Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Our Promise to Gaia - The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

One day, a very normal person was walking
On the body of Gaia when…

Suddenly, an energy wave flowed into her HEART and MIND 
And, also, surrounded her Body.

This energy wave seemed to affect her
And even seemed to transmute her via the AIR 



Suddenly, she was no longer “just a human.”
Within that NOW she became Gaia’s EARTH

She was Gaia’s Land and Trees.
She even became Gaia’s Sun

Unexpectedly, she became ONE
With Gaia’s Water

Within That Same NOW she felt the FIRE of Gaia’s Body
Ignite Her Earthly Core

Beyond Her control, but totally within Her desire,
She was ONE with ALL life.

Within the earthly body she had worn her entire life,
She WAS the Body of Gaia!

She could feel her human body, not as “just as one body of just one person.” Within that moment of the NOW, she KNEW that her individual, human body was ONE with Gaia’s collective, planetary body.

For an endless moment of No-Time, she experienced herself as being a planet. All she could do was fall to the EARTH, that she had become, to cry rivers of Gaia’s WATER, until a FIRE of life ignited within her core.

Slowly, she arose. As she stood tall within the knowing of her true being, she took a long, deep breath of Gaia’s sweet AIR. As she exhaled, she heard a deep inner voice say,

“I AM Gaia! I am within your personal body, and you are within my planetary body.

“Within this NOW we—person and planet—are ONE!

“Therefore, just as you must learn, and/or remember, how to treat me with Unconditional Love. You must also learn, and/or remember, how to treat your self with Unconditional Love.

“Dear humans of my planetary body, I ask you NOW,
‘How can you give away what you do not possess within your self?’
“In order to give away Unconditional Love, you must first have it towards your self.

“But what is Unconditional Love?”
I, your Earth Mother, hear you ask.

“Beloved humans, you were meant to be the protectors of my Earthly body, I know that I NOW speak to those who have chosen to take an earth vessel, not because you needed to clear your own, human karma.
NO, I speak to you my dear humans who know me as your Beloved Earth Mother.

“What I say to you, dear humans, is that YOU were meant to be the “Keepers of MY Land,” and the great cetaceans were meant to be the “Keepers of MY Water.” Dear humans, I speak to you NOW to remind you of the promise that you made before you took your humanoid form.

“I, your Mother Earth, remind YOU that you are to be the “Keepers of My Land.”
Can you experience how my Earth has created a form for you?
Can you feel how my Air fills your lungs to allow your earth vessel to breathe?
Can you realize how my Fire creates the synapses of your nervous system?
Can you remember that your body is filled with, and must drink, Water to remain alive?

I AM your Mother Earth and YOU ARE my children.
Love me as unconditionally as I love you, so that you can fulfill the promise that you made before you took your earth vessel, which was…





Can WE Make that same promise NOW?

(all pictures by Suzanne Lie)


  1. I, Suzanne Lie, promise promise to treat Gaia as my Beloved Mother. I promise to respect and protect Her Earth, Air, Fire, and Water.

    I vow that, together, we, person and planet, will ascend as ONE BEING into the fifth dimension!

  2. And so it is Dear Ones, and so it is๐Ÿ˜

    1. Thank you so for your decree,
      I thank you and Gaia thanks you

    2. I, Jason McNabb, Promise to treat Gaia as My Beloved Mother. I Promise to Respect and Protect Her Earth, Air, Fire and Water.

      I Vow that, Together,We, Person and Planet, Will Ascend as ONE BEING into the Fifth Dimension!

    3. Yes. Thank You for ALL that you Do Dear One

  3. I Susan Lindsey McCabe, promise to treat Gaia as my Beloved Mother. I promise to respect and protect Her Earth, Air, Fire and Water.I vow that together, we, person and planet will ascend as ONE BEING into the fifth dimension.

    1. Thank yo so Susan for your wonderful Vow,
      I thank you and Gaia thanks you

  4. When can we expect the ascension to occur?

    1. When our consciousness and perceptions resonate to the fifth dimension.sue

    2. I,Muhammad A.Shakur,promise to treat Gaia as my beloved mother.I promise to respect her and protect her Earth,Air,Fire,and Water.
      I vow that together,We,personal and planet,will ascend as One being into the fifth dimension.

  5. I, Nelsy Martinez, promise to treat Gaia as my beloved mother. I promise to respect her and protect her Earth, Air, Fire and Water. I vow that, together, we person and planet, will ascend as One Being into the Fifth Dimension!

  6. I remember my connection with Mother Gaia and lovingly accept the dissolution of all separation with Gaia and all beings of Gaia. Together we lift vibration further remembering we are all one. Peace to all.

  7. Thank you all for doing your part however large or small you may think it is...know that it is your heart that is being heard and that collectively we are making a difference. I can be found walking the beach and sending healing thoughts to our ocean waters and the creatures of the deep who are being affected by Fukushima...it is with gratitude that I am part of the clean up crew...I know that I know that things are turning around for the better...staying in high vibration is challenging but it is necessary...I have been blessed with a 3 day work week which allows me to do research and do my "drive bys" ie my beach healing walks...Again, thank you and may you be as blessed as I am...unconditional love to all...sincerely EJ

  8. I Michael crofts promise to treat Gaia as my beloved mother. I promise to respect and protect her earth, air, fire and water.
    I Vow that together We, Person and Planet will Ascend as One Being into the Fifth Dimension!

  9. I do.

    Gratitude and Love.

  10. I Wendy Gulley promise to treat Gaia as my Beloved Mother. I promise to respect her and to protect her Earth, Air, Fire and Water. I vow that together we person and planet will ascend as ONE being into the Fifth Dimension. And So Be It.

  11. I, Barbara Comerford, promise to treat Gaia as my Beloved Mother. I promise to respect her and to protect her Earth, Air, Fire and Water. I vow that together, we, person and planet, will ascend as ONE Being into the Fifth Dimension.
    I consciously, in this Now moment, send the Light of God within me to bless our precious Mother Earth and all life upon her, and I promise to hold my Light for the New Earth to emerge for the highest good of all.
    I Am Word through this intention. And So It Is.

  12. Thank you Suzanne, for the light and the love that you shine in this world. Your work is a blessing to all of us, as one by one, we are all coming into our awakening of the truth of all that is...and to the truth of Who We Are! Namaste.

  13. I, Daniela Castro Promise to treat Gaia as my beloved mother. I promise to respect her and to protect her Earth, Air, Fire and Water. I vos that together, we, person and planet will ascend as ONE being into the fifth Dimension. YES I DO IN THIS AN ALL THE NOWS! Namaste. Blessings Suzanne!

  14. I, Branka Valcic, promise to treat Gaia as my Beloved Mother. I promise to respect and protect Her Earth, Air, Fire and Water.
    I vow that, together, we, person and planet will ascend as ONE BEING into the Fifth Dimension!
