Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Reading Light Language--Our Galactic Family



Our Galactic Family -through Sue Lie

2017 The Year of Light Language

It is the NOW to remember that YOU are the Creators of your reality. It is the NOW to release ALL victimization, self-pity, competition, and ALL your power over ANY person, place, or thing.

2017 is the Year in which you volunteered to remember your SELF, or miss the bus. Some do not even know there is a “Bus,” and others would not take that “bus,” even if it stopped, opened the door, and waited for them.

2017 is a Year of Decisions

Once you realize how much power of manifestation you have within this frequency of reality, you will need to grow up VERY quickly in order to face and fulfill your huge responsibilities. The 3D is no longer a trial run into the experience of physical manifestation. The 3D is becoming the when in which you remembered who, what and where you used to be.

2017 is the Year of Remembering your SELF

It is the year in which you have the opportunity to remember how to BE who you ARE!
It is also the year in which you must find the courage to BE who you ARE!

In other words, 2017 is the year in which you finally give yourselves permission to love your SELVES Unconditionally.

Before this NOW, love was still tainted with the conditions of polarity and separation. 2017 is the Year in which you will begin to remember that YOU ARE HERE NOW!!

In other words, 2017 is the year in which you will move into the ever-present NOW of the fifth dimension and beyond. What does the “Ever Present NOW mean? You likely don’t know! 2017 is the year in which you will REMEMBER the NOW!

2017 is the year to Remember Light Language

The perception of Light Language begins by remembering your innate ability to perceive energy fields. Please remember that all reality is actually patterns of energy that temporarily interact to create the NOW of every given moment.

These patterns of energy are multidimensional. Some of these patterns are first created within the third dimension and may or may not make their way up into the higher frequencies of reality.

On the other hand, some of these energy patterns are “ascending,” which means that the energy seems to have arisen from the third dimensional physical world and then “climbed or flowed” into the higher dimensions of reality.

These ascending patterns of energy connect with the “descending” energy patterns that arise in the highest frequencies of reality and have found their way into the physical reality. When an ascending energy pattern meets a descending energy pattern, something very special occurs.

The ascending pattern merges with the descending pattern to create a two-way circuitry, like an escalator in a store, where humanity can chose to go up the “escalator” and simultaneously observe the energy patterns going down the “escalator.” This point of perceptions also works in reverse, in that the energy patterns going down the escalator can observe the energy patterns going up the escalator.

When the ascending and descending patterns interact, the “time” that it takes to go up or down transmute into the NOW of simultaneously descending and ascending. It is the simultaneous intermingling of the ascending and descending energy fields that short circuit your customary perception of reality.

Before you “fooled" your 3D brain by simultaneously perceiving “opposite realities,” you could only perceive your third dimensional “time/space” reality. OR, you could meditate and close your eyes to perceive the new, higher dimensional energy fields that are assisting you to expand your consciousness.

It is the blending of the ascending and descending energy fields, the simultaneous perceptions of the third dimensional and multidimensional perceptions of reality, that expand your perceptions into the fifth dimensional energy field of the “Here/Now.”

Remember that time and space are illusions of the third dimension. These illusions are based on your state of consciousness, and on what you are doing while you are experiencing your third dimensional perception.

Since your third dimensional perceptions are based on time and space, they will appear to be outside of you in space, and they will seem to only exist in your perceptual field for a certain amount of “time.”

On the other hand, there are many fifth dimensional, timeless events, which are, and have been, occurring within the NOW, of which you were unaware. You are unaware of that NOW because your conscious perceptions are locked in third/fourth dimensional time.

It is only via your fifth dimensional, sensory perceptions that you can perceive a timeless event that infinitely exists. However, you may suddenly “catch a glimpse” of the fifth dimension with your third/fourth dimensional sensor preceptors, which you will likely identify as a brief experience.

Therefore, it is not that you are just NOW perceiving the waves of Higher Light coming into the atmosphere of Gaia, but it is that you are just NOW remembering that you had a fifth dimensional perception.

Time-bound, third dimensional perceptions are easily stored in your third dimensional brain. But it will take a return to your higher dimensional consciousness before your 5D timeless perception can finally come online with the circuitry of your primarily, third dimensional brain.

Since 97% of your brain was always there, but offline to your 3D consciousness, the 3% of your brain and DNA that was activated was only able to perceive third dimensional energy fields.

