

  4. Hello Suzanne and Arcturians,
    First thank you for the wonderful information, inspiration, insights.
    I do meditation and violet fire prayers for transmutation on a daily basis.

    1. Thank you for sharing your contribution to Gaia

  5. I am helping by healing myself and my past and by focusing on the similarities between every person I meet and me. Building a connection between us based on these positive similarities. Also I am helping by not hiding that joyous and loving person I am. Also by maintaining our garden lovingly. And by immediately connecting with the animals and forests that surrounds me. I am trying to help with all my existence ❤

    1. Dear Regina,
      Thank you for sharing your contribution to Gaia

  6. Every morning I bless Gaia with light and unconditional love, I send her gratitude and a ray of pink light from my heart to her heart. I say to her that I thank her and that I love her. Before I go to bed at night I do all that again. ( every day I bless allso the 4 elenents : fire, air ,water, earth).

  7. Thank you so for sharing your contribution to Gaia

  8. Everyday I hug Gaia/ the planet with the pink flame from my heart, thanking her, the plants, the animals, the devic kingdom and our cosmic family for everyones unique role in this beautiful transition. I smile and make eye contact with as many people as I can when I´m walking around, sending love and light to them from my heart. I am healing myself, loving and accepting myself and others as much as I can, I see everyone as brothers and sisters on this incredible journey. I am kind with everyone I meet and try to make them also forgive themselves and accept themselves with their perfect imperfections. Being calm, grateful, happy and positive as much as possible. Thank you so much for this wonderful blog! Peace, light and love to all!

  9. I inwardly bless all that I come in contact with. I walk in thankfulness of all.

  10. Gaias coolness and beauty is for sure without depths, Tap in to this! Be the face of this so others can remember as you have remembered! Greatest gift there is! Recieve it and give it away endlessly, magic ;)

    Dont TRY to love everybody, be open so love (magic) can happen where it wants to!

    Gaia can be beyond gentle and clear in communication, Its really Mindblowing at times , as i imagine it has to be ;)

    Thanks to gaia for being.

    And thanks suzanne for being and the nice blog, keep up the good work ;)

  11. I invest my most loving thoughts, my highest compassion, my utmost joy within me, within Gaia as she is no longer separated from me. She is a nurturing mother as well as a Divine Child I nurture each and every second with LOVE in my heart throughout my life journey. I send my blessings in each and every occasion that reveals itself to my awareness. With such opportunity, I send you LOVE...

  12. A while back I began inviting the four elements: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water - to dance and swirl with all the cells of my body. During this process I also studied how the Four Elements interacted with each other out in Nature from the view of my back yard. I fell head over heels in love with Water first...and gradually the other three have followed suit. :D Visualizing little tiny golden spheres of Light to represent the elements and the yin/yan symbol as the Cells of the body was the best way for me to move through this process. I tried to see them as the Sylphs, the Salamanders, the Undines, and Gnomes....but that just got me all tangled up in my Mind. So I let it just be the Golden Spheres. As I practiced this I began to feel the movement of the various elements as their energy blended with the cells. From there many experiences of joining in unconditional love and Joy have ensued. Now I am in the process of deepening my knowing....or as others would say....remembering....on how to Co-create with the Four Elements of Creation. Manipulating matter is the goal. :D In this way I will co-create with the elements on behalf of Gaia's wishes. Thanks to the Arcturians!

  13. My favorite decree for Gaia:

    Bless, Bless, Bless Gaia, with the Sacred Love of the Sacred Fire. (visualize Gaia enveloped in the Violet Flame)

    Blessings of Love and Light to all!

  14. have spent the last years releasing anger and fear. I have been working to heal myself and become more and more loving and positive. I send love to the planet and all its beings everyday. I work to keep my vibration high and be uplifting to those around me. I share my knowledge of what I am learning with all those willing to listen. I pick up trash and help clear up Gaia physically. I continue to expand my mind and grow daily so that I may be more loving and help shift this planet to the same.

