Thursday, June 28, 2018

Visitors to the Starships--Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Visitors to the Starships

The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Dear Arcturians,
Why do we usually have memory loss about our visits to our Star Ships and Fifth Dimensional home worlds?

Dear Ascending Ones,
Memory loss is usually because you are having an “argument” between the part of your consciousness that wants to remember the visitations and the part of your self that does not want to believe that these visitations ever happened.

Please note that we do not use the word “abduction,” as you would NEVER be taken on a Starship without your full permission. On the other hand, there are dark forces that “abduct” humans under the guise of being “aliens,” when they are actually humans posing as aliens.

Those who were taken on a regular basis by the Zetas have been protected by them ever since. The Zetas only needed human DNA as their species was dying out, and they needed to be assisted by the implant of stronger DNA. 

They found this human DNA in Earth humans, which is why they came to Earth to gain the DNA that they needed. Once they had what they wanted, they left and have NOT returned since. 

We would like to tell you the date of these landings, but that is very difficult as the Zetas had a totally different concept and measurement of time than the humans. It is for this reason that the humans who visited, not abducted, as they ALL gave their permission to allow the Zetas to take small amounts of their blood, may or may not remember that event. 

The blood was not taken for any nefarious reason, but because everything the Zetas needed to correct their genetic problem, which resulted in a distortion of their DNA, could be found in human DNA. 

Some of you do remember being abducted, and you also remember that you were not too frightened. When you told them that it was frightening for a human to be tied down, they untied you immediately. In their reality, being “tied down” is a means of comfort and security. They wanted their “human friends” to feel secure and comfortable, so they tied them down.

The Zetas were actually very kind. They also told you not to tell everyone and not to talk the experience on the Ship, if they remembered, as others may have and likely would have judged and questioned these humans. Also, the Zetas were around after WW II and have long since returned to their own area of space.

In fact, many of the awakened ones just after WW II, realized that “being different” was not a good idea for anyone who was, in fact, VERY different from the other people that they knew. “Being different” was NOT a good idea in the era of your post WWII childhood. 

Therefore, those who visited the Zeta Ships did not tell anyone about their experiences. Even now, when they tell their experiences, they only do so as if they are “just telling a good story.” We advise that they continue with this habit, as it is still is not safe to allow their secret out.

The leaders of your country, who are actually not the leaders, but the followers, have led many humans that are on the edge of evolution to sink back into the old habits and the fearful thoughts of their third dimensional self.

Our Galactic plan was to align with the humans who would be able to know the truths that have been kept as secrets since the beginning of humanity’s first visits to Earth. We have observed that when humanity gets very frightened, they often become very violent. It is for this reason that most of the UFO information has been hidden. 

Only a small population of humans are able to accept this type information without being frightened. Since frightened humans can be, and usually are, quite violent, we know that we need to be careful about who we choose to communicate with. 

Therefore, we start very short contacts with humans, which are primarily to discover if that person would be frightened by the “unknown of their next evolutionary NOW.” Those who were not afraid are usually those who are able to retain their fifth dimensional thinking and perceptions, even after they have a third dimensional earth vessel. 

Therefore, they can perceive that another reality may be close by with a sense of wonder and enthusiasm, rather than fear and anger. The people who can easily and eagerly accept this information are usually among the Galactics who chose to be born into the third dimensional Earth reality as a third dimensional human.

These children usually had some “near death experiences” when they were infants or quite young, so that they could return to their Higher Home to check in before they returned back to their earth body. 

From the third dimensional perspective, these “check ins” appeared to only be seconds. However, from the perspective of their fifth dimensional SELF, whom they visited during these inter-dimensional experiences, they were free of ALL limitations of third dimensional time. 

Therefore, they do not have a time-bound, sequential experience, like the experiences that they are having on Earth. From their fifth dimensional and beyond galactic perspective, they knew that “time is an illusion of the third dimension.” 

Until the third dimensional Earth humans can release their illusion of “third dimensional time,” they can NOT remember their true SELF who resonated to the fourth, fifth, and even higher dimensions of reality.

The knowledge of many different dimensions is also something that can be very frightening to one who was still attached to “only” the third/fourth dimensional format of reality. In fact, for many eons, even the concept of other worlds and dimensions was terrifying to humans. Unfortunately, this fact is also true for many, if not most, humans within your NOW. 