What you are now beginning to perceive as fifth dimensional New Earth, was always a frequency of Gaia, just as your unseen, fifth dimensional Lightbody was always a frequency of your human earth vessel.

Within this NOW, more of you are expanding your daily consciousness to encompass fifth dimensional perceptions. It is for this reason, that there are more and more reports of fifth dimensional Starships, as well as other fifth dimensional perceptions.

The reason why the term “awakening” is so often associated with the term “ascension” is because you were always and innately a fifth dimensional Lightbody and Gaia was always and innately a fifth dimensional Lightplanet.

Just as your oven may go up to 500 degrees, but you never used that intensity of heat, your body and your planet always had a “fifth dimensional dial,” but only the Ascended Masters learned how to use it. However, as the fifth dimensional and beyond Light is entering your Crown Chakra, it is activating the memory of your fifth dimensional desires and perceptions.

Then, as the Higher Light settles into the Third Ventricle of your brain, it calls for all the “unconscious information” that you stored in the energy field of your body to travel down into the Core of Gaia to be fully grounded.

Once that Higher Light is fully grounded, it can return into your First Chakra and travel up your spinal column, chakra-by-chakra, to merge with the ongoing energy fields that are constantly flowing into your Crown Chakra.

Then, when your third dimensional body is fully grounded in the Core of Gaia, and all the higher dimensional translation devices that are stored in each of your chakras are activated, your fifth dimensional Lightbody Self will begin to awaken within your third/fourth dimensional earth vessel.

Within that NOW you will become an opened portal for the Higher Light that you are allowing to flow through your vessel and into the Core of Gaia to be grounded. Once that higher dimensional/frequency light is grounded, it will “turn on” your ability to understand and to project the Light Messages out into your reality.

As more and more Human Portals ground and project the Light Messages of the higher frequencies of light into your reality, the baseline “state of consciousness” will raise for all humanity who are ready to accept it.

Unfortunately, there are still many humans who are unable to accept the Higher Light messages because they are unable to release their addiction to the third dimensional, and/or they have not yet completed Gaia’s third dimensional lessons “energy out equals energy back” and/or transmuting Separation into Unity.

Therefore, we call on all of our ascending ones to assist those who have not yet been able to perceive and accept the messages of the Higher Light. Not only would you be assisting a fellow human, you would also greatly assist Gaia.

Please remember the third dimensional lessons of: “the illusion of separation,” “the choice of power over others vs power within,” and “the lesson of recognizing and transmuting third dimensional illusions into fifth dimensional Truths.

Time is also an illusion of the third dimension, as well as “power over others.” In fact, “power over” does not exist in the fifth dimension, which is transmuted into “power within.” Once one feels their own “power within” there is no desire or intention to have “power over” others.

Power over others, is one of the many third dimensional distortions of a fifth dimensional concept. When you first began to read, you could easily miss the meaning of the whole story because you became involved in learning how to read each word.

In the same manner, when you first begin to perceive the fifth dimensional frequencies of reality, you may only be able to focus on one component of your entire experience.

When you learned to walk and talk, you did so one step, and one word, at a time. Hence, as you “leave time” to experience the flow of fifth dimensional communications, it may feel overwhelming. Therefore, step-by-step allows you to firmly ground your experiences as you go along.

Perhaps you feel safe swimming in a small pool, but swimming a huge ocean is too threatening. Therefore, just as you stay in the shallows of the ocean until you feel more confident, you will stay on the threshold of the fifth dimension until you feel more confident.

Your initial experiences of fifth dimensional reality are best left to your “imagination.” Your third dimensional thinking has no words to express your fifth dimensional experiences. Hence, accept that you can share your experience by sharing the thoughts and emotions that flowed through you while you were within that experience.

Your innate, fifth dimensional language is NOT separated into separate words, or even separate concepts. In fact, fifth dimensional communication merges into your being like a lovely picture or a memory. You will experience that communication more like “communing!”

Hence, we, your Galactic Family, wish to show you a picture that our channel received as a picture, drew as a picture, then last summer, she was instructed to place a short sentence to assist her to remember how to “read” the picture.

We invite you to “read” what the picture says to you in the comment section of this blog. In this manner you can “practice your Light Language.” You may, or may not, receive the same message that is written on the picture.

From time-to-time, one page at a time, Suzille will put up the pictures in the order in which she illustrated it. At the bottom of each picture are the “words” that she heard from the picture. We ask that each of you put YOUR words that you hear in the comment section of the blog.

