Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Your Perceptions of Reality -- An Arcturian Lesson


Your Perceptions of Reality

An Arcturian Lesson

Dear grounded expressions of your SELF, the physical structure of form in this quadrant of space is preparing to burst into the higher frequencies of spirit. By ‘spirit’ we mean that which is infused with the light of creation.

This light of creation serves as a higher dimensional palette upon which thought can be projected and enlivened by the ‘colors’ of emotion. The Arcturian’s galactic service is to be of assistance whenever a transmutational moment comes into the NOW of any quadrant of space.

We have many ways in which we facilitate your process of “return to SELF.” The greatest challenge is that un-informed humans may perceive the transmutation into lightbody as a form of ‘death.’ They do not understand that death is merely a release from the 3D matrix of illusion.

In fact, this release from the matrix is actually a bi-location. We remind you that nothing can die within the multiverse, but it can transmute into a higher or lower frequency of expression. As we have said, the consciousness of humanity is about to transmute into higher frequencies of expression that resonate beyond the illusion of time.          

With the completion of this transmutation, you will experience myriad realities within the ONE of the NOW. You will then realize that you can maintain a conscious awareness of more than one of your higher dimensional realities while you still maintain and/or wear an earth vessel.

Unfortunately, many humans are still so attached to the physical reality they have known as real for myriad incarnations that they resist the process of transmutation.

The power of this resistance creates a waver in the energy field of transmutation. This waver stalls the transmutational event in a manner that frozen moments of lower frequency reality are created.
Those who are afraid to allow a smooth transmutation of their higher expressions of reality will become trapped in those frozen moments of 3D time. Thus their perceptions will remain limited to the third dimension, and they we not be able to experience the impending transmutation into the higher frequency realities.

Because they have chosen the path of fear rather than the path of unconditional love, they will cling onto the “known” and fear that their reality is being deconstructed.  Conversely, those who have chosen the path of unconditional love have released the shackles of time and eagerly accept change.

Hence, the path that was perceived as destruction through the eyes of fear is perceived through the eyes of love as constructing a pathway into higher dimensions of reality.

Thus, while the inhabitants of these frozen moments cling to their physical version of life and believe that all around them is being lost, the transmuting ones are creating a perceptual pathway to fifth-dimensional New Earth. 

The inhabitants of the frozen moments may even believe that they are the final ones to survive what they perceive as destruction. Those who are resistant to change will no longer be on the third dimensional matrix, as that matrix will no longer exist.

However, they will not be able to believe, conceive or perceive the fifth dimensional reality. Thus, they will bravely settle in to their lower fourth dimensional version of reality.

Due to the belief patterns of the inhabitants, this lower dimensional reality will be filled with fear. However, it will allow those who have lived a life of selfishness, power over others, anger and/or cruelty the need to work with others in order to survive.

In this manner, the frightened victims and victimizers of the frozen moments both have a reason to care for others, find their power within, and allow the sadness and fear, which was the basis of their lives, to be released.  

We perceive these ‘islands of resistance to transmutation’ as hospitals in which those who cannot accept change can experience more of the illusion of time to prepare for the transmutation of darkness and fear into light and love.

 Most of these lost ones fear change because of their own unresolved trauma. As they resolve their inner trauma by assisting others, their fear can be healed and released.

Fortunately, there are many who are more than ready to release their fear and return to their innate unconditional love. This release of fear, resolved or not, will lighten their consciousness more than they can imagine.

Those who are still bound to the third-dimensional paradigm believe that it takes a long "time" to heal trauma. However, since time no longer exists in the fifth-dimensional matrix, the release of trauma is instant.

On the other hand, while the lost ones’ consciousness is attached to the time-bound, 3D matrix, even transmutation takes time. Time was put into lower matrix realities so that the inhabitants could slow down their process of creation to understand exactly how thoughts and emotions combine into ONE thought-form to create portals.

These portals are two-way in that they allow their creators to enter and/or leave any given reality. Many of our volunteers for ascension are taking time to heal their lower frequency experiences within ‘past, present or future’ lives.

In this manner they can learn to assist those who are so lost in darkness that they cannot perceive the light. When they move through time to heal what they perceive as other lives, they will begin to understand that time is a third-dimensional illusion.

The breaking down of the NOW into time is similar to one of your motion pictures. There are many individual pictures strung together on a long film to which the light of the pictures can adhere.

When this film travels very fast, the pictures blur into one motion picture. Of course, in your present reality, film is no longer needed and many motion pictures stream through a ‘cloud’ to invisibly move from one computerized device to another.

Those trapped in time are similar to the motion pictures in that something is in-between every picture. This something in-between causes time. When a ‘movie’ is streaming through a ‘cloud,’ which is of a frequency that is not perceptible to third dimensional perception, the physical devices can easily capture that frequency of light and display the moving picture on the view screen of that device.

In the same manner, your consciousness can capture the ‘motion pictures’ of fifth dimensional reality, but it can only do so if your perception is calibrated to the frequency that can capture those light images. Of course, if you believe that perceiving the fifth dimension is not possible, then it will become impossible.