  15. Thank you for sharing your contribution to Gaia
    Thank you for sharing your contribution to Gaia
    Thank you for sharing your contribution to Gaia
    Thank you for sharing your contribution to Gaia
    Thank you for sharing your contribution to Gaia
    Thank you for sharing your contribution to Gaia
    Thank you for sharing your contribution to Gaia
    Thank you for sharing your contribution to Gaia
    Thank you for sharing your contribution to Gaia
    Thank you for sharing your contribution to Gaia

  16. Dear Suzanne Lie, I thank you from my heart for everything you do

    We will be doing this meditation at the moment of the maximum of the Solar eclipse on Monday, August 21th at 11:11 am PDT in Los Angeles. This equals 8:11 pm EET in Cairo, 8:11 pm CEST in Paris, 7:11 pm BST in London, 2:11 pm EDT in New York, 1:11 pm CDT in Chicago, 12:11 pm MDT in Denver and 2:11 am CST on Tuesday, August 22nd in Taipei.

    It would be great if we join our efforts

    Last week, Lynn of Prepare for Change and Justin Deschamps for Stillness in the Storm held a question and answer interview with Corey Goode and Cobra, focusing on meditation, but also on many other topics. You can listen to the interview via the video:

    1. Thank you so for sharing your contribution to Gaia

  17. I'd like to grow into an eventual loss of my original "personality". Never did much good anyways, always a pain in the rear, probably don't need it. I'm thus practicing being a living breathing walking avatar of the Universe, and occasionally relate to people in such a mode.

    For example, if I meet someone who appears troubled and distracted, and will help them understand more, by "pretending" to be a voice for and of One. If they weep and moan about feeling stuck, and if they agonize in attempting to proceed, I'll dramatically roll my eyes and launch into it.

    I may say silly outrageous things like: The inside of your head has become bigger than the outside of your head. (Meaning, no difference between interior and exterior, it is all one unified mind, and one finds oneself living in a representation of their own mind, essentially.) I'll squint at them and say, Who do you think we are and how stupid do you think we are. You've been hitting the "help" or "contact us" or "tech support request" button difficult to find on purpose, such that many don't even know they're requesting help. And likewise when that help instantly arrives each and every time, people don't recognize that answer either.

    I may blabber that they've finally reached 3rd level top tier of tech support, like You can get no higher. You've finally reached the One, who do you think you're talking to here?

    Then I may compare service to self mode, to service to all mode, and how to use people to get ahead in life. One way elevates oneself at the cost of others, the better way elevates all others whilst sliding along on their coat-tails so to speak. I know which is easier, and since I'm inherently lazy with an appreciation for the path of least resistance, I'll emphasize that mode.

    I may state that they have indeed achieved the "next game level" and the rules are a little different, being based on unity and not separation mode. Why get angry at essentially oneself? It's all your own mind, and you may as well love yourself and all the other selves "out there".

    And other things too, as may suggest themselves to me at any given time. If I don't take the joke seriously, I won't get the punchline. So I simply speak for the One, hopefully not introducing much "distortion in transmission" during the process.

    Funny thing is, when I bumped into someone rececntly who felt stuck but who was "mending the gap", I played with his mind a little, which would be a tragic lost opportunity if I didn't, so I plunged in and applied all the strange art and science I could summon.

    For several conversations, I was One. And responded as such. He didn't tell me until later, but from the very first conversation, I freaked him out, to use his term. Because whatever I said at a given moment, exactly fitted what he was thinking about but not verbalizing. Whatever I said seemed to fit with what he needed.

    Ha! Yet more sad proof of: Flow, ease, supernal laziness, pranks and laughter, coincidental synchronicities oozing out of every orifice and no it's not redundant describing it like that, no higher self because it's all unified by now, unexpected increasing niceness in general, every face being the face of Krishnette or Christina or St Mary or yet another enlightened being of whatever stripe, sudden zero karma, etc etc.

    Life certainly improves all by itself when the inside of your head gets bigger than the outside... Mind you, it may be a difficult concept at first for most to easily accept, that it is a Universe of Mind; what else could it be?

    Thanks, One and All; it took you/me long enough...

    And how to achieve the seemingly impossible perfection, such that one finds oneself a saint, a lover of life, a lover of god, a worker for truth fun and the ultimate joke? By simply accepting what is already ours.