In this manner, you can all see and understand how each of you is creating your own story that speaks to you on each page. All of your “individual” stories will be in the same comments section so that you can read your “collective” experience of each picture.

Please remember that every communication, in which a person shares their perception of that picture, is a reminder that you all see the same reality through a different perspective. The merging of those “separate” perspectives prepares you all for the deep unity consciousness of the fifth dimensional frequency of reality.
I decided to turn my perception around
to perceive reality from a new perspective.

We would love you to participate in this exercise by writing what this picture says to you in the comments section. Remember there is no "right" or "wrong" perception. There is "your" perception. As we all remember to trust our new incoming fifth dimensional perceptions, we can share them with others. We are entering a new frequency of reality with a new manner of communication.

Each of us will see this new frequency of reality in our own way. Thus, much as we need to learn a new language when we move to a different country, we will need to learn a new language, which is a collective-imagistic language, as we move into a new dimension. 

Who will teach us this language?
Our own Higher SELF

Thank You 


  1. As I look at the same picture at a different NOW, I see that male, female, animals and humans are all inter-twined within a "moment of perception."

    1. When our their eye is open, we see true answer to the question all on the planet ask at some point in our lives. Why are we here. When our eyes are opened the answer is revealed. We are all connected,above below us lower beings and the higherself, plants, animals, micro organisms, aliens, and multi dimensional being. There is an olive branch in the photo, this is the universal symbol for peace. The message to me is, we are responsible for bringing peace to the planet and therefore save all of its living beings.

    2. I see a pained trampled on earth, there's a foot over a fish too. The plants are still trying to grow towards the light. Above is a new golden age where all is well, healthy, happy, loved .

    3. Self observing self integrated in nature. That is what it is to me at this time.
      Thank you so much for your presence.

  2. I see how two expressions of self glance over each other how each other are doing their own thing.

  3. and now i see how a human self and a higher self are looking at each other to see how they do

    1. Dear Denis
      Thank you for both your Light Language Readings

    2. The picture tells me "we Love you, you are not alone; Love yourself and don't be too serious"

  4. 'What is below is the same as above'. And above is the Source of Light radiating, and below its creation and its creatures resonating ...

  5. Hi Suzanne. Thank you and blessings for all that you share.

    I see an egg timer filled of the male female polar energies, they meet the compression zero point, at the mouth area symbolizing communication. And further suggesting that the final climax of union of those polar energies is a zero point stillness in full harmonic communion

    Mag Blessings and Thanks Sue

  6. From my email
    Our Solar Gateway is 'stepping down' (filtering) and sending us awakening Light from the Central Sun. First, the Portal(s) are opened and then the 'personality' of the shift permeates the flow. The multidimensional 'personality' imbues Gaia (through her Elementals) with a new healing program, and we see and experience the result through our fifth dimensional Planetary Consciousness.

  7. Hi Sue' I see As above, So below..Keith

    1. looking down at the new energies to rise i Am open and ready to receive

  8. the words that came to me: Hi, who are you? Nice to meet you!
    Blessings, Irina

    1. Oh, I sooo cannot wait to hear those words from the Galactics

  9. The words that came to me were: I am Gaia.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  10. The initial perception I have is "distortion to clarity". Sight is restored to see all of the beauty of Earth and Creation.

  11. The higher self above overlooking aspects of its creation as human, animal, plants ... infinite possibilities

  12. Replies
    1. wonderful that several people see the same picture within their own "imagination." That shared perception is part of Light Language
      thanks everyone for your participation

  13. DO YOU want pure light and love ? read

    INFINITE SPIRIT tell me :it is your duty
    to remind the immense importance of this concept to all ones
    called on duty ,awake ,responsible :
    as people are hypnotized and sleepy and give to your(alexalfa ashton'S) personal words and messages a zero value(no value actually ) you have to use the channelling coming from SUZAN LIE :
    here :
    this situation that you are moving through is actually a training ground for you. You are moving into all the difficulties, challenges, and fears of that process of letting go of life as you know it, and letting go of EVERYTHING YOU THOUGHT WAS REAL.....

    alex : so why keep on using old comfor-easy-painless OLD CONCEPTS,HIERARCHIES, SYSTEMS, Doctrines AND SIMILAR ENERGIES ??
    first answer yourself
    not me
    i know enough about

    perspectives are infinite

  15. As above so below,

  16. Unity consciousness we are all the one experiencing our self as spiritual beings in human form. That's what I got from the picture. Thank you sue I appreciate you