The reason for this is that, even in your current “modern time,” many humans are only able to activate about 3%  of their innate brain synaptic junctions. A “synaptic junction” is an area of your brain where different brain cells interact with each other to create an interaction between different sources of information which are stored in your brain. 

Since most of humanity only uses about 2% to 10% of their full brain power, higher dimensional synaptic junctions, such as junctions that allow one to perceive fourth and fifth dimensional expressions of reality, are never activated. 

A “synaptic junction” basically means that several, or many, areas of the brain are activated by a thought, emotion, decision and/or idea. There are billions of synaptic junctions in your brain at all times, but most of them are unconscious to humans. 

However, when a person is consciously aware that novel information has entered their brain, and has joined this information with known information in their brain, they are assisting their brain to accept, and understand, novel information.

This conscious awareness of novel actions and thoughts creates NEW usable “synaptic junctions” within the brain. We say “usable” as many, if not most people, are unaware of any activity that is occurring in their body and/or their “inner life.”

Every time humans are conscious of a novel manner of thinking, feeling, perceiving etc., they create new “streams of consciousness.” Then, these new streams of consciousness connect with other synaptic junctions to initiate new ways of thinking, feeling, perceiving, and behaving.

At first, these new brain waves are difficult to access, as the humans are not accustomed to receiving information in that manner. However, every time that they think in a “new, and/or, multidimensional manner,” their synaptic junctions greatly expand, as well as become stronger. 

This is much like learning a new skill, riding a bike, singing a song, cooking a meal etc. Each time that you consciously interact with this “new skill,” you get better at it and have more confidence to get even better.

Eventually, this “new skill” can become “normal.” This is similar to writing something on a paper and then writing on top of that sentence again. Eventually, what you have written will become wider and bolder. 

In the same manner, the more you allow yourself to consciously recognize that you have had a novel, in this case a higher dimensional experience,  that synaptic junction becomes wider and more easily activated.

If, in your daily life, you often drove down First Street, you would almost automatically turn to drive down First Street. In the same manner, if you often thought about new concepts, such at inter-dimensional communication with higher dimensional beings, you would have more and more of these thoughts. 

Eventually, these thoughts of your wanting communication with a Higher Being would begin to manifest in your daily life. Then, all the new thoughts, which were translated into a synaptic junction by your brain, would no longer be new thoughts, but “usual thoughts.” 

We say “usual thoughts”, because the synaptic junction within your brain attaches this new information with your old, often outdated information. In this manner, the old information becomes transmuted into new information, which can eventually become familiar information.

It is in this manner that humanity evolves by expanding their smaller synaptic junctions of old information into newer, wider synaptic junctions of the new, higher frequency information. Actually, expanding your synaptic junctions is the same as learning/accepting novel information into your conscious mind. 

Then, when you write, talk, sing, draw, or in some manner ground this higher frequency, inter-dimensional information into your third dimensional brain, the information, which was once new, will become “normal” and part of your daily life.

When you allow this new information, especially higher dimensional information, to integrate into your conscious mind by speaking it, drawing it, singing it, writing it, etc., this “novel, higher dimensional information” merges with your third dimensional information, brain, perceptual field. 

Once this higher dimensional information has been incorporated into the information of your third dimensional brain, it will begin to enter your perceptual field more and more. Then, your once new synaptic junctions, which you created with your new “novel, higher dimensional perceptions” will become normal

Once you accept this “new-normal information” and use it in your daily life, it will become “normal information.” Once this new information is no longer frightening information, it can become “normal information.” 

It is in that manner, that you overcome your fears by turning them into “important information.” It is in this manner that the “victim within” can become the “victor in daily life!”  Once YOU are the master of your fears, you will no longer be frightened to the point that you are “frozen in fear.” Then what has been frightening, will become a component of your past. 

When airplanes first became a “mode of transportation”, many people were terrified to go on an airplane. Now, flying in an airplane is a “normal action.” Therefore, it is no longer cloaked in fear and doubt about whether or not an airplane can stay in the sky and give you a “safe means of transformation.”