    Thank you, All. You know who you Are...

  18. Minor correction: A sentence above should read, You've been hitting the "help" or "contact us" or "tech support request" button for almost forever, which we make difficult to find on purpose, such that many seemingly don't even know they're requesting help, or how that aid might arrive.

  19. Additional comment for Sue's consideration, to be published here or not.

    Another thing I do is to make art for free, putting it online for anyone for any purpose. Please feel free to review the content at the following site link, which also has a list of prior collections of original content which I've thrown together, all in various places at deviantart.

    Yeah, it can be a little different, even controversial.

    For those who may be interested, check out: and feel free to use anything; it's all forever free.

    You'll need a deviantart account to see the naughty stuff, and within your account settings you'd activate "mature content" or you won't see anything much interesting.

    Other collections of mine at deviantart are largely non-controversial and openly viewable without an account there.

    If searching YouTube for the video called Wastings and Pain, you'll find it under the username of an acquaintance, zamboni5000. He edited the individual clips, which I recorded in the alleys of the downtown eastside of Vancouver BC Canada.

    Sue, publish this little blurb if you want to. Up to you. Thank you.

  20. Meditating,to be peace and share it, using the violet fire and the AN conversion white fire on me, Gaia and beyond to transmute low frequencies to higher ones.

    Putting my intent and visualizations on the Event, the removal of the dark ones, the collapse of this old system, full disclosure, the realize of technologies as free energy, and the abundance for everyone,Nesara, the arrival of our galactic friends and family.
    Sharing what I can on my page Lenmiscate to help the awakening of others and helping translating for free post from the page from English to Spanish, but i would love to open my third eye right now and activate my hole vessel and embody my soul in this vessel to do something greater.

    1. Thank you so for sharing your contribution to Gaia

    2. I'm so totally in love with all your words! Just wanted to hear about all I am's words speak through u, Susan,Sinnie Sita,all here! What amazing collective archetypyes; creators,heros,warriors lovers, guru's,shamans,priests, magiciancs,and some all encompassing new arcgetypes!Namaste en lakesh.wholeness oneness! Together forever again. I cherish this resource beyond thought itself. I always want to go beyond,another better way, I'm so in on effecting collective consciousness on 8-21-17 here in Oregon,Portland but I could go to jeruSalem,Or. The parties are huge and I'd love to go but I've been in a bit of a lonely streak. Self imposed of course. Awake n scared to be hurt again. Still 100% in though. Seeking your divine wisdom! Michael V

  21. I am assisting Gaia in her ascension by helping more business owners expand their companies into new locations and creating more jobs, revenue, and more opportunity for more people worldwide. Also, I run a number of side business ventures that are also helping other business owners to transform their vision into reality faster. Thank you all for helping Gaia and here's to that Unity Consciousness that's got everyone talking these days!

  22. Hi Sue,
    I make contribution with Violets fire and unconditional love to every life force surrounding me. But the Good news is they all love it and still want more.

  23. Thank you Sue for this forum!! I think it is so important to share at this level and I really love hearing what we are all doing as it is so very important!! Together we remap and create the very fabric of reality one heart at a time joined etherically and with purpose shared in unity consciousness. We must heal together to become whole again!!

    I have shared this in the past but I do energy transmutation in the astral realm, timeline remapping, DNA reengineering and toxin removal on the earth grids.

    I have been gifted with a "souped up" or ascended lightbody that is able to do this work on a massive scale in all dimensions and octaves. I have been doing this full time multidimensionally for the last 5 years since I experienced a kundalini awakening and the subsequent activation of my lightbody. It is my privilege to do this for our beautiful planet as part of a soul level agreement before incarnation. My mastery has built over the last 5 years and now I am working on healing and ascending our beautiful and once spiritial wheat.

    We are all learning and remembering as we go and have a myriad of different skills and roles throughout all creation multidimensionally!! So trust yourself and keep on loving. It seems like a long process because there is so much healing to be done on every level to bring ourselves back into alignment with source.