  17. Meet me where I am... I meet you where you are too, So. (Don't obliterate this)

  18. Hello suzanne I perceive the two dimensions, above the fifth and below the third, above the being that lives in that dimension is distended, smiling full of light, equality between beings, clarity in vision. Below I perceive the distortion of this reality the two polarities, one facing the other but the light is a little strong that the darkness. To the darkness has little left to fall for a warning

  19. I see Shift. A shift in consciousness.

  20. As Above So Below, We are One united in unconditional love.

  21. From my Email
    "I see how my perception was upside-down & less enjoyable, and once my perception changes I not only see right-side-up, but everything in & out is more lovely. Fos"

    Thanks, Holly/Fos

  22. As above, so below. As within, so without. One is unity consciousness. The other is separation.

  23. Beautiful Picture dear Sue! I see our 3D perception, looking in the eye, to our 5D perception, in the Here of the Now! Blessings!

  24. How "coincidental!"

    Last week on my daily walking meditation, I wondered how it would feel to toggle my perceptions back and forth between my 3-D walking-self and my "after this life" self doing a life review and looking back at me doing this exercise of trying to "see out of Its eyes" at that very moment.

    In other words, last week "I [spontaneously] decided to turn my perception around to perceive reality from a new perspective...."

    Since my "after life self" and I are not separate entities but simultaneously the same Being, it was somewhat like trying to shift back and forth between seeing your 3-D self through the eyes of your reflection in a mirror.

    I didn't try it more than a few seconds, and because I was walking I couldn't do any deep focus or concentration like I might have done if I'd been sitting in meditation....but just those few seconds were memorable enough to leave a lasting impression here, a week later.

    In the near future I plan on trying this exercise again while actually sitting in meditation.

  25. The more I see with my inner light of love, my light is reflected back to me in all things. Namasté. Espavo. ^_^

  26. Within me is you.. And within you is me.

  27. Reflection and growth.

  28. I see how Higherself is looking through the curtain of vibration with love and see us as a whole with nature.
    Thank you for this post :).
    -Arttu, Finland

  29. Hi Suzanne! Thank you for this wonderful article. For the first up to, I heard "Change your mind". And for the second one, I heard "As above, so below. It is now."

    Both of these messages and the symbolism in the picture have been recurring over the last few days. I love the synchronicities of our Oneness. Bless you.

  30. Switching from the perception of being between influences of others to another part where you know your worth and fly above and sharing our seeds to others for the highest good of all!

  31. I see Twin Flames united in Oneness. Two bodies, One Soul of Higher Self. Illuminated by the Light from the Higher Source.

  32. "Nothing could really go wrong with your third dimensional life, for it is but an extension of your ever-present fifth dimensional reality. Therefore, no matter which turns it takes, it comes full circle."

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Translation in romanian

  35. ”This is ME.” And this is said by both "faces": The Creator and the Created.

  36. Hi Sue, thanks for this image.
    I got three things that came to me.
    I see the higher self saying to the physical aspect, when we align we are all One ☝️, as above so it is below.
    And saying hello to the physical aspect and seeing each other clearly with love.
    I am you,you are me,we are all one.
    Thank you Barbara


  38. I hear the message as
    "Both. All the time both. Young and old, solid and light, under and over all exist at the same time. Always. Separation doesn't exist and makes no sense. It's always both existing at the same time. It's all One. "

  39. O vad pe mom GAIA surazatoare,in 2 planuri,cel de sus e 5d,si ea isi asteapta copii in 5d,e foarte iubitoare,bucuroasa,multumesc Sue.

  40. I perceived my I AM Presence's reflection in the Ocean of Life looking at me here on Earth saying I AM YOU AND YOU ARE ME!It is Time to reconnect! thanks, Sue!

  41. Hello Sue,
    I get sooo much out of your blogs. Are you going to continue your twin flame story? I am on my ascension journey, and have had my ups and downs. I seem to be on an upswing now though! What I see is myself observing the chaos. I am understanding how I am a visitor here, none of this really matters. What my actual mission is, I am not sure yet. I am definitely better with the victim reality. I feel so much stronger realizing I create my own reality, and I can change it at any time.
    With love and respect,
    Castley Sierociuk

  42. Only with my inner Eye can Eye Sea through the Veil of the illusion to the DEEPER Truth within.

  43. Kindred Spirits..... Love & Light

  44. all things must change as change is the only thing unchanging...