Just as a ride in a Starship may be quite frightening at first, if you travel in that manner again and again, riding in a Starship is “Normal.” It is then that your perceptions and experiences of riding in a Starship are “Normal.”

Your experience of reality is formed between the old synaptic junctions that meet and intermingle with new synaptic junctions, that create experiences and perceptions that are NEW. 

That is, they are new until that NOW when you are able to consciously accept those perceptions and experiences as “normal.” Once this perception/experience is “normal,” it becomes a component of your third/fourth/fifth dimensional consciousness and your third dimensional imagination, thoughts, feelings and reality. 

Again, once it was very frightening to ride via airplane. But now that it is very common to ride an airplane, so there is less fear from more people. In fact, taking a flight on an airplane is a very common thing that millions of people do every day. 

In the same manner, one day, riding on a Star Ship will be just as normal as it is now to ride on an airplane. We, your Galactic Family, eagerly await the day when we can take one of our smaller ships and land in one your larger airports. 

We will invite you all to join us.
Blessings from your Galactic Family

Arcturian Conversation PART II: From Me to We in the NOW

Darkest Night Before the Dawn
A Conversation with the Arcturians

PART II: From Me to We in the NOW

Sue/The Arcturians: 
Now a lot has occurred, especially in the United States and those protected by the United States. That is because the United States was supposed to be the flashpoint of ascension.

And it’s the newest country, along with Australia. So it will be the United States for the northern hemisphere, and Australia for the southern hemisphere, and they are right next to each other. And that wave of ascension will be activated with those two continents and then move all around the planet. But it can’t occur while that matrix is still active and still attached to the planet.

So as we each do a personal assessment, the greatest contribution we can make is assisting as many people as possible to focus on their grounding. That way, we can maintain our presence in this Higher Frequency.

Sue/The Arcturians: 
In this Higher Frequency, yes, and when we, {now Suzille is saying this, but we’ll say you}, when humanity grounds themselves, humanity is meant to be a grounding board. Because they are conscious. They are conscious of the planet, and they are conscious of the atmosphere, and they are conscious of the other planets. 

And so there are beings that are conscious, as well as beings that deeply love the Earth. Because there are beings that love the Earth deeply, but they are not conscious of those types of concepts, because they live in rural lands or agricultural lands, but they love the planet. And those are the ones that are the final grounders. Because they love the planet, and they will be able to pull in that Light and share it with the planet.

And those that have selfish needs and work against the planet, that frequency of Light will be too hard, too dangerous. It will disarticulate their selfish power over other’s needs. Because power over others is a low frequency, and power within is a very high frequency. 

So those that resonate to a power over others, they have a low frequency of consciousness. And so when that Higher Light comes in, they’ll get zapped, because it will be too strong for them. 

And they will be taken with the matrix to a baby planet to start over. Because there really is no death, just a next cycle. And when that cycle occurs as that matrix leaves, then only those that have truly loved the planet will be able to stay on the planet, because that is where they have always been.

Do you understand what we are saying by that?

Yes, the timing is interesting because a lot of this information is coming to Light on how this existence has functioned and what the aims and intentions have been and continue to be. I always had this optimism in my mind that surely they will all come to realize that, and I think the Arcturians, I think you’ve actually mentioned recently that they are being made aware that their actions have implications. And so in a way, they have been warned that if their ways continue, there will be consequences.

Sue/The Arcturians:
Because Energy out is Energy back.

Right, and I’ve always held his hope that knowing that, decisions would be made that would alter these intentions, and they would focus more upon the well-being because there is more power in love than fear.

Sue/The Arcturians:
There are some that will be able to shift out of that power over consciousness, but a large percentage of the people that have power over consciousness, they came to Earth from another planet and from another planet and from another planet.

And in a way, they are the destroyers and part of the………

Sue/The Arcturians:
What’s that noise, Shawnna?

Ha-ha. I guess that’s the alarm sounding (laugh). It’s my clock. That means time is up for them. That’s what that means.

Sue/The Arcturians:
Oh, OK good. Time is up for those who are selfish. 

But it doesn’t look that way. Especially in The United States, it doesn’t look that way. The United States was meant to be the flashpoint, and there is a major battle going on. And sometimes something really dark and scary has to happen to wake people up from, “Oh it’s all cool, it’s all fine.”  