    Nothing is more important than any other as Sue said, it takes us all to heal a planet!! Love you all for your participation as we represent the spirit, the hope, the love and the joy of our beautiful mother earth, Gaia and all her manifested kingdoms!!

    I am Cheri of the monadic entity Hilarion, House of Ra, Order of the Seraphim. It is this Seraphim DNA that travels multidimensionally. It is so much fun to discover who we are again as we are all part of the master blueprints and as we reunite ourselves, we heal the entire universe :)

  24. For a few years, the daily waves of energy usually on and of, sometimes over (a sleepless) night other times during the day I fell them (laying down) going through me. I am a lightning rod grounding, or transmuting. There are very intense days, other days are just fine. Always feeling gratful, joyful, and self love. I do not even work, but everything is just as it's supposed to be.

  25. Dear Suzanne Lie,
    I find it very important trying not to judge people, and take them the way they are.
    I am very thankfull for all the small things that brings me joy.
    For Gaya i keep my street clean by picking up the plastic bottles and tins, people have thrown careless away.
    I long for the liberation of the planet Earth.
    A big hug for you, Gaya and the Acturians.

  26. Thank you Suzanne :) I would like to share a mass UNITY meditation which is being held on 8.21.17 during the solar eclipse. It is being hosted by Prepare for Change (PFC), COBRA, Sphere Being Alliance, Stillness in the Storm and others for anyone interested. Thank you!

  27. In this now moment of reflection... yes, I call forth light into every cell of my being and the space between every cell on all levels (mental, physical, and so on) and direct it out to the core of Gaia, to all beings, elementals, kingdoms, humans, out to the solar system, galaxy, universe and multiverse. May all be blessed with (changed from day to day). Particularly being more open-minded, living by my values while honoring all viewpoints and paths. Being there for ME - allowing all my thoughts, feelings and actions to be respected, honored, heard and enveloped in unconditional love. Listening more than talking - to myself and others. Being with the emptiness of pure divine love and compassionate when i do things to escape it or judge it as disconnect/depression/apathy etc. Learning more about energy and 5D from my dog, 10 months old. Integrating, wondering about, being 3D and 5D at the same time as a dog trainer, knowing this shifts all human/animal relationships everywhere.

  28. I am invoking and affirming for all of humanity as One Consciousness on a daily basis along with meditations, grounding myself daily with Gaia and calling forth the nature spirits, the elementals, crystal, mineral and animal kingdoms along with air, fire, water, earth and ether.

    I am also sharing this information through a website/blog that I have been building and about to launch this weekend. It's a very exciting time ♥

    1. I also wanted to add Sue that I have a book recommendation page where I'm recommending books of all my wonderful teachers and guides "your books" along with a side bar of links to these guides so each person to learn just as I have. :) and I am loving your newest book I am currently reading now, Preparing for first Contact, it's amazing, I am halfway through it. Thank You.

  29. I am trying to unhook myself from the system of domination and control to be a sovereign free and independent god spark that we all are meant to be. I am in nature most of the time. I stay positive with people but whenever i feel other people projecting their crap onto me I mirror it back to them so that my light stays strong. It seems contradictory to unity conciousness as im not really able to connect with anybody in a manner i would like to. This experience sucks tbh. I stay honest always!

    1. We need to connect, u are me! I love u already!

  30. I'm giving out positive vibes and loving every person whom I come into contact with and sharing my knowledge of life with all

    1. Thank you so for sharing your contribution to Gaia

  31. To assist with planetary ascension, I have been:

    --Writing about my dreams as soon as I wake up, before I forget them. I've realized how much more connected this helps me to feel to my higher selves/high consciousness.

    --Recognizing and releasing negative beliefs of my ego which keep me bound to the 3D matrix

    --Consciously connecting and exchanging energy with animals--not dismissing the value of spending my time this way

    --Having conversations about these things with my 5 year old daughter

    1. Thank you so for sharing your contribution to Gaia

  32. Every morning I do the pillar of light and send love to Gaia, the air and water. Seeing people with love! Focusing on the positive throughout my day!