Fortunately, once you believe that you can expand your consciousness into the higher frequency of perceptions, you can calibrate your mind to the fifth-dimensional ‘cloud.’ Once your consciousness is calibrated to the frequency of the cloud that is transferring the moving pictures of fifth dimensional earth, you will begin to project this ‘movie’ onto your inner mind screen. 

If you believe that you can calibrate your consciousness to receive images from the fifth dimension, you will move towards that possible reality. In the same manner, if you believe that a fearful event will occur, your consciousness will seek out that possible reality.

What you must remember now in preparation for fifth-dimensional New Earth is that your every thought and emotion creates the picture/reality that you paint on your reality screen. In this manner, you create that which you perceive and perceive what you have created. In fact, in the higher dimensional realities, creation and perception are the same concept.

You create your reality by the perceptions to which you choose to attend, and you perceive the reality that you created with your thoughts and emotions. Even while holding an earth vessel, unconditional love expands your consciousness enough to allow you to capture higher dimensional ‘motion pictures’.

Unconditional love also has the innate power to realign what is out of alignment with your highest intention. Once aligned with your highest intentions you are a clear corridor through which higher frequency information can flow.

Unconditional love, which is the healing force of the multiverse, reveals that most dis-ease is due to misalignment with the higher dimensions of reality. Fortunately, even that which is calibrated to a lower dimension can be pulled into alignment with the ONE via the power of unconditional love.

When you are in alignment with the ONE, there is no “time,” as you live in the NOW. Within the NOW, you are infinitely connected with all the expressions of your Multidimensional SELF.

Hence, your Multidimensional SELF can chose to visit the lower frequencies, much as one would visit a university of learning. What YOU wanted to learn in this “University of Earth” was how to ascend a planet without destruction.

Unfortunately, many of you fell out of alignment with the NOW of your SELF and became lost within the third dimensional paradigm of time and separation. That is when you began to forget that you are a being of light that cannot be harmed in any manner by the illusions of a lower frequency reality.

The third dimension is similar to an old-fashioned movie theater where light from the back of the theater carried the moving pictures to be displayed on the screen. If you were to stand between that screen and the projected light, the moving picture would project onto you.

These projections of light could not hurt you unless you had the fearful thought that the moving pictures could harm you. Since what you think and feel is projected onto the matrix of the 3D hologram, your concerned thoughts and fearful emotions could actually create a version of reality in which you do suffer harm.

In fact, it was in this manner that the lightbodies of our away team became so absorbed with the lower dimensional pictures that they believed they were the frequency of the screen rather than the frequency of the projected light that was projected onto the screen.

Then, they began to believe that they WERE the character in the movie rather than the light that created the character. Since your belief greatly influences your perceptions, it is vital that you consciously chose and adhere to positive, loving beliefs.

·      Your belief greatly influences your thoughts and emotions.
·   Your thoughts and emotions create the thought-forms that are the “envelopes” for your daily       experiences.
·      Your daily experiences set you state of consciousness.
·      Your state of consciousness affects your thoughts and emotions,
·      Which become the thought-forms that continue to create your reality.
·      Higher states of consciousness create higher dimensional thought-forms.
·      And lower states of consciousness create lower dimensional thought-forms.

In other words, what you think about, you bring about. And, the emotions that you allow to live within you greatly influence your state of consciousness. Then, your state of consciousness sets your perceptions, AND the reality you perceive is the reality you live.

Which reality do YOU choose to perceive?

(Dear Readers,
I mean that question literally. I would love if YOU would write in the comments the reality that you wish to perceive. The more people that collectively choose to perceive a given reality--the greater chance there is that WE can create that reality. In other words, we create the reality we wish to perceive by stating that it IS the reality that we wish to perceive.

PS, I did not mean to chose this YouTube, but I can't delete it, so I will leave it for the NOW. 
I just watched this YouTube. It is an example of how are "mistakes" can just be our higher consciousness giving us a message.)


  1. In One of my dreams/visions last night the rocks/mountains were alive, conscious, vibrating energy and I was interacting with it/them! The reality that I have been in-vision-ing is One where All realize/experience that All are connected, where we realize we are One, One with each other, One with Gaia, One with source/God. As the vibration/frequency of the All rises All are healthy, All are abundant, All Love and are Loved. We (humans and animals)only desire to eat/consume at first plants then light. We re-unite with our galactic families. We experience ourselves and each other as the beings of LOVE and LIGHT that WE truly ARE. Spirit In Matter! God Made Manifest! Heaven On Earth!

  2. I choose to believe and understand that I am a being of light and love forever connected and a part of Source in unconditional love. We are all divine beings who are awakening, at whatever pace, and breaking through to our higher selves and perception. We are anchoring in an era of abundance, love, and peace. On earth as it is in heaven! <3

  3. om nama om
    ITALIAN TRANSLATIONS from here or the site
    ask by email to :sosoneworld1@gmail.com

  4. I Am choosing to percieve life without dis-ease. A life of health, strength and vitality. I believe I can heal. I am healing. By aligning and tuning in to higher conciousness.