No, it’s not all cool, it’s not all fine. There’s still plenty of darkness to be transmuted. And this transmutational process will occur within one who does not seek power within. 

Transmutation is a process that can only occur once a human has moved into the energy field of sharing and of healing and of energy out and remembering who you really are, remembering that you are also a Higher Dimensional Being. And there’s more frequencies to yourself than you see in the physical plane. 

And as humanity connects more and more with the Higher Frequencies of their own self, then they will be able to have that Fourth Dimensional perspective and that Fifth Dimensional perspective. 

And as that becomes more and more and closer to a majority, then the power withins will be able to take control. But, unfortunately, the power over others are in control within this now. Not everywhere, but in far too many places.

Well, I was going to say that kind of leads into my next question, which is how can we accelerate the process of the matrix being removed? I guess it’s a natural process as you’ve mentioned, but are we able to impact that in any way?

Sue/The Arcturians:
The Galactics are surrounding the planet. The Galactics are here to assist. However, Gaia is a free will planet, as we have said, and humanity has to ask for the assistance. They can pray to their God, they can ask the Galactics for assistance, and they can give service to others. 

And a lot of people are doing these things, but a lot of people are just barely surviving. And that is because the power over others have created societies in which too many people are placed out of the realm of assistance.

And until humanity is able to love humanity enough to do everything that they personally can do in their own fashion and many, many people are doing, but it isn’t 51 %. It has to be a bigger percentage in order to make that shift.

Do you understand what we are saying by that?

Yes, definitely. I wonder how far off we are?

Yes, that is something that we won’t share because that is something that humanity has to talk to each other and find out. And humanity has to listen for the Light, listen for the Love, and follow the Light, and follow the Love.

And when there is fear and when there is injustice, they need to stand up against it and say, “No, we will not participate in your fear. We will not participate in your injustice.”

And before people do that, they usually have to wait until it becomes extremely extreme.

And that is a glitch about humanity in the third dimension. And basically humanity will need the Galactics’ help. But that means that humanity is going to have to move beyond their belief that they are the most evolved beings and realize that they are choosing to wear a third dimensional vessel, but there are many others that wear fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and even higher dimensional vessels. And those beings can fix it, but they can’t fix it without the majority of the planet asking for help because it is a free will planet.

Well, interestingly enough, it feels like we’ve come full circle. Even back to when we first began this conversation, and we were having difficulties, and there was silence, so I had that chance to go within and explore that deeper message. 

It felt like it was, like you just mentioned, reaching those extremes that kind of catapult us into wanting to engage and make a difference and get on our feet and recognize that it is time.
This is the alarm sounding, and this is the extreme, and so it is time to not just listen, but participate.

Sue/The Arcturians:
Yes, and to get out of denial. 

You know, too many people live in denial. They see what they want to see, and they ignore what they don’t want to see. And as more and more people really allow themselves to see what is really occurring, then they will say, “Wait a second, this isn’t OK. I don’t want this to happen. What can I do to change? How can we work together to change this?”

And it’s that We, moving from Me to We. Moving from Me to We, and We includes the planet. 

If you look at the Native Americans and all the people, the farmers and the people that love Earth and the people that serve it, Weincludes the planet. They are all fully aware that everything in your body, it comes from something from the planet. Your physical body is made of the elements and elementals of the physical Earth. You are a chunk of Earth that has the consciousness of your Higher Dimensional Self. 

And so when that consciousness moves into all the areas of the chunk of Earth that is the body that you are wearing, then humanity begins to deeply remember and awaken. And awakening and remembering are the same because as you awaken you remember, and as you remember you awaken.

The Starships are ready. There is so much help. The Pleaidians are buzzing the planet on a regular basis, and they are talking to people on a regular basis.  We, the Arcturians, are talking to people on a regular basis and other Higher Beings, the Archangels and Ascended Masters and the Elohim. It’s just a matter of time…..and leaving time.

As long as people think in time, then they’re stuck in time, and they’re stuck in third dimensional time.

It’s the moving of the consciousness into the Now that allows one’s perceptions to leave time and to move into the Higher Frequencies of the Higher Fourth and Fifth Dimension that is not bound by time and exists within the Now of the One.