  33. Thank you Dear Suzanne Lie for all that you do with assisting Humanity and Gaia during this time of ascension. I tell Gaia I love her and thank her for her support. When I do this I receive back instantly. I say a water prayer for the water and do this at any body of water I am near, also around local water commissions. I walk daily and thank the elementals, if I take a berry I say thank you or I love you. Also, I send love to the skies, the Slyphs and thank them for cleaning up the skies. I ask them to come when I feel we need assistance and legions arrive. I sun gaze and am grateful to the connection to the great sun, inner sun and galactic sun. I love all beings and my heart is opening wide to love unconditionally it is wonderful to arrive hold the vibration of 5D.

  34. Thank you so for sharing your contribution to Gaia

  35. What a great Joy it is to share Love with Gaia and all who reside on and within her, to share this wonderful experience being part of the ascension process. Love is all there is!

  36. I say hi to, look at, wave, or otherwise acknowledge homeless people. I hug trees. I kill / eat no animals. I listen when people talk.

  37. Hi guys, Ive got a really big idea to help, and am at present doing everything in my power (immense) to bring it to fruition. Its like an awareness raising community, whereby residents host volonteers who come not only for educational purposes, but to work on the community and also a forest regen project. They donate to the pot, but otherwise free. The whole thing is wrapped up as an experiment to see, with recorded findings and ongoing film, we can not only raise our own consciousness, that of the wider community, but also globally via up links. What do you think? HeHe

  38. I contribute in every way in the Now, to help Gaia with her transmutation/transcending into the higher realms.

  39. Hallo Sue thank you for the nice message . I do the best I can to heal others and learn them to be happy and healthy . selfconciousness and collectif conciousness xx love you . nice regards from Belgium . Rita &co.

  40. I often travel the world and bring in the violet flame at sacred sites. I also talk to 4th dimensional spirits in cemeteries and open a portal and explain how they are needed to go to the light to stand as lightworkers with us all NOW in this victory.

  41. I dont allow myself to watch news or read newspapers, however, my guides have made me well aware of the conflicts US/Korea and the astrological charts the next few months for Trump and Kim Jong. Yesterday i figured out why. I live in FL, but found myself in DC metro area in a huge Korean Spa. My guides took me past the white house for Trump's energy connection and to the Basilica of Mother Mary where the Pope spoke, so I was again connected to Francis (I am not catholic). I was in a HOT blue cobalt and germanium crystal room in the spa when the holy dove came upon me. she took me into my lightbody and touched my head placing a diamond/rainbow like shield around me. She had me bring in Trump and Kim Jong in lightbody and talk to them and put light in their hearts, open their eyes to the truth of their advisors and for ME to place them in a protective diamond/rainbow shield like she did for me. Then she had me call in Pope Francis in lightbody and put the shield around him and then I heard myself say to him "you know what to do with that staff now" when he picked it up and hit the ground a blast of light came out from it like almost nuclear looking and consumed Trump and Kim Jong and beyond. Then I woke up in a spa room where the walls were all those crystals. I doubted it happened and that I could make a difference, the news was going on the TV in the main room about the conflict and a person was there (I believe angel) for me to share with and they did not doubt me, they seemed touched and prayed there are more like me willing to follow through. Please pray for Trump and Kim Jong, their astro charts are against them and the aggression needs light.

  42. Hi to everybody! I work a lot in the lower astral planes, spreading light there and cleaning up, transmuting darkness into light via the violet flame. I gave up my ego will and surrendered my earth vessel to the full service of the light. I give assistance and comfort to everyone around me and hold lessons and seminars in the fourth dimension so people can learn an heal. I spread light every day to transmute all darkness into light light light and I am in close contact with my galactic family and my 5D presence enima on new earth to create portals into the fifth dimension. I try the best not to judge anyone and to be grateful for all that ist. So wonderful to be with you in this process and thank you all for your assistance to our beloved sister gaia. Love and light to you Sue for your wonderful commitment and all the very helpful writings you do. Love to all of you from Daniela

  43. Namaste Suzanne. Thank you for who you are and for your contributions to the planet. I work every day connecting to my multi-dimensional self and any chance I have I also remind others through conversations, FB posts, QHHT hypnosis sessions, and even just telepathically about the embodiment and empowerment of their multi-dimensional selves. May we all unite together in this grand experiment of remembering our true nature of love. I send out to all beings a huge galactic hug full of uncondional love and sparks of remembrance.