  45. Thank you Susan, this message could not have come at a better Now for me, I have recently experinced my Higher Self bringing me back into focus on my True mission here to help others by being able to delve into the Darkness and bring out the light within. May your journey be Blessed!

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. To see as one, to exist as one. You are one with Gaia, now.

  48. See Saw Merge into harmony, knowing the many perspectives, angles, dimensions and levels are Now, rich in blooming and growth. :)

  49. I see "a union of opposites into one" :-)

  50. I see the possibility to turn the camera around, to see myself, to watch myself with compassion and love. I have the power within if I can imagine it . I am happy that all these people are here coming to the same bus, although they express themselves somehow differently than me. I send you all love 😍

  51. The merging of the Here and Now and the Here and Now. That is all there is.

  52. It is as if am looking at my reflection in water and seeing the ME that I AM. Thank you Sue and thank you Arcturians!

  53. It is the upper and lower aspects of Self that must merge and ground into Gaia in order to be able to fully expand and ascend into the higher dimensions. As we merge our aspects of being, our aspects of seeing and perceiving will open and come online.

  54. Reflection of an Awareness = As Above So Below (((🌹💖🌹)))

  55. due aspetti dello stesso Essere....materiale ed invisibile...o meglio 3D..5D

  56. I see the top picture as my original light self clear and full of light and knowledge complete perfect yet very simple. The one below an illusionary reflection with I falsley identify myself,and looking trough that perception everything is out of harmony,dissorted and false. I find it still very hard to maintain a clear vision and perception trough this limited earth vessel,but I do get glimpses of my true self. I feel this is our mission in this body to realize our true self. Then everything would fall into place. Thank you for this amazing message.

  57. It reminded me that the whole has an independent existence other than the sum of its parts.

  58. Higher self blessing all perceptions of self

  59. Lotus blooming, all is well and needed, all fed by the light of love. ...noticed the animal below, the plants blooming looking like birds... freedom in embracing it all!

  60. As above so below... came to me immediately when I viewed this

  61. Dear Suzili and students.
    Thank you for your posts.
    The message I received is: Two polarities of the same existence. One being fruitful the other fruitless. All depending on our beliefs and the way we see our reality. We can have which ever we chose to create, by taking physical action.

  62. My 3D reality reflects back to me my 5D higher-self truths.

  63. As above, so below.
    The below in seeming disorder, still beautiful,
    is reflected by an orderly space above, equally beautiful.
    Both beautiful in their respective places.
    Both different sides of the same coin.
    The below is part of the seedlings above and yet,
    the below also forms the creation of the above
    by being the seed of it.

  64. As above so below - a coming together - the merger from one energy field with another and sharing a uniqe picture.

  65. Love and light over pain and suffering

  66. Joy - resentment, platonic - survival, realitydistortion, Beauty behind the curtain

  67. This reminds me of how I feel sungazing at first light each day. I am One with All, shiny white light that shines like a sun, very beautiful and I have another life I live here in the 3D. These lives are merging.

  68. As above, so below. We all are a reflection of each other in oneness with all that is :)

  69. As above, so below. We all are a reflection of each other in oneness with all that is :)

  70. I Love you -- in all your many levels and guises!

  71. In the meeting and merging of the masculine and feminine energies.. all kingdoms and dimensions are created and balanced..

  72. Yes a loving heart-felt energy merging into GAYA and back.

  73. The "Wow! " in the Above's eyes while looking down on the olive branch, symbolizing Peace, now blossoming on duality/separation line.

  74. Our 3-D reality is a mirror of our inner "house keeping": mental, spiritual, physical and emotional, and when we do inner "spring cleaning" we need to also intend for the energy clearing to happen on and in Mother Earth because she is hurting as a result of human activity. We need to extend this healing to Gaia because are we all connected, and she is our home and we need to respect her as we do our dwelling place and others'. The more we connect with our Inner Self, Higher Self , Creator and Gaia, the more unconditional love and connectedness we will feel and the less we will have to "work" at the healing/ clearing/ cleansing and illumination with Violet Flame- it will flow effortlessly. Blessings, Sue for your beautiful channels and opportunity to connect on your website.

  75. A mirror image of self. As above so below .

  76. Polarity as we know it is merging to encompass the one.

  77. Thank you for your post and artwork! As I look at the picture I see duality, the original separation of the One to explore itself through multiple selves. I also see polarity, the two sides seeing the other as "other" and the beautiful 'middle road" we can take to understand both sides and the gift of separation

  78. I feel by observing and trust this image makes me happy! I see two dimensions fusing in one as we all become ONE. Nature, light, love, and unity, no difference is between above and below. Flora and fauna are one with the male and female consciousness in a world where freedom, abundance, unity and Omni love is and always would be. Before, now, and after one is gone. Love is the only reality of all.