And I think that’s the perfect segue into one of our main focus points, which will be the power of the Here and Now. And I think since anyone who is listening to this conversation has probably reached that point to be awake and in that stage of remembering. We just want to remind everyone that they have a responsibility to contribute.

Sue/The Arcturians:
Yes, it is a responsibility. And that’s one of the first things that people realize when they begin to awaken. They realize that they have a responsibility to help this planet. This planet has lot of problems. They need to help it in some way.

And you don’t have to be a genius, you don’t have to be wealthy, and you don’t have to be any special person. Because the planet is made of everyday people. It’s an everyday planet, and everyday people in their everyday life can make much more of a difference than they can imagine. 

Absolutely. As we all focus on that power within, we recognize it. We are important, we have unique contributions to make, and together we will make a difference.

Sue/The Arcturians:
Yes, together. Together is the word, isn’t it? 
Yes, together as One, because we are One.

Well, thank you so much for speaking with us.

Did you have any final questions, Shawnna, or are you fine with the conversation as it is?

I think that wraps up an excellent conversation that’s really relevant for everyone to hear at this time. As always, we’re grateful for this guidance, and we have much to consider and think about and to act upon.

Sue/The Arcturians:
Yes, thank you so much to all and Blessings be to you all.

And we’re always here with you, and we have the doors to the fourth and the fifth dimension wide open, as well as the doors to our many Starships that resonate just beyond.

It’s part of the reason why the dark ones are so frightened and revving up their nefarious ways because they, too, know that We, the Higher Frequencies of reality, the Higher Frequencies of the people that are wearing an Earth vessel, are surrounding them. They are above them, and they are among them.


As you reflect upon PART II of the message, please share what draws your attention and let us know why. Share in the comments below!

Consider how you can share awareness and encourage others to ground into the planet in order to withstand higher frequencies and join Gaia in this transformation.

We also invite you to contribute to the process of planetary awakening by joining us for a live event on Friday (see details below). We are providing you with an opportunity to step up and into action. Learn more and register.

Power of Here and Now
LIVE Webinar with Dr. Suzanne Lie and the Arcturians

Friday, June 29, 2018
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time

Event Fee: $44.00

Register NOW
All registrants receive a free gift!

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Arcturian Conversation: When Light Strikes the Matrix

Darkest Night Before the Dawn
A Conversation with the Arcturians

PART I: When Light Strikes the Matrix

Can you say the question again so I can get back to that focus?

Oh, OK, well my first thought was that as we were trying to get the technology for this meeting going, it just fell silent for a few moments. That allowed me to have some quiet introspection. So I was aligning to my heart guidance and just calmly breathing and sitting. It felt like it was trying to make some point about the importance of what is happening now and putting things into perspective.

At least for me, personally, it felt like it was just this recognition….and this ties into that concept of the darkest night before the dawn that you just mentioned. It’s having an awareness to put the world into perspective as we face the challenges in our lives.

But, I also wondered, are we all just going through the motions and not really maybe most effectively flowing through these times that we call the darkest night before the dawn? What does that really mean for us, personally?

So the main question that I would like to address the Arcturians with is, “What does it mean the darkest night just before dawn?” 

Actually, yes, how that manifests around us, as well as within us.

Sue/The Arcturians:
The darkest night before dawn means that it is the Now for a shift in energy fields. And it’s something that is planetary because as the Sun first hits the planet, it hits different parts of the planet at different parts of time because the planet is moving. 

So this darkest night is just before dawn, and what that means is that the Light is coming. In order to be able to even perceive the light and then to accept the light, all of the darkest night/fear needs to become conscious because fear that is a secret from yourself is something that you can’t address. 

And fear, which many people think of as an enemy, is actually a warning that is there for your safety or it is that you are moving into a new territory of consciousness, thoughts, emotions, and creativity. 

You’re moving into territory that you have not moved into before. And so it is frightening because it is brand new. And as Gaia is moving through her darkest night and into the dawn, then humanity is also moving through their darkest night and into the dawn.

Now the darkest night means something different to probably just about every different person.