    1. Also this is the first place I've ever shared that Belief and Intent.

    2. Thank you so much for sharing. Words have power and so do we.

  5. I choose a reality of freedom and unconditional love where I/We can do what I/We enjoy and not-do what we don't - where neither lack nor loss nor punishment nor missing out nor misunderstanding nor being misunderstood nor ... can happen to Me/Us, and without having to explain or justify anything.

    A reality where I/We can stop doing something "because I need to in order to" or "in order to avoid".

    A reality where I/We can "let my dogs roam freely", without anything bad happening to them or through them.

    Thank you, Sue, for all your posts! They helped me a lot during the past years.

    1. Freedom and Unconditional Love
      Blessings for that world.

  6. Ik wish to receive a reality that is totaly FREE en Abundant in everthing. Where People have come back to themselves en have opened their hearts, respect themselves and eachother. Where LOVE reigns ... All are sheltered, All are Loved, All are healthy, all have all the food they need... Where Free energy is fact and also that we have started to work with our brothers and sisters from the stars. In the outer and in the inner...

  7. I choose to perceive a world of Unconditinal Love and Joy between all the creatures that are inhabiting Mother Earth. That Gaia may be the shiniest planet and sending forth a bright energy of Love and Peace throughout the universe. That Gaia may be most exciting and beautiful fairyland.

  8. We choose a 5th dimensional reality of unconditional love...Thank you Sue...

    1. I choose a 5th dimensional reality of unconditional love, were people respect...themselves, others (old and young, and of all color and religious beliefs) , where all respect animals, plants and our beautiful planet. Where people live with compassion for one another and a relality where we are all one.

  9. I choose to perceive a world, or should I say, an entire universe that there darkness no longer exists. An universe in which whenever a being projects him/her into lower dimensional worlds, he/she will never get lost and trapped in the roles he/she plays, in the duality like what we've been through on Lady Gaia. The entire universe can transmute all darkness into light, so beings and their all expressions can always connect with Source, and ultimately return to Source. There are no more "Dark Lords", and all beings have come to the realization that it's just a role that they choose to play, and decide to forgive one another with unconditional love.

    Incarnations after incarnations, many of us have chosen to experience what darkness is like, what it feels like to be completely separated from Source. In some incarnations, we gradually wake up and return to the light; in others, we failed. And during this current incarnation, we've understood enough via our myriad incarnations that these brothers/sisters who are so trapped in the roles they play miss home as well no matter what may look like in the appearance. A home we call Source, a place where we used to enjoy each others' laughter and company, singing with each other till our heart's content. I really grow tired of not being able to bring them home, having to wait incarnation after incarnation. I really hope this incarnation will be it. And I know well enough that this impatience which might accumulate during each incarnation has made me feel the escalating rage toward the majority of the people who are still so "resistant to change" and unwilling to cooperate. If there were more people waking up, the critical mass would've been achieved by now. Gaia would be free by now, those brothers/sisters would be home by now, and the life on this planet would be improved to a significant degree by now. But ironically, my parents are among these people, and they are the very reason why I'm still hanging on. They are really lovely parents, but I so pine for that they can find out the being I actually am. Walking this path is too harsh, especially when you are alone. Literally no one can relate to or even talk to in daily life. I can only find consolation in my imagination. Maybe in other reality, the path is much easier and less lonely. And that's actually very comforting to know that myself in other reality has a wonderful life. So far I can only imagine a better life for me to carry on this path in other reality. I know I may feel lonely, angry and disappointed toward people who are not willing to cooperate, but will I feel the same way when I finally regain full consciousness? To finally KNOW for sure that there are other of my expressions who live in happiness, or even to find out that people who are currently unwilling to help in the liberation process turn out to have other incarnations that have sent so much love and light to Gaia. It will no doubt be a drastic and ultimate change of how I perceive the world. The anger, the loneliness, and all the negative feelings might be healed once for all. I'm not sure, but I hope during that NOW, I can be wiser enough to make every decision, without zero or less negative feelings. Right now I think it's natural to feel upset because the life we want is not there yet, but will we still feel the same way? Hard to say, but if we never jump down the cliff of full consciousness, we will never have the chance to find out.

    1. Thanks for sharing your perception. Yes, it is the NOW to take that jump.

  10. oh yes, I choose to perceive a world full of dancers, painters, everything everyone needs is available in a blink of an eye, there is no money, but thought-emotion forms filled with love and the knowing that WE are ALL ONE and ONE is taking care, We are dancing in the streets, tears flowing down my face... in love Marie

  11. Great message! Thank you Suzanne!
    Romanian translation:

  12. Great message! My favourite reality - It was my 5th birthday and my birthday wish was to see a butterfly. My mother took me on a picnic, and I remember running through the meadow there, and as I ran along in complete joy, thousands of tiny blue butterflies flew up to greet me. I would love to repeat that day with other children around me to experience that same joy that I felt. For us to truly interact with all nature, animal and plant life, for our days to be as warm and sunny as we wish them to be, and filled with love for each other, as Spirit intended.