  44. Thank you Sue <3
    I believe in Gaia, and we are Gaia.

  45. I am joining all mass meditations that are designed to bring forth Ascension for Gaia, humanity and all beings that are part of Gaia such as the one during the solar eclipse, August 21rst at 11:11 PDT. Here is a link for all interested.

  46. There is a free global healing event every Monday 11PM EST and Thursday 6PM EST that began in April 2014. We invite anybody to participate by saying the healing mantra "I love myself unconditionally and I forgive myself completely" over and over for 30 minutes while visualizing your biggest dreams! The mantra has been energized to transform cells at the molecular level. Also, this mantra removes toxins, implants and explants at every chakra and at the same time converts negative beliefs of anger, fear, worry, etc. into positive beliefs of courage, abundance, inner peace, spontaneity, happiness and more. The Facebook page has been locked 3 times by Facebook so the pages are no longer running. However, the event continues twice per week. The link below explains what to do. Although, at this point any time you say that mantra, at any time of the day, it brings immediate inner peace so people have clarity to make constructive decisions, be happy, obtain their dreams and create many more.

  47. With gratitude and love, I am sharing my website:

    I am here as a conduit of love, an instrument of Divine Father God. I bring Venus light energy to planet Earth and lives as a sovereign being. I am here as a torch bearer, as a sacred divine feminine and Blue Ray Starseed. I am "working" in a unique way, through divine love letter and poems. Being a poet, sage, fringe dweller, seraphim, the I am that I am. All is love and love are all.


  48. Blessings to Suzanne and our Arcturian family. I am working with my team of 18 horses to help people release their traumas and raise their vibrations. The horses teach us that everyone matters and show us that although we have different forms, we are the same. They also have another agenda to assist Gaia and her frequencies - although I do not understand what or how they are working. I know that my role is to enable them to do their work. I am so grateful and feel blessed to be of service.

  49. What dimension are you in when you don't believe in any separate entity that can "DO" anything?

  50. My main focus is loving, in all ways I possibly can. That often involves doing my best to heal anything unloving that shows up.

    So I love whoever and whatever shows up, as much as I can.

    e.g. I support HAI workshops, which teach people how to love more easily, more consistently, more deeply:

  51. Whenever I feel the desire, I create soulful artwork honoring the Divine Feminine while listening & dancing to soulful music which in turn always raises my frequency. Upon exiting my home I practice 12D Shielding along with the affirmation to keep my frequency up to 5D-12D & beyond. While out & about I whistle to my feathered friends the birds.(a few respond back) And when I see people I practice projecting thoughts of oneness by internally saying "uno" especially at the threshold of stores I frequent. I will now start including Gaia in my prayers.

  52. I remembered one day after having two sightings of full circle double rainbows one day at the park. I had a deja vu feeling when I seen a small purple weed like flower. That triggered my memory as I knew I always talked to "things" had imaginary friends.. Long story short I instantly started speaking fluent languages of some kind then I discovered the light language world and feel so relieved that I'm not the only one. I sing when I'm in nature, I speak inwardly or quietly when I'm on the road people passing by I speak or think peace harmony balance safety for everyone to see our loved ones. I do it in the grocery store sometimes where ever I have the feeling to. I sing or speak or create a space when I hear or see something disturbing such as the water pipeline in South Dakota earlier in the year very close to me and I use it in secret because I know it's from a place of purity. I cannot translate it to the regular thinking person and I stay secret besides now because I've been very hurt by another's reaction. However I stay true to me and respect others for we are all together just at different levels I guess not in a I'm better than you way just is I guess. Thank you Suzanne Lie and Arcturians I love the work that has been here and continuing it helps people like me. The ones in secret reading these. It would be so nice to be able to talk openly and share. Thank you. Good day all :)

  53. I am participating of Gaia’s ascension through Group of Forty activities.