But there are groups of people and areas that represent their darkness. And what that darkness is, that’s the metaphor for change, and there is something that needs to change. And change is constant and continual.

Now this darkest night before dawn is a very deep change. It’s a change that has been in the darkness, which means that you have not known about this change completely. You have not prepared for this change. And so it feels dark because it is new, it is different, and you don’t know where it could take you.

But the dawn is the part of you. That Light, the Light inside you, meaning anyone who would listen to this message. That Light inside of you is giving you the OK, that it is alright now, you are strong enough to face this bit of darkness. You are evolved enough to move into that which had been the darkness in the past, but it was only darkness because you have not yet shone your Light upon it.

Do you understand what we are saying?

Yes, it sounds like there are many facets to it. Each within our own consciousness and also within the collective consciousness. I see manifestations of it in many ways and in many instances.

Sue/The Arcturians:
Yes, and if you were living on a planet, such as Venus, where the beings on the planet were pretty much on the same page, then it would be much easier. But Earth is a planet of great diversity and there are many, many different kinds of people in different places, and in order to turn the darkest night into the dawn, there needs to be a sense of unity. 

People can decide, “Ok, we determine this as darkness. This is what needs to be transmuted. And we want to put our Light onto this. But what is our Light, what is our individual Light, and how do we share our individual Light with others? And how do we merge our individual Light into collective Light?”

And this is the big challenge for Gaia.
You understand what we are saying, right? 

Yes, that’s quite an undertaking. I think this is an inherent part of the balancing of polarization. And also the resolving of duality?

Sue/The Arcturians
Yes……..and No.

Because just as different people have different races and different operating systems and different ways about thinking and perceiving, so does the planet.

Humanity has been so accustomed to having power over the planet that they forgot how to listen to the planet, to the collective, to everyone. And in order for a planetary shift to occur, then people need to move into the planet, move into the feelings of the planet. 
Because the planet is the great Unifier. Because all the different people come from very different places, different countries, different ages, different backgrounds. It’s practically impossible for all these different people to come together at the same.
It’s not like on the Pleiades where everyone has a pretty similar life and a pretty similar environment. Earth has been a jumping off point for many, many different people. And so the only way that people can unite is through the planet because that’s the only thing they have in common. That they all live on planet Earth.

Now then there is another part. There are people that are not able to think in terms of planet Earth as a living, growing being, and so they will not be able to participate in this because the only way to participate is to participate through the planet because that is the only Unifying source.

Do you understand what we are saying or would you like to say that in your own words so that others can also have an opportunity to think about how they’re thinking of it?
Yes, I think that is an important point, because it is a prerequisite to continue on the path of shifting from darkness to Light and recognizing that we are all part of this one collective consciousness, and the planet is our source of Light.   

Sue/The Arcturians:
Yes, and once humanity really deeply realizes that the planet is the source of Light, they would love and care for the planet which is notoccurring for most people. 
And, unfortunately, some of the most “civilized” people are the ones that take the least care of Gaia. And some of the people that are the most “primitive” are the ones who take the greatest care. 
And so those who are big and important and wealthy and famous need to commune with those who are simple and loving and caring about the actual planet, the actual place on which they live. And that is a very huge undertaking. 
Do you understand what we are saying by that? 
Absolutely, in my own personal journey, I think ~ and many of us ~ recognize the power and the groundedness and the beauty and just a reverence for life when we connect to planetary awareness and nature. And I’ve even heard that from testimonies of those who are aligned with what we call darker initiatives, that it was the nature aspect that turned them around and really made them realize that life is a gift, and there is an option to shift the focus to reverence and appreciation for life.
Sue/The Arcturians:
Yes, it’s actually asking each of the also very civilized humans to go back into their own primitive self, their own primitive self that sees that a tree is alive and that the ground is alive and that every animal is a being, and every animal is important.