  79. Now, I can see clearer through this way I've been remembered of.

  80. I see our 3D reality represented in the bottom part of the drawing and our 5D reality represented on the top. And as I put my atention in one or the other it feels like the process of my daily life being in a constant shift between the two realities! Thank you Sue! Blessings!

  81. Thank you Sue <3

    It's more of a feeling than words. A huge feeling of peace and clarity. But I'll try to translate it. It's something like "All is well. I am here and never left you."

  82. Separate piece into a unified whole.

  83. i see love descending from the Higher Light to all life within the Now.

  84. Childlike wonder as I see myself in everything. Wow!

  85. We are capable to perceive both realities, 3rd and 5th dimensions;
    Gaia is calling, it's our decision;
    Our portals are opened, we must lovingly learn to serve in order to support planetary healing, our healing!
    Gaia needs our love to balance the existence and evolution of all Kingdoms, mineral, vegetal and animal;
    Let´s love, let´s serve! Peace and harmony, equality and abundance, it´s all there waiting for us.

    Dear Sue,Thank you for the opportunity to learn!

  86. I see that LOVE sees all perceptions with Compassion.
    With Love & Gratitude ~

  87. I see "How we see nature is a reflection of ourselves."

  88. My first thought as I look at this interesting picture is that all are one, whether unenlighted or enlightened. I then think of your message of grounding to Gaia's core and working up towards fifth dimension. The enlightened face above could represent Gaia as she sees those traveling to her core. This nice picture has a very positive feeling about it - that all is in perfect order!

  89. I received the message: releasing old pains, stresses, distractions, that enticed your views and perspective; and notice how all that grew from those perceptions have grown and are merging with new perspectives, new light, new love you are realizing now.

  90. Looks like a happy conscious self, and a mysterious shadow self getting along fine.

  91. it wasn't what I saw... it was what I felt...
    merging heaven and earth together..
    I care for 87 cats and they bring me into the NOW every day... there is only unconditional love

  92. The rabbit hole of time and frenzied anxiety will both fall away under the soft golden gaze of unconditional love.

  93. I saw love and energy passing from myself to Gaia (downwards) and love and abundance returning to me from Gaia. An escalator of energy sharing.

  94. I see the two lower separate eyes as the 3rd/4th dimension and the complete top face represents the 5th dimension.Im most likely totally wrong but thats what first came to mind.
    Many thanks Suzanne for everything you do. Regards Phil

  95. My thoughts on the picture:
    It is through my connection with nature and the beauty of Gaia all around me that I will continue to arise. It is with Gaia that I will ascend. We help each other ascend, together.

  96. Ascencion is on the way!I AM merging together with Mother Gaia. All that I am on the behalf of myself for the wellbeing of all that I AM. We are One <3

  97. Female and Male. Equality. Light

  98. I saw the bottom red eye as giving energy, the bottom left green eye as receiving and balancing health.

  99. Life as mirror: 5D Self and 3/4D self. 5D thriving with abundant 'crops'; 3/4D surviving amidst chaos trauma dramas. 5D seeing the entire 'picture' of life; 3/3D caught/ensnared in illusions. 5D much more expansive, calm, serene, trusting, aligned with source. 3D disconnected, untrusting yet desiring to trust.

  100. Conscious acknowledgement of inner reflections

  101. Powerful healing love radiating to Gaia, and to a pained humanity. Peace is coming.

  102. The fifth dimensional self...the one in the light...has the upside down triangle (the symbol for water) in between her eyes. The painting I'm working on has the same thing. I felt compelled to paint it there. There must be something to it. Also, I notice the spiral in the left eye of the light being. I draw that spiral too. I have also seen it in other drawings by those who are awake. But I did it myself first before I ever saw it. So, when I see this illustration, I am being told that I am perceiving more and more all the time and that I am interpreting what I am being told correctly. It's an exhilarating feeling.

  103. One look ... Immediately came the words . As Above, So Below

  104. I seen the words in the picture as ...I perceive my reality as a mirror image of my self

  105. The very simple answer... As above, so below.

    I receive more deeper meanings though for this purpose, simplicity shares/means truck Loads :-)