And what happened is the modern man began to believe that they were more important than the planet, that they were more important, and that they could control or that they could invent or that they could make money or all of the things that are strictly third dimensional human things. 
And those third dimensional human things are not things that will aid planetary ascension at all, and they will not at all aid personal ascension, either. And one of the things that needs to happen, and it is a very difficult task, is those people that are unable to perceive the planet as a living being are going to have to be the people that will change. 
The sophisticated ones need to go back into their primitive self, and put their bare feet on the Earth, and look up at the sun, and enjoy the breeze, and realize that the most important thing you can do is something that will assist the planet and not something that would give you fame or wealth.  
And I think that’s an important point as we all consider what our contribution is. I know you’ve been teaching us the importance of empowerment and feeling like we have the ability to make a difference. And that’s the perfect approach to take, just embodying that reverence and sharing that truth with everyone that you meet in your unique way.
Sue/The Arcturians:
Yes, and it’s a difficult thing to do. Suzille has been doing it since the early eighties and, you know, how much shift has happened? Have people gotten better, have people gotten worse? I mean, some pretty horrific things have been happening that people have been doing. 
And it’s kind of getting to the extreme, like there are extremes to the good of life, and those are beings that have been really working to assist the planet and to have vehicles that don’t make pollution and save the Earth. But then there are people on the other extreme, and that other extreme is that it’s all about them. It’s all about people, I want, I want, I want. 
Eventually, they will be separate because those that place themselves above the planet live only on the matrix. And that’s why they can ignore the needs and desires of the planet, because they don’t live on the planet. And one day that matrix will separate from the planet, and the planet would not be able to ascend until that matrix is released. 
Would you like to comment on that, please?
Yes, so do you see that happening in a natural and organic way, as the frequency rises and that existence is unable to maintain a connection to the higher frequency?
Sue/The Arcturians:
Yes, that is definitely a part of it. It’s about getting majorities as opposed to minorities. There’s already a minority of people that live in that fashion. They love the planet and think about the planet and care for the planet. But it is definitely a minority.
And then there are those that are right on the edge of survival, and they are not trying to do anything negative to the planet for their own personal gain. They are just trying to find a way to survive and to have their family survive. 
And then the people that have the greatest amount of power are the people that have the most nefarious needs, and that is the primary issue. But those people don’t actually live on the planet. They live on the matrix. They live in their big fancy houses on their islands and all the different places that they live, and they separate themselves from the other people and from the planet. And it’s about their empowerment and their wealth.

And you were about to say something, please do.
Oh yes, what’s definitely a question of how it is possible to shift the power from those who are interested in power over, how we make that shift from those who do control the planet to a great extent. We feel powerless to make any change at all. 
So if we find ways to contribute and to grow that from a minority to a majority, we certainly will be doing a service to ourselves and the planet if we find ways in which we have the power to make that shift. Because I don’t think that that will willingly occur from the perspective of the matrix.
Sue/The Arcturians:
No - - - - Eventually that matrix will be struck, and that matrix will break and fall apart. But Gaia is a free will planet, and she is a loving planet, and she wants to try to heal these lost ones. 
But - - - - they won’t heal. Eventually Gaia will realize that they won’t heal. And eventually, and this is something that other people have spoken about, that eventually there will be like a ray of Light that will come, and the ray of Light is a frequency that is too high for the matrix, but it’s not too high of a frequency for the planet. 
Now the reason is, like when you have an industrial stove, it always needs to be grounded. If you have an industrial light, it always needs to be grounded. And so those that are grounded on the body of Gaia, they will be safe from this frequency of Light that will hit because they are grounded. 

But those that live on the matrix and seek power over and don’t care about the planet and live in greed and avarice and don’t care about others, they are not grounded. They are living on the matrix.
And this Light will hit the matrix. It will break the matrix, and then those that inhabit the matrix will be taken off with the matrix.
And then Gaia, the planet, will be able to begin her process of transmutation into the Higher Frequencies. 

As you reflect upon PART I of the message, please share what stands out for you and let us know why. Share in the comments below!

Consider how you can share awareness and encourage others to ground into the planet in order to withstand higher frequencies and join Gaia in this transformation.

We also invite you to contribute to the process of planetary awakening by joining us for a live event on Friday (see details below). We are providing you with an opportunity to step up and into action. Learn more and register.

Power of Here & Now

LIVE Webinar with Dr. Suzanne Lie & the Arcturians

Friday, June 29, 2018

11:00 AM – 12:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time

Event Fee: $44.00

Unable to attend live? No problem! Go ahead and register,

and we will be pleased to share the recording with you.

*Free gift for all participants!